My Smutty Band Imagines//Fini...

By Summers13

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Book about smutty/fluffy band imagines. More

Author's Note
College Graduation with Patrick
Wedding Day
The Birthday Wentz Surprise
The Night Ryan and Brendon Got Caught
Christmas Miracles are True Mr. Urie
You're My Savior Mr. Stump
Party Plus a Good Mistake
Record Deal to Decay Dance
American Suitehearts
Thanks Pete
What a Catch, Patrick
Patrick's a Sweetheart
Ryan's BDSM Really Did Work
Dandies and the Hunters
The Masquerade Ball
Evil/Possessed Patrick
The Drug Dealer and Fedora Boy
Saint Wentz
Brallon Threesome
Dr. Benzedrine
To Be Continued...
Baby Walker
Kinky Priest Gerard

Miss Jackson turned Mrs. Urie

2.1K 32 44
By Summers13

You walk downstairs, and your mom asks, "Do you want to watch a movie with me while your father and brother are gone?"

"It depends on what movie," you say.

"You pick us one while I make popcorn," she says grabbing a bag of popcorn.

You go upstairs to your room to get a movie because the ones downstairs are for little kids. As you're searching through your collection of DVDs, a loud gunshot echos through the house. You jump and frantically search for your phone.

"Shit, I left it downstairs," you mumble as you grab a bat from your brother's room.

You quitely tip toe down the stairs. "Mom," you whisper.

Nothing. That's not good.

'Oh my God, I hope she's okay,' you think over and over again.

You peak around the staircase to see no one's there. You hesitantly tiptoe into the kitchen. You drop the bat and scream. Laying before you is your mother laying on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding her. Before you can run to get your phone, something hits the side of your head, and you black out. When you wake up,  you see trees and light poles flashing by. Your head's against the window, and your wrists are bound together with rope . Your head feels like a elephant is sitting on it. 'How did I get in a car? What happe-? Oh my God.... someone killed my mom and now they're going to kill me,' you think as tears start rolling down your cheeks. You hesitantly look over at the driver. You can't see all the details because it very dark, but you can tell he's wearing a sparkling blue suit. His hair is shaved on the sides and long on top, and he can't stop twitching. He finally notices that you're awake.

He turns to you and says, "I'm glad you're awake. I  was beginning to get worried."

"Who are you," you mumble.

He smirks and say,"My name's Brendon."

"You killed her," you mumble pressing your body against the car door.

"Duh, I had to. She was standing in our way," he laughs.

"Our way," you weakly ask.

"Yes, of us being together finally... the next person to go will be your father," he says running his fingers through his hair.

"I don't even know you, and please don't go near my family. You have me... you don't have to hurt them," you plead.

"I've been watching you for quite some time. I would never dream of hurting your brother... He's only a kid, but your father deserves to be killed," he loudly says.

"What kind of pyscho are you," you quietly ask.

He doesn't say anything.

"Where are we going," you nervously ask.

"We're here," he says.

You look out the window and see a cabin off to the side of the road through the woods. When he opens the door, you kick him in the balls and start running down the road the way you came. You hear Brendon running behind you. Before you can take another step, Brendon roughly wraps his arms around your body and throws you over his shoulder. The pain in your head is too much for you to put up a fight or stay conscious. You finally black out again. When you wake up, you're tied to a bed. Your feet and wrists are tied to the bed posts with thick rope. You struggle against the restraints but to no success.  Brendon comes walking in smirking. He's wearing a white botton up dress shirt with black dress pants.

"I had to clean the blood off of me. I didn't want you running away, so I had to tie you up," he whispers wiping his hands on his pants.

"You can untie me. I promise I won't run away," you say holding back tears.

"But where's the fun in that? More fun happens on the bed,' he says smirking.

"Don't do this...please, " you plead fighting against the restraints. 

He undos his tie and lets it drop to the floor. He up buttons his shirt and slides it off. He finally takes his pants off.

'Dang, he- no he killed mom,' you say to yourself.

He walks over to you and starts to take your shirt and pants off.

"Would you stop squirming," he sighs.

"Please don't, " you plead while tears run down your face.

"Don't worry.  I bet you'll eventually start to like.. no love it," he says climbing on top of you.

Brendon starts kissing you on the mouth. His lips are warm. He starts kissing your cheek bone.

Brendon whispers, "I'm going to make you scream  louder than you've ever screamed."

Then he slowly starts working his way down you neck to your chest. His hands slowly dance to your bra strap in the back. He undos the clasp and takes it off.

"Don't, " you beg one final time.

He smirks and slowly slips your underwear off. Brendon takes his boxers off. He suddenly thrusts himself in you. You let out a loud gasp. Before you have time to recover, he starts doing it faster and faster. He's moaning, and you bite your lips until they bleed to contain the moans. You finally can't contain them any more. You let out a series of moans.

"Oh my God," you exclaim as he thrusts himself deeper inside you.

He pulls back and says," I told you that you would love it."

Something inside of you suddenly feels attracted to him. You kiss him on the lips with this hunger. He kisses back with the same intensity.

He pulls back and whispers, "I'll untie you... if you'll be a good girl."

He nibbles at your ear, and a soft moan escapes your mouth.

"That's what I like to hear," he laughs as he unties your wrists and ankles.

You don't even move... your craving more. Brendon climbs on top of you, and you kiss him along his cheek bone. You wrap your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck. He begins to groan, and he suddenly thrusts himself inside you. You let out a loud moan, and he lets out a series of grunts. He grabs your arms and pins you to the bed. He smirks at you, and he lets his hand dance down your stomach, down your waist, to your upper thigh. He slowly rubs his hand back and forth.

"Stop teasing me and get on with it," you mumble.

"I killed your mother and kidnapped you. Last I remember, you didn't want me to do any of this," he whispers inbetween breaths.

"You've already started so finish," you whisper.

"Alright," he whispers.

He starts squeezing your thigh.

"Just focus on my hand rubbing your thigh. Focus on that feeling and let it spread throughout your whole body," he quietly whispers.

You're already focusing on his hand. Your body already feels like it's alive with electricity.

"Oh you're so wet," he whispers letting his mouth brush your ear.

Brendon leaves his hand there, and he kisses your collar bone. At that moment you're thinking that you couldn't be more physically attracted to someone even after what he did.

*Twenty long minutes later*

You lay there in the bed curled up. Brendon lays beside you rubbing your hair. You can't believe you actually liked... no loved that. After all that he's done to you... You're weirdly attracted to him even now. Eventually you fall asleep.  When you wake up, your ankles are handcuffed to the bed posts. You have a gigantic tshirt in you that could be a dress. The news is on, and you hear something sizzling. Brendon walks out of a room with a plate and a glass of milk. He just has on blue jeans. He lays it down on the bed, and you notice that there's eggs and bacon on the plate.

"Here you go," he says handing you the glass of milk.

You hesitantly take it. That's when you look at the tv. There's a old school picture of you on the screen.

A newsman says, "(Y/N) went missing from her house last night around 9:17. The police arrived on the scene after neighbors reported gun shots. They found her mother laying on the floor in a pool of blood. She was on the brink of death, but the surgeons managed to get her in stable condition. If you have seen this girl or have any information of where she might be call 1800-," Brendon turned the tv off.

'Oh my God,  she's alive,' you yell inside of your head.

"Well, I guess I didn't finish the job. Looks like I'll have to go back and finish it," he says sitting down in the chair.

The twitching has gotten smaller, but it hasn't stopped.

"Please, don't. I mean the police don't even know you took me. You have me... isn't that all you wanted from this," you try to reason. He runs his fingers through his hair and sighs. You can tell he's trying to decide.  You have to hook him in.

"I mean we could go away somewhere, and we could start a new life," you say.

Half of you regrets it the moment it comes out of your mouth, but the other half means it.

He looks at you and says, "That's not a bad idea. I wouldn't have to kill anyone else.  I could finally try and be happy."

You crawl toward the end of the bed and ask, "What do you mean, Brendon?"

He looks at you and says, "Well, a couple months ago, I had a really bad seizure. I kept having them, and after the last one I had... I had the urge... this hunger inside of me craving something. I became quick to anger, and one day I killed a girl... made it look like she killed herself. I just felt so alive when I killed her, so I've killed about 5 people making it look like suicides. Lately,  I've been craving something different... that's when I saw you walking home from school by yourself.  You just looked so lonely and sad like me. You were beautiful too. I felt drawn to you. Last night, I felt complete."

He slightly smiles.

'It's not his fault he's doing all this. He didn't have a say so about the seizures.. he couldn't stop that from happening,' you think.

He gets up and says, "I made a quick run into town while you were sleeping, and I got you hair dye, some clothes,  and contacts."

When he undos the handcuffs, you sit on the edge of the bed. He grabs a bag from behind the chair and hands it to you. You hesitantly look in the bag and pull out red hair dye, dark brown contacts, shorts, underwear, and a tshirt.

"Can I take a shower," you ask.

"Oh yeah, sure," he says running his hand through his hair.

You pack all the things in the bad and walk in the bathroom. Before you take a shower, you apply the hair dye. After you take a shower, you put your clothes. You look completely different. Your hair's a fiery red. You slowly open the contacts and put them in. You braid your wet hair and walk out of the bathroom. Brendon's sitting on the bed with bags.

"Are you ready to go," he  asks.

You let out a huge sigh and sit down beside him.

"What's a matter," he says laying his hand on your upper leg.

He leans forward and kisses you on the lips. You're surprised,  but you kiss him back. He wraps his hand around your waist and leads you to the car. You sit in the passenger seat, and he finally sits in the driver's seat.  You two head down the only road that leads out of the town. Before you get to the county line, there's a roadblock.

"Here put these on," he quickly says handing you sunglasses.

A policeman looks into the car.

"Have either of you seen this girl," he asks showing you a picture of yourself.

"No, but if I do I will call 911," Brendon says.

You stay quiet.

The police looks at you and asks, "What about you ma'ma?"

Brendon gives you a panicked look.

"I'm sorry. I haven't," you quietly mumble.

"Okay then," he says stepping back.

You and Brendon start going down the road again crossing the county line.

"You did good," Brendon whispers looking at you.

'I hope I did,' you think, but you give him a nervous smile.

                                  ** 5 Years Later **

You and Brendon made it to a town just outside Kanas City.  You changed your name, and Brendon changed his. You decided not to go back to high school instead you took online classes. Over the years,  you've actually developed real strong feelings for Brendon. Every day you began to notice Brendon starting to change for the better. At first,  he would have these awful fits where he would get so angry that he would lash out at you. He would tie you down and make you suffer, but around the 2 and half year mark the fits went away. He started to be happier than he'd ever been. At the 3 year mark, you and Brendon got married. It was a small wedding at a ranch. You invited every new friend that you made. Nine months later you had your first child. A baby boy named Josh. Brendon worked while you stayed at home and took care of him. Around the 5 year mark, you got pregnant. A baby girl named Heidi. Now, as you sit on the front porch rocking your daughter... Brendon's tossing the baseball with your son. You smile as Brendon glances at you smiling ear to ear.

"Come on you two. You need to get something to drink," you call out.

"I'm not thirsty, " Josh groans.

Brendon laughs and says, "Mind your mother. She knows better than any of us."

Brendon hands Josh a bottle of water and turns to you. You sit the Heidi in the baby pin, and he wraps his arms around you.

He kisses you on the forehead and whispers, "I love you."

"I love you too," you say smiling.

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