Game Changer

By MomoTeuwaiseu

10.3K 328 416

Yujin decided to be a third-wheel on her brother's date in order to escape doing some household chores. Littl... More

Unexpected Day
First Day
Unexpected Meeting
An Awkward Day
Imperfect Girl
Perfect Day
Good Girl Gone Bad
What's Happening?
What Went Wrong?
One Week
Sweet Talker
White Lies
No Way
The Favor
Consent Pt. 1
Consent Pt. 2
Consent Pt. 3
Consent Pt. 4
The Cure
Lost in Japan
Wrong Move
Unsaid Memories

She Knows Everything

317 10 12
By MomoTeuwaiseu

School break is over and Ms. Kwon was instructed to go to Ms. Kang's office. As she entered the room, she saw the other woman sitting in her table and drinking a cup of coffee while reading some papers.

Ms. Kwon was happy to see an amazing view in front of her.

"Hello, Ms. Kang. I was instructed to go to your office."

"Ahhh yes. Please take a seat." Ms. Kang smilingly said.

Eunbi did what was instructed to her and sat in front of the other girl.

"So, I know you are aware that university admissions are coming up."

"Yes, I know. I think most of the students are starting to prepare themselves." Ms. Kwon replied.

"I am planning to organize a review session for the students in your section. You're handling the first section in Building B right?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I already told this to the adviser of the Building A (Elite building). She gladly approved this plan. We already instructed someone for their class."

"I see, Ms. Kang. Are both sections gonna have the same instructor?"

"I don't think that is possible since both will be scheduled on the same time but in a different room."

"What? Even the review session will still be different from the both sections?"

"It was the condition of the faculty in Building A in order to maintain the "quality" of the students' learning environment."

Eunbi was frustrated with what she is hearing right now. She can see the discrimination rising between the both sections.

"Actually, Ms. Kwon, this program is really exclusive for Building A. However, I really don't like the way they belittle students in Building B. That is why I am offering this challenge to you. I know your students can have the same grade with those in Building A. In the last day of the review session, I will make an exam that will test the capabilities of the students of both sections.

The section of the student who will get the first rank will be the winner. If Building B would be the winner, they can participate to the intensive review package offered by the National Government that will be held 1 month before the admission exams for free. I know you are aware that this is only exclusive for selected group of students around Seoul. It is very hard and expensive to attend in this review. Imagine the advantages your students can have if they are able to attend this high-class review."

Ms. Kwon can't really absorb anything. All she understand is that this review session will be a battle between Building A and B.

"You seem really confident with my section, Ms. Kang."

"I am. You have Ahn Yujin. She's one of the brightest in the school. You must encourage her to participate in this review session without disclosing this plan. Only you and I know this plan because I must also encourage you to do well."

"If Yujin is one of the brightest, why is she in Building B?"

"She just.."

Eunbi saw the shift of Hyewon's eyes. She saw that it became full of guilt.

"did not made it to the cut-off."

"Okay. So when are you planning to tell everyone about this competition thing?" Eunbi asked.

"On the day of the examination."

"Wow, you really are a weird woman."

"I know." Ms. Kang chuckled.

"So, who will be the instructor for our section?"

"It's Kim Minjoo."

"Ehhhh???? My sister?? But, why?"

"She's smart and she's your sister. You can nag her all day if she's not doing her job well. Besides, Yujin is friends with Minjoo."

"Ms. Kang, Building A is having a well-known review teacher and you're giving us my sister?"

"Ms. Kwon. Building A and B will have the same-level instructor because it is costly to hire well-known teachers. I can assure you that compared to the two instructors, Minjoo is smarter. By the way, Minjoo already agreed to this deal." Ms. Kang laughingly stated.

Ms. Kwon has no choice but to sigh. It seems like the plan is already final and Minjoo already agreed to this. How can she seperate the Minjoo and Yujin now?

"I think you should announce it at their lunch break to get their names. Make sure Yujin will register. She's our only hope. And don't disclose to them their instructor."

"Okay, Ms. Kang."

Eunbi stood and bowed at the other woman who smiled dearly at her.

"You can do it, Ms. Kwon. FIGHTING!"

Hyewon continued reading some of the documents while sipping her coffee. She remembered the conversation that happened 3 years ago.

"Hello, Mr. Miyawaki. How can I help you?"

"Do you know Ahn Yujin?"

"Ah yes! She's an incoming 2nd year student."

"Does she made it to Building A?"

"Mr. Miyawaki, I think it is a private matter."

"Just answer me."

"Uhm. Yes. She made it to the cut-off."

"Well, tell her she did not made it. I can't let her go near with my daughter."

"I don't understand. Your daughter is on her junior year."

"I know. Just stop asking questions and do what I ask you to do."

"Okay, Mr. Miyawaki."

After that conversation, she did what she was instructed to do. She has no choice since Mr. Miyawaki paid the debt of her father and her tuition fees. That explains why Yujin is stuck on Building B till her Senior Year.

It was all in the past but it seems like Hyewon can't stop thinking about it whenever she see Yujin and Sakura. This made her curious about the thing between the Ahn and Miyawaki.

Hyewon is a smart girl. She is extremely smart. That is why after she graduate college with Eunbi, she was offered to teach for one year and was promoted as the school's principal. Despite of her brain, it was difficult for her to study due to her family's finances. Her mom died when she was in high school while her father has a huge debt from loansharks which forced the girl to work on a part-time job. That is where she met Mr. Miyawaki.

Mr. Miyawaki really loves to recruit smart people like Hyewon in order to work in favor of him. He made a deal with Hyewon indicating that he will pay for her father's debt and will provide her everything that she'll need until she have a stable job.

But here are the conditions, (1) she should be part of the school's top 10 students, (2) she should be promoted on a high position of her office in the span of 5 years and lastly, (3) she should never turn her back to Mr. Miyawaki or even Sakura. If she disobeyed any of the three conditions, Mr. Miyawaki will make sure that Kang Hyewon never existed.

The first two conditions was easy but the last one was quite difficult. Even though she don't want to do some things instructed by Mr. Miyawaki such as removing Yujin from the Elite class, dropping Sakura from the guitar lessons, and many more, she have no choice but to follow it. Thus, she is planning to work secretly in bringing Mr. Miyawaki down.

She finished drinking her coffee and reading the last page of the documents.

She stood up and put the documents in the box with the name, MGC.

She put the box in a hidden vault and smirked.

Kang Hyewon knows everything.


Ms. Kwon announced the program and luckily Yujin seemed to be interested. She remembered that Minjoo can't be with Yujin since they haven't figured anything yet. Even if Yena already left, they still keep in touch in order to talk about the thing with Minjoo and Yujin.

She finalize the list and a total of five students was listed. The smaller the class size, the better their performance will be. She need to focus first in this challenge then think about the Yujin-Minjoo thing once this is over.

She packed her things and went home.

At Eunbi and Minjoo's Residence

Eunbi went inside and saw her sister studying a material for the review session tomorrow.

"Minmin, I heard you're going to be the review instructor in my class. Why did you not tell me about it?"

"Unnie, I'm sorry for not telling you about this. Ms. Kang's plan seemed to be interesting."

"So Hyewon told Minjoo about the challenge, huh?" Eunbi thought. She knew this conversation will lead to nowhere so she decided to proclaim defeat.

"Fine. Just do well on that review session but make sure you won't sacrifice your studies."

"Yes, unnie. My class for this semester are all scheduled in the morning. Don't you worry about it."

Eunbi went to her room and Minjoo was left in the living room.

Minjoo suddenly remembered the conversation Hyewon had with her.

2 days ago

Minjoo is preparing her stuff for school. School break ended so fast and everything is back to normal.

*riiing riiing*

Minjoo saw that an unknown number is calling her.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello, Kim Minjoo. This is Kang Hyewon."

"Ms. Kang! What's the matter?"

"Can we meet tonight? I have a proposal for you. I'll send the details."

"Uhmm. Okay."


Minjoo saw Hyewon at the coffee shop and quickly entered.

"What do you want to talk about, Ms. Kang?"

"Please call me, Unnie."

"Okay, unnie. So, what are we going to talk about?"

"It's about your childhood memories."

Minjoo was surprised with Hyewon's answer. She know the other girl was not present when she shared it during the sleepover. How on earth do Kang Hyewon know about her lost memories?

"You look so surprised, Minjoo-shi. I am not the bad guy here."

"Uh... Uhmm. What about my childhood memories?" Minjoo asked while keeping a straight face.

"You see, I know everything. However, I can't use my mouth to spill the truth."

"But, why?"

"Telling you the truth can kill me and every person I love."

"That's why, I am going to help you find the truth." Hyewon continued.

Minjoo did not expect that her lost memories can have a deeper backstories and revelation.

"I don't understand. How sure I am that you are trustworthy?"

"Just... Follow me. Okay?" Hyewon answered.

"What's the first plan?"

"Be the review instructor of your sister's class."

"But, why?" Minjoo asked.

"It would be a challenge between Building A and B. In order for you to really win the first clue, the top scorer must be coming from Building B."

Hyewon can't really tell Minjoo everything. Thus, he is using some kind of games in order to make Minjoo closer to Yujin. She believed that they can both restore their memories easily if they are close to each other.

Another reason why she chose to approach Minjoo rather than Yujin because it is the easiest way. If Mr. Miyawaki saw Hyewon getting closer with Yujin, he will definitely be mad at the girl. If she'll choose Minjoo, Mr. Miyawaki can't have a bad feeling about it because he don't have any idea that Hyewon knew everything, and he will think that everything is just purely coincidence.

"So, I am going to teach and if I win, you can tell me the first clue?"

"Yes, Minjoo."

"Okay, so can you atleast tell me what the first clue is all about?"

"Fine. If that will motivate you to do your best. It's about your sister, Kwon Eunbi."

Minjoo was intrigued with what Hyewon stated.

"Are you in, Ms. Kim Minjoo?"

"Count me in."


Minjoo can remember clearly what Hyewon said to her about Eunbi. What does her sister have to do with her lost memories?

"Arrrgh. I need to win this." the girl whispered to herself. She's desperate to know the truth. And for the mean time, she knew that she can trust her Hyewon-unnie.


The next day

Minjoo is on her way to her room. Eunbi told her that there will be a total of 5 students so she does not need to worry about the student-teacher ratio.

Minjoo is a smart girl. She know that she can do it.

She opened the door and to her surprise, she saw the girl she is yearning for..

"Ahn Yujin." she thought.

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