The Feral, Alpha K

By vixlyez

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I snapped my eyes to his doing my best to give him the angriest glare I could. Something is his eyes flashed... More



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By vixlyez

Growls erupted all around me, glass, blood and debris slamming against my skin. I winced at the pain as I landed on my knees. A gust of wind chilled me to the bone. My eyes darted open, I was still alive. He hadn't hit me.

My blood ran cold seeing Alpha Dom hunched over hanging out of the wall. Alpha K stood before convulsing and growling wildly. I could barely keep my eyes open, his aura was sophisticating me. I couldn't believe my eyes, his body was morphing into something unrecognizable, the sheer size of him was horrific.

His clothes began to shred as his bones cracked and snapped sickly. My heart sank to the deepest part of me before I scrambled to get out, glass and wood cutting into my legs and hands as I fleed.

I darted through the gaping hole where the door use to be screaming bloody murder as I ran. The sound of their growls making me run faster. "Moon goddess, please let me live through this!" I yelped as clashed against branches as I made my way towards the pack house.

Relief flowed through me as I reached the clearing, I could see wolves entering and exiting the pack house, all dressed up. For the dinner that I'm supposed to attend.

I needed to find someone who could help, Alpha K and Alpha Dom could kill each other, and what worries me most is knowing my male could get hurt.

"Valnush! Xeon!" I screamed frantically passing by many pack members who looked at me as if I was a wild animal, my eyes landed on them as they began to make there way to me.

"What is it?" Beta X as he gripped on to my forearm to steady me, I was struggling to breathe. Barely able to stand up.

"He's is fighting with Alpha Dom, he tried to kill me! You have to do-" Beta X was already heading towards clearing, in the direction of cabin; pushing pack members out of his way in the process.

Growls erupted from within the forest making my blood run cold. Valnush grabbed onto my arm in attempt to drag me out of frozen state.

"Nalu, you need to explain." I could hear her but I couldn't speak, the vibrations of their heavy claws and sinister growls were drowning her out.

Suddenly the beast emerge from the forest covered in blood, snapping at one another. Skin and fur mangled on the beast that I recognized as Alpha Dom. Alpha K bit down on his neck before tossing his farther into the clearing.

Pack members all parted watching the scene while clutching onto their loved ones. Xeon immediately approached the injured Alpha Dom and pinned him to the ground using his knees and body weight as leverage.

"Ezekiel, bring me the chains!" Beta X commanded as he pressed harder into the groaning Alpha Dom. Watching Xeon detain Alpha Dom seemed unnatural, proving his loyalty to Alpha K over his former Alpha. Ezekiel muttered a 'yes sir' before heading inside with a few men.

My eyes darted back to over to the steaming male of mine as he bones contorted until he shifted back into his skin, his eyes raised instantly locking onto mine. My breathe hitched as he made purposeful steps in my direction. Valnush let go of me and began to back away.

"COME!" He growled out as he eyes burned into my own, instinct told me to turn the other way and flee but I wouldn't dare disobey him right now, he looked like a mad man, ready to kill anyone who crossed his path.

Skittishly I made my way towards him, his arm wrapped around me pulling me hard against his chest. His head instantly dipped to my neck as he took deep inhales of my scent.

Ezekiel and a few other men emerged from the crowd with silver chains and began locking them onto Alpha Dom. Xeon stood close, over seeing them and keeping his eyes trained on the fuming Alpha.

"YOU WILL NOT BE WITH HER, I WILL KILL THAT BITCH!" Snarled Alpha Dom as he attempted to break free and lunge in my direction. Alpha K growled in response as Beta Xeon grabbed a hold of the chains and began pulling him back. Ezekiel attached metal leash around the back of the chains before handing it to Xeon.

Alpha K visibly shook as he began to transition, his arms bulking up further whilst his fur began to lengthen. He turned me around abruptly before slamming me back into his chest, his claws nipping me in the process. 

"YOU DARE MAKE DEMANDS AGAINST ME?! THE ALPHA OF ALL ALPHA'S. MORE POWERFUL THAN THAT MOON BITCH HERSELF." Alpha K sneered causing everyone to cower and crouch as they exposed their necks. "You'll kill her? Hell would freeze over before I'd let that happen."

I placed my hand on top of his as I tried to calm him down. But it wasn't working, he was too far gone. He let out a low laugh as he brought his mouth dangerously closed to my neck.

"SON! DON'T ACCEPT THE BOND, WHAT HAVE I TAUGHT YOU. YOU ARE WEAK, MY BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT. I AM YOUR FATHER, YOU WILL OBEY ME!" Alpha Don yelled as spat flew from his mouth, he looked like a mad man. The type of crazy people who get locked up for being unfit to be in society.

"No one tells me what to do, especially with my female." His voice was cold and stern, his words were final. No more room for debate. I felt his teeth sharpen against my neck as I gasped, before anyone could process his motives his teeth sank into my neck like knifes.

I jerked in his hold crying out bloody murder, the more I struggled the deeper they sank. The pain intensified as each second passed, my body shook rapidly before a wave of heat hotter than the damn sun prickled my skin.

My screams didn't stop as Alpha Dom struggled against the chains in attempt to set himself free. I felt like I was under water, everything sounded weird. Every part of my body felt like it was ripping apart. I felt his teeth retract but it wasn't enough to stop the pain, the tears continued to stream down my face.

"This female is mine." I felt his tongue lick across the wound, but the relief never came. My hands that were clutching onto his arms felt weak, my grip loosening. His face came into view as he turned me towards him.

I liked staring at the face of my mate, his wavy black hair, amber eyes and sharp angular features that made him look like he was hand crafted. Those pretty plump lips of his were covered in my blood, a long line of it was dripping down to his chin.

His eyebrows contorted in confusion as he stared at me, regret and fear plastered over his face until it was settled with worry. "Nalu?" His eyes were staring at my squinting ones, a pain in my chest had began to burn as it became hard to breath.

"I-it h-hurts." I whimpered as I bit my lip, I couldn't even hold myself up. His arms around me were the only thing keeping me up. I could hear the commotion around us but it was faint. Was I loosing my hearing?

I could see something dark staining me, my eyes drifted to my blood soaked dress. I was bleeding, a lot. It wasn't stopping. I groaned as the chest pain intensified, I wanted to die. This pain wasn't worth living. The pain was all I could feel. I was cold, so cold.

My eyes reopened to see the male biting into his wrist before bringing to my lips. The taste of his blood seeped into my mouth before warming my throat.

I pulled my mouth away as I felt a burning sensation in my throat, I coughed out as I tried to swat his wrist away.

I couldn't take it anymore, I felt myself disappearing. No longer able to stay awake. I felt him shake me violently as he called to me.

"Female, wake up! Now! I said wake up. Nalu!" He shook me some more as my eyes fluttered once more. His worried eyes clouding over matching the frantic expression on his face.

My back touched the ground lightly before I felt a bunch of hands on me. All talking quickly amongst themselves. "Am I going to d-die?" I cried out before darkness consumed me.

I felt a weight crushing me, but it was comfortable. A feeling of pure bliss. My eyes fluttered open as I tried to adjust to the dim lighting. I groaned as the dryness in my throat made me cough out. My eyes drifted downwards, the males eyes shot to my own. He was laying between my legs with his head resting on my stomach.

Before I could say a word he leaned up and engulfed me in a tight hug, I did my best to hug him back with my limp arms. I felt so weak. "Never do that to me again, Nalu." Though his words were threatening I knew the real meaning, he was scared. I had made the Alpha feel something. And that pained him.

He placed a kiss on my forehead before pulling away. "I'm sorry for ruining the d-dinne-" I coughed out as I covered my mouth with my wrist.

"Shhh, drink." He reached over when he noticed I was struggling to speak and picked up the glass on the nightstand. He held it to my lips as I drank slowly.

While the cool liquid slipped down my throat I took notice to the fact that we weren't in the cabin. But in a bedroom elsewhere. The door clicked open as a few women walked in. One holding clipboard while the other two pushed a cart. All dressed in white uniforms.

"Hi, Luna. I'm the head doctor, Beth Anne. How are you feeling?" She smiled down at me beaming with her large blue eyes. Her long copper hair flowed down her back beautifully. I wish when I become older that I could look as good as her. I didn't know how to react to her calling me Luna, I never dwelled on the fact that I could be one.

"I, uhm. Just really weak." As soon the words left my mouth the other girls pushed the cart closer to my side before taking the covers off. There was a bunch of foods, pasta, soup, pancakes and fruits.

"You went through quite the ordeal. I suggest you eat something and rest some more. Your wolf seems to be really weak so spending sometime with our Alpha should solve that. When was the last time you shifted?" She questioned as I nit my lip nervously, everyone's eyes were on me. I was getting nervous, I believe the Alpha sensed this so he placed his large hand on my lower back. This couldn't get anymore embarrassing.

"Maybe a couple months ago." I hadn't shifted much when I was back home and I never shifted since I came here.

Alpha K sucked in a breathe before he grimaced. "I'll take care of it, you're dismissed." He waved them off before picking up the pasta.

They bowed before murmuring 'Yes Alpha' and exiting the room. Alpha sat up before stabbing the pasta and bringing the fork to my lips. I sat quietly and let him feed me, once the pasta was done we moved onto the pancakes. I was too full to eat the soup so I shook my head when he reached for it.

"You're father..." I began but couldn't finish, I wasn't quiet sure what I was going to ask.

"Don't worry, I'm handling it."

"What happened to me? I was sure I was going to die." I questioned as I squeezed my hands together. That was the most painful thing that has ever happened to me.

Alpha brought his hand up brushing away my curls from my shoulder. "My mark nearly killed you, my venom is lethal. I wasn't sure if it was possible to mark you because of what I am, so I didn't. I lost control, I couldn't stop myself." His eyes were focused on my mark as he ran his fingers over it.

Each time his fingers past a shiver went down my spine, it was making my wolf stir.

Suddenly his arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me from the blankets and placed me on his lap so that I was straddling him. His fingers rested below my chin, forcing my head up. Gazing down at me, his eyes soaked me up.

"You said here with me is where you belong. Don't forget that." His voice was deep and full of purpose, his minty breathe fanning my lips. Ever cell in my body screamed with need for him, his embrace was giving me a euphoric buzz. "I'd never let you leave, you're mine forever."

"I'm yours." I confirmed, gazing at his lips hungrily, I wanted him bad. More than I had ever before. Was this the power of the mark? He must of sensed my want for him because he smirked slyly before running his tongue over his teeth.

"Come, I will bathe you."

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