'Eternally Entwined' Damon Sa...

By ElleMiglioranza

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Eternally Entwined is the 6th Book In The 'Epic Love Sage' Life for Siena and Damon Salvatore lives have tak... More

Endless Love.....
For My Salvation.....
Innocents Lost.....
Reaching Out.....
Author Note.... ***Important Information***
So Close Yet So Far.....
I Know That These Scars Will Bleed....But Both Hearts Believe.....
Don't Believe Everything You Think You Know.....
The Light Will Scare The Darkness Away.....
Stuck In This Prison No Optimism.....
We Found Love Right Where We Are.....
Why Can't I Be Your Lover.....
Say You Love Me.....
Supernatural Love Conquers All..... **New Years Eve Special**
Together We Are One..... **New Year Day Special**

Your Love Kept Me Safe.....

2.2K 100 30
By ElleMiglioranza

Hey guys..... This is kind of a big chapter so I do apologies. There is a reason because it's leading up to something big O_O

I hope you enjoy where all this is going..... Looking forward to reading your comments on this chapter :D

Nico P.O.V

From the moment that Enzo told me about that my mom hadn't given up hope on my dad. That she was in that very moment finding a way to bring him home. To think of the all the cruel thing I had done to the two most important people in my life. My own father killed my mother all so that the evil part of me would be rid of her. I have to live with the burned of things I had done and I don't even know if I will ever be forgiven. Elena had been so supportive she saw the light at the end of this long dark tunnel. I didn't share the same kind of hope because once my dad would return I would need to face him. How could he look at me and not hate me for all the things I did. Even if it wasn't me as in Nico but the darker side Nickar it was still the same face it was the young man that he considered his son. I can't even face my own mother all because I was frighten of how she would react to seeing me. Would she know who I'm? Would I still be in her eyes her son? Would she hate me? All these questions were just making me feel even more anger towards myself.

With all that to one side my focus was on Elena as she was acting out of charter as much as she put on this big brave face. She was hurting because of what Stefan had done to her. When I saw that Liam kiss Elena all I wanted to go was go over there and punch him in his face. As he could see that Elena was in a weak and venerable state. There was something about him that I didn't' trust. Could I really let Elena put her life on hold until Stefan come to sane mind? I never thought he would move on like he did. Then again what do I really know about my family it's not we all had this tight bond. It like I trying to hold something together that I didn't even know about. Yes because they were my family and I felt that instant bond and connection with them. I couldn't walk away and just leave them to it because I see a glimmer of hope that everything will go back to how it once was.  The way she was trying to move on with that arrogant Liam who apparently was in our classes. He wasn't the type of guy she would go for it was only a distraction from Stefan.

The thing about Stefan Salvatore that I learnt is that he had created such a mess that he didn't know how to clear it all up. With the fact that he came to Mystic Falls for one reason only to kill Enzo because he somehow killed Ivy who was Stefan fake girlfriend. He didn't come all this was to ask of forgiveness from Elena or to check to see if my mom was okay. Even to see how I was dealing with everything. No it was like he couldn't look at us that because when he did it just reminded him of what he lost. That was his brother and we were all connection of that a reminder to him for some unknown reason to myself he couldn't deal with that. That was the conclusion I came up with because if I think of an alternative reason I would just get mad. I would rather believe that Stefan can't deal with the death of his brother than the fact that he didn't care no more.

So after the epic fail of a party I went back to Whitmore I tried to get hold of Enzo to see if he had any progress but it kept going to voice mail. Caroline came to see me to check that I was okay. When I would look at her I would feel the same guilt I held with my parents. Even after everything she still wanted to be there for me and I felt like I didn't deserve her. I was in love with her but I couldn't be with her for obvious reason. It just made it all that little harder that she was nice to me that she still showed me that she cared. So I just told her I was tired I needed to catch up on my sleep I could see in her face that she was a little hurt. I couldn't keep doing this to her what if I revert back to that person that hurt her. The one who used her to his advantage. I loved Caroline enough to let her go and that what I intended to do.

So in the morning I went to all my classes and I notice that Elena hadn't turned up for any of them and even Caroline. I wanted to go and check on them but I stopped myself. I needed to be focused with school amongst other thing like finding out from Enzo if it had worked whatever my mom was doing. Once again it was voice mail all day long. So I just carried on my day like any other student and put my worries about Elena, Caroline and even Enzo to one side. That night I was doing a little studying to catch up on some of my classes. I had a knock on my door when I went to answer it was Ric he wanted to speak to me and it seems kind of serious with the expression he held on his face.

Ric had told me that Stefan had let it spill to my mom what she had done that she had him compel the memories of my dad away. I asked how she was dealing with it all and he told me it wasn't good. She was fully aware of everything but didn't know how to react to it all. He had offered to restore back what he had taken but she wasn't in the right mind to make that kind of choice. What surprised me more than anything is that Klaus made some kind of appearance and brought her home. Ric just wanted me to know that she was fully aware of who I am. He thinks that it would be a good idea that I go and see her as she confused about what she wants to do. Maybe if she sees me it might give her some clarity in all this.

It had been three days since Ric came and told me the news on my mom. I hadn't gone to see her because I was worried of her reaction and also all the questions that would be thrown at me. Elena came by my dorm and told me she had seen her and she just seems like her normal self but confused with the way she should feel about my dad. Even Elena insisted it would be a good idea that I went to see her as she had asked about me. I was getting a little too much as I didn't understand any of this. From what I understood from Enzo that she was finding a way to bring my dad home. Now it was like she didn't know who he was. I wanted to tell Elena what Enzo had told me but he asked me to keep it between us. He wouldn't lie about something like this would he? I know his done a disappearing act but what would be the point in telling me all that? None of it was adding up I guess the only way I would get any answers is to face my fears.

So I left Whitmore and got into my car driving to the cottage where my mom lived. When I arrived and parked up I felt my stomach turn as I didn't know what to expect. I knew I had to face her at some point and right now was good time as any. I walked to the front door and rang the doorbell as I did that every part of me just wanted to run. As I wasn't ready to face her I turned to walk away but I heard the door open.

"Hello" I hearing her voice after all this time made my heart want to jump out of my chest I wanted to walk I had to walk away because I wasn't ready for this.

"This was a bad idea" I muttered to myself as I started to walk away.

"Nico..." She called out. She knew who I was? "Please don't go" I stopped and slowly turned around to see her standing there looking as beautiful as I remember but she had this swollen belly now. "I think we have a lot to talk about" She gave me that warm smile that I always adored and I nodded my head making my way towards the front door. She indicated for me to come in and I walked in to the living room. She went off in the kitchen to make us both a drink while I just looked around the room. There wasn't anything in this place that resembled my dad. No pictures of him. Not even those quirky trinkets that he used to have scattered around the boarding house. There was no sign of Damon Salvatore even existed in this place. I heard her come back into the room carrying two mugs of coffee and hands one to me.

"Thank you" I smiled at her as I took a sit. It was strange to see her pregnant and how she found it difficult to try and sit. "It doesn't look like you have much longer" I indicated about her huge bump she looked down at it and all I could see was sorrow in her eyes "I heard that it's a girl" I didn't know what to say it was like I was sitting in a room with a total stranger rather than my mom.

"I guess you know that Stefan told me what I did" She spoke a little nervously "Nico I wanted to come and...." I had to stop her there she didn't need to feel guilty about any of this.

"You don't need to apologies. You've been through a lot and with everything you learnt it's a lot to take in" She sat there looking at me for a long moment like she was studying something.

"You look exactly like him" I knew she was talking about my dad "It's crazy" She shook her head then took a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah I got told that a lot" She looked at me and smiled "I may look like my dad but I have a lot of your qualities too" I didn't want her to look and me and just see my dad I wanted to her to know I had a part of her too.

"Yeah manners for a start. Your father didn't have those" She spoke a little abruptly which took me by surprise "I'm sorry Nico. I didn't mean that" She sat back on the couch pinching the bridge of her nose "It's when I think of your father all I know is of all the horrible things he did. Everything he done was to his own advantage." She moved her hand from her face "I know it wasn't like that. I know that I loved him. I apparently loved him that much that I couldn't deal with the grief of losing him which resulted to this" Even as she spoke there wasn't any emotion it was like robotic in some ways "I chose to remove all evidence of what I felt for him from my life and I want to apologies" I sat forward and was about to speak but she held up her hand to stop me "That was selfish of me....." I couldn't let her blame herself for all of this as I didn't resent her for what she did. I knew for her to go to this extreme it meant that she truly couldn't live on with the thought of my dad death.

"No. You don't need to apologies for anything" She shook her head in disbelief "It wasn't like we were on the best of terms" I mumbled as I was ashamed of what I did to her. Well not me but the evil side to myself.

"Are you talking about your Nickar phased?" She questioned me and I felt my heart accelerate as I didn't expect for this to come up. Well not right now "Nico its fine. Elena filled me in with all that and I'm wrapping it all around in my mind what happened...." She was interrupted by the doorbell "Sorry I just need to get that" I just smiled as she walked away. How could she be handling all this so well right now to find out she was in love with a guy that she clearly loathed. Then to know she has a son by him who basically killed her and carrying another child. She was all too calm about it and far too carefree. I heard her walk back with a huge bunch of flowers in a vase with a smile on her face as she placed them down on the coffee table. She read the card and she had this beaming smile on her face.

"Those are pretty" I thought I would remind her that I was still in the room.

"Yeah there from my mom and dad. Your grandparents. I totally forgot it was my birthday with everything that gone on" It was her birthday? Wow I feel a million times worse right now. Why didn't anyone tell me that it was even coming up?

"Oh god....." I began to say but she cut me off in mid-sentence.

"Nico it's fine. I barely remembered and I can't exactly expected you to" I had to do something for her I couldn't let her be alone or sit here on her important day.

"How about we do something for your birthday? You know celebrate while we try to get to know one another again" That all I wanted to get to know my mom again to help her through all this like any son would. She looks like she needs to be cheered up and wanted to build some kind of connection with her before my little sister makes her appearance.

"That sounds perfect. What do you have in mind?" She sounded happy to be spending time together and that made me happy. Maybe while spending time with her I could convince her to get her memories back of dad. She felt that she was alone before but now she had me who going to be by her side through this.

"There this event tonight for Halloween Homecoming. Corn field maze..... What I'm thinking your heavy pregnant you don't....." That was the most stupid idea I've ever had how could she possibly walk around aimlessly while being that heavy pregnant. May I should take her to a nice restaurant somewhere quite that we could talk. That I could ask her questions and maybe I could answer some for her.

"Nico I think it sounds like a great idea" She smiled widely as she got up from the couch. The one thing I've learnt over the time that I've found out about my crazy and amazing family is unconditional love. Unconditional love is about standing by your loved one through thick and thin, through good and bad times. Ben E. King sang, "When the night has come and the land is dark. And the moon is the only light we'll see; no, I won't be afraid, no, I won't be afraid. Just as long as you stand, stand by me." This kind of love is about stability of emotions; untouched by passing fancies. It's not an infatuation or a crush that vanishes overnight. Unconditional love is immortal; it can never wither or fade. Richard Marx sang, "Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you." The unconditional lover is not afraid to wait, even if his or her love were to go away. That what I will do I will stand by the people I love and care for and wait by their side until each and every one of them realise that life is too precious to give up and walk away.

Stefan P.O.V

After totally being a fool by telling Siena that she had compelled her memories of Damon I felt guilty for my actions. It was just the way she was being so judgmental about my way of dealing with all this. Then the fact how she spoke about Damon like he was this evil villain. Which once upon a time he was but from the moment Siena came into his life that all changed. My brother slowly became the man he was in 1864 the man who I admired and adored. He died a good man he went to great length to not only bring Siena back from the dead but the rest of us. Damon died a true hero and the woman who he worshipped sees him as a monster. That alone was like a stake to the heart. So yeah I lost it and let it all out even though I promised her I wouldn't spill the beans. She wasn't behaving like the Siena I have known over these three years even when she tried to show her compassionate side it was too difficult for her. Everyone back home will hate me for what I did but it will just be additional hate on top of what I've done already.

So after leaving Siena with that bombshell I went back to my place I need something to distract me and stop me from blowing up all together. Siena asked me why I chose to be a mechanic this time round well there was a reason behind that. After Damon used his car as a spark to set off the gas leak in the Grill I had compelled a few town people to get it out of town. I brought it here with me so I could restore it. Why was I doing that? It was the only part of Damon I had left. It was the only thing I could look at and not feel that overwhelming guilt like when I would look at Siena. So earning 200 bucks a week was all down to that to turn it back into its perfect state. As I was working on it I could hear some noised like someone was trying to get into the garage. As I turned around I came face to face with a bloody face Ivy. One moment she was there the next she was gone I went searching for her most of the night and I couldn't find her. I didn't understand what had happened at first but then I began to piece it all together. That Enzo had fed her his blood before she had killed herself. He really did have a sick and twisted mind and I'm feeling even better for my actions for handing him over to Tripp now.

I explained to Ivy the deal with being a vampire just the basic I gave two blood bags to keep her going and told her to stay out of the sun. I left her and went home I just went up to bed I would deal with everything else in the morning. I didn't sleep well at all as everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. Eventually I fell asleep as I told myself I'll deal what's happened in the morning. I was woken to the buzzing of my phone. I opened my eyes reached over grabs it while I switched on the lamp and answers the phone

"Hello?" I was still dazed by my sleep and I felt like I had only literally closed my eyes.

"Hey, Tripp Cooke. I, ah, just wanted to thank you for turning over that vampire Enzo to me. He's been very helpful." He emphasized the word that Enzo was being very helpful. What the hell was he doing I thought he was mean to kill him and be done with it.

"Enzo? I-I thought, thought you were supposed to kill him." I sat up as I didn't get why Tripp hadn't just killed him what was he using Enzo for?

"Oh I will, eventually. Once I know everything he does." I was about to say something else but then thought better of that I didn't need him to get spurious of me. I needed to find what Enzo may of told him.

"So, what has he told you?" I tried to sound as casual as I could knowing Enzo he probably been telling him a lot of stuff including the fact that I'm a vampire also.

"Sounds like the vampire problem in Mystic Falls isn't as bad as I thought, I mean if he had any names he'd have given them up." That really took me by surprise as I was sure that he would of least given up my name "Lord knows I've done plenty of things to get him to talk." Why was Enzo keeping quite? If they were torturing the crap out of him why hadn't he outted me? God it would give him pleasure to see Tripp and his crew torture and kill me none of this added up.

"Well that's um, good to hear." I was just stunned by everything I was hearing or was Tripp testing me? Was he lying and knew everything? God knowns what game Enzo playing right now.

"Yeah, seems like it's moved on to Savannah. I've sent some of my guys down there, they're gonna check it out, see what they find." Well I spoke too soon Enzo sent them all in my direction without letting it slip now I needed to get the hell out of here before my identity gets discovered.

"Thanks for the, uh, heads up." I got out of bed I knew I need to pack a few things up before leaving.

"Founding families gotta stick together." Only if he knew that this founding member was the one thing that he hated.

"Absolutely." I hung up and looks around I jumped when I heard rattling downstairs. I quickly got change of clothes on and began to make my way out of my room "Ivy?" I called out as maybe she had returned after I disappearing trick last night. When I reached downstairs, the house is trashed, chairs broken, glass everywhere. I looked over into the kitchen and see Ivy looking in the refrigerator "You redecorated." I slowly approach the refrigerator as Ivy was digging inside, she turns to me with a smile on her face.

"I should probably tell you I killed your boss. Dean? I woke up and he was burying me in the woods, I drank every drop of his blood. It wasn't enough." Well I didn't like Dean much he was a jerk but I understood her issue with her hunger how she couldn't control it.

"Yeah, I know the feeling." I turned to walk away as Ivy wasn't my problem and I wasn't going to stick around to play teacher.

"Then why aren't you helping me?" She yelled as I walked away. What did she want from me? I wasn't a good person because of me she was a vampire all because Enzo wanted to teach me some kind of lesson.

"I'm trying to help you." I turned to her and she stood there with a look of disbelief.

"Two blood bags and a lesson on sunlight? Wow, thanks a million." She walks back to the fridge. I need for her to leave here now that Enzo had told Tripp there vampires in Savannah she had to leave.

"Listen, I have to get you out of Savannah." That was the least I could do for her to tell her to get out of town.

"Hey, I am dead because of you. Because you lied to me about who you were. Because your friend Enzo turned me into something straight out of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!" She wasn't taking this well and who could blame her she was an innocent person who got caught in the middle of a feud. What else isn't helping that her emotions were heighten and her yelling at me is a way to let it all out.

"Ivy, calm down, when you are a vampire your emotions are heightened." I tried to talk to her calmly as it wasn't her fault but I didn't need this on top of everything else that is going on with me right now.

"You think? Look at me, I used to be a decent person, I got good grades, I went home for Christmas, I had a freaking Etsy store!" She continued to yell and I didn't know how much more of her I could take right now as I'm close to losing it.

"Ivy, please." She began to stomp her way through the fridge throwing thing to the floor in her anger.

"And now, I am a killer. And all I am going to do is kill more, and more, and it's all your fault." Her face contorts and she vamps out, veins under her eyes, she speeds forward to attack me but I snapped her neck. This wasn't what I needed a newbie vampire hating my guts I needed some help on this and I think I knew the person who could do that.

So I grabbed hold of Ivy and put her into a trunk I didn't have the time or patients to be dealing with her. I began to drive to Whitmore as I knew of one person who didn't turn their back on me that would help me out with all this right now. When I arrived I picked up the trunk and made my way to the dorms I knocked on Nico door and after a few moments he opened it with a surprised look on his face.

"Stefan? Where have you--?" I pushed past him carrying a black trunk. I just hope Nico could keep her under control he had the strength and speed to do so.

"I need a favour" I dropped it on the floor I looked back to see that Nico closed the door looking at me with confusion.

"What are you doing? And what is with this trunk?" Nico spoke a little annoyed as he leans down to open. I rushed over to shut the curtains as I knew Ivy didn't have a daylight ring yet.

"Hang on." I called out to him then I heard the door open I looked to see Caroline.

"Stefan?" She looked at me with a little anger in her eyes I knew it was down to what I had done to Elena "What the hell are you doing here? If you come to mess...." I looked over at Nico who was still leaning down when Ivy popped out of the chest, Caroline shrieks as Nico takes a few steps back.

"Oh, my god!" Caroline holds her hand over her heart. It looks as if she came at the perfect time between her and Nico they could deal with Ivy.

"What the hell" Nico spoke with frustration as he looked between Ivy and myself.

"Where am I?" She looks over at me "What did you do?" She yelled once again what did I see in her again? Oh yeah she was a distraction to forget what was going on here.

"Ivy, how did this happen?" Caroline spoke with concern while Nico was looking at me expecting me to say something.

"Uh, Enzo turned her."  Nico leans his head to the side not looking impressed. Well maybe now he can see that his new friend as a few screws loose.

"Then Stefan broke my neck and I woke up in a trunk." Ivy glared over at me. Well she was being impossible it wasn't like she was going to hear me out she was screaming how much she hated me.

"Right. So, I need a little bit of help." I looked at Nico and Caroline who stood there frowning then Caroline began to shake her head.

"No" She looked at Ivy then over at me "No, no, no. You want me to help you with your new vampire girlfriend when I'm trying to help your ex vampire girlfriend get over you? Are you out of your mind?" Caroline yelled at the top of her voice. I knew I was asking for a lot as they were trying to help Elena after everything I had done to her. 

"Stefan she has a point. Didn't you consider Elena in this equation?" Nico added and if I was honest I didn't I wasn't thinking at all when I came here. I just needed them to watch her while I tried to figure out a few things that included Tripp and his merry band of vampire hunters.  

"Just watch her for a little while, while I get Luke to make her a daylight ring." Ivy gets out of the trunk and looks at me with her arms folded not impressed "Show her the ropes, teach her some control." Nico stood there shaking his head.

"No, no. This is not our mess." He points at me "This is your mess." Nico really thinks that this is all my mess I think my nephew needed a reality check.

"A mess that wouldn't have happened if you had just left me alone" They didn't need to come all the way out there I left and didn't contact them for a reason I wanted to move on.

"Um, I can hear you, you know? I can hear everything, like, perfectly." Ivy spoke as she stood behind a pissed Nico and Caroline. I needed them to do this for me even as much of a jerk I had been.

"Do I need to remind you that there is a vampire hunter lurking around?" Caroline added well I knew they were not going to be looking around here as Enzo sent them all the way to Savannah.

"He's not here. He's in Savannah, which is why we're not." I watched as Ivy, plopping on Nico's bed.

"You know the real tragedy in all this?" She grabs a book that was on Nico bed "She's just not that into you," and—"

"Shut up!" The three of us yelled at the same time and Ivy was taken back slightly. I needed to get through to Nico and Caroline that I need them to do this then I'll be out of their lives for good.

"Look, Tripp Cooke has somehow decided to become the eastern seaboard's self-proclaimed vampire hunter. None of us are safe, if we can't control ourselves. If anybody can teach her, it's you." I looked directly at Caroline who stood there glaring at me.

"Yeah? Well, you don't have to flatter me because I already know that." She spoke a little smugly. Considering as a human Caroline was so scattered and controlling as a vampire it done her good she is the first person I've met to handle it all so well. Nico stood there not uttering a word just looking at me and I knew I was a total disappointment to him.

"All right?" Caroline nodded her head and I looked to Nico "So just a couple of hours, and then you'll never have to deal with me again." He stood there frowning as his jaw hung slightly. 

"Is that what you think I want? No it isn't. I want my family to be together. That includes you too Stefan" Nico eyes began to soften and as much as I wanted to say to him. Kid I'll stick around and be the uncle you deserve to be some kind of role model for him. To tell him crazy storied about his dad I just couldn't. I took one final look at him before walking away as the best thing I could do for Nico was to stay out of his life as I'm no good for anyone.

Elena P.O.V

Since coming back from New Orleans I hadn't give it a second thought about what I had found out about Nico losing his darker demeanour. Our flight home we spoke a lot about it and we agree that Nico should never know of this possible option of removing it. Caroline accepts the fact that she will have to love Nico from a far. I knew it was difficult for her to come to terms with that but it was the right thing to do. It was that or possibly losing Nico all together and I don't think any of us could deal with that. Since Nico has come back into our lives it was like a breath of fresh air he was humble and wanted for everyone to be happy. He saw good in everyone just as his mom did. Nico may look like Damon in so many ways but his kind nature was from Siena.

When I arrived at Whitmore all I wanted was my bed as I felt exhausted after the day I had. Maybe I just wanted some time alone but I just needed a little time to see where I was going with my life. If I wanted to continue with the way I was going. New Orleans had opened my eyes to many possibilities to where my life could go. What was holding me back from getting up and walking away was my sister and my brother then there was Nico, Caroline, Matt I couldn't just walk away. I tried to go to sleep while Caroline went to check on Nico. I was woken up to a commotion of loud talking it was Caroline with Nico. When I asked what was going on Nico told me how Siena was told by Stefan about her compulsion. That now she freaked out and confused. I don't know what the hell Stefan problem was but him doing this had screw everything up. I blanked out Caroline and Nico and got myself dressed as right now Siena needed me more than ever.

I sneaked out of the room well it wasn't like Nico and Caroline even notice that I left. Nico was freaking out about his mom far too much while Caroline was trying to defuse him.  I got into my car and began to drive towards Mystic Falls all that kept running in my mind was what Siena must be feeling right now. When I arrived the lights were on and I knew Siena was still awake even though it was quite late. I knocked on the door and waited for her to open it and when she did her face was filled with so many emotions. I instantly hugged her she didn't cry which I kind of expected but she held on to me tightly which I knew that she needed her little sister to talk to. After we finished embracing I told her I would get us both a drink. Siena went out onto the porch while I made us both some hot coco. I didn't know how much I needed to tell her but I guess I needed to go with the flow. Answer any questions she may have. I know she didn't instantly ask Ric for her memories back but maybe that was because she was overwhelm with what she had learnt.

I picked up the two mugs and made my way out onto the porch Siena sat on the swing chair with her hand on her pregnant belly stroking it while deep in thought. I wish I could read her mind right now but her expression gave a lot away she seemed so sad.  I walked over and handed the hot coco.

"Just how you like it with marshmallows and all" She smiled and I sat next to her "How are you feeling?" She looked up and gave me that 'are you kidding' look "Silly question" I shook my head then took a sip of my hot drink.

"It's just all so crazy..." I turned to her and she was staring into the night sky "Me with Damon" Siena sneered this name "Then to hear I married him... That I had a son with him and now I've got a daughter on the way. I think it's safe to say that I'm not dealing with any of this how I should be" Even as Siena spoke it was like it wasn't her there was no passion no emotion to her voice as she spoke of Damon it was almost like robotic.

"How do you think you should be dealing with this?" I wanted to know what was going through her mind as she had such a huge chunk of her life removed.

"I don't know be upset, sad, and emotional..... I feel nothing though" She looked at me and her eyes were dead there was no emotion "Not a single thing when it comes to Damon" None of this was good I didn't agree that Siena should compel away her memories and this was one of the reasons. "It's like this baby" She points at her stomach "I feel no emotional attachment to my own baby. How wrong is that" Siena sounded more frustrated than anything else "Then I have a son. Who's full grown man? Like what the hell?!"

"I know all of this is so much for you to take in. Siena this what your feeling is just compulsion. It's not how you truly feel" I needed to remind her why she fell so in love with Damon "The love you had for Damon was something truly incredible...." I couldn't help but smile as there love story ran through my mind "Like the time you made a deal with Klaus and gave up your whole life to save Damon from the wolf bite" I still remember the look on her face when she walked in on me kissing Damon. That was probably one of the most stupid things I had done and I did a lot of stupid things when it came to Damon.

"No Elena that was Stefan. I didn't make any deal with Nic I went willingly" Siena snapped me out of my thoughts. I shook my head as I knew whatever I would tell her about her life with Damon her mind had been reprogrammed otherwise.

"You're just going to keep coming out with the negative" She sat there and shrugged her shoulders. "Are you willing to hear the true story of why you fell hopelessly in love with Damon?" She nodded in agreement. I was hoping that maybe if Siena hears what happened instead of what her mind is telling her what had happened it would give her more clarity. What worried me more than anything is the fact that she not feeling any emotion towards that baby she's carrying.

I sat there till the early hours of the morning unfolding the story of Damon and Siena while Siena sat there taking it all in. She didn't interrupt she just sat there and listen to everything. I could see that she was tired and needed her rest. I told her to just think about everything I told her. Siena agreed that she would take everything into consideration what I had told her. That all I could really ask from her she couldn't be forced to making any decisions it all had to be on her. I left her and made my way back to Whitmore and when I arrived I had Nico and Caroline both waiting for me. They both weren't pleased with the way I went off and how I didn't answer there calls. I felt like I was getting told off by my parents with the way they were both acting. I just left them to it and went to get showered to waken myself up for classes.

A couple of days had gone by since Siena had finally learnt the truth of what she had done all thanks to Stefan. Which reminds me when I do see him whether it be today or a hundred years down the line I'm going to break his neck for doing that. Nico had chilled out a little more as I kept giving him updates on Siena who had been trying to come to terms with all this but still hadn't asked Ric to restore her memories. I guess it wasn't a quick fix kind of thing and she had to be willing to want them back maybe Siena worried that her grief will consume her like it did before. Right now it was all baby steps just as I told Nico. I did suggest for him to go and see her but he looked horrified so I didn't bring it up again.

I woke up and the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. My first class was with Ric he hasn't really taken well to coming back to life as a vampire. He was literally becoming a hermit either he was in his classroom or locked away in his apartment. I needed that to change he needed to embrace this second chance that he had been given. I walking to class and took my sit and gathered my books that I would be need for today. I looked up to see that Ric wrote 'HOMECOMING' on the board and he underlines it.

"Homecoming" he reads, turning toward the class. "All right. By a show of hands, who knows the supernatural origin of tonight's homecoming party?" No one raises their hands I gave Ric a small wave and a smile. "A civil war soldier Nathan Whitmore, horribly disfigured throughout countless battles, somehow survived them all just so he could get home to the woman he loved, and when he finally got home to his farm, he found her in bed with his brother, and did what any sane man would do... He murdered his brother in cold blood and then chased the love of his life out into the cornfields." That didn't sound pleasant at all. I guess that what most people would do to find the one they love in the arms of another even your own sibling "But the legend goes that Lady Whitmore is out on this night every year dressed in white, covered in her lover's blood, running through the cornfields, screaming for her life." I looked around and all the students look at each other as if you say 'yeah right'. "And the moral of the story is? Do not fall in love, especially with your brother's girl." He cuts a glance at me and I rolled my eyes, knowing what he's talking about. "All right, kids. You have a fun night tonight. Be safe." All the students close their books and leave. I got up and walked over to Ric.

"Hey I've been meaning to call you. How's Siena doing?" I think the way Siena freaked out had really got Ric worried. I know he did the compulsion for Siena sake but it didn't mean he agreed with it. Ric only done it because Siena was losing control and she didn't like what she was becoming.

"She was referring Damon as some mass serial killer but I think she's toning it down to selfish asshole" I saw that as an improvement in itself. I heard my phone beep I looked at the screen to see a message from Nico.

Nico: Elena why didn't you warn me it was my mom b'day? It doesn't matter but she's coming with me to the party tonight and I would appreciate if you were there. You know for support.

"I guess that is some kind of progress" Ric snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Great how could I forget" Ric looked at me a little confused "It's Siena birthday and I totally forgot what kind of sister does that" I hadn't gotten a card, cake nothing "Nico bring her tonight so I guess I have time to get her something. Am I gonna see you at the party tonight?" Ric gave me the look to say he was going to pass but I'm not going to let him do that.

"You know, I'm waiting on the mixer for thirtysomething vampires just back from the dead. Less of a crowd. I pass by to see Siena and wish her a happy birthday. Even though she not got a lot to be happy about right now" I wasn't going to let him get away that easy he need to live this life not hide away.

"Come on, Ric. You are like one hoodie and 3 missed haircuts away from becoming Professor Shane." The thought of that made me shudder as she was a total douche and I didn't want Ric to end up like that.

"I am perfectly content staying at home, letting my hair grow out." Ric began to put his books into his bag he needed to really snap out of this.

"You're hiding. You're becoming a self-loathing vampire hermit. Tell you what. You've been given the chance to start over. Take it. Be happy. Also have you met my sister? If she can go to corn maze nearly 8 months pregnant and have some fun after everything. I think you can make the effort too" Ric looked at me shaking his head with a smile as he knew if Siena didn't see him there she would grill him for those reason. "I'll see you at 8:00 but not in that t-shirt. You've worn it twice this week." Ric began to laugh and I walked out of the class room as I did I saw Liam leaning against the wall. This was perfect as it saved me looking for him.

"There you are, good." He looked at me a little confused for a moment then I indicated for him to walk with me. "Are you going out tonight?" Yep I was going to ask Liam out on a date. I can't keep living the way I was and from the kiss he gave me meant that he liked me so why not. I can't keep crying on Stefan I needed to move on just as he had,

"On the Friday of homecoming weekend? No. I'm studying." Liam voice was dripping with sarcasm and I gave him a fake smile as he wasn't making this easy for me.

"Sarcasm. What an unexpected response. I think you should come to the corn maze with me." I finally said it and believe me my heart was racing at this point. What if he says no or that he kissed me because he just did or that his a player?

"A corn maze?" Liam snapped me out of my thoughts and didn't seem impressed with my suggestion.

"Mm-hmm." I was trying to stop myself from blushing as right now I felt like a total fool.

"Will Dorothy and Toto be joining us?" Liam teased I shook my head as he wasn't getting any of this. 

"Hilarious. You know, there's an actual scientific word for why people go to these events." Liam was a little too uptight he needed to let loose just as much as Ric did.

"And what's that?" He asked from behind me I stopped and turned around to face him.

"Fun" it was just as simple as that. That's why we did these crazy thing to get away from the seriousness of life "Do you feel like having some with me?" I smiled as he stood there contemplating.

"That depends. Are you gonna to ditch me like you did last time?" Well I had that coming I did bring him there and basically abandon him.

"That depends. Are you gonna kiss me out of the blue again?" I told him smugly with a smile. When Liam did that it really wasn't something I expected to happen. To be honest I didn't think he actually like me in that way.

"Not when you say it like that." He seemed a little hurt but I guess I needed to use the stagey of playing hard to get.

"I got to go. More people to invite." I wanted to make tonight something special bring everyone together specially with it being Siena birthday I wanted to show her that we were all there for her.

"You're inviting multiple people to be your date tonight." I stopped in my tracks and turned to him. There was something cute about Liam dullness at times.

"I'm inviting multiple people to join in on the fun. As for who my date will be, well, that depends on you." I turned and walked away I could feel myself blushing for being so bold. Well I guess that how I had to be with him as he didn't quite get my subtle hints. Today is all about fresh start and having fun and being with the one you care about. I'm going to make sure that tonight is going to be epic.

Damon P.O.V

Bonnie finally made the choice to send us back. Did I say she made the choice? I meant Kai threaten her life meaning that he would kill the both of us and go back himself. Which made me wonder why he hadn't done that already? There was a reason why he was keeping us alive. I tend to find that out because he had a hidden agenda. All I knew right now is that this time tomorrow I would be home with my Bella. Well not home as in the boarding house but wherever Siena would be that was my home. It had only been a couple of days since I had seen her but it felt like a life time ago. God I've been thinking of all the things I'm going to do when I see her it's like I'm spoiled for choice. I think the one that's on the top of my list is to hold her in my arms. To feel my little girl kicking away. I used to love that when Nico used to do that it used to bring a smile to my face as if he was saying 'hey daddy'. I'm telling you there no better joy than that and of course my amazing wife.

As soon as the sun was up I'm was all bright eyed and bushy tailed. Oh god I sound so pathetic but I'm just so happy when that eclipse kicks in a few hours I'll be home. I'll see Stefan and goofy broody face god I've got months of teasing to catch up on. Elena I'll just torture and torment just for the kicks. Then Nico I want to have that father and son talk and want him to know that we will try and put the pass behind us. I'm no saint myself I've done some real messed up stuff. Then there Caroline oh boy..... Blondie and I are going to have one hell of a conversation. I think I'm going having a lot of fun when I get home.

Bonnie informed me that we had to go on a little excursion through the woods. Apparently we had to meet Kai at some where Bonnie did mention but I wasn't listening.  I was in high spirits right now and no one going to bring me down from this high I'm on. Not even Bonnie and her miserable face. I know she wasn't keen on this idea that Kai had to come back with us but right now I actually didn't care. As we strolling while playing with a stick while whistling because today I was a very happy man.

"You're in a good mood for the first time this decade." I poked her with the stick as I didn't need her to be teasing me "Stop that." Well she needed not to kill my buzz that I'm on with her negative vibes.

"Because I have a hot date with my sexy wife tonight." Just the thought of seeing Siena face when I turn up brought such a smile to my face.

"Yeah, assuming Kai's telling the truth." Then Bonnie starts to pace little faster so she is now in front of me. Nope not even Bonnie Bennett going to kill my mood today.

"I'm thinking dinner and a movie, you know what? Screw the dinner and a movie. Skip straight to the good part." I poked her again and she jumps a bit.

"Yeah. And assuming I can do the spell, which I won't know...until I see it." I walked a little faster so that now we stood beside each other. She was really trying to be a kill joy today.

"Whatever happened to hope, Bon? 'Member when I was all like boo, grr—" Bonnie looks over at me "--And you were like "hooray, hooray. We're getting out of here!"?" I used a high-pitched tone to mimic Bonnie and she didn't look impressed at all.

"Look, I want to go home more than anything but Kai's a sociopath, who's to say he won't screw us over?" She really thought I was going to let Kai screw us over no way I'm letting that happen. Not after all this time and now we were in reaching distant to getting home.

"Me, I say, because I will kill Kai and anyone—" I did a playful jumping stance with the stick "--who comes in the way of me going home." I meant that I swear nothing going to stop me from being with my wife to see the birth of my little girl. To see my son and hug him tightly and never letting go. My family is the one thing that I know I can't live without and I will not anything stop me from getting home.

"I heard my name. All good I hope." I looked over and Kai had the Ascendant in his hand and he uses it as he looks up and blocks the sun from his face with it. "The eclipse will happen directly overhead." Kai looks at us. What I would give t just kill him not the problem with that we needed the spell to get home. So I had to put up with him just a little longer. "In perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation. " God I hated him and I hated the fact he was getting out of here but sometimes you have to team up with the devil "You need to dig into the tunnels below us." He expected me to dig? Was this guy being for real? Damon remember this is all to go home to be with the woman you love and your family.

"Why?" Which was a pretty good question.  Kia made us do a lot of pointless things for his own amusement.

"Have you never portal-jumped through an eclipse before?" Kia speaks to her slowly as if she were a young child. I didn't like his tone with her and I'm trying so hard not to snap his neck. "Okay look, the light of the eclipse will shine down and activate the Ascendant, you spout a little witchy woo and then poof!" He gestures an explosion with his hands, Bonnie raises her eyebrows. "Anyone standing in the circle of light holding the Ascendant goes home." It all sounded pretty simple couldn't see much going wrong apart from Kai attempting to screw us over.

"By 'witchy woo', I assume you mean the spell?" Bonnie spoke a little annoyed. It was strange that he hadn't told her what the magic word were yet. Oh yeah we are the one not to be trusted... pffft.

"Uh-huh." Bonnie glared at him while hold out her hand in annoyance.

"Let me see it." He moved the Ascendant from his eye and looks at her.

"When the time comes."  He steps forward and pushes past us walking off in a different direction. Where the hell did he think he was going?

"Where are you going?" I yelled at him. He stops and has that goofy smile that I despise on this face.

"Into town, I need to... gather some important supplies." He turns, whistling while he leaving. It looks like I better do my part to all this I picked up the axe that Kai had sunk into the ground. I look at both the stick and axe in in my hand before tossing the stick. I saw Bonnie raise her eyebrows before I raised the axe and attacked the ground with it.

Nico P.O.V

Seeing my mom this morning went better than I thought it would. I could see that she was trying even though every part of her wanted to speak badly of my dad. I was just so strange to hear her talking about him like that. I've seen someone been compelled but I didn't know they would have a total personality transplant in the process. As I was talking to her I began to recall how Caroline tried to compel me and it didn't work and I found it strange it worked on my mom. I guess we are different and certain things affect me don't affect her and vice versa. What I felt bad about was the fact that I found out it was her birthday and I didn't even know. I felt so guilty that I didn't say happy birthday but I did make the suggestion about us spending time together. As I knew tonight they had an event for Halloween some corn maze thing with a little scary story behind it all. What a stupid idea that was as my mom had this swollen pregnant belly and I expected her to walk around some maze. Well my mom being my mom thought it was a great idea and she was really looking forward to it.

When I left the cottage I drove to the nearest town as I wanted to get her something special. I stopped at a jewellery store and began to look for something that I thought she would like. I came across these bracelets that you can add your own beaded charms. Luckily for me the shop assistant helped me and I added charms to it that had meaning to the life my mom had before. Like an apple representing her home back in New York. Wedding bands representing her relationship and commitment that she has with my dad. I knew that my mom loved shoes as she had this huge collection back in the boarding house so I got her charm like that. Each and every little charm was Siena Salvatore and in my eyes it was perfect. I just hoped that she would like it because even though she can't remember all those little things maybe this would remind her.

After leaving the store I went back to my dorm I placed down the gift bag with my mom present and took out the card I brought and began to write in it. It wasn't difficult to write what I thought and what I wished for her birthday. All I wanted was for her to be truly happy again. I was interrupted by a knock on the door when I opened it I came face to face with Stefan. I didn't expect to be seeing him any time soon he was dragging a trunk with him. Well it turned out that Enzo had left Stefan a parting gift. Ivy did kill herself but Enzo fed her his blood meaning she died but she came back as a vampire. She was freaking out and having a bitch fest with Stefan she was actually annoying. Stefan wanted Caroline and I to look after her while he had to deal with something. He also wanted Caroline the tricks of self-control I wasn't happy about any of this. 

Stefan couldn't just drop her off and expect us to just deal with it so it got a little heated but I couldn't just not help him. In the end Stefan is family as much as Elena was my family and I needed to keep Ivy out of her way because I don't think Elena would deal with it too well. Stefan seems to think that we didn't want him in our lives that once he was gone we wouldn't see him again. It wasn't like that I wanted my family to be together I didn't want Stefan half way around the world alone. I want to be able to turn to my uncle when I had guy issue or I just wanted to go out for a beer. The sad thing is he didn't see that he didn't see how much I needed him. One thing I've learnt is the Salvatore's were stubborn cause even though I said that to him he just walked away.

 So here we were stuck with Ivy the newbie vampire. I still had to drop to Caroline that I wasn't going to be sticking around as I needed to meet my mom soon.  Ivy clothes were all covered in blood and dirt so I went by Elena and Caroline dorm to get something for her to wear. I just grabbed whatever I saw and went back to give it to Ivy. She went to have a shower while Caroline stood there with not a very happy expression even when she was mad she looked adorable.

"Why are you looking at me smiling" Caroline asked a little sceptically and I couldn't help but chuckle as she thinks there always a hidden agenda. Well there was because I needed to break it to her that I had to leave.

"Nothing I'm just smiling" I rubbed the back of my head and turned away as I felt a bit of a douche right now. I could see myself looking at her like some goofy kid with a crush.

"What do you think?" Ivy stated as she came out of the bathroom in the dress I gave her.

"I think you're wearing my dress. And you must be deaf because I already said. The. Party's. Not. Happening." Caroline shot a look at me as she knew it was me who went to get something for Ivy to wear, the fact that Ivy overheard a conversation between Caroline and Elena about this part. Ivy hadn't shut up about it and Caroline was going to flip soon I could see it. I tossed a blood bag to Ivy, who catches it.

"So you'd rather be locked in a dorm room with a newbie vampire?"  I glanced over at Caroline who sits on my bed looking even more frustrated. The reason Ivy couldn't go was for two things one Elena and two she was newbie vampire and we could need to keep her on a tight leash. Something that Caroline and I didn't want.

"Talking about the party....." Caroline looked over at me arching her brow "I kind of found out it's my mom birthday and I was planning to take her to the corn maze" I was wanting for Caroline to flip but she get up on to her feet and approached me slowly.

"I think it's great you spending time with your mom" Caroline spoke calmly which took me by surprise "But I'm not babysitting Stefan baby vampire" She raised her voice while glaring over at Ivy. I need to calm Caroline down a little and let her see reason.

"I know with the way Stefan been behaving he doesn't deserve out help. Could you please do this for me? I already didn't know it was my mom birthday I can't not turn up" I could see Caroline contemplating and my eyes averted to Ivy who was quite happy with drinking from her blood bag. She pulls the blood bag free of her mouth.

"Whoa. Just realized why Stefan brought me here to learn control. Just do yourself a favour. Unwind. Just admit you have a feeling for each other" She brings the blood bag to her mouth again. Caroline was about to go for her and I held her back which she wasn't happy about.

"Excuse me?" Caroline yells while I still had hold of her. Ivy didn't help with the comment about us having feeling for one another as that was still a sore subject with what I did as Nickar.

"Caroline...." She stopped fighting against me and looked directly at me "I need you just put up with her. Break her neck if you like" A small smile appears on her face as I mention about breaking Ivy neck. 

"Excuse me? Is that a freaking Salvatore thing?" Ivy yelled from across the room. She really was one annoying girl how the hell did Stefan even date her.

"Shut up!" She looked taken back with me yelling at her. I looked back at Caroline who still wasn't amused by Ivy comment "Caroline you know what it means to me to spend time with Siena considering what going on" I needed her to understand I wouldn't leave her to all this if I wasn't going to be spending time with my mom to celebrate her birthday "I'll make it up to you. I promise" I watched as Caroline expression softens.

"Fine Nico" Caroline spoke in defeat then looked over to Ivy who just stood there with annoyed look. "You keep it zipped because I'll have great pleasure snapping your neck" Caroline actually sound a little sexy as she threatens Ivy I couldn't help but smile. Now I had that all sorted I need to go and meet my mom and I hope tonight goes without a hitch.

Siena P.O.V

I feel like I'm in some kind of twilight zone right now. As everything I think is real isn't that's all down to Stefan who let it all spill. I just couldn't wrap my mind around the fact I loved Damon Salvatore it just didn't make any sense to me. I wanted to try and see how it was possible for me to fall in love with such a selfish and vindictive man. When I did I couldn't come to any conclusion of how I could have possibly married him. To of had a son with him now another one on the way? How is that even possible vampires can't procreate. It was all a little too crazy and I guess part of me wanted to know what happened why I fell in love with this man. Then I would reflect on what I wrote to myself about how I wanted myself to move on to be happy. That I had to think of my son Nico to think of my daughter Isabella who going to make an appearance. That version of me from then made it all seem simple that I should live for these two people who were my flesh and blood. The only problem there is the fact I didn't feel any emotional connection to them. Was that because they were a part of Damon? I wanted to take my own advice but it was like something within me wouldn't allow it.

Nic brought me home and we had a conversation which took me by surprise as he was reminding me what I had with Damon. I knew that Nic was still in love with me he had told me countless times and each time I rejected him. I may have had a night or two of passion with him but there wasn't any emotional connection from me. It just all seemed too strange to me I psychically couldn't grasp any of this. It was like I had this shield up that wouldn't allow me to even consider the possibility of any of this being true. After Nic left I began to search the cottage for anything that I may have hidden about Damon a picture, a shirt something about him. That maybe if I was to see a picture of him or us together it might trigger something. Or something personal effects maybe the smell of his cologne may do something. I searched the cottage and there was no trace of Damon even existing in my life. I was about to attempt to go up in the attic that maybe I had put something up there. As I opened the hatch there was a knock at my door.

When I opened the door to see Elena all I wanted from her was a hug as all I wanted was my little sister right now as she felt like the only real thing to me right now. Elena and I had a very long conversation about everything that had happen. I stopped with my negative talking about Damon I wanted to know about the person who I really was. When hearing about how much I loved Damon to what lengths I went to. The way we battle through all the bad that came our way and we stood strong. When Elena spoke of our wedding day how it was this perfect ceremony that she had never seen me so happy.  She spoke about the whole three years the good and the bad. It sounded like a tragic love story it seemed that maybe it was the right thing for me compel my memories away. The Siena I was back then was totally in love with Damon and couldn't live on without him. I began reflecting back on that letter I wrote to myself that I needed to be a good mom for my kids.

Elena left and I tried to get a few hours' sleep which didn't happen as everything I had learnt was spinning around in my mind. So to keep myself of sane mind I began to clean up the place to needed to keep busy. I played music loudly and sung away to stop my mind from churning about Damon. I went into the room where I had created some kind of nursery for my little girl. It was all whites with sublet touches of pinks everywhere. I walked over to the crib to see a collection of stuffed toys one looked familiar to me. I picked up the white fluffy bunny and looked at it as I recalled it from my own childhood. I couldn't help but smile as memories began to flood in my mind of me and this bunny. I used to carry it everywhere with me until I was about 5. I was interrupted out of my thought by a knock at the door.

I went to go and see who it was and when I did I saw a young man walking away. I don't know how I knew it was Nico maybe it was mother's instinct or something but I didn't want him to go.  So he came in and I made us drinks the only thing that kept running through my mind was that I needed to be a mom to him. I couldn't reject him that I needed to somehow build a bond even though Nico feels like a complete stranger to me. We sat down and spoke for a little while it was so uncanny how he looked like Damon in so many ways. The dark hair with those piercing blue eyes even his mannerism at times like the way he say or did certain things. During our conversation I had a delivery from a florist a huge bunch of my favourite flowers in a vase. When I saw the card that it was from my parents wishing me a happy birthday I couldn't help but smile.    

Nico felt bad that he didn't recall my birthday and I wasn't going to hold it against him as I hardly remember myself. He made a suggestion of going to some corn maze event tonight that Whitmore was having as there homecoming. Which sounded like fun to me even though Nico was thinking of my condition which was sweet I thought it was a great idea. It would give us both a chance to get to know one another because that's what I wanted. I may not have memories or emotional connections towards him but I wanted to build new memories. To build a bond with him better than I had before as I wasn't still sure if I wanted to be flooded with all the old memories I took away. I was handling myself pretty well right now well as well to be expected. What worried me if I let Ric give them all back to me I would be that broken person again. I didn't want that I wanted to be strong for Nico and for my little girl when she came into this world. The way I felt about Damon wasn't important all that matter to me was my children they were my main focus. They were both here and Damon wasn't so why hurt and torture myself over something that is gone. Something that was my past and now I needed to look into my future not live on what once was.

After Nico left I continued to clear the place up I knew I had to meet him for 8 so I had pliantly of time. I even took a nap but it seem that my little girl wanted to me active she was bouncing and kicking like she was fighting to get out or something. I took a warm bath to ease the sharp pains and after I did I felt better. I dried myself off and looked for something to wear which was very limited as everything I tried on didn't fit. So I ended up wearing a jersey maxi dress as it had enough stretch in it to give room for this huge bugle I was carrying. I grabbed my car keys and made my way out of the house as I was getting into the car I had another sharp pain go through me. I wanted to yell out in pain instead I gritted my teeth and took in a few deep breaths. Then got into the car and began to drive to the destination that Nico told me where this corn maze was. Which wasn't too far from Whitmore as I arrived I parked up and I saw Nico waiting by his car. He looked a little nervous as he stood there searching through the crowed. I got out of the car making my way towards him as I did he notice me and a huge smile appeared on this face.

"You look really pretty" I approached him and gave him a hug I tried to make it as motherly as I could but I could hear him giggling. I pulled away frowning "Sorry you seem a little bigger than this morning" I shook my head as I could see that he was nervous about this meet and I needed to lighten the mood.

"Thanks. You're saying I look fat?" I tried to keep a straight face while saying it while Nico looked back at me with horror in his eyes thinking he had insulted me.

"No....." He spoke a little terrified I felt a smile creep up on my face as I couldn't be this mean to him.

"I'm kidding Nico I know I look like a house" He began to chuckle I indicated for us to head towards this maze. Nico held out a gift bag to me "What's this?" I didn't expect him to get me a gift.

"It's something for your birthday the both of us" He spoke as I opened the card I looked at him. What did he mean by the both of them? Was he in some kind of relationship?

"Both of you?" I looked down at the card and began to read what he wrote. Nico really did have a way with words cause I felt a lump build up in my throat as I read his words of how he wanted me to be the happy person that I once was. That if he could bring back his father to only show me what we had. I was touched as my son just wanted me to be the person I was before but I don't know if I could. I closed the card and looked up at him I notice his expression was indifferent like he didn't know how I took to his words.

"I mean it's from me and my little sister I know she's not here but...." It seemed that my son was the total opposite of his father; I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"Nico that's so sweet" I didn't expect a gift from him let alone from my unborn daughter too. "Thank you" I spoke as I went into the gift bag and took out a black velvet box. I glance at Nico who looked a little worried. I opened the box to see a bracelet filled with all different charms. It was stunning and I felt totally speechless right now.

"They are all your favourite things. You know parts about you that you might not remember" My eyes went to a charm which was two wedding bands entwined. "I could put it on for you if you want" I gave him a small smile and nodded.

"This is really one of the nicest things anyone ever done for me" Nico placed the bracelet on "Thank you" In that moment all that nervousness had disappeared from his face. "Come on let check out the scary story behind this corn maze" I nudged him and we both began to walk towards the crowed that was building up.

From a distance I could hear a girl screaming hysterically as she darts through the corn field. I looked at Nico to say what the hell was going on but he gave me a reassuring look. I guess there was no need to panic. I looked up to see some girl dressed in white with blood down the front of it holding a torch in her hand. It appears she was pretending for the theme of homecoming. The girl uses the torch to light the bonfire, which was followed by cheers. I looked across the bomb fire to see Ric standing next to some lady they both seemed a little cosy.

"Who is that with Ric?" I didn't know he was seeing anyone and she was cute but of course typical Ric looking freaked out.

"That Dr. Laughlin she's works in the hospital that I'm volunteering at. I want to get my doctoring" I felt my jaw hang slightly as I never expect to hear that my son wanted to a doctor. I was well and truly impressed right now.

"I'm impressed. A son as a doctor that kind of handy" Nico smiled widely as I complimented him. I looked back over at Ric and this Dr. Laughlin they both seemed a little tense "I think we should help break the ice" I could that Nico was about to protest but I grabbed hold of his hand and dragged him with me. As I approached the both of them Ric seemed a little surprised to see me. "Hey Ric" I smiled sweetly then looked over at Dr. Laughlin "See you brought a date along with you" I teased and I could see Ric looking a little awkward along with this Dr. Laughlin.

"It's not a date" They both said at the same time which was kinda cute.

"So how rude of me. I'm Siena and your Dr. Laughlin" I extended my hand to her and she took it while frowning probably thinking how did I know her name. "Nico told me that his volunteering at the hospital you work at" She looked between Nico and I.  

"Call me Jo. Yeah Nico only joined us and his defiantly impressed me with his work" I looked at Nico and smiled as I kind felt proud of him "Are you two....." Jo began to say.

"No!" I spoke a little abruptly as I didn't want her think that we were a couple "Nico is my little cousin" That was the only thing that came to mind right now not like I could say Nico was my son.

"So I hear it's your birthday" Ric spoke in sing song "Here it's nothing special but...." He handed me a rectangular wrapped up object.

"Thank you Ric" I took the present from him and opened it to see that it was a picture frame with Ric, Elena, Jeremy and I we all looked so happy "Thank.... Owwww" I yelled as I felt a sharp pain in my pelvis I buckled over to ease the pain.

"Siena are you okay?" I heard Ric speaking in a panic while I felt Nico holding my arm saying something but I was focusing on this strong intense pain that was over coming.

"I think we need to bring her to the ER" I heard Jo say and I stood up straight as the pain lessen

"I'm fine it's those braxton hicks contractions it's normal" None of them looked convinced "I'm fine honestly no ER needed" I turned to Nico who held a worrisome look "I thought we came her to go through some maze and have fun" He looked at me sceptically but the look he was giving me felt so familiar like I had seen it a million times before. I shook my head and turned to Ric "Do you mind keeping this safe for me until I come back" I handed him the picture frame then hooked my arm with Nico's "Let the fun begin" I winked at him while he still didn't look too pleased about what just happened. I wanted to spend one night to get to know my son to try and build a bond with him as I asked myself to do. I owed that to Nico and also to myself.  

Stefan P.O.V

Nico really did pull on my heart strings when he told me that he wanted me to come home that he wanted his family together. I wanted to turn to him and tell him sure I'll come back. The thing is I wasn't the Stefan they all knew anymore I lost a huge part of myself. A part that for over 140 years I wanted rid of in some ways. Now Damon was gone it was like a part of me died along with him and I just couldn't be that person anymore no matter how much I tried. I would only be a disappointment to him and his would be better off without me. Just as Elena is better off without me even if she does think otherwise about it. All that mattered now was that I had to figure out what I was going to do with Ivy. I couldn't keep her around and they only reason she is the way she is because of me and Enzo sick mind. I went to see Luke and explained the situation to him that I needed a daylight ring made. He didn't really question me about it he just did it which surprised me.

After I left Luke dorm I went toward Ric classroom as I was hoping he would help me with this Ivy issue. I didn't know how he would react to seeing me but I had to give it a shot. I approached the door and walked in to see Ric is alone in the classroom, sitting in one of the students' seat as picks up a bottle of bourbon from beside him; he has a stack of papers on his lap. Ric twists open the cap and take a swig of bourbon. When he's finished, he looks down and sees that I was standing in the doorway. I knew I had to break the ice with him as he didn't seem too pleased to see me.

"Grading on the curve, huh?" Ric doesn't smile, just closes the bourbon. I knew how hard it was to control your craving and to have a roomed filled with students it was too much temptation.

"You know this barely makes a dent." He's staring at the bourbon. I looked away from him as my reason for coming here was selfish Ric was having a hard enough time. Here I was expecting him to help me out with my issue "Can't fault me for trying, though. You want some?" I looked up to see him offering me the bottle and I shook my head.

"No, I just... came here to get one of these from Luke." I held up a daylight ring I got Luke to make for Ivy so she didn't have to hide away.

"Let me guess, you played the 'Damon is dead, and it's all your fault' card." As Ric spoke all my guilt of everything I had done came flooding to the surface "What do you want, Stefan?"  He spoke abruptly as he was still pissed with me cause of my actions. I walked further into the classroom to take the risk in telling Ric my reason for turning up.

"Enzo turned a vampire when he brought Nico and Caroline....." I began to say and Ric cut me off mid-sentence.

"You mean your girlfriend, from Savannah." Ric stands, walks over to me with an angry expression. "The one you falsely led me to believe was a witch who knew how to help Damon and Bonnie?" I had done a lot of lying since I left but how could I turn to Ric who was doing everything in his power to bring them back that I gave up.

"Her name is Ivy. I was hoping you can compel her to get a handle on things, get somewhere far away from me, live a good life." As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted saying it as I watched the rage fill up on Ric face.

"Are you asking me to help you with a break up?" He spat. It wasn't like that I didn't want Ivy to know me as all I keep doing is ruin lives and she didn't deserve all this. Ivy as annoying as she is deserved a better life that didn't consist having me in it.

"I'm just asking you to give her a fresh start." I spoke to him calmly as I could see that he was about to blow and I didn't want to get into a huge confrontation with him.

"You mean give you a fresh start." I didn't know what to say to that as it was true in away. With Ivy moving on I would have a fresh start. "Sorry, Stefan. It's not that easy." He talks about it not being easy but he didn't have any hesitation in taking it all away from Siena.

"Well it was when you compelled Siena to forget about Damon." I snapped back at him in anger as I wasn't the only one who was using the wrong approach to forget Damon.

"Well you forgot about him first, pal." Ric turned away from me.

"He was my brother." What was it that they didn't get about that? I lost the one person who has been huge part of my life for the last 164 years.

"Yeah, and he was my best friend! Why don't you get out of my face, before I compel you to be the guy I used to know instead?" And with that I walked away. A great many people never really discover themselves until ruin stares them in the face. They do not seem to know how to bring out their reserves until they are overtaken by an overwhelming disaster, or until the sight of their blighted prospects and of the wreck of their homes and happiness stirs them to the very centre of their beings.... There is something in defeat which puts new determination into a man of mettle.

Damon P.O.V

For the last hour or more I had been digging out this hole to get below the tunnels under Mystic Falls. Apparently that's where we needed to be when the eclipse happened. I didn't care that I was getting dirty or the fact I felt like a total douche doing this. All I knew in a short time I'll be home with my family that alone was my hope and my motivation to go along with all this. So Kai wanted to go on his final shopping trip before leaving this hell hole and making me do this I didn't care that I seemed like some kind of lackey. All this in the end will all be worth it when I see the look upon my beautiful wife face when she sees me. That going to be a picture perfect moment. I had dug up the ground standing in the middle of it I dug up. I continued to attack the inside of the hole with the axe while Bonnie sits on the dirt from above. She hadn't really said much since Kai left but I'm sure she thinking like me on how many ways she can attack Jeremy.

"Hey." Bonnie called out and I stopped to look at her "You know there's a very probable chance you're digging your own grave, and... not bothered?" I shook my head and began to attack the ground, ignoring Bonnie. Finally an opening appears into the tunnels below.

"Ha." I yelled in triumph I looked up to see Kai coming towards us with a backpack.

"Looks like I got back just in time." Kai nearly sit down his backpack when I zoomed forward and snatch the pack and it open. I wanted to know what was so urgent from him to do and get.

"Zima, grunge, every Alex Rodriguez rookie card known to man, and a pager. Really?" I dropped the bag on the ground. This was what he went to get? What was so important about this junk?

"555-Hiya-Kai, no way I'm giving those digits up." He had to be kidding he went all the way back to a stupid pager?

"These are the important supplies you needed to get?" I yelled at him while doing that I notice that Bonnie was looking at the both of us suspiciously from the dirt she's sitting on.

"Look. The future sounds great, all right? I'm super excited about the Internet, but 1994 has been my home for most of my life. I'd hate to get homesick. So let's get down there—" Well I didn't care why he wanted all that junk I'm ready to leave this place.

"No." She walks forward, pushing me out of the way as I attempted to stop her. "We are not going anywhere until you show me the spell." Bonnie really had to do this right now? We are nearly home free and she wants to pick a fight with the douche.

"Okay." He stands still, basically saying that they aren't going.

"Are we literally not going anywhere?" I tried to speak calmly because I didn't just dig up that hole to stay put in this hell dimension. 

"Fine, you don't want to show me the spell? Then you can do it yourself." Bonnie spoke firmly my eyes averted to Kai who smiles, suspiciously. "You... want my magic." She holds out her arm. "Take it." Was Bonnie out of her freaking mind? If Kia did that he would kill her did she have a death wish today of all days when we are meant to go home.

"Uh-oh, she's being brave." Kia spoke looking at me. Yeah she was doing something like that.

"I'm serious Kai! This was your big threat, wasn't it? If I do the spell and let us out of here, you'll just take my magic, leave me for dead, and do the spell yourself. So go ahead. Take all of it." This was not looking good why the hell was Bonnie doing this? She knew how much we both want to go home. Why is she acting like a crazy person now? I looked over at Kai who seemed really amused as he looks down at Bonnie.

"Don't mind if I do." He slaps both hands on her shoulders and she yelps in pain, nearly going limp in his arms.

"Bonnie?" I warned her as she was clearly playing with fire right now.

"It's okay, he won't kill me." She spoke through her pain. From where I was standing it really didn't seem that way Kai was sucking her dry of her magic.

"Doesn't look like that from here." Bonnie grunts in pain again.

"OW." She cries out in pain. I needed to stop her Kai will end up killing her.

"Hey! Bonnie." Bonnie's face contorts with pain. "Whoa, hey, guys. STOP" Kai releases Bonnie with a mischievous smile. Bonnie, regaining her composure it seemed that she realizes something.

"He doesn't know the spell. Which means, we don't need him." She raises her hand. "Motus." The axe I was using to attack the ground soars through the air before burying itself into Kai's chest. His eyes widen as he falls on his back. I stood there speechless as I witness what Bonnie had done.

"NO! No! BONNIE!" She stood there looking down at unconscious what the hell had she done? Bonnie didn't even know the god damn spell either so how did she see this as a victory. I tapped her bare shoulder "Great work, Bonnie." She had just screwed everything up. All hopes on going back home were well and truly gone now.

Siena P.O.V

Nico and I were walking through this maze and I notice that pretty much people kept freaking out at the littlest of noises. I asked what the deal to all this and Nico explained to me the story how this guy found the woman he loved in bed with his brother. Kind of sound like Damon and Stefan with the whole Elena drama.... Hold up was that even real? I mean with the whole Damon was utterly in love with me apparently we had this amazing relationship. I'm still stuck with what reality and what was fictional in my head. We were roaming around the maze and Nico kept asking me random questions like what were my parents were like. What I was like growing up and about my friends from back home in New York. Nico even brought up Nic and asked about my relationship with him. Which was kind of weird but I wanted to be honest with him. Then I flipped the table asking about his childhood and what he had been through. Well that was such a stupid question as Elena gave me the whole run down on what happened to Nico. I felt like an inconsiderate mother even bring all that up but it seemed that I have a habit to put my foot in my mouth these days. 

To change the subject Nico told me about Stefan dumping on them his dead re-born again vampire girlfriend Ivy. I was a little surprised to hear about all this. Well it looks like Enzo had fed her this blood then compelled her to kill herself. Some may say that was a nice touch as Enzo was just letting Stefan pay for walking away from Elena and forgetting his brother. I guess I could understand why he did do that because the grief of losing Damon consumed him.

"Enzo told me that you were finding a way to bring dad back" Nico snapped me out of my thought. I don't recall doing anything of the kind.

"No I wasn't" I told him fatly as I would have remembered something like that. The way I feel or felt about Damon I doubt I would have gone out of my way to bring him back.

"He told me that he brought you out of town to see some witch who could help. That you were the key to bring back dad" Nico was insisting on this but I really didn't know what he was talking about. I know Enzo brought me to Aleeya about my daughter that I needed to be prepared for something bad that coming. That as soon as I have Isabella I had to give her to the witched to accelerate her growth. When the time for that comes I really don't know how I'm going to react.

"Nico I really have no idea of what you're talking about" I looked over Nico shoulder and saw Elena with some guy. "Oh look there Elena"  I needed to get away from this conversation as Nico really wasn't backing down seems that he got that from his father. Damon always used to fish for information and not back down Nico seem to have the same trait. I walked over and I could see Elena giggling to whatever this guy had just said to her. I was about to talk when I felt another excruciating pain shoot down from my stomach down to my pelvis "Arggh"

"Siena?" I heard Elena call out with worry in her voice. I looked up to see her crouching in front of me with a worried expression "You okay, is there something wrong with the baby?" I shook my head while I took in deep breaths.

"I think your friend going into labour" I heard the guy that was with Elena say, I shot at look at him as I was not going into labour it was those stupid pre labour pains that all women got weeks before their baby due. Elena helps me up so I was standing straight and Nico stood beside this unknown guy with worried expression.

"Sister actually buddy. And no I'm not going into labour" I snapped at him and I could see Elena blushing furiously beside me because I shouted at his guy. "I'm fine. Sorry I didn't mean to snap....?"

"It's Liam. I'm sorry you do seem like you're ready to go into labour" I looked at him intensely as I didn't like him not one bit he was cocky and arrogant two things that I hate and remind me of.... No I'm not going to go there. I looked at Elena and smiled fakely.

"This one real charmer..." My voice was dripping with sarcasm "Where did you pick him up from?" Elena gave me the look to say I'm embarrassing her but I didn't care he was a douche.

"We all in med class together" Liam spoke and I turned to him and he had a stupid smirk on his face that I just wanted to slap right off.

"I was speaking to my sister" I spoke through my teeth as he was getting on my last nerve.

"Siena!" Elena shouted and I turned to her and she didn't seem best pleased.

"Elena!" I responded sarcastically while she stood there looking annoyed and embarrassed as hell and right now I didn't care.

Suddenly people are yelling 'watch it!' and 'hey!" I looked up to see what's happening there was a car swerving coming in our direction. People fall to the ground, screaming one moment I was on my feet the next I was sent to the ground and blacked out. I opened my eyes and my head felt fuzzy I could hear someone calling my name I turned my head to see utter chaos. People were bleeding, people are yelping for help. As I tried to sit up I felt the worse pain ever and I couldn't hold it in no longer and I cried out in pain. Something didn't feel right there was something wrong with my baby.

"Mom...." I looked up to see a frighten Nico. He crouched down so he was eye level with me "I'm going to bring you to the ER" He tried to help me up from the ground but I screamed in pain. I felt wet between my thighs I began to shake my head.

"No this can't be happening...." I spoke through my tears as the pain was becoming more intense.

"Nico? Oh god Siena...." I heard Elena then she was beside me. I felt another excruciating pain go through me and I scream once again.

"Elena what wrong with her" Nico spoke with fear while Elena looked at me with widen eyes but in her expression she knew exactly what was happening right now.

"Siena I need you to take in deep breaths it will help with the pain" I did as she told me as she looked over at Nico "Looks like you baby sister not wasting no time. She coming" Nico was about to speak "No time for Q&A Nico I need you to call the paramedic" Nico didn't move "Now Nico!" Elena yelled at him which even made me jump slightly. I wasn't ready for this and I didn't want to be giving birth in a middle of a field where there been mass carnage.  

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