My stepbrothers and I (#1)...

By Hannahbananah61

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Victoria parks' world is turned upside down when her father married the mother of the two hottest guys in her... More

Chapter one - I do's and I don'ts
Chapter two - so this is my new reality
Chapter three - well I never would've thought it!
Chapter four - a mother's love is eternal... Yeah right
Chapter five - what the heck is happening?
Chapter six - everyone now knows...
Chapter seven - party!
Chapter eight - they have a brother...
Chapter nine - New York, New York it's a hell of a town...
Chapter ten - what happens in New York stays there...
Chapter eleven - family bonding
Chapter twelve - the boys find out
Chapter fourteen - dates and disasters
Chapter fifteen - through their eyes
Chapter Sixteen - back to reality
Chapter seventeen - The lake house
Chapter Eighteen - Revelations
Chapter Nineteen - Halloween
Chapter Twenty - The New Kid
Chapter Twenty-One - Celebrations and dances
Chapter Twenty-Two - Winter break comes early
Chapter Twenty-Three - Christmas Time
Chapter Twenty-Four - New Year's Celebrations

Chapter thirteen - home sweet home

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By Hannahbananah61

"Wakey wakey" the boys wake me up the next morning "get your ass up... We are going home"
"Good.. But give me five more minutes" I say sleepily
"Nope" they both say and jump on me.
My eyes snap open as I feel the bed dip either side of me as the boys slide under the covers, their hands touching every nook and cranny of my body, running their hands all over me. I feel myself shiver in delight at their touch. Why did they have this affect on me so easily... I have to be strong... Fight it...

I pout as we wait for our plane home
"Awh, come on Tori, don't be so sad... It was just a little fun" Julian says
"Well, I didn't take too kindly to be woken up like that and teased"
I could feel myself wanting him so badly, but I suppressed that urge.

I wake on the plane and I am leaning against Christian's chest. He stirs too and I look out of the window and see LA come into view.
"Jules, Chris" I say as they are both asleep "we're home" I shake them both lightly
They both open their eyes, locking them on me, and sit up

Dad is waiting for us at the airport with our bags.
"Hey honey, how was it?" He asks as we approach him and he pulls me into a hug
"It was... Exciting" I say as we put our bags in the boot
The boys just sit in the back without a word
"You haven't cut their tongues out have you?" Dad asks me jokingly referring to the boys as they shut the car door once they are in
"No... We just had a long week" I roll my eyes at him "I will tell you about it later"
We both get in the car and he drives us home.
Maddie is waiting for us when we get home and she hugs both boys as we enter the front room
"Oh how I missed my boys... How was the trip? Is your brother okay? How's little Elisabeth?"
"It was fine.. He's okay and she's fine" Julian says
"So what happened while you were there?" She asks
"We went sight seeing and had fun" I say and then turn to dad "I didn't know mom lived in New York"
"You saw her?" He asks
"Yeah... Why? Is that a problem?"
"No, I just didn't expect you to be seeing her after what happened when she was here last"
"Well, she seems to be doing well... She asked about you... she asked how you were doing I guess... I told her that you are doing okay."

The next day, Sunday... I can finally sleep until whatever time I please... Or at least I think I can...
I am woken abruptly by the sound of an air horn in my ear
"What the hell" I scream as I sit up, holding onto my ear only to see a sighing Julian holding an air horn and a laughing Christian beside him. I glare at them "you could have given me a heart attack"
They are both clutching their stomachs while they laugh
"You should see your face" Christian pointed at me while laughing
They both compose themselves and stand straight
"You have a visitor" Julian says
"Who is it?"
"Alex" Christian says with a slight, barely noticeable, frown.
"And you couldn't just send him up why?"
"Your dad specifically said that no boy... Besides us of course, is to set foot upstairs"
I sigh "fine..."
I get out of bed and pull on a dressing gown over my PJs and head downstairs
Alex is sat on the sofa in the front room and looks up as I come down the stairs.

"So Kayla and I went on a date last night" he says as I sit down next to him
"Oh really? That's great... What did you do?"
"We went to see a movie and then had some dinner"
"Did you kiss her goodnight at her door?" I had to ask... I know it's cliché, but you never know
He scratched the back of his neck nervously "yeah. I mean, spending so much time with her this week has made me rethink things and I do like her that way. I'm meeting her later and I guess I'll ask her to be my girlfriend... But me being with her won't affect what we have... I mean, I still love you, but not in the way I did... Anyway, enough about me... What happened in New York? Did you do much sight seeing and stuff?"
"Yeah, we had so much fun... I met their brother Adrian and his wife, Hayley and their daughter Elisa... Also my mom now lives in New York with her boyfriend Tony and his daughter and son, Lily and Jeremy"
"That sounds good... Kayla said something about you saying you were confused about a lot of things... What's wrong?"
"I guess I'm confused about guys... Randy mainly" I lied "I guess I don't know if I like him or hate him right now"
"Well, he's a dick... He has been saying things about you all week. First it was about you two sleeping together and then he went on saying other shit about you and then he told everyone he was joking when he said about you two sleeping together"
"Oh... Well, Julian and Christian had words with him about it I guess..."
He furrows his eyebrows "what is it with you and those two... You've become an awful lot chummy with them in a matter of two weeks... What happened in New York that you haven't told me?"
I look away from him "nothing happened" I lie
"Come on Vic... You suck at lying... I know something happened over there"
I look over at him "I told you... Nothing happened" I snap
He puts his hands up in surrender "okay, I was just wondering okay... I worried about you all week being over there with those two all alone... People are talking about it at school too... The fact that you guys just up and left without saying anything..."

The next day, I arrive at school in my beat up car and people stare as I walk inside of the school.
Randy approaches me at my locker
"Hey Vicky" he smirks at me
"What did I say about saying that? Randall" I snap
"Come on, I'm just joking around... No need to take it so seriously..."
I relax "sorry, I'm stressed out this morning... What's up?"
"I was just coming to say welcome back"
Then I remembered what Alex said "I hear you've been saying things about me..."
His smirk drops and he looks away from me "yeah... About that... I guess someone asked me about the party and it slipped out I guess"
"Well, I'm not very happy about that"
He smirks at me "come on, I was just having some harmless fun... I was trying to see if people would fall for it, which they did... But it was true anyway... We had a good time" he winks at me and moves closer, making me flush.
After what they boys did to me, I can't seem to function properly so being this close to Randy makes the heat between my legs grow.
I close my eyes and open them again and he is closer this time, close enough to kiss me.
I take in the scent of him and, though it is sweet and musky, it can't beat the smell that radiated from the twins.
"Why are you so close to me?" I ask in a low register
I look around and the halls are almost empty of people. I then see the boys start to walk down the hall and I move away from Randy
"Well. It was nice talking to you..." I say and close my locker door "...but I gotta get to class now"
As I turn to walk away he speaks "wait! We are in the same class remember? I can walk with you"
Shit! "Um... Sure" I say
I glance back once more and the boys are following closely behind us as we walk to class.
"So, I was thinking... Maybe you'd like to go see a movie later after school?" Randy asks as we walk to class
"Um... Are you asking me on a date?"
"It's just a movie... But if you see it that way then sure"
"Um..." I don't know whether to accept or deny... If I deny, he will keep coming back to me and asking, but if I accept, I can get him off of my back quicker "... Yeah sure... Sounds like fun... Straight after school?"
"Yeah... I will meet you at the movies after school" he says as we walk into the classroom and separate to our usual spots.
The boys walk into the room and sit with Randy... Obviously quizzing Randy about me in hushed tones.

On my way to meet Kayla and Alex in the cafeteria at lunch, I am pulled to the side into an empty classroom that has the blinds closed.
I am then facing Julian and Christian is behind me.
"What was that?" Julian says through gritted teeth
"What do you mean?" I ask, acting innocent
"You're going on a date with Randy?" Christian asks, his tone gruff, yet calmer than Julian's.
"Who gave you two permission to have an opinion on who I decide to go on a date with? I don't need your opinion"
"We're just looking out for you" Christian whispers in my ear from behind me which makes me shiver. I felt him smile against my ear as he figured out what affect he was having on me.
Why were they suddenly having this affect on me? Since that night in New York and they both had their way with me, but left me hanging on the edge. Maybe it is because they did leave me hanging on edge without bringing me back up again or letting me reach my climax which I had done so many times before with some of the toys which I hid in my room.
"Can I go to lunch now?" I ask as silence dawns the room
Both of their heads snap up and look at me
Christian moves back and allows me to leave, however, his hand collided with my ass as I walk out of the room.

"Vic!" I hear Alex shout me from the far end of the hallway.
"Alex!" I shout back as he approaches me and pulls me into an embrace
He pulls me away and looks at me from arms length away "you look a little flustered... What have you been up to?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me
"Ew! No... I've not been doing anything" I could feel myself turning red again
"Your tomato face says it all... You have that look on your face as if you've got sexually frustrated written on your forehead"
"Okay... Fine, since the whole... Randy thing, I've been having these urges... That are more pronounced than before... And I guess trying to pleasure myself isn't cutting it" I look down to hide my lie
He chuckles "looks like someone needs to get laid"
"Yeah, I guess so huh?"
We walk to the cafeteria and sit down with Kayla
"Hey girl" she says and Alex gives her a peck on the cheek
"Hey" I reply
"My my... Don't you look like you've just had a good time" she says
"I haven't done anything with anyone" I reply, feeling a slight blush cover my cheeks
"You're lying Vic... Don't lie to us. Who's ass are you squeezing?"
"Shut up... I'm not squeezing anyone's ass..."
She gave me a knowing look as if to say 'tell me later'
"So... I hear you're going on a date with Randy" she says. Changing the subject ever so slightly
I look down "we're just going to see a movie... No biggy"
"Ooh... So it is a date huh?"
"I guess so"

After school, I headed to the movie theatre where I met with Randy.

"Hey there" he says as I approach him "what movie do you wanna see?"
"Um... I don't know... The hunger games?" Even though I had already seen this film, I wanted to see it again I guess
His eyes brighten and a smile appears on his face "sure" His smile faded and was replaced by a frown as I pulled out my purse and he stops me before I have taken it out fully "don't worry... I got this... I can tell you don't date very often"
I let go of my purse, letting it fall back into my bag, nodding at him.

We sit down in the movie theatre and wait for the movie to start. I nibble at the popcorn in my hands nervously as the film finally starts.

Christian's POV (yes I'm dipping into this only a little, but I wanted you to get an idea of what at least one of the boys were thinking) -

After what happened in New York, I couldn't help my thoughts of her. I know it's difficult for anything to happen with us, because of mom and her dad, but I just couldn't help myself and the way that my brother and I were able to do what we did to her, it got my mind racing.

"I can't believe we are actually going to do this" I say as we make our way to the movie theatre to spy on their 'date'
He doesn't say anything and just keeps driving, his hands gripping the wheel tightly, so tight that his knuckles were turning white

He finally pulls up close to the theatre and we see Randy walk in.

Trying not to be seen, we head in too and wait. She finally shows up which we thought she wouldn't do and he smiles at her.
We just about hear what movie she picks and wait until they have gone in and get our own tickets, sitting a few rows behind them, and head in. If anything, Randy would have chosen to sit a few rows down from the back... Not too close to the back as to make sure not to scare her into anything and not too far to the front as to not be able to do anything with her. He learnt from the best.

The movie starts and she shovels popcorn in her mouth nervously, showing the discomfort she felt as she doesn't do dating... That this is her first ever date.
We are at lease twenty minutes into the movie and he doesn't do anything... But then he shuffles closer to her and places an arm around her shoulders, never hesitating.
She stiffened slightly and he whispered something in her ear and she relaxed.
She turned her head to look up at him and smiled at him, looking back at the screen.

About an hour into the movie and he leans down and says something in her ear which makes her stiffen at the closeness of him to her like that. Something she didn't do when I did that to her.
She looked up at him, biting her lip and the he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers, his lips lingering there before he pulled away. She looked as though she wanted more, but he didn't give it to her.
I look over at my brother and he looks about to flip, but he stands and I nod before leaving with him.
He slams his fist on the steering wheel as we sit in the car
"Jules man, you gotta chill... She will come to us when the time is right... You have to control yourself... Don't worry, she still wants us... She'll realise that" I say
"But what makes things worse is that our mom and her dad are married... I know it's not like she's blood, but she almost is..."
"Things will turn out well... Don't worry..."
"You sure?" He asks
"Positive" I reply and he starts the car, driving home.

Vic's POV -

"I know I shouldn't have had that large soda" I say as I run out of the theatre toward the ladies room and relieving myself.
I walk out of the women's room and he is waiting for me outside.

He walks me to my car and we stop at it.
"So... Do you fancy going on another date?" He asks as he stands in front of me as I lean against my car
"When?" I ask, a little too eagerly
"How about Tomorrow? Same time? But this time I'm taking you to dinner"
"Wow! A second date so quickly?"
"But I liked this one so much, I want to go out again tomorrow night"
He inches closer to me, I feel my core ache with need as he now stands in front of me, his body now pressed against mine.
He leaned down, but disputed my urges, I moved away
"Randy... One step at a time... Maybe we should leave it at one date... I'm very confused at the moment"
"Okay, we won't go on a date tomorrow... I'll back off and give you some room to breathe and think about going on a second date with me... But at least, one kiss?"
I bite my bottom lip, but before I could answer, his lips were on mine, pulling me closer to him.
I felt my core burning with desire as my arms wrapped themselves around his neck. His hands rested on my hips and I felt an urge to move his hands down to my ass, but suppressed it and he pulls away from me.

I finally arrive home and the boys are sat in the front room
"So, how was your um... Date?" Christian asked
"It was... Good" I say with a smile and head up the stairs to my room.

Oh how glad I was to be home... But it didn't seem like the home I left behind when I went to New York but a new kind of home... Something I would grow to love with time...


Okay, so this is the next chapter... I know, boring right? But I guess this all leads up to the greatness that is going to be the end... I just wanted to show how possessive the boys can be with girls that they both have feelings for...
The next chapter will have more of Alex and Kayla in, also should Vic tell them what happened in New York?
Lily and Jake will be in the next chapter also... And Mary-Anne. Plus Randy will have more of a recurring role in the next few chapters.
Hope you enjoy...
Thanks for reading :)

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