Wish We Could Start All Over...

By JnxxieMonroeGriffis

2.5K 71 35

Jack is a nerd Alex is popular Alex, to keep up his social status, hates Jack. Jack however, couldn't care le... More

Nothing Personal
A Tuesday Afternoon
Why Can't Thursday Last Forever?
I Can Be Your Lost Boy
Let's Get Away
They're Coming To Get Me
I'm a Walking Travesty
My Lungs Gave Out
Long Live The Reckless And The Brave
Do It For The Memories
Do It For Baltimore
Do It For Me
I Will Shamefully Lust
Say Goodbye To The Halls And The Classes
Lazy Lover

Time Bomb

134 4 0
By JnxxieMonroeGriffis

Jack's POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Okay, I'm really freaking tired..." I stated one morning. I'd gotten out of the hospital a few days ago, and Alex was sitting next to me playing with his ring on his finger. He looked up at me.

"Wanna go back to sleep?" He asked. I shook my head and yawned.

"No, but I want this neck brace off. I feel like a dog with fleas." I sighed. "I can't even properly kiss you."

"I'd prefer you healthy and un-fractured than no neck brace and proper kisses." He stated and I frowned. He stood and looked at me, taking my uninjured hand in his and kissed me softly but properly.

"I love you, Alex." I told him. He smiled and pulled back.

"I love you too." He sat back down and kissed my shoulder.  "Besides, the doctor said your neck brace should come off in like a month, and the cast can come off about two weeks after that. So you have about a month and a half." I grumbled.

"I can't even flip my bangs from my hair." I said and tried to demonstrate, flipping the entire upper half of my body to flip the bangs. He laughed at me and held me still.

"You're gonna hurt yourself, asshole." he stated. i grabbed a pillow from beside him and put it on his lap before moving around and laying down on his lap. I smiled at him and began playing with his hair. "Plus, you look cute with a lavender cast and blue neck brace."

"I totally pull off the gimp look." I laughed. He leaned down and kissed me again before smiling. A few minutes later, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw he was leaned back and also asleep, but his phone was on the table vibrating. I managed to reach over and pick it up, seeing his mom's ID. I answered for him.

"Hello." I answered.

"Jack? Where's Alex?" She asked.

"Sleeping on the couch." I stated. "Want ms to wake him up?"

"No, just tell him when he does, he needs to come home. You can come over, too." She told me.

"Alright. I'll tell him." I replied.

"Thanks, Jack." She said and hung up. I sat his phone down and yawned. I stayed where I was for a while until he loudly snored and jolted himself awake. I watched him before he looked down.

"Hey, you're awake." He smiled. I laughed at him.

"Dipshit." I reached up and poked him. "Your mom said you have to come home when you woke up, and I'm allowed to come too."

"Did she call you?"He asked.

"No, she called you but you were asleep." I smiled. "Hey, help me up..." he helped me sit up all the way and I yawned.

"Want me to run upstairs and find you some clothes?" He asked. I gave him a thumbs up while yawning again.

"I have to pee so I'll be in the bathroom." I told him and stood up slowly and walked to the bathroom. I managed to get my shorts pulled up and after a few minutes and flush before Alex knocked. I let him in before washing my hands. He sat the clothes on the edge of the sink before I smiled at him.

"I can get my shirt, but I might need help with my pants." I told him, and he nodded.

"I'll wait. Tell me if you need help." He stated. I nodded and turned to the mirror, taking off the neck brace for a moment. I felt happy at the cool air that hit my neck, but missed the support keeping the pain away, so I quickly worked the shirt off of me and replaced it before strapping the brace back on properly. After, I got my shorts down and my legs into the jeans before groaning angrily.

"Lex..." I turned to him. He looked over and walked to me. "I can't get my pants any further."

"I've got you." He said and helped me get the jeans up and buttoned. "This would be better if your jeans weren't smaller than my arm."

"Shh. They give me a nice butt." I defended. He slipped his arms around my waist and put his hands in my back pockets.

"Indeed." He kissed my shoulder and laughed.

"We should go now." I stated. He nodded before we left the room and to the door. I slipped on my DC's and he slipped on his converse before we walked out the door. He locked it for me and handed me the key before we began walking to his house. About halfway there, I began hiccuping, and the rest of the walk was just Alex laughing while I hiccuped until my chest hurt. When we got to his house, we walked in laughing before Alex froze.

"Holy fucking shit." He blurted out. I looked where he looked and saw his mom with two other girls.

"Alex, language." His mom scolded.

"Who's that?" I asked him quietly.

"Two people I haven't seen since I was 4." He stated. He leaned on the wall before falling back against my chest, knocking me down.

"Awe, shit." I winced and put my hand on my neck. One of the two girls rushed over and pulled him off of me and leaned him on the wall, before crouching in front of him. She lightly tapped his cheek before he opened his eyes. He looked right passed her and saw me.

"Crap. Jack, I'm so sorry." He stood and carefully pulled me up.

"I'm fine." I told him and winced slightly again. He kept asking questions and making sure I was okay before I put my hand on his mouth. "Shh. I'm fine." He sighed and hugged me lightly before turning around.

"Um... Jack, this is Helen and Jillian... Helen, Jillian. This is Jack. My boyfriend. Jack, those are my sisters." Alex explained. I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Nice to meet you." I smiled at them.

"Nice to meet you, too." The one Alex called Helen smiled back.

"Why are you two here?" Alex asked, pulling his jacket tighter around himself.

"It was your birthday. And we haven't seen you since you were 4. Thats twelve years, Alex." Jillian stated. He nodded.

"I'm so sorry I haven't visited you ever." Helen put her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her before hugging her tightly. Jillian joined the hug a moment later, and I stood awkwardly while they all hugged.  When they pulled back, Helen stopped.

"Wait, did you call him your boyfriend?" She asked. Alex's face went red and he started to smile like a little kid before stepping back to me and wrapping his arms around my waist and leaned his head on me.

"Yep. For about 10 months." His face stayed red and I chuckled. She smiled at us and I blushed.

"Well good. I'm glad you found someone." Jillian stated.  Alex leaned up and kissed my cheek and I laughed.

"I'd kiss you back but I can't." I complained.  "You're too to the side." He laughed before I hiccuped again. He began laughing and leaned on my arm. "Oh my shit I'm gonna die."

"You're not gonna die." He stated.

"Plus I think your lap messed up my neck earlier." I told him.

"That's because you're not supposed to sleep with the neck brace on, you nut." He poked my stomach.

"Okay, boys. Back to earth." His mom said. I laughed before we all went to the living room and sat down.

"So, what all have you done since you moved to England?" Jillian asked.

"Um... not much really. Got through Elementary and Middle school easy, and half of high school, and everything was relatively normal." Alex shrugged.

"Only half of high school?" Helen asked. Alex sighed and looked down.

Alex's POV

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"When I turned 16, I got anxiety and depression." I told my sister. "I panicked and thought I was gonna die like... Like Tom."

"Alex, why would you think that?" Jillian turned to me and I shrugged.

"I don't know. But I didn't die, and now I'm 17 so..." I kinda shrugged. "Barely."

" He had a bit of help." Mom told them and glanced at Jack. He just blushed.

"That's true."I smiled at Jack and he stuck his tongue out. "I probably wouldn't have made it without him."

"How?" Helen asked me.

"Because like... after me and him got together, my so called friend became a really fucked up person. Then a few months later, someone moved to the school, and Jack new him, and apparently I had been in school with him in England. And he knew about Tom. He told the entire school it was my fault Tom died and called me a murderer." My voice shook and I looked down. Jack put his hand on my leg and I smiled at him. "I, uh, did the stupidest thing possible and ended up in a coma for almost four months. I probably would have died, but Jack got here just in time and screamed something at me that I refused to keep my door locked and I barely made it out of my room." 

"What did you say?" Helen looked at Jack. His face went red and he looked at me.

"We go together, or we don't go down at all." He stated. They both looked confused.

"Which basically meant if I died, he'd die with me."I told them.

"Was that the worst thing to happen?" Jillian asked.

"That was the worst so far, but other stuff has happened." Jack told them.

"I still won't wear short sleeves unless in in the studio because my sleeves catch on the guitar strings and mess me up. Our producer pointed it out." I said.

"Studio? Producer?" She asked. Mom smiled with pride and stood, handing Jillian a copy of the EP; an official copy.

"All Time Low." Helen stated looking at it.

"We're awesome, not to brag."Jack leaned back. "Probably can't play anything until I'm not injured though."

"What happened to you?" Jillian asked him.

"Someone said something to me about Alex and I, for some reason, listened to her and was speeding and got in a car wreck. My precious car flipped three times, and I got some bumps and bruises." He told her. "It was a nice car, too. I'll probably never drive again now."

"That's a lie. If your mom got you a new car just like your old one, you'd never get out of it." I turned to him. He shrugged.

"That was a beautiful car." He teased and flicked my nose.

"Wait, so if you two got together and then all that bad stuff happened, why haven't you broke up? Like... it sounds like you have a bad luck relationship. Only bad things happen." Helen asked me.

"Because even though we've both been in hospitals, we've also been to Brooklyn New York and recorded an EP with Hopeless Records in the same room as Avenged Sevenfold. We've drive across the country to Nebraska for vacation.  We've spend countless hours in our bedrooms writing songs together, singing to each other, and listening to music together. We've helped each other do things we couldn't do by ourselves, like me letting the school find out I'm bisexual. Yeah, bad things happen, but good things happen too, and all of those things overall make the bad things seem pointless. And we've kinds proven that not all teenage boys are sex addicts." I added the ending to lighten the mood, making them laugh.

"I guess you're right, Alex." She told me.

"So, basically, you're saying you don't need everything perfect to have a perfect relationship..." Jillian confirmed. I nodded and Jack smiled.

"Have you two had sex before?" Helen asked. My cheeks went hot and I looked at Jack. He held up one finger to her as an answer. "Ten months and you've only done it once?"

"Yeah. We don't even really have time for it, so it doesn't really bother either if us. With school, the band, injuries, and trying to get time to hang out with family, the only time were alone is on weekends if we're at my house and my mom works, or if we're here and Isobel has to go to work." Jack said.

"And we prefer that time for song writing, making out, and talking." I added with a smile.

"but I have a fractured neck and broken arm plus some other bumps so no making out for a while." He frowned. I looked at him before kissing him quickly. He laughed at me and laced his hand with mine. I leaned my head on his shoulder and smiled at him before he yawned again.

"Did you sleep last night?" I asked.

"Not really. My arm was bothering me." He answered. "I'll probably sleep when I'm not in braces and casts."

"Speaking of which, when do the cast and brace come off?" Mom asked him.

"A month." He groaned.

"When you're healed, I'm never gonna let you go. I'll put you in a plastic bubble if I have to." I told him. He laughed. I leaned on his shoulder and he settled against me with a smile before yawning again.

"We're a mess." He smiled at me.

"A perfect mess." I laced my fingers with his and smiled back. He tried to look down at me but could only move his eyes and sighed. I frowned and sat up so he could see me better. He lightly smiled before leaning over to kiss my cheek.

"Relationships like yours don't happen much." Helen told us. I smiled at her.

"Guess we got lucky." Jack said. "I'm so glad I decided to skip a year of gym class."

"You're such a nut." I chuckled at him. The rest of the day, we sat around, aimlessly talking to each other about random things. Eventually, Jack's mom called and said she was gonna pick him up, and he left. When he left, mom made dinner, and we ate before I went to my room to relax.


"Alex, you're phone keeps ringing." Jillian told me while I was in the kitchen with coffee. I nodded and shoved myself off the counter and walked to the living room and picked it up. I answered without looking.

"Hello." I said into the phone.

"Lex..." it was Jack's voice. I plopped onto the couch.

"Jack,  why do you sound like you're crying?" I asked.

"Um... Can you come over? I wasn't up when Mom left for work. I was trying to walk down the steps and I missed a step. I can't get up." He told me.

"Shit. I'll be over in a few minutes." I told him and hung up. I looked at my sister before standing. "If mom asks, tell her Jack needed some help and I went over for a while." I told her and changed my clothes before walking out. When I got to Jack's house, I walked to see him laying on the floor at the foot of the steps. I rushed over and crouched down. He looked up at me and I saw his eyes were red.

"Lex, I think I'm dying..." he mumbled out. He wasn't wearing his neck brace yet, so I gently slipped one hand under his head, and one around his back, sitting him up slowly, he winced badly and gasped in pain.

"I'll get your neck brace." I told him and stood up, walking up the steps and into his room. When I came back down, he was sniffling and had his hand over his face. I sat next to him and pulled his hand away. I gave him a sad look before setting the neck brace on the ground. I moved over so I was straddling his lap, and wiped his cheeks.

"Lex, I hate this..."he told me. I nodded and put my hands on the side of his neck for a bit of support.

"I know, Jack..." I said. I reached over and picked up his neck brace before he lowered my hand and leaned up to kiss me. I kissed back for a moment before pulling away. "Baby, don't hurt yourself."

"I don't even care..." he shook his head, obviously in pain, and kissed me again. I kept my hands on his neck and kissed back.  Eventually, the door opened and May walked in.

"Ew!" She squealed. "Stop on the floor for one, and Jack why aren't you wearng your neck brace?" He sighed and leaned on me. I picked up the brace and made him put it on before kissing him again quickly.

"How does your neck feel?" I asked. He shrugged slightly.

"Like a bitch." He stated. I crawled off of him and helped him up.

"Is mom home?" May asked.

"No, she's a work." Jack told her.

"When will she be home?" She asked.

"I don't know... like, 8 maybe." He sighed.

"What happened here?" She asked. He grumbled and walked to the couch. She gave he a confused look.

"He tripped and fell down the steps. He had his phone and called me to help him." I told her. She gasped and walked over to him.

"Are you okay?" She asked. He nodded as best as he could and grabbed a bottle of pain killers off the stand and took two.

"Jack, If it makes you feel better, my sisters love you." I told him and sat with him. He smiled.

"I'm glad." He told me. I kissed his chin and wrapped am arm around him.

"You're cute when you're done with people..." I smiled cheekily at him, making him laugh slightly. With that, I laid my head on his chest and let him wrap an arm around me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ Jnx

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