Chapter 13: City of walls and secrets

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The chapter opens to two fox antelopes, grazing on a hill side. They look up at the monorail tracks behind them as a monorail goes past, pushed by two earthbenders. Inside the car Faith, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Momo are awaiting their arrival at Ba Sing Se. Katara looks out from the window and notices the Inner Wall of the Earth Kingdom capital drawing closer.

Katara: (Excitedly.) Look, the Inner Wall! I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece.

Sokka: (Slightly skeptically.) Hey, don't jinx it! We can still be attacked by some giant exploding Fire Nation spoon. Or find out the city's been submerged in an ocean full of killer shrimp!

Toph: (Slightly annoyed, yet still jokingly.) You been hitting the cactus juice again?

Sokka: I'm just sayin', weird stuff happens to us.

A man, sucking a corn plant in his mouth, takes a seat between Toph and Sokka, startling them. The scene changes to Aang and Faith looking out the windows, the former closing his eyes sadly.

Faith: (She gently puts a hand on his shoulder; Sympathetically.) Don't worry Aang, we'll find Appa and Melody.

Aang: (Doubtfully.) It's such a big city.

Sokka: (Somewhat optimistically.) He's a giant bison! Where could someone possibly hide him?

Faith gently hugs Aang as he hugs her back. The two break from the hug. Katara then shoots Faith a look. Faith faces Katara before sighing and looking out the window. Aang stares at her worriedly before gently placing his hand atop hers. She stares at him with wide eyes before smiling and gently leaning into his side.

The monorail enters the Inner Wall. Sokka, Katara, and Aang view the giant city through the windows.

Sokka: (Realizing the city's gigantic size.) Oh.

The three notice that Ba Sing Se stretches almost as far as their eyes can see, and it has many roads and buildings. Their train enters the monorail station, stopping there. All of them disembark.

Toph: (Sighs.) Back in the city. Great.

Sokka: (Excitedly.) What's the problem? It's amazing!

Toph: It's just a bunch of walls and rules. You wait, you'll get sick of it in a couple of days.

Faith: I'm already sick of it. (She holds her arms and looks across the city.)

Scene changes to Aang looking at the bison whistle in his palm, and he blows it.

Aang: I'm comin' for ya, buddy. (Faith walks over to the downtrodden Aang, and places her hand on his shoulder. More confidently.) He's here; I can feel it. And so is Melody.

The shot changes to the monorail departing, behind the team. On the other side of the track there is a woman with long dark hair that billows in the wind. She approaches them with a strange smile on her face.

Joo Dee: (Excited.) Hello, my name is Joo Dee! I have been given the great honor of showing the Avatar around Ba Sing Se. And you must be Sokka, Katara, Toph and Faith! Welcome to our wonderful city. Shall we get started?

Sokka: Yes. We have information about the Fire Nation army that we need to deliver to the Earth King, immediately.

Joo Dee: Great! Let's begin our tour. And then I'll show you to your new home here. I think you'll like it!

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