ATLA- Faith's Story

By smollpika

42.1K 1K 195

After becoming a young AirBending prodigy she decides to risk her life to run away with her best friend. She... More

Book 1 Chapter 1: In the Iceberg
Chapter 2: The Avatar Returns
Chapter 3: The Southern AirTemple
Chapter 4: The Warriors of Kyoshi
Chapter 5: The King Of Omashu
Chapter 6: Imprisoned
Chapter 7: Winter Solstice part 1~ The spirit world
Chapter 8: Winter Solstice Part 2~ Avatar Roku
Chapter 9: The WaterBending Scroll
Chapter 10: Jet
Chapter 11: The Great Divide
Chapter 12: The storm
Chapter 13: The Blue Spirit
Chapter 14: The FortuneTeller
Chapter 15: Bato Of The WaterTribe
Chapter 16: The deserter
Chapter 17: The Northen AirTemple
Chapter 18: The WaterBending Master
Chapter 19: The Siege Of The North Part 1
Chapter 20: The Siege Of The North Part 2
Book 2: Chapter 1: The Avatar State
Chapter 2: The cave of two lovers
Chapter 3: Return to Omashu
Chapter 4: The swamp
Chapter 5: Avatar Day
Chapter 6: The blind bandit
Chapter 7: The chase
Chapter 8: Bitter Work
Chapter 9: The Library
Chapter 10: The Desert
Chapter 12: The drill
Chapter 13: City of walls and secrets
Chapter 14: Tales of Ba Sing Se
Chapter 15: Lake Laogi
Chapter 16: The Earth King
Chapter 17: The Guru
Chapter 18: The crossroads of destiny
Book 3: Chapter 1: The awakening
Chapter 2: The Headband
Chapter 3: The painted lady
Chapter 4: Sokka's master

Chapter 11: The serpents pass

415 15 1
By smollpika

The team is situated at a waterfall pond. Sokka is surveying a map. Toph is sitting with her feet in the water, moving it back and forth. Aang is swimming with Faith while Katara is located at the top of the lake near the waterfall. Aang goes underwater for a moment and bends an ice cube around himself for amusement. Faith laughs and breaks the ice causing Aang to chase her.

Katara: (Excitedly.) Waterbending bomb! Yeah! (Jumps into the water.)

The splash sends Aang and Faith out of the water and soaks Sokka, Toph, and the maps which he tried to protect.

Sokka: (Sarcastically.) Sure, five thousand year-old maps from the spirit library. Just splash some water on 'em.

Katara: Sorry. (Rinses her hair dry and bends the water off the map.)

Aang: So, did you figure out what route we're going to take?

Sokka: Okay, we just got out of the desert, so we must be around here. And we need to go to Ba Sing Se, which is here. It looks like the only passage connecting the south to the north is this sliver of land called the Serpent's Pass.

Toph: You sure that's the best way to go?

Faith: Yeah, I've heard of that place before and they weren't saying good things.

Sokka: It's the only way. I mean, it's not like we have Appa to fly us there.

Katara: (Quietly.) Shush up about Appa. Can't you at least try to be sensitive?

Aang: Katara, it's okay. I know I was upset about losing Appa before, but I just want to focus on getting to Ba Sing Se and telling the Earth King about the solar eclipse.

Katara: (Surprised.) Oh... well, okay. I'm glad you're doing better.

Sokka: Then to Ba Sing Se we go. No more distractions.

Suddenly, three refugees arrive.

Than: Hello there, fellow refugees!

Aang: So, you guys are headed to Ba Sing Se, too?

Than: Sure are. We're trying to get there before my wife Ying has her baby.

Katara: Great! We can travel through the Serpent's Pass together.

The three refugees look up in shock.

Ying: The Serpent's Pass? Only the truly desperate take that deadly route!

Faith: (Smirks.) Hah told ya! No one has said anything positive about it.

Toph: Deadly route. (Punches Sokka in the arm.) Great pick, Sokka!

Sokka: Well, we are desperate.

Than: You should come with us to Full Moon Bay. Ferries take refugees across the lake. It's the fastest way to Ba Sing Se.

Ying: And it's hidden, so the Fire Nation can't find it.

Katara: Hmm... peaceful ferry ride or deadly pass?

At Full Moon Bay.

Katara: I can't believe how many people's lives have been uprooted by the Fire Nation.

Faith: It's kind of sad to think about.

Than: We're all looking for a better life, safe behind the walls of Ba Sing Se.

A ferry departs in the background.

Ticket Lady: I told you already... no vegetables on the ferry! One cabbage slug could destroy the entire ecosystem of Ba Sing Se! Security!

A platypus bear destroys the cabbage cart.

Cabbage merchant: Ahhh! My cabbages! (He is carried away.)

Ticket lady: Next!

Aang: Um, four tickets for the ferry to Ba Sing Se, please.

Ticket lady: Passports?

Aang: Uh... no one told us we had to have passports.

Sokka: Don't you know who this is? He's the Avatar!

Ticket lady: Ah, I see fifty Avatars a day and, by the way, not a very impressive costume. (She looks to the side to see several impostors; she then notices Momo.) Besides, no animals allowed. Do I need to call security?

The platypus bear chomps down on the cabbage. Momo hides in fear.

Aang: That won't be necessary.

Ticket lady: Next!

Toph: I'll take care of this. My name is Toph Beifong, and I'll need five tickets. (Presents her passport.)

Ticket lady: Ah, the golden seal of the flying boar! It is my pleasure to help anyone of the Beifong family.

Toph: It is your pleasure. As you can see, I am blind and these four imbeciles are my valets. (Sweeps her arm behind her, presenting her friends to the hesitant clerk.)

Ticket lady: But, the animal-

Toph: -is my seeing-eye lemur.

Ticket lady: Well, normally it's only one ticket per passport, but this document is so official... I guess it's worth five tickets. (Stamps an approval seal on the tickets.)

Toph: Thank you very much.

Sokka: All right, we scammed that lady good!

Suddenly, a security guard, actually Suki without makeup, grabs Sokka.

Suki: Tickets and passports please.

Sokka: Is there a problem?

Suki: Yeah, I got a problem with you! I've seen your type before. Probably sarcastic, think you're hilarious and let me guess, you're traveling with the Avatar.

Sokka: Do I know you?

Suki: You mean you don't remember? Maybe you'll remember this! (Kisses Sokka on the cheek.)

Sokka: Suki! (Embraces her.)

Suki: Sokka, it's good to see you!

Faith pops up behind Sokka and her eyes light up.

Faith: Suki!

She runs forward and leaps onto her causing them both to laugh and embrace each other.

Later, in a different location of the station. The gang and Suki talk.

Katara: You look so different without your makeup! And the new outfit.

Suki: That crabby lady makes all the security guards wear them. And look at you, sleeveless guy. Been working out?

Sokka: Ahhh, I'll grab a tree branch and do a few chin touches every now and then. Nothing major.

Aang: Are the other Kyoshi Warriors around?

Suki: Yeah. After you left Kyoshi, we wanted to find a way to help people. We ended up escorting some refugees and we've been here ever since. (Momo jumps up next to her.) Hi, Momo! Good to see you too! (Scratches his head near his ear.) So why are you guys getting tickets for the ferry? Wouldn't you just fly across on Appa?

Katara: Appa is missing. We hope to find him in Ba Sing Se.

Suki: I'm so sorry to hear that. (To Aang.) Are you doing okay?

Aang: I'm doing fine. Would everybody stop worrying about me?

Ying: Avatar Aang, you have to help us! Someone took all of our belongings; our passports, our tickets, everything's gone!

Aang: I'll talk to the lady for you.

Back at the desk.

Ticket lady: No passports, no tickets! (Stamps a "denied" stamp on Aang's forehead.)

Aang: But she's pregnant and all of her stuff was stolen! You have to make an exception!

Ticket lady: No exceptions! If I just gave away tickets willy-nilly to anyone, there would be no more order! You know what that means, no more civilization!

Aang: What if we gave them our tickets?

Ticket lady: No!

Aang: But...

Ticket lady: Next!

Aang: Don't worry, you'll get to the city safely. I'll lead you through the Serpent's Pass.

Moments later.

Sokka: I can't believe we gave up our tickets and now we're going through the Serpent's Pass.

Toph: I can't believe you're still complaining about it.

Faith: It's to be nice. These people need us more than anything so stop complaining Sokka.

Suki: (In her normal Kyoshi Warrior attire.) I'm coming too!

Sokka: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Suki: Sokka, I thought you'd want me to come.

Sokka: I do, it's just–

Suki: Just what?

Sokka: Nothing. I'm glad you're coming.

Outside, at the pass.

Sokka: This is the Serpent's Pass? I thought it would be a little more wind-y, you know, like a serpent. Huh, I guess they misnamed it.

Ying: Look at this writing! How awful!

Toph: What does it say?

Katara: It says, "abandon hope".

Ying: How can we abandon hope? It's all we have!

Aang: I don't know. The monks used to say that hope was just a distraction, so maybe we do need to abandon it.

Faith: They did, and sometimes they were right.

Katara: What are you talking about?

Aang: Hope is not going to get us into Ba Sing Se and it's not going to help find Appa and Melody. We need to focus on what we're doing right now and that's getting across this path.

Katara: Okay, if you say so.

Within the pass.

Suki: The Fire Nation controls the western lake. Rumor has it they're working on something big on the other side of it and don't want anyone to find out what it is.

They all pass by a sailing Fire Nation ship. A part of the rock gives out, causing Than to fall. Toph stops him from falling and lifts him back up with earthbending.

Than: I'm okay! (The rock falls to the water, which the Fire Nation ship notices. It fires.)

Sokka: They've spotted us! Let's go, let's go!

Aang gets on his glider and deflects the fireball back. Another fireball hits the mountain, causing several pieces of rock over Suki to fall. Sokka pushes her out of the way. Toph bends out a part of the mountain to keep the rocks from falling on Sokka.

Sokka: Suki, are you okay? You have to be more careful! Come on!

Toph: (Pretending to be Sokka.) "Thanks for saving my life, Toph." Hey, no problem, Sokka.

Hours later, at sunset, the travelers set up their camp. Sokka approaches Suki.

Sokka: Suki, you shouldn't sleep there. Who knows how unstable this ledge is, it could give away at any moment! (Moves her sleeping bag.)

Suki: Sokka, I'm fine, stop worrying.

Sokka: You're right, you're right, you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself! Wait! Oh, never mind, I thought I saw a spider, but, you're fine.

Later that night Faith is seen talking to Katara.

Katara: Hey, you doing okay?

Faith: I should say no, I've lost Melody and we've lost Appa. But at the same time I'm still a little hopeful that we will get them back.

Katara: (Places a hand on her shoulder.) Of course we will, the sandbenders told us that they sold them in Ba Sing Se, we will find them there.

Faith: (She puts her hand on Katara's and smiles at her.) Your right. (Her smile dims a little.) I'm worried about Aang.

Katara: We all are, maybe you should go talk to him. Your in the same position right? And your hopeful so maybe you can convince him that he should be to.

Faith: (She stands up and smiles at Katara.) Your right. The monks aren't here anymore and they said to let go of hope. But I'm not going to do that. Thanks Kat.

Katara: No problem.

Faith walks away from Katara looking for Aang.

Aang is standing at the edge of the rock, looking out at the ocean, blankly. Faith approaches him.

Faith: You know Aang, it's okay to miss Appa. (Aang remains silent.) What's happened to you? In the desert, all you cared about was finding Appa and now it's like you don't care about him at all.

Aang: You saw what I did out there. I was so angry about losing Appa that I couldn't control myself. I hated feeling like that.

Faith: But now you're not letting yourself feel anything. I know sometimes it hurts more to hope and it hurts more to care. But you have to promise me that you won't stop caring. (Holds out her arms.) Come on, you need a hug.

Aang: (Bows before her.) Thank you for your concern, Faith.

As Aang exits Faith shows concern and empathy. She takes Aang's place and sits on the ledge looking out into the vast ocean.

Faith: Oh Mira, what do I do?

Upon hearing this, the spirit appears before her. Mira frowns when seeing Faith the way she is.

Mira: You know, I was once in the same position as you.

Faith: (Her Eyes Widen as she looks up at Mira.) You were?

Mira: After Roku lost his mother, all his hope vanished. He changed, he became like Aang.

Faith: But when I first saw Roku I could see the hope he carried in him, just by his eyes. How did you bring it back?

Mira: I was there for him. I know it seems dumb when you hear it, but I genuinely didn't leave his side. I was just there. I let him talk about his problems and his issues to me. And after some time, he became hopeful again. We just waited for the right time to feel that hope again.

Faith: So your advice for me is to stay with Aang? And to just wait until something hopeful occurs?

Mira: Just let him know your there. Always.

Faith: (A weak smile appears on her face.) Thanks Mira.

Mira fades away leaving Faith to stare at the ocean once again. Her smile fades as she holds her necklace. A tear falls down her cheek, she wipes it away but more eventually fall. She curls up into a tight ball and tries to hold her tears back. Katara peers over a rock behind her staring at her friend. She shows empathy and sadness in her face before she moves away to leave Faith alone.

In the morning.

The travelers notice that a section of the pass is below the sea level, and not able to be navigated.

Katara: Everyone single file! (She divides the water, allowing everyone to walk through the drowned out path.) Faith, I need help! (Faith hands Aang her staff and helps by creating an air bubble.)

Momo's curiosity is aroused by the fish. He dives in the water, only to return back when he sees a large shadow. The rest of them notice.

Katara: What is that thing?

The shadow breaks through the water, breaking the divide. Toph quickly uses her earthbending to raise the ground they are standing on above the water. The shadow is actually a large serpent, which appears from the water with a shriek.

Sokka: I think I just figured out why they call it the Serpent's Pass! Suki, you know about giant sea monsters, make it go away!

Suki: Just because I live near the unagi doesn't mean I'm an expert!

Sokka: (Holds up Momo.) Oh great and powerful sea serpent, please accept this humble and tasty offering. Thank you.

Katara and Faith: Sokka!

Aang: (Blasts the Serpent back with a burst of air.) I'll distract it. Katara, get everyone across! (Takes off on his glider.)

Faith: Hold on Aang! I'm helping you! (She creates a ice surfer and jumps aboard following Aang.)

Katara freezes the water to create an ice trail. Everyone except for Toph crosses. Katara tries to ice up the serpent, but it fails.

Sokka: Toph, come on, it's just ice!

Toph: (Feels the ice but her sense of sight is restricted.) Actually, I'm going to stay on my little island, where I can see! (The serpent takes out half the island.) Okay, I'm coming! (Slowly crosses the ice.)

Sokka: You're doing great! Just follow the sound of my voice!

Toph: It's hard to ignore.

Sokka: You're almost there!

The serpent slams down the ice trail, dropping Toph into a struggle to stay above water.

Toph: Help! I can't swim!

Sokka: I'm coming, Toph!

Before he can do anything, Suki jumps in for the save.

Toph: Help!

Toph falls below the water, but Suki pulls her up before she drowns.

Toph: (Thinking it is Sokka.) Oh Sokka, you saved me! (Kisses Suki on the cheek.)

Suki: Actually, it's me.

Toph: Oh... well... (Chuckles. Embarrassed.) you can go ahead and let me drown now.

Meanwhile, the serpent is caught in a whirlpool created by Aang and Faith. The force of it slams the serpent into the mountain, causing it to fall back below water. Upon seeing the two return, the rest of the travelers cheer. Moments later, near Ba Sing Se's wall.

Sokka: There's the wall! Now it's nothing but smooth sailing to Ba Sing Se.

Ying: (Groans in pain.) Oh no!

Sokka: What's wrong?

Ying: The baby's coming!

Sokka: (Panicked.) What? Now? Can't you hold it in or something?

Katara: Sokka, calm down. I helped Gran-Gran deliver lots of babies back home.

Faith: I helped the AirNomads.

Sokka: This isn't the same as delivering an arctic seal! This is a real... human... thing!

Katara: It's called a baby and I helped her deliver plenty of those, too.

Faith: Aang, get some rags. Sokka, water.

Katara: Toph, I need you to make an earth tent, a big one. (Toph earthbends the rock to form a tent.) Faith, Suki, come with me.

Ying is breathing heavily as the baby delivery continues.

Katara: You're doing great, Ying. Sokka, where's that water? Now get ready to push. One... two... (Sokka enters.) ... three, push!

Ying groans; Sokka passes out. Moments later, the baby arrives and begins to cry. Aang, Toph, and Sokka are all outside the tent.

Katara: (From inside the tent.) It's a girl!

Toph: So, you want to go see the baby, or are you going to faint like an old lady again?

Sokka: No, no, I'm good this time. (Toph and Sokka enter the tent.)

Faith: (Peaks from inside the tent.) Aang, you have to come see this.

Aang enters to see the new life.

Toph: She sounds healthy.

Katara: She's beautiful.

Faith: (Looks at Ying.) She has your eyes.

Sokka: It's so... squishy looking.

Aang begins to smile.

Than: What should we name her?

Ying: I want our daughter's name to be unique. I want it to mean something.

Aang: (Sheds some tears.) I've been going through a really hard time lately. But you've made me... hopeful again. (Faith stands beside Aang and holds his hand, the two stare at each other as Aang pulls Faith into a comforting side hug.)

Ying: I know what I want to name our baby now. Hope.

Than: That's a perfect name. Hope.

Outside the tent. Aang meets with Faith. Katara, Suki, Sokka, and Toph stand next to the tent.

Aang: I thought I was trying to be strong. But really I was just running away from my feelings. Seeing this family together, so full of happiness and love, it's reminded me how I feel about Appa... and how I feel about you.

Faith sheds some tears. Aang and Faith embrace, Faith's eyes still watering.

Faith: (Looks up at Aang as the two let go of each other.) Aang? Can you make me a promise?

Aang: Yeah, of course.

Faith: Please don't loose the hope you have, please don't become someone else because Aang... we like you for who you are. I like you for you. So don't change.

Aang: (Smiles widely before pulling Faith into a tight hug.) I'll always keep hold of this hope. I promise.

The other four approach.

Aang: I promise, I'll find Appa and Melody as fast as I can. I just really need to do this.

Sokka: See you in the big city.

Toph: Say hi to that big fuzzball for me. (Punches Aang in the arm.)

Katara: You'll find him, Aang.

Faith: I believe in you, Aang. I always have and I always will.

Aang: Thank you, Faith. You ready, Momo? (Aang and Momo fly off. The rest wave goodbye.)

Faith and Katara walk away from the group to talk to each other.

Katara: It's great to see Aang happy and hopeful again.

Faith: It really is. I hate seeing him upset.

Katara: Faith?

Faith: Yeah?

Katara: When are you going to tell him?

Faith: Tell him what?

Katara: That you like him. And I mean as more than a friend.

Faith: (A blush forms on her face.) I... uh... I'm not sure.

Katara: You need to tell him before it's to late.

Faith: Yeah I guess your right. Maybe I can tell him in Ba Sing Se?

Katara: Sounds like a good idea.

Faith: I just want it to be perfect.

Katara: Yeah I can tell. I don't know why but I know you to are meant to be with each other. Maybe it has something to do with you being able to control all elements.

Faith: Of course it is. Well let's head to Ba Sing Se.

Words: 3364

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