Gone and Forgotten - Spinel x...

By CrystalUniverse_

35.1K 807 359

Y/N has lived with Steven and the Crystal Gems for most of his life. All it took was one day, to change his l... More

Chapter 1 - An Emergency
Chapter 2 - Here We Are
Chapter 3 - Who are you?
Chapter 4 - Your New Best Friend
Chapter 5 - Hijinks Will Ensue
Chapter 6 - Like a Rock Show!
Chapter 7 - The Garden
Chapter 8 - Change (Finale)
Episode 1 - Homeworld
Episode 2 - Nightmares
Episode 3 - Unexpected Events
Episode 4 - Departure
Episode 5 - Loss
Episode 6 - Something New
Episode 7 - Reunion
Episode 8 - Trauma
Episode 9 - Training
Episode 10 - Date Night
Episode 11 - A Thought
Episode 12 - Friendly Help
Episode 13 - Lets Play a Game
Episode 14 - Diamonds
Episode 16- Tag You're It
Episode 17 - Together
Season 2 Ep 1 - Surprise!
Season 2 Ep 2 - The Diamond Way
Season 2 Ep 3 - The Wrong World
Season 2 Ep 4 - Know your Enemy
Season 2 Ep 5 - Going to Kindergarten
Season 2 Ep 6 - Allergies
G&F - Art Book

Episode 15 - The Full Story

540 15 2
By CrystalUniverse_

Y/N: Well where do I begin? *sighs* Here's the full story.

~Beach City: Nine Years Ago~

It was a beautiful day in Beach City, the waves were calm and the seagulls flew high in the sky as the ocean breeze blew through the town. Y/N runs down the streets holding tupperware filled with food. He waves to everyone he sees before running up the car wash driveway to see Mr.Universe washing his van.

Y/N: *waves* Hi Mr.Universe!

Greg: *Looks from his van and waves* hey kiddo! How are ya?

Y/N: I'm doing amazing! Here! *hands him the tuppereware* Mom wanted you to have this!

Greg: *looks at it with starry eyes* It wouldn't happen to be her famous cooking would it?

Y/N: *laughs* Maybe~

Greg: *opens it and sniffs* Oh it smells soooooo goooood!

Y/N: *shrugs* That's mom's cooking for ya!

Greg: *ruffles Y/N's hair* Thanks, kid! *Y/N laughs* Y'know, you gotta hang out with Steven sometime! You two would get along great.

Y/N: Maybe later, I gotta get back home, mom and dad are waiting for me!

Greg: *a concerned look grows on his face* Oh are you sure?

Y/N: *rubs the back of his head* Yeeaahhh.

Greg: *sighs* Well alright, just be safe.

Y/N: *he waves and begins to run* I will Mr.Universe, bye!

Greg: *waves* Bye kiddo!

Y/N runs through the town passing multiple houses until he nears the edge of town. He walks up the driveway of his home and opens the front door and closes it behind him.

Y/N: Mom? Dad?

Mom: *peeks out from kitchen* Hi sweetie!

Y/N: Hi mom! *he runs up to her and the two hug* Mr.Universe loved the food!

Mom: *smiles* I knew he would.

Y/N looks up confused seeing her eye bruised and swollen.

Y/N: Mom? What up with your eye?

Mom: O-Oh I, *she covers her eye with her hand* fell while you were out...

Y/N: *hugs her tighter* Again?

Mom: Yeah..but I'm okay. I promise.

Y/N: A-alright, but you gotta be careful next time. *he pulls away* Where's dad?

Mom: He's upstairs but he doesn't wan-

Y/N: *begins to run upstairs* I'm gonna go say hi!

Mom: Y/N wait!

Y/N runs upstairs calling for his dad but there's no response. He knocks on the bathroom door but no reply then playfully puts his hand to his chin and thinks of where he could be. He walks to his parent's bedroom door and opens it but is met with a slap to the face. Y/N holds his cheek and looks up seeing his dad. "He wreaks of booze again."

Dad: What did I fucking tell you about knocking before entering!?

Y/N: *tears swell in his eyes* I-I'm sorry sir...

Dad: *sighs and rubs his eyes* Whatever, just go downstairs and tell your mom I'm hungry.

Y/N: A-Alright...

Y/N sulks his way downstairs holding his now bruised cheek in his hand. He walks into the kitchen seeing his mom drinking something. She notices him and quickly hides the bottle of vodka behind her on the counter.

Y/N: Hey mom? Dad wants-

Mom: *she runs up to him and holds his face* What happened to your cheek!

Y/N: I forgot to knock again...

Her expression turns sour before turning to a caring smile. She kisses him on the cheek before hugging him.

Mom: Everything is going to be okay. Everything's going to be better. I promise.

Y/N: Mom?

Mom: Y/N, honey?

Y/N: Y-yeah mom?

Mom: I think I forgot my phone at the car wash. *smiles* Could You be my hero and bring it back for me?

Y/N: *grows a face full of determination pulling away from the hug and playfully salutes* I'll bring it back sir!

Mom: *laughs* I love you, my little warrior.

Y/N: I love you too mom!

He starts to run out but she grabs his arm and pulls him in for one more hug. He looks up at her confused as she savors the hug before hesitantly letting him go. She waves him goodbye as he quickly runs out of the house determined to return her phone. She sighs and her sour expression returns as she looks the counter seeing her phone sitting there next to the kitchen knives. Y/N runs as fast as he can to the car wash and sees Greg sitting on a lawn chair right outside his van.

Y/N: *waves* Hey Mr.Universe!!!

Greg: Huh? *opens his eyes to see little Y/N* Back so soon? *he rubs his stomach* Tell Mary the meal was amazing! *looks at his bruised cheek* What happened to your face!? Did you get hit in the face by a waffle iron or something?

Y/N: Oh..I, *rubs his cheek* my dad got mad for not knocking before entering.

Greg: What!? He hit you!?

Y/N: *nervously chuckles* Yeah, but it's fine, really! It's my fault. I shouldn't have walked in without knocking.

Greg: *He kneels down and puts his hand on the kid's shoulder* He still shouldn't have hit you.

Y/N: *puts his head down* I-I know. He a good person, he just gets mad sometimes.

Greg: *smiles* You remind me of my kid. You two always want to see the good in people, but Y/N. Not everyone's a good per-

Y/N's phone begins to ring. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and looks to see that his mom is calling.

Y/N: *answers* Mom? You found your phone?

Dad: Where the hell are you!? *Y/N pulls his phone away from his ear from the sudden screaming* Get home right now!

Y/N: Y-Yes sir. I'll head home right now. I love you dad- *he is cut off by the call abruptly ending* Dad wants me home.

Greg: *looks at him concerned* I heard.

Y/N: *puts his hands in his pockets* Yeah.

Greg: I'll come with you.

Y/N: *smiles* You don't have to Mr.Universe.

Greg: *ruffles Y/N's hair* Come one kiddo.

Y/N: *softly laughs* Alright.

Greg begins to walk with Y/N but he begins to lead Y/N in a different direction.

Y/N: Mr.Universe? This isn't the way home.

Greg: I know, we're just taking a short cut.

They pass by Fish Stew pizza and Greg waves to Kofi and his kids. Jenny and SourCream walk out and the two say goodbye to each other before SourCream walks off.

Jenny: Hey there Mr.Universe *looks down next to him and sees Y/N* and hello to you too little man!

Y/N: Hey! I've grown!

Jenny: *laughs* Like what, an inch?

Y/N: *crosses his arms and blushes* I grew three inches thank you very much.

Jenny: Oh my bad, Mr.Tall Man.

Y/N: *giggles* Yeah! I'm Mr.Tall Man! *hugs Jenny*

A small voice can be heard in the distance and Greg and Jenny look over to the beach seeing Steven running over to them. He's a small kid with a red shirt that's decorated with a bright yellow star. The shirt seems to be too big for him but he doesn't care.

Greg: Schtuball! *Steven jumps into Greg's arms and the two hug* Oh this is perfect! Steven meets Y/N. *Steven looks at Y/N* I used to babysit him!

Jenny: Used to? *laughs* He still is a baby!

Y/N: Hey! I'm eight now!

Steven: *waves and jumps out of Greg's arms* Hi! I'm Steven!

Y/N: Hi! I'm Y/N! Greg told me all about you! Is it true you're half alien??

Steven: *chuckles* Yup! *he lifts his shirt up revealing a pink gem* My mom was a gem!

Y/N looks at the gem embedded in the boy's belly button seeing his reflection. Even tho he doesn't know what a gem is, he still gets excited.

Y/N: Ooooo that's so cool! You gotta tell me about it!

Steven: Alright! Come on I'll show you everything! Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst can teach you everything you wanna know about gems at the temple!

Y/N: The temple? *looks up at Greg* Can I go with Steven!?

Steven: *looks at his dad with starry eyes* Yeah can he!?

Greg: I'm sorry Steven but he can't right now, his dad wants him home.

Steven: Awww okay, How about tomorrow?

Y/N: Sure!

Steven: *the two high five* Awesome!

Dad: There you are! *Y/N quickly turns around* Your mom and I were worried sick! *he hugs Y/N* Are you okay?

Y/N: *confused* I'm fine?

Dad: Good. *holds his hand* Let's go home.

Y/N: A-alright dad. *he looks and sees Greg and Jenny with a worried looks* Bye guys.

Greg & Jenny: *waves* Bye Y/N.

Steven: *Waves* Bye, remember tomorrow!

Y/N and his dad walk home with his dad being silent the entire time with the occasional twitch. Every time Y/N would try to say something he's just met with more silence. Once they enter their house his dad's smile quickly fades. Y/N looks around and sees that the house is completely trashed with furniture knocked over and lamps broken.

Y/N: Dad? What happened? Where's mom?

Dad: She's gone.

Y/N: *looks up at him* What?

His dad backhands him sending him to the floor.


Y/N: *he chokes on his tears* w-what?

Dad: *stands over the kid* She's not coming back.

Y/N: *bursts out crying* Dad!? What do you mean? Why did you hurt me!?

Dad: *points at the stairs* TO YOUR ROOM NOW!

Y/N runs up the stairs and slams his bedroom door behind. He climbs on his bed curls up in the corner.

Sunlight shines through his bedroom window and Y/N begins to wake up slowly opening his eyes. He rubs his eyes and walks downstairs and looks to the couch expecting to see his mom but the room was empty, clean but empty.

Dad: I never said you could leave your room.

Y/N jumps and sees his dad standing alone in the kitchen. He begins to shiver as his dad leaves the kitchen and walks up to him.

Y/N: I-I'm sorry sir...I-

Dad: Go. Back. Upstairs.

Y/N: But-

Dad: Now.

Y/N quickly runs back upstairs and closes his door. He lays down in his bed looking at the ceiling hearing nothing but silence. As he lays there he hears knocking on the front door making him sit up and run to his bedroom door and peaks out. He looks down the stairs to see his dad at the door with Steven on the other side.

Steven: Hey Mr.L/N! Is Y/N home?

Dad: Sorry, no.

Steven: Awww what?

Dad: Yup sorry kid, he cants play right now.

Steven: Okay...well could you tell him I said hi when he gets back?

Dad: Sure.

He closes the door in Steven's face and looks up the stairs seeing Y/N peaking his head out the door. Y/N quickly pulls his head back inside his room and closes the door. He lays against the door and hears heavy footsteps going up the stairs followed by banging.

Dad: Open the door!

Y/N: *he slowly opens his door and looks at the ground* Yes sir?

Dad: Who was that?

Y/N: His name's Steven, he's Mr.Universe's son.

Dad: Oh he's that waste of a life's son? *crosses his arms* I'm surprised that piece of lard even got laid.

Y/N: d-don't call him that...

Dad: *glares at him* Excuse me? What did you say?

Y/N: N-nothing sir...

Dad: That's what I thought.

He pushes Y/N back into his room causing him to fall to the floor. He slams the door shut and stomps into his room slamming it shut. Y/N is left alone again confused

~Six Days Later~

It's four in the morning, Y/N slowly creeks his door open and looks around. The house is pitch black without a single light on. He can hear his dad snoring in the other room and Y/N begins to sneak out of his room, he looks down at his stomach as it rumbles. He begins to sneak downstairs and walks through the living room. A strong putrid odor hits his nose, nearly making him puke. As he walks into the kitchen the smell grows stronger and stronger.

He opens the fridge expecting some kind of really expired meat to be sitting in there but nothing, the fridge is completely empty. He looks to the counter and sees a bag of sliced bread. He quickly opens the bag and eats multiple slices, but he stops when he hears his name being called. Y/N quickly drops a slice of half-eaten bread and turns around with happiness expecting to see her there, but all he sees is a dark house.

Y/N: M-mom?

He starts to look around the house hoping to find her but still nothing. He walks back into the kitchen in hopes to hear his mom again. A small knocking sound can be heard from the pantry causing him to quickly turn to look at it seeing that there is a lock on the door. He walks close to it and the smell gets stronger. He gags while trying to open it but the kitchen lights suddenly turn on.


Y/N: *he grits his teeth* I WAS HUNGRY! I HAVEN'T EATEN IN SI-

Dad: *slaps Y/N in the face* Don't you dare raise your voice at me!

Y/N feels the burning sting on his cheek and something begins to boil inside him. He clenches his fist and tries to punch his dad but he grabs his wrist and punches him in the gut. Y/N falls to the ground huddled over holding his stomach crying. His dad picks him up by his arm and drags him up the stairs and throws Y/N back in his room closing the door behind him. Y/N quickly gets up and bangs on the door with tears streaming down his cheeks.



Y/N: WHY!? *a dark thought came to his mind* W-WHAT DID YOU DO!? *his dad doesn't reply* DAD!?

Dad: YOU WERE AN ACCIDENT, YOU KNOW THAT? THAT'S WHY SHE LEFT! SHE COULDN'T FUCKING STAND YOU! *locks the door* You're not leaving this room.

Y/N: D-dad!? *starts to bang on the door again* No! Don't! Please, don't do this! *he hears his dad walk off, he slides down the door and grabs his head crying* mom..I want my mom... I want my mom...
Y/N: It's my fault...

Y/N wakes up to the sound of a drill and sits up against the door. He rubs his head looking at the door realizing he slept on the floor all night. He looks around trying to find the source of the sound and sees his dad drilling bars against his window. He quickly gets up and opens the window.

Y/N: Dad!? What are you doing!? *no reply* DAD!?

His dad begins to climb down the ladder and picks it up putting it back into the garage. He walks back inside and walks up the stairs. Y/N franctically searches around for anything to defend himself and finds his old baseball bat under his bed gets ready. The door unlocks and opens slightly with a bag of chaaaaps being thrown into the room as the door closes and re-locks. Y/N looks at the bag then back at the door before grabbing it and desperately eating them.

~Eight Days Later~

Banging can be heard on the front door and Y/N's dad quickly runs downstairs to open it. Y/N puts his ear against the door to listen. His dad opens the door revealing Greg and Garnet are on the other side looking pretty mad.

Dad: Greg, what do you want?

Greg: *looks at him angrily* Jason, where is Y/N and Mary. *he covers his nose* and what is that awful smell?

Jason: They're out right now. *he tries to close the door but Garnet quickly puts her hand against the door*

Garnet: *says in a stern tone* Where are they.

Jason: And whos this Greg? Another woman you're gonna screw to death?

Greg looks at him disgusted by his words and punches him in the face knocking him to the ground. Y/N after recognizing Greg's voice begins to bang on his door and shout for him trying to get the two's attention.

Greg: Y/N!?

Garnet pushes Jason out of the way and Greg runs upstairs. He tries to open Y/N door but it doesn't budge. Garnet walks up next to him and summons her gauntlet punching the door open. Y/N quickly runs out and hugs Greg.

Y/N: G-Greg! *he buries his face into Greg's chest crying*

Greg: It's okay, *hugs him* I've got you.

Jason runs up the stairs with a knife and tries to hurt Greg but Garnet grabs him and pushes him back down the stairs. He gets up with a smile and runs to the kitchen with Greg and Garnet quickly following him with Y/N close behind. A loud bang is heard as Garnet quickly blocks the shot aimed at Greg. Jason raises his gun and nearly empties his magazine but Garnet grabs all of the bullets. Garnet runs up and grabs his wrist that's holding the gun crushing it. He falls to his knees and grabs his wrist.

Y/N: *eyes full of tears* Dad!? Where's mom!?

Dad: *looks at terrified Y/N* Sh-she's here...


Garnet: Greg. Take Y/N into the other room.

Y/N: No! I have to find mom!

Greg: It'll be okay, we'll find her.

Greg takes Y/N into the other room and sits him down on the couch. Garnet walks to the pantry and breaks the lock. The two can hear her gasp from the other room followed by a loud crash. Garnet has thrown Jason into a wall then picking him back up, smashing him into a cabinet.

Garnet: How could a human be so cruel!? How could you do that to the person you love!? *punches him across the face* Did you even love her!? *she raises her gauntleted fist ready to crush him but turns around and sees Y/N looking over Greg's shoulder*

Y/N: I-is she okay? *he gets up and runs to the kitchen*

Greg: Y/N wait don't!

Garnet: *blocks the kid's way* Y/N. *she kneels in front of him and takes off her visor and looks at him with tears in her eyes* S-She's gone.

Y/N: What do you mean-

Y/N looks over her shoulder and his face turns to pure horror as he sees his mom's bloodied and lifeless corpse crudely shoved in the pantry. He begins to scream trying to get over to her but Garnet hugs him tightly holding him back. Greg looks on and hugs him as the kid begins to emotionally break down. Jason looks at the horrified look on his son's face and then looks to his gun.

Jason: I..I love you Y/N. *Y/N looks at him* But you took her from me!

He grabs his gun and shoves it in his mouth, Garnet tries to stop him but a loud bang is heard as red shoots everywhere painting the wall behind him. Y/N is frozen in place, with the loud bang still echoing through his ears, he raises his shaking hand and rubs his cheek. He looks down at his hand and sees his father's blood staining his hand.

Greg: Y-Y/N, I... I'm-

Y/N clenches his fist while staring at his lifeless parents that laid before him. He quickly breaks free from the hug and runs out of the house into the distance.

Greg & Garnet: Y/N!

They try to give chase but once they leave the house they can't see him anywhere.

~HomeWorld: Present Day~

Y/N: *takes a deep breath* And that's the full story... *Spinel hugs him tightly with tears in her eyes* Whoa, hey I-I'm okay. *He puts his hand to her cheek and she leans against it kissing his scarred palm* Thank you, for everything.

Spinel: You don't have to thank me ya goof.

Y/N: I love you Spinel.

Spinel: I love you too Y/N. *the two close in for a passionate kiss*

Doc: *barges into the room* Hey guys! WHAT THE- *she dodges a flying pillow*

Spinel: Get out! We're havin' a moment!

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