ATLA- Faith's Story

By smollpika

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After becoming a young AirBending prodigy she decides to risk her life to run away with her best friend. She... More

Book 1 Chapter 1: In the Iceberg
Chapter 2: The Avatar Returns
Chapter 3: The Southern AirTemple
Chapter 4: The Warriors of Kyoshi
Chapter 5: The King Of Omashu
Chapter 6: Imprisoned
Chapter 7: Winter Solstice part 1~ The spirit world
Chapter 8: Winter Solstice Part 2~ Avatar Roku
Chapter 9: The WaterBending Scroll
Chapter 10: Jet
Chapter 11: The Great Divide
Chapter 12: The storm
Chapter 13: The Blue Spirit
Chapter 14: The FortuneTeller
Chapter 15: Bato Of The WaterTribe
Chapter 16: The deserter
Chapter 17: The Northen AirTemple
Chapter 18: The WaterBending Master
Chapter 19: The Siege Of The North Part 1
Chapter 20: The Siege Of The North Part 2
Book 2: Chapter 1: The Avatar State
Chapter 2: The cave of two lovers
Chapter 3: Return to Omashu
Chapter 4: The swamp
Chapter 5: Avatar Day
Chapter 6: The blind bandit
Chapter 8: Bitter Work
Chapter 9: The Library
Chapter 10: The Desert
Chapter 11: The serpents pass
Chapter 12: The drill
Chapter 13: City of walls and secrets
Chapter 14: Tales of Ba Sing Se
Chapter 15: Lake Laogi
Chapter 16: The Earth King
Chapter 17: The Guru
Chapter 18: The crossroads of destiny
Book 3: Chapter 1: The awakening
Chapter 2: The Headband
Chapter 3: The painted lady
Chapter 4: Sokka's master

Chapter 7: The chase

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By smollpika

The scene opens to a forested area at sunset. Team Avatar, now including Toph, is preparing to set up the campsite. Aang hands Sokka a sleeping bag. Toph stands on the ground near Appa.

Toph: Hey! You guys picked a great campsite. (This directs everyone's attention to her. She wriggles her toes in the thick mat of fur covering the ground around the bison.) The grass is so soft.

Sokka: That's not grass. (Somewhat displeased.) Appa's shedding.

Katara: (Displeased, raises foot warily.) Oh, gross!

Aang is sat on Appa, a bluebird perched on his head and a yellow butterfly fluttering past. Momo jumps up in an attempt to catch the butterfly. Faith is sat in Appa's saddle smiling while also holding Melody.

Aang: (Cheerfully.) That's not gross, it's just a part of spring! You know, rebirth, flowers blooming and Appa gets a new coat.

Faith: It's Beautiful. New life every spring.

Katara: (Sarcastically.) Ah, the beauty of spring.

Appa, who had been grooming himself, sneezes, releasing a thick cloud of fur.

Katara: (Waving arms about, now coated in fur.) Stop! Appa, stop! Ugh! (Coughs.)

Sokka: (Bending over, his back turned to her.) It's not that bad, Katara. (He turns to reveal a wig made of fur, done up in a towering beehive.) It makes a great wig!

Aang: (Wearing a beard of fur.) And a great beard! (Aang and Sokka laugh while pointing at each other.)

Katara: (Wiping fur off her clothing with her eyes closed.) I'm just glad we finally have another girl in the group, because you two are disgusting.

Toph: (Walking up from behind the two boys.) Excuse me, does anyone have a razor? Because I've got some hairy pits!

She raises her arms, revealing that she had stuffed fur in her sleeves. The three laugh; Aang sneezes, sending himself flying backward. The big sneeze causes him to crash against Appa's leg and for fur to blow off his friends and himself. The impact leaves some fur on his back. They continue to laugh joyfully, causing Katara to chuckle slightly. Faith just sits on Appa's saddle smiling off into the distance as she hears them all laughing. The scene cuts to later in the evening where the group is setting up camp. Aang sets up the tent while Sokka throws down a pile of firewood he collected. Faith is helping Aang with the tent by putting the sleeping bags in it. Katara, who spends her time stirring around water in a pot, notices Toph slumped lazily against a rock, chewing a piece of wheat. She approaches her.

Katara: So Toph, usually when setting up camp, we try to divide up the work.

Toph: (Shrugging casually.) Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go.

Katara: Well, actually what I'm trying to say is, (Holds arms out in gesture.) some of us might fetch water, while someone else might set up the fire pit, or put up the tent. (Momo flies over to her, dropping several berries he had collected into her hands.) Even Momo and Melody do their fair share.

Toph: (Breezily.) Katara, I'm fine. I can carry my own weight. I don't need a fire, (Pats bag.) I've already collected my own food and look, (Earthbends a rock tent over her.) my tent's all set up.

Katara: (Slightly irritated.) Well, that's great for you, but we still need to finish -

Toph: (Angered.) I don't understand what's the problem here!

Faith: (Walks over to the two after hearing the commotion.) What's going on?

Katara: (Waves her hand dismissively and walks away.) Never mind.

Faith: What was that about?

Toph: I don't know. (Shrugs.)

Toph earthbends herself into her tent. Later that day, set up continues. Standing on top of Appa, Aang uses airbending to lift the saddle. He mistakenly causes it to land directly on top of Sokka, who had been standing on the ground beside the bison.

Aang: (Landing onto the ground to aid Sokka.) Sorry!

Katara sets down a jug of water. She looks over at Toph, sitting comfortably beneath her earth tent. Her dull expression changes to one of slight happiness. She approaches Toph who is eating some sort of food item.

Katara: (Rubs back of head sheepishly.) Hey Toph, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each other's nerves.

Toph: (Casually.) Yeah, you do seem pretty tired.

Katara: (Growing disgusted.) I meant all of us.

Inside Toph's earth tent she is lazily tossing the food item onto the ground and lays her head down to rest.

Toph: Well, good night.

Katara: (Slightly irked.) Good night.

Katara turns around and leaves. The scene changes to nightfall hours later where everyone is asleep. Toph is suddenly startled awake. She rises and presses her left hand to the ground to feel the vibrations within the earth. She hears something. She rises to her feet and runs out of the tent.

Toph: There's something coming toward us!

Aang: What is it?

Toph: (Pressing hand to the ground.) It feels like an avalanche, but also not an avalanche.

Faith: (Closes her eyes and lifts her hand up in the sky.) Toph is Right, whatever it is it's big and heading straight for us. The air is different, whatever this thing is it's not good news.

Sokka: (Sarcastically.) Your powers of perception are frightening.

Katara: Should we leave?

Aang: Better safe than sorry.

Cuts to the forest, a cloud of smoke billowing toward them in a clearing in the distance. Appa appears with, the team riding atop him. Aang leans against the saddle to peer at the object.

Katara: What is that thing?

A tank train mechanism is racing speedily along the ground. The moon is partly obscured by clouds. Aang yawns sleepily, dark circles beginning to form under his eyes. Sokka appears ready to fall asleep as he leans his head on his hand. Toph and Katara sit on Appa's saddle idly. Faith is sat besides Aang clearly struggling to hold her eyes open. Appa flies over mountainous terrain and lands on a smooth, rocky surface.

Toph: (Leaping off Appa and lying on the ground, relieved.) Ah, land sweet land! (Rises and says cheerfully.) See you guys in the morning!

Katara: Actually, can you help us unload?

Toph: (Sarcastically.) Really? You need me to help unload Sokka's funky-smelling sleeping bag?

Aang hands Sokka his sleeping bag which he proceeds to smell. Sokka turns away, his disgusted face growing red, and falls backward, passing out.

Katara: (Curtly.) Well, yeah. That and everything else. You're a part of our team now, and -

Toph: (Points a finger at Katara in irritation.) Look! I didn't ask you to help unload my stuff! (Turns and begins walking away.) I'm carrying my own weight.

Katara: (Angrily.) That's not the point. (Approaches Toph.) Ever since you joined us, you've been nothing but selfish and unhelpful!

Toph: (Enraged.) What? Look here, sugar queen, (Points finger at Katara.) I gave up everything I had so that I could teach Aang and Faith earthbending. So don't you talk to me about being selfish!

Faith: Please stop guys.

While she is saying this, a fuming Katara is seen tensing her muscles in frustration and raising her hand in an attempt to speak. After finished speaking, Toph sits down on the ground and earthbends an earth tent over her.

Katara: (Furiously.) "Sugar queen"?! (Toph uses earthbending to close the door of the tent.) D-did you just slam the door in my face?! How can you be so infuriating?!

Faith: Katara calm down.

Sokka, Faith and Aang are standing several feet away. Katara angrily bangs her fists against the door of the wall and kicks the tent's walls with her feet.

Aang: Should we do something?

Sokka: (Amused.) Hey, I'm just enjoying the show.

Faith: I'm on it. (Approaching Katara.) Okay, okay, you both need to calm down.

Katara: "Both"?! (Rapidly turns to face Faith, her expression crazed and her eyes bloodshot.) I'm completely calm!!

Faith jumps back and runs over to Aang hiding behind him.

Aang: (Awkwardly.) I... can see that.

The scene cuts to later at night, showing a view of the dark forest. Faith, Aang, Sokka and Katara are lying on the ground. Aang is lying on the ground with Faith, Melody and Momo beside him while Sokka and Katara lie in sleeping bags. Melody is lying on top of Faith fast asleep.

Katara: (Mockingly.) The stars sure are beautiful tonight. Too bad you can't see them, Toph!

Toph uses earthbending to release a fissure that channels underground and sends Katara flying into the air. She lands on top of Sokka, startling him.

Sokka: (Annoyed; pushes Katara off to the side.) Hey, how's a guy supposed to sleep with all this yelling (To Toph.) and earthquaking?

Toph: (Reopens her tent.) That thing is back!

Sokka: Well, how far away is it? (Lies down and pulls covers of his sleeping bag over his head; says in a muffled voice.) Maybe we can close our eyes just for a few minutes.

Smoke is revealed billowing from behind the treetops.

Aang: (Notices the smoke.) I don't think so, Sokka. Faith wake up let's go. (Shakes Faith as Faith jolts up and accidentally punches Aang in the face.)

Faith: (Standing up and helping Aang.) Sorry! Everybody to Appa!

Appa soars away from the scene over the mountainous terrain. The tank train is speeding across the land.

Katara: Seriously, what is that thing?

Toph: And how does it keep finding us?

Aang: (Resting against the saddle; Sokka is seen lying on his back, sleeping.) I don't know. But this time, I'm going to make sure we lose it.

Faith: Please do. (Starts to fall asleep besides Aang again.)

Appa flies past a mountain. Fades to scene of him flying between two mountain ridges. The bison lands on his side on a flat-surfaced rock bed, throwing everyone onto the ground along with their belongings.

Sokka: (Lands onto the ground.) Okay, forget about setting up camp. (Crawls along the ground in sleeping bag.) I'm finding the softest pile of dirt and going to sleep.

Katara: (Angrily; pulling her sleeping bag under her head as a pillow.) That's good because Toph wasn't going to help anyway!

Toph: (Irritated; lying on bag.) Oh, I didn't realize the baby still needed someone to tuck her in bed.

Aang: Come on guys, there's something after us and we don't even know what (Pulls top part of his shirt over his head; says in a muffled voice.) or who it is.

Faith: It could be Zuko. (Sits up and stares off into the distance.) We haven't seem him since the North Pole.

Toph: Who's Zuko?

Sokka: (Puts his head down.) Oh, just some angry freak with a ponytail who's tracked us all over the world.

Katara: (Mockingly.) What's wrong with ponytails, Ponytail?

Sokka: (Points to his top-knot.) This is a warrior's wolf tail.

Katara: (Jokingly.) Well, it certainly tells the other warriors that you're fun and perky.

Sokka: (Raises head, unamused.) Anyway, whoever's chasing us couldn't have followed us here, so, now would everyone just shhh?

Momo hops onto his sleeping bag and chitters excitedly.

Sokka: (Hold up finger to silence the lemur.) No Momo, shhh. (Relaxes.) Sleepy time.

Momo hops off Sokka and over to the ledge of the rock. Faith keeps sitting up with her hand in the air. She closes her eyes and feels a a strange breeze she stumbles up and see's Momo whose raised his ears up in alert. Aang rises, followed by Toph and Katara.

Sokka: (Buries face in hands.) Oh, don't tell me...

Aang: That's impossible. There's no way they could have tracked us.

Toph: I can feel it with my own two feet!

Faith: I can feel it with my hand, it's coming.

Aang runs to the edge of the cliff next to Momo and notices smoke rising from the far end of the rocky pathway. The tank train rumbles up a slope and onto level ground.

Katara: (Nervously.) Let's get out of here.

Aang: (Calmly.) Maybe we should face them. Find out who they are. Who knows, maybe they're friendly.

Sokka: (Hopelessly.) Always the optimist...

Faith: I mean you never know Sokka.

The tank train slows to a halt. The door to one compartment opens, releasing a burst of steam. From the mist emerges three Mongoose Lizards. Ty Lee appears, followed by Mai and Azula. Faith, Katara and Aang look in shock. The three girls stand atop the Lizards. Azula has a determined look on her face. The three begin racing toward the group.

Katara: (Alarmed.) It's those three girls from Omashu!

Everyone assumes fighting stances.

Toph: (Determined.) We can take them. Four on three.

Sokka: Actually Toph, there's five of us.

Toph: (Sheepishly.) Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't count you. You know, no bending and all.

Sokka: (Turning to her, his face distorted with rage.) I can still fight!

Toph: (Smugly.) Okay, four on three plus Sokka.

Sokka: (Face turns red.) Errrgh!

Toph earthbends three columns in an attempt to hinder the girls, however, the Mongoose Lizards merely leap over the pillars and continues on their way.

Sokka: Well, we wanted to find out who they were and we found out. (Puts boomerang away; Aang and Katara are seen fleeing.) Now let's get out of here.

Toph earthbends a huge rock wall in front of the trio. Azula moves her arms in a circular motion, generating lightning. She fires the bolt at the wall, blowing a huge hole in it. Shows the lizards as they clamber through the hole. Toph is clearly shocked at this. Mai swings her arm, releasing a flurry of stilettos. Toph launches herself off a pillar. The darts strike the pillar and she lands on Appa. Faith just stands there as the Ty Lee rides straight to her. Faith just shrugs and sends an strong wind force pushing her back to Appa. She lands on the saddle and stares at Ty Lee.

Aang: Appa, yip yip!

They manage to escape successfully, narrowly avoiding a blue fire blast. Azula lowers her arm and looks up at the retreating group.

Katara: (Shocked.) I can't believe those girls followed us all the way from Omashu.

Toph: (Grumpily.) I still think we could have taken them.

Katara: Are you kidding me? (Points fingers upward repeatedly in gesture.) The crazy blue firebending and the flying daggers are bad enough, but last time we saw them, one of those girls did something that took my bending away. That's scary.

Faith: It's called Chi blocking. (Everybody turns their attention to her.) It's where one is able to block someone's bending by closing their Chi's for a certain period of time it can also paralyse a person temporarily. (Their eyes widen in surprise, apart from Toph, the three share a look.) To be able to block it you need to be just as flexible or more flexible then the person who has mastered it.

Katara: Is that how you managed to block it because your like really flexible?

Faith: Partly, it's also because I'm a master AirBender. I can use AirBending to avoid.

The scene changes to show the landscape, a prairie below, mountains in the distance. The sun is seen rising over the horizon as Appa soars past.

Sokka: (Complaining.) Oh no, the sun is rising. We've been up all night with no sleep!

Aang: (Calmly.) Sokka, we'll be okay.

Sokka: (Nervously.) Are you sure? I've never not slept before! (Holds hands up to his head.) What if I fall asleep now and something happens? (Freaks out; eyes bulge out.) And something always happens!

Katara: Every time we land, those girls are there. So we'll just have to keep flying.

Appa flies past the sun.

Aang: We can't keep flying forever.

The scene changes to a field where a few flowers are growing. The tank train speeds by rapidly, slicing the heads of the flowers off. The scene changes back to Appa.

Aang: (Yawns.) So what's our plan?

Toph: (Slumped against the saddle, exhausted.) Don't know... too tired to think.

Katara: I'm sure we'll come up with something after a short nap. (Smiles.)

Sokka: (Relieved.) Yes... sleep.

Faith: We all need it.

The two begin nodding off before slowly rising into the air, wind blowing through their clothing as they lose altitude. Toph hangs onto the saddle.

Toph: (Frantically.) What's going on?

Aang hangs in the air, gripping Appa's reins tightly.

Aang: Appa fell asleep!

Appa's eyes are closed and legs are sprawled out, as he falls through a cloud toward the ground. Katara hangs onto her brother tightly. Faith uses her AirBending to push herself forward. She lands on Appa's head and looks at Appa's face.

Aang: Wake up buddy!

Faith: (Urgently.) Appa wake up!

Appa's eyes slowly creak open and widen in realization of the current situation. Having awakened, he resumes his normal flight, soaring just above the treetops. Toph, Sokka, Katara, Melody and Momo sway to the side still tightly gripping the saddle. Appa soars through the trees, colliding into and snapping several branches.

Faith: Hold on!

Faith stands up and puts her hands out in front of her, she creates a giant AirShield as Appa continues to descend. She uses her AirBending to slow the fall. Moments later Appa is on the ground, having created a channel way behind him from the impact. Appa is sleeping once more; Aang slides off his head and onto the ground.

Aang: Appa's exhausted. (Faith soon follows landing on Aang and starting to fall asleep).

Faith: (Tiredly closing her eyes and leaning her head on Aang's shoulder.) I'm so tired, AirBending when I'm this tired was not a good idea.

Sokka (Trudging across the ground, carrying his sleeping bag.) Okay, we've put in a lot of distance between us and them. The plan right now is to follow Appa's lead and get some sleep.

Katara: (Irritated.) Of course, we could've gotten some sleep earlier, (Toph lies on the ground sleepily.) if Toph didn't have such issues.

Toph: (Wakes up and slams the ground; screams furiously.) What!?

Faith: (Faces Katara.) Your blaming Toph? For what?

Aang: (Trying to calm the tension.) All right, all right, everyone's exhausted! Let's just get some rest.

Toph: (Rises and faces Katara.) No, I want to hear what Katara has to say. You think I have issues?

Katara: (Irritated.) I'm just saying. Maybe if you helped out earlier, we could have set up our camp faster and gotten some sleep (Shouting.) and then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation!

Faith, Katara, Toph and Aang stand by Appa, while Sokka lies sleepily on his sleeping bag several yards away.

Toph: You're blaming me for this?

Katara tosses aside her sleeping bag and gestures with her hands, challenging Toph to move closer. Aang jumps in between the two.

Aang: (Desperately.) No! No, she's not blaming you.

Katara: (Angrily.) No, I'm blaming her!

Faith: (Getting angry.) What?!

Toph: Hey, (Shoves Aang out of the way.) I never asked you for diddly-doo-dah. (Points her thumb at herself.) I carry my own weight. Besides, if there's anyone to blame, it's Sheddy over here!

Aang: (Sitting on Appa's tail.) What? You're blaming Appa?

Toph: Yeah, you want to know how they keep finding us? (Grabs a handful of Appa's fur and lets the sheddings blow away in the wind.) He's leaving a trail everywhere we go!

Aang: (Jumps down to face her.) How dare you blame Appa! He saved your life three times today! If there's anyone to blame it's you! You're always talking about how you carry your own weight, but you're not. He is! Appa's carrying your weight. He never had a problem flying when it was just the four of us!

Toph: (Stomps the ground, launching her pack into the air which she catches.) I'm out of here.

Sokka: (Moves in front of Toph, his arms outstretched to halt her.) Wait!

Toph uses earthbending to shift Sokka off to the side, leaving him surprised.

Faith: Wait! (She runs after Toph and grabs her bag.) Toph come back!

Aang raises his arms up, his eyes are full of sorrow.

Aang: What did I just do? (Slumps.) I can't believe I yelled at my earthbending teacher. Now she's gone. What's worse is Faith just left with her!

Katara: (Regretfully.) I know. We're all just trying to get used to each other. And I was so mean to her.

Sokka: (From afar, drinking from a cup.) Yeah, you two were pretty much jerks.

Katara: (Sarcastically.) Thanks, Sokka.

Sokka: No problem.

Katara: We need to find Toph and Faith and apologize.

Sokka: Okay, but what are we going to do about the tank full of dangerous ladies chasing us?

Aang: (Grabs a handful of fur and watches as it blows away in the wind.) I have a plan.

The scene changes to Toph and Faith walking slowly along a pathway on their own. Toph halts, having detected something nearby. Faith stops soon after and looks around. Her foot shifts abruptly in the opposite direction. She turns her head swiftly. She uses earthbending to send a stream of earth toward the unknown source. The stream of earth travels its way to a large rock ahead and a dust cloud erupts in the air from the impact. A grunt of pain is heard from behind the rock. Toph and Faith approach the rock still assuming a fighting stance. Iroh is kneeled over and rubbing his rear in pain. His face grimaces from the incident.

Iroh: Ow... That really hurt my tailbone.

Faith, Toph and Iroh sit in a rocky outcrop. A tea kettle is being heated over a fire. Iroh can be seen in the background, sitting next to it. He pours tea into three tin cans.

Iroh: (Handing her a cup of tea.) Here is your tea. (Toph stares blankly at the ground and back to Iroh.) You two seem a little too young to be traveling alone.

Toph: (Taking the tea from his hand.) You seem a little too old.

Faith: (Takes the tea.) Toph, That was a little rude.

Iroh: (Laughs.) She's right. Perhaps I am.

Toph: (Casually.) I know what you're thinking... I look like I can't handle being by myself.

Iroh: I wasn't thinking that.

Toph: You wouldn't even let me pour my own cup of tea!

Faith: Toph...

Iroh: I poured your tea because I wanted to and for no other reason.

Toph: People see me and think I'm weak. They want to take care of me, but I can take care of myself, by myself.

Iroh: You sound like my nephew, always thinking you need to do things on your own, without anyone's support. There is nothing wrong with letting the people who love you help you. Not that I love you, I just met you.

Toph: (Laughs.) So where is your nephew?

Iroh: I've been tracking him actually.

Faith: Is he lost?

Iroh: (Looks away; slightly sad.) Yes, a little bit. His life has recently changed and he's going through very difficult times. He's trying to figure out who he is and he went away.

Toph: So now you're following him.

Iroh: I know he doesn't want me around him right now, but if he needs me, I'll be there.

Toph: Your nephew is very lucky, even if he doesn't know it.

Faith: She's right. He is. It must be nice to have you as an Uncle.

Toph: (Gets up to leave.) Thank you.

Faith: (Follows Toph.) Thank you Iroh.

Iroh: My pleasure. Sharing tea with two fascinating strangers is one of life's true delights.

Toph: (Happily.) No, thank you for what you said. It helped me.

Iroh: I'm glad.

Toph: (Rises to leave, but turns around briefly.) Oh, and about your nephew, maybe you should tell him that you need him, too.

Toph walks away.

Faith: I'll catch up Toph.

Faith faces Iroh and kneels down. Iroh remains silent and sips his tea.

Faith: Secretly I always knew that Zuko had good in him.

Iroh: He may not always show it but Zuko does have a good side to him.

Faith: I know he does. (Stands up.) When you see Zuko you should tell him how much you love him. Also say that me, Faith, thinks that I could be friends with him. If he wanted that chance.

The scene changes to Azula, who smirks and holds up one hand, two fingers pointing outward, her typical lightning generation pose. Faith suddenly appears in the doorway and sends a water whip at Azula, guiding her hand off course. Faith bends the stream of water around her and slices the wooden planks, thus freeing Aang.

Aang: (Thrilled.) Faith!

Azula swiftly turns around and fires a blast at the waterbender, who races out of the building along the porch. Azula follows her in hot pursuit, only to be halted by Sokka, who emerges from another doorway and swings his machete her way. Azula is forced to duck. Sokka begins chasing her. Azula is now being cornered by him, Faith, Katara and Aang. Zuko lies on the ground as he regains consciousness. Iroh stands over him from his perspective, the shot slightly blurred to show the effect of being knocked out.

Zuko: (Slightly dazed.) Uncle...

Iroh: Get up!

He helps Zuko get up. Aang runs straight toward Azula. He leaps over her just as Azula fires a blast at him. She turns around and blocks a water whip Katara sends at her. She fires a blast at Sokka and swings her arm outward to prolong the blast. Aang appears behind her. She turns around and nearly manages to strike him with another blast. Faith is then seen high above Azula. She sends a air current that pushes Azula down. The four Team Avatar members and Azula, who swings her arm outward, sending an arched fire blast at the four, are in a pile of rubble. Azula stands, poised for attack. She suddenly falls over to the side; Toph appears from an alleyway, having just shifted the ground beneath her feet.

Toph: I thought you guys could use a little help.

Faith: Took you long enough to get here.

Toph: Hey! You used your glider! (Faith Shrugs.)

Katara: (Happily.) Thanks Toph.

Azula rises to her feet and begins running away. She leaps over some crates and tries to escape, however, Iroh intervenes, using his rotund belly to knock her off her feet. Zuko appears next to him. Faith, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko and Iroh all corner Azula against the ruins of a stone wall.

Azula: (Coolly, backing up as her enemies surround her.) Well, look at this. Enemies and traitors, all working together. I'm done. (Raises her hands in surrender.) I know when I'm beaten. You got me. A princess surrenders with honor.

Iroh averts his gaze toward the other members, who remain on high alert. Azula smiles and takes a step forward, firing a blast at Iroh, who gets hit. He screams in pain and falls to the ground.

Zuko: (Horrified.) Aaaah!

Faith: Iroh! (She runs over to where Iroh has fallen over.)

The remaining five turn to face Azula, four of them bending their respective elements and Sokka throwing his boomerang straight for her. The impact of the elements creates a minor explosion, sending a thick cloud of smoke everywhere. As the smoke clears Aang looks from his defensive position at the effect. The group surround the corner, the smoke clearing to reveal Azula having vanished from the scene without a trace. Zuko kneels before his uncle, dismayed at the turn of events. Faith is on the other side using water to try and heal him. Tears are streaming down her face gently.

Zuko: (Angrily.) Ugggh! (Looks at Team Avatar.) Get away from us!

Toph shifts her foot, showing that she can detect the vibrations using seismic sense. Iroh, is still breathing, indicating that he is still alive. Katara approaches Zuko.

Katara: Zuko, I can help.

Zuko: (Blasts an arc of fire.) Leave!

Faith: (Places a hand on his forehead.) You'll be okay Iroh.

Zuko: (Faces Faith and looks genuinely sincere.) You should leave.

Faith: (Faces Zuko.) Take care of him okay?

Zuko: He's my uncle, I've got this.

Faith: (Places a hand on Zuko's hand and whispers.) You have good in you. Just choose right when the time comes.

Faith stands up and walks over to Aang. The members of Team Avatar all run away leaving Zuko still kneeling over Iroh. Faith takes one look back and smiles at Zuko. Zuko faces her and is seen returning the smile. The scene fades to a mountain at nightfall where Appa lands. Team Avatar is sleeping on the saddle. Toph and Katara rest next to each other. Sokka is by himself, Aang and Faith are resting together as well.

Words: 4826

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* I do not own Avatar and the last airbender * The story is about what happend after the kiss of Katara and Aang, will they stay together?
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