Chapter 17: The Guru

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At the Council of Five meeting, where Faith, Katara, Melody, and Momo are present.

General How: General Fong's base will serve as the launching point for the attack. In exactly two months, the army and navy will invade the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun.

Momo jumps on the map and begins knocking over the pieces.

Katara: Or we could send in Momo to do some damage! (Chuckles.) 'Cause, the... sorry.

General How: (Uses earthbending to stand the pieces back up, scaring Momo.) All we need is the Earth King's seal in order to execute the plan. (Sends the scroll across the table to Katara.)

Katara: I'll get these scrolls to him right away. Thank you, General How.

Katara helps Faith up and the two walk out the building.

With Aang.

Aang continues his journey to the Eastern Air Temple. He spots Guru Pathik, who is meditating, and lands Appa.

Aang: Uhhh... hello? You're Guru Pathik, right? (Aang approaches Pathik.) The person who attached the note to Appa's horn?

Pathik: Indeed. I was a spiritual brother of your people, and a personal friend of Monk Gyatso.

Aang: In your note, (Aang sits.) you said you could teach me how to gain control of the Avatar State. How?

Pathik: You must gain balance within yourself, before you can bring balance to the world. And the first step to gaining balance begins with this. (Hands Aang a yellow beverage in a wooden cup.) Drink up!

Aang: (Takes it and looks at it. Drinks it and quickly spits it out to his left in disgust.) Uggh! It tastes like onion and banana juice!

Pathik: That's because it is! (Pathik empties another bowl and holds it over his head.) Yum yum!

Aang stares in disbelief.

With Faith and Katara.

The two are seen sat in their house. Faith has a white band over her eyes.

Katara: Faith, it's been three days and you have your eye sight back. Why don't you take the blind fold off?

Faith: Because the first person I want to see is Aang. Besides I can see through the blindfold! Sorta-

Katara: (Smiles.) Thats sweet Faith. You sure you don't wanna take it off?

Faith: I'm sure, I'll take it off as soon as I see him. (Smiles.)

Katara: (Places a hand on her shoulder.) He will be happy with that Faith.

Faith nods and grins widely.

Katara: (She removes her hand from Faith's shoulder.) Faith?

Faith: Is something wrong?

Katara: I was just wondering, how you and Aang actually met. I know that you grew up in the same temple and all but how did your relationship grow?

Faith: Well truth is I wasn't originally from the Southern AirTemple.

Katara: (Eyes widen.) What?!

Faith: I was from the Eastern Airtemple. After I became an AirBending master at a young age they realised my ability was stronger then any of the others in the temple. The Eastern Airtemple is a female filled temple. So because my ability was better then the other females they placed me with the males.

Katara: I'm sorry. You were moved away from Everyone.

Faith: It's fine. (Smiles.) Aang was the first person I came in contact with. He made me feel comfortable being the only female in that temple.

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