Pup | Yoonkook

By Jambooty

583K 41K 12.2K

Inbetween eating watermelons and hugging his fan to escape the summer heat, Yoongi rescues a pup that got tan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
The typical tag thing... find out more about me
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 | Smut
Chapter 27 | Smut
Chapter 28 | Smut
Chapter 29 | Smut
Lil promo

Chapter 19

17.8K 1.3K 576
By Jambooty

Chapter 19


"Come with me."

They walked towards the house, where Yoongi told Jungkook to wait outside and hide if anyone showed up, while he walked inside, making sure his parents were both in their rooms. After informing his mum, who was indeed reading in her room, that he was going to take a bath and making sure his dad was in the study, he opened the front door again, quickly guiding Jungkook through the hallway before entering the bathroom and immediately locking the door behind them. Jungkook curiously inspected the interior of the room and Yoongi realised that this was probably the first time he had been inside a proper house.

"No idea how much you know about this, but we're in a house right now. This is the bathroom, where you usually wash up, brush your teeth, put on makeup, whatever you need to do to look and smell good." Jungkook watched him, his eyes curious, so Yoongi assumed he really had no idea about all of this. He turned towards the bathtub, squatting down and patting the inside of it. "Could you go in there?"

Obediently Jungkook got in, sitting down and expectantly looking at Yoongi. Yoongi grabbed the shower head and showed it to Jungkook. "This is similar to the garden hose we played with. Just a bit more intense and warmer. No need to get startled." He turned on the water, pointing it at his hand first, showing Jungkook how intense it was before slowly starting with washing Jungkook's paws. At first Jungkook flinched away a bit, but only seconds after he was full on enjoying the warm water washing over his fur.

Happy that Jungkook seemed comfortable now Yoongi started with washing his stomach, which was quite the task since Jungkook just about fit into the bathtub and getting to his stomach was no easy task. Jungkook made it easier for him by rolling onto his back, his tongue lolling out as Yoongi massaged his stomach. Yoongi giggled at how content Jungkook seemed.

"There you go." He scrubbed a bit harder, sure that Jungkook wouldn't mind. Not that Jungkook's fur was especially dirty. Maybe a bonus from being both human and wolf. He wondered whether washing as a wolf would clean all the dirt off human Jungkook too.

Jungkook leaned his head back a bit too much, getting water into his nose. Quickly he got up again, shaking his head... and then whole body, drenching Yoongi in spray water. When he noticed he froze, staring at Yoongi with what could only be described as a guilty gaze.

A warm laugh bubbled up in Yoongi's throat. He couldn't hold it back. There was something so ridiculous about the situation. Just washing a big wolf in the bathroom, with his parents only a few rooms away, and having no idea what was going on. It was weird and for some reason it was funny.

"Don't look at me with those big eyes. You don't have to feel bad." He chuckled, patting Jungkook's back. "Let's clean your snout though. That's the main part we should be focusing on."

Once again being really well behaved, the complete opposite from his old dog when it came to bathing, Jungkook sat down, leaning his head into Yoongi's direction so he would have an easy time cleaning it.

The good behaviour did stop once Yoongi actually started cleaning his snout though. Apparently the shower head spraying water on it wasn't the most comfortable thing, since he instantly shook his head again, getting even more water on Yoongi. "Hey!" Yoongi scolded softly, but when he tried cleaning Jungkook's snout again the wolf pulled his head away, sneezing into Yoongi's face.

" Nooo, Jungkook." Yoongi complained, wiping his face, and Jungkook whined quietly.

A soft sigh left Yoongi's lips. "How are we supposed to clean you like this?"

Jungkook whined again, pushing his snout against Yoongi's hand.

Sighing Yoongi looked around the room, searching for something he could maybe use to clean Jungkook without pointing the shower head directly at him. He spotted a plastic cup his mother sometimes used to drink water when she didn't want to walk as far as the kitchen. So he put the plug in the bathtub to make sure the water wouldn't drain anymore before filling it up with water.

Jungkook watched him work curiously, his tail ever so softly wagging as Yoongi got the cup. He couldn't help but wonder if this was like playing for Jungkook. The thought made him happy for some reason.

Once the bathtub was half full he started using the cup to scoop up water, showing Jungkook what he was about to do before letting it run down his body. "I'll do this, but with your snout, okay?"

Jungkook licked Yoongi's hand, which he took as agreement. He scooped up some more water, this time carefully dropping it over Jungkook's snout, who was staying really still. Knowing that the water alone wouldn't help he brought his other hand up too, carefully rubbing the fur where it was bloody as he emptied the cup.

Jungkook leaned his head more into Yoongi's hand and Yoongi took his time to properly clean Jungkook's snout since the wolf seemed to be enjoying the scratching anyways. "Does that feel good?"

Jungkook grumbled, leaning his head even more towards Yoongi and Yoongi couldn't help notice his teeth when he was done cleaning Jungkook's muzzle. They were hidden behind the fur on the side of Jungkook's head but when he opened his mouth they were plainly visible.

"Can I?" He ran his thumb over the side of Jungkook's jaw and, seemingly understanding what he was asking for, Jungkook opened his mouth, his tongue lolling out as he panted softly. At this point Yoongi had learned that Jungkook opening his mouth like that wasn't a sign of him being out of breath but mainly to smell better and, probably, plain habit. He'd never seen Jungkook do that without sticking his tongue out.

Impressed Yoongi took a look at Jungkook's teeth. They were just as sharp as Yoongi remembered them to be. "Sure am glad you haven't bitten me since when you were a puppy. I mean, even that hurt. Wouldn't want to imagine what being nibbled at with these fangs would feel like."

To his surprise Jungkook pulled his head back, turning more towards Yoongi before chomping down on his arm. Not hard. Certainly not applying pressure. Just softly biting Yoongi's arm and nibbling on it. Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Very funny."

Jungkook sent him that glance and Yoongi just knew he was laughing internally. After he let go of Yoongi's arm, the wolf started licking it instead, taking all the affection and back rubs he could get before Yoongi would have to get him out of that tub.

"Why are you so cute?" It was more directed towards himself than Jungkook. How could Jungkook make him feel this happy and energeticß Apparently the wolf had something to say as well though, since he put his paws at the edge of the bathtub, leaning forward and getting a swipe of his tongue all across Yoongi's face.

Yoongi recoiled, grimacing, and Jungkook barked, happily jumping out of the tub and waddling towards Yoongi, probably with the intention of cuddling, but Yoongi stopped him by putting his hands on Jungkook's chest. "No. We have to dry you off first. I'll get even wetter otherwise."

Reluctantly Jungkook dropped his head before lying down on the floor, where he waited patiently for Yoongi to grab a towel to dry him off. A lot of scrubbing and, to Yoongi's dismay, a lot of shaking his fur later, Jungkook was finally in a somewhat dry state. Yoongi certainly wasn't but he could just change later.

"There you go." He patted Jungkook's fur, then put the towel away. "All clean."

A happy wag on his tail, Jungkook jumped around the room, rubbing his head against Yoongi's leg when the boy got up. "Feels good to be clean?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook jumped up, putting his paws against Yoongi's chest, which almost made him lose his balance. He tried to get to Yoongi's face, but Yoongi put a warning finger up. "No."

Jungkook whined, but actually stopped trying to get to his face and instead licking Yoongi's finger. A warm smile on his lips Yoongi put his hands on both sides of Jungkook's head before pecking his nose. Almost instantly Jungkook's tail started wagging again and he put even more weight against Yoongi's chest, nearly jumping.

"Shhhh, we still have to be quiet." Yoongi warned, rubbing Jungkook's ear before carefully forcing Jungkook to get down from his chest. Unwillingly Jungkook did, instead circling around his legs, tail still wagging.

"Come on, let's get back to the shed." Yoongi whispered, opening the door and quickly glancing into the hallway before shooing Jungkook through it. The wolf moved quickly and in almost no time they were back in the shed, Jungkook happily circling Yoongi, brushing against his legs every once in a while.

Yoongi cooed. "Did you have fun."

With no warning Jungkook shifted, turning from the wolf that had just been running around while wagging his tail into a very naked man. This time it only took Yoongi half a second to react, instantly walking towards his wardrobe, grabbing sweatpants and a t-shirt and throwing them towards Jungkook, who caught them and quickly slipped into them.

"Yeah, I did." he answered, this time with his voice. Slowly Yoongi turned around, making sure Jungkook was entirely dressed, watching as the boy let himself fall onto the bed. "That was really nice... I wanna do it again." He buried his face in Yoongi's pillow.

"We might, but I should probably tell me parents about you. At least one of your two forms, so it doesn't come off as too weird if they catch me." Yoongi offered and Jungkook flipped onto his back. God the shirt was quite a bit too short and revealed half of his stomach. A very well defined stomach.

"But I don't know how to behave around them... and if you show them me as a wolf I'm pretty sure they would force you to stay away from me... I don't want that." Jungkook whined, kicking his legs like a child, ruining the attractive picture from just seconds before. Yoongi was more than glad though.

"Don't worry too much. I'll just introduce you as my boyfriend and they won't ask many questions. They are really chill with things like that." he reassured. Jungkook sat up. "Boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend is like a partner." Yoongi explained and Jungkook shook his head.

"No, I know what a boyfriend is... but you would introduce me as your boyfriend? Didn't you say that you have no interest in me like that?" Jungkook looked genuinely confused and Yoongi felt bad that he didn't have any proper answer to this.

"I don't really rule that possibility out, but before anything like that can happen, I want to get to know you." Yoongi stated. "You're really attractive and sweet but that isn't everything there is to a relationship. It's also about how comfortable I am around you and all that..."

Jungkook frowned. "You're not comfortable around me?"

"No! No, not that. I really am comfortable around you... just..." Yoongi didn't even have a proper reason as to why not. He just felt like it was too early to decide anything. Especially after Hoseok. "I've had a really bad break up recently and I just don't know if I'm ready for a relationship yet." he explained, sitting down next to Jungkook, who was watching him with curious eyes.

"But I could help you he... get over him." Jungkook tried, reaching his hands out for Yoongi. "Wanna help you..."

For some reason Yoongi could hear everything in Jungkook's voice. At this point he wasn't sure anymore whether Jungkook was just this easy to read or if he had just gotten this good at it over time. But there was one thing he really felt in the tone Jungkook was saying. He meant the part about helping Yoongi. He wasn't saying this because he wanted to convince Yoongi that dating him was a good idea. He said it because he really wanted to help Yoongi. And somehow that helped Yoongi make a decision he really had been unsure of before.


Jungkook stared at him. "What okay?"

"Let's try if things work between us." Yoongi stated, reaching his hand out and grabbing Jungkook's. "It's really weird and I only learned that you are human, like, yesterday, but the day has been long and for some reason that seems like a good decision to me right now."

Maybe it was because of how familiar Jungkook's presence felt that this seemed okay. Well, actually Yoongi had gone on dates with people he had just met the day before... even hooked up, so maybe it wasn't that weird after all. For the most part it was the strange mix of familiarity and new that made it so confusing.

"Are you serious?" Jungkook was still looking at him with those adorable, huge eyes.

"I am." Yoongi offered, smiling softly and Jungkook stared for another second or so before falling around Yoongi's neck, forcefully taking him down onto the bed, where he hugged him tightly, almost crushing Yoongi's lungs.

"Air! Air!" Yoongi tried getting out of Jungkook's arms, but the boy simply shifted his weight a bit, still hugging Yoongi, his legs kicking in the air and Yoongi was sure that those had taken over for Jungkook's tail's.

"I'm going to take such good care of you." Jungkook giggled against Yoongi's neck, burying his face in it and Yoongi couldn't help wonder what he had gotten himself into.

"Thought I was the one taking care of you?" Yoongi chuckled, still a bit breathless because Jungkook really was heavy.

"You are." Jungkook nuzzled against Yoongi's neck, like he had done so many times before, just as a wolf. "You're being really nice... I wanna give that back to you." Jungkook stated, rubbing his cheek against Yoongi's neck. "Going to protect you..." he pecked the spot right underneath Yoongi's ear and Yoongi couldn't help the cold shiver running down his spine.

"Oookay enough." Yoongi finally said, carefully peeling Jungkook off his body. "Too quick. Not my neck when you're a human. Too sensitive and too sexual." he stated tapping Jungkook's nose. "Alright?"

Jungkook frowned. "Why am I allowed to do more when I'm a wolf than when I'm human? That's unfair. You even kissed me today."

Yoongi chuckled, running his hand through Jungkook's hair. "Because I'm a lot more aware of your presence when you're human. That's a good thing. Not a bad thing." He laughed. "Sorry."

As an apology (honestly, that was an excuse) he leaned forward, pecking Jungkook's lips, which were way too soft. "Better?"

Quickly Jungkook nodded, staring down at Yoongi's lips and god it had been a while since Yoongi had felt like someone wanted him, but Jungkook was easy to read and it certainly boosted his ego a bit.

"I still want to take things slow though. As I said, I'm still a bit messed up from that break up, so I'd rather take my time with this."

Jungkook nodded eagerly. "All the time you need."



This story has to be the fluffiest shit I ever wrote

Next chapter jk and jm meet❤😂

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