Chapter 12: The storm

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The chapter begins in Aang's dream. The scene itself, dominated by a tinge of warm yellow, is filled with clouds for a moment before Aang slides into the frame of the shot, his face happy as he flicks the reins. He is riding Appa, who is flapping his six legs in unison up and down as if he were a bird. Sokka is revealed on the right pulling alongside Appa, using Aang's glider to fly with the Avatar. The Water Tribe warrior turns his head toward Aang, grinning broadly and contentedly at him. Aang has the same contented grin. He turns his attention to his right, revealing Katara sitting atop the head of an enormous Momo; she waves at Aang. Faith flies above Aang upside down Facing him. She smiles brightly as she uses her AirBending to stay in the sky.

Faith: We need you, Aang.

Aang: (He looks up toward Faith; contentedly.) I need you, too.

Aang notices something out of the corner of his eyes. As he turns toward it, his expression changes to shock. The sky's colouring changes to a dark, ominous gray, revealing a churning storm cloud before him. Aang yanks Appa's reins in fright.

Aang: (Alarmed.) Be careful, guys! (He looks to his left and right, uneasy.) Guys?

Aang and Appa are alone, surrounded by nothing but the darkening sky. Gyatso, in lotus, floats downward, positioning himself in front of Aang.

Aang: (Surprised.) Gyatso?

Gyatso: (Whispering, his tone sad.) Why did you disappear?

Aang: (His voice soft and sad.) I didn't mean to.

Aang reaches out to Gyatso, but before he can touch him, Gyatso turns gray and dissipates into smoke; it blows over Aang, causing him to raise his left arm in front of his face and turn away to shield himself from it. He peeks over his arm, but instantly raises his head, his eyes growing big in shock; a dark shadow passes over him, Appa begins to be swallowed by the dark cloud.

Gyatso: We need you, Aang.

A bolt of lightning splits the shot for an instant Aang screams, wrestling with the reins, as he and Appa are caught in the belly of the storm with rain beating down on them. Aang and Appa plummet into the ocean. The duo float for a moment. Aang's grip on Appa's reins loosens and they slip from his limp grasp.

Gyatso and Faith: (Echoing.) We need you, Aang. (Aang sinks, unconsciously.) We need you. We need you, Aang. We need you.

Aang gasps for air, shooting upright he startles Momo, who was curled up on top of Aang And Faith who is lying in his arms. Momo leaps onto Katara's stomach, causing her to shoot up with a startled look on her face, before jumping on Sokka's, who shoots up, still sleepy, halfheartedly wielding his dagger and boomerang.

Sokka: (Drowsily.) What's going on? (He looks around.) Did we get captured again?

Aang: (Looking down, sliding right; Aang turns to his friends.) It's nothing. I just had a bad dream. (He curls up, facing away from them.) Go back to sleep.

Sokka: (Curls up, facing away from Aang.) Don't have to tell me twice.

Katara: (Katara and Faith look at him in concern.) Are you all right, Aang?

Aang: (Looking lost.) I'm okay.

Faith: You seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately. You want to tell me about it?

Aang: (Briefly closing his eyes.) I think I just need some rest. (Faith Gently lies down in his arms once again, cuddling into him for warmth.)

Sokka: (Sitting up behind Katara; upbeat.) You guys want to hear about my dream? (Katara glares at him, an expression Sokka returns.) That's okay. I didn't want to talk about it anyway.

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