Chapter 18: The WaterBending Master

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A koala otter calmly floats on its back on the water, purring slightly. Noticing something approach to its right, it turns its head, chirps, and dives under water as a large shadow passes it by. It turns out to be Appa flying overhead.

Sokka: (Hanging lazily over the back of Appa's saddle; grumpily.) I'm not one to complain, (Appa flies just above the water.) but can't Appa fly any higher?

Sokka's words barely left his lips as Appa loses more altitude and his paws drag through the water momentarily, before rising slightly again. On Appa's saddle there's a bored Katara popping herself up on her elbows, staring into nothingness in front of her, and a peeved Aang looking back from atop Appa's head, A meditating Faith and a lazy Sokka.

Aang: (Irritably.) I have an idea! Why don't we all get on your (Points angrily at Sokka; Katara and Faith briefly look at Aang, but resume what they were doing before.) back and you could fly us to the North Pole?!

Sokka: (Sokka looks over his shoulder; sarcastically.) I'd love to. (Points to his back.) Climb on everyone, (Shakes his rear.) Sokka's ready for take off.

A chirping Momo hops on his back, making Sokka shoot an angry glare at the animal. Aang stares angrily at Sokka.

Katara: (Waving her hands up and down while shifting looks between Aang and Sokka.) Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight.

Sokka: (Momo is now on his lap; annoyed.) And for what? We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe. (Appa floats along a vast ocean of only water and ice.) There's nothing up here.

Katara lays down her head in boredom, letting it rest on her hands. She looks up in wonder when a slushing sound can be heard. Faith has moved and is sat besides Aang leaning on his side, clearly trying to sleep. Appa flies above the water suddenly the water in front of him rises and solidifies to ice spikes. Aang screams in fright, his eyes wide in horror, as he violently yanks the reins to this right in an attempt to avoid the sudden obstacle. Appa turns and growls. The siblings yell in fright as they hold on for dear life to the sides of the saddle. Faith screams and starts to fall off of Appa's head. Faith falls off Appa and straight into the water. Appa swerves but suddenly an ice spike shoots up and manifests right in from of him. Part of the ice attaches itself to his leg, freezing instantly. His momentum causes the ice to break, but he is thrown off balance and catapulted away. Katara and Sokka loudly scream in fright. Appa spirals before landing into the water, throwing it up high. As he turns upright again, the water around him instantly freezes, and he is locked in place. Faith quickly resurfaces as a Water Tribe ship approaches her and grabs the back of her shirt pulling her up and holding her on the boat. More Water Tribe boats appear, each carrying several waterbenders, surrounding the team. Katara looks surprised Sokka looks alarmed and reaches for his boomerang atop the saddle.

Katara: They're waterbenders! (Happily.) We found the Water Tribe!

The scene changes to the North Pole where the group is being escorted to the Northern Water Tribe. The magnificent wall of the city comes into view much to everyone's amazement.

Aang: (Pointing excitedly.) There it is!

Katara: (In awe.) The Northern Water Tribe.

Sokka: (Surprised.) We're finally here.

Faith: (Amazed.) We can finally find a WaterBending Master!

A portion of the icy wall is lowered, allowing them to enter into the city. Canal workers use waterbending to transport the group into the city.

Katara: (Fascinated.) I can't believe how many waterbenders live up here!

Aang: (To Faith And Katara.) We'll find a master to teach us, no problem.

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