ATLA- Faith's Story

By smollpika

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After becoming a young AirBending prodigy she decides to risk her life to run away with her best friend. She... More

Book 1 Chapter 1: In the Iceberg
Chapter 2: The Avatar Returns
Chapter 3: The Southern AirTemple
Chapter 4: The Warriors of Kyoshi
Chapter 5: The King Of Omashu
Chapter 6: Imprisoned
Chapter 7: Winter Solstice part 1~ The spirit world
Chapter 8: Winter Solstice Part 2~ Avatar Roku
Chapter 9: The WaterBending Scroll
Chapter 10: Jet
Chapter 11: The Great Divide
Chapter 12: The storm
Chapter 13: The Blue Spirit
Chapter 15: Bato Of The WaterTribe
Chapter 16: The deserter
Chapter 17: The Northen AirTemple
Chapter 18: The WaterBending Master
Chapter 19: The Siege Of The North Part 1
Chapter 20: The Siege Of The North Part 2
Book 2: Chapter 1: The Avatar State
Chapter 2: The cave of two lovers
Chapter 3: Return to Omashu
Chapter 4: The swamp
Chapter 5: Avatar Day
Chapter 6: The blind bandit
Chapter 7: The chase
Chapter 8: Bitter Work
Chapter 9: The Library
Chapter 10: The Desert
Chapter 11: The serpents pass
Chapter 12: The drill
Chapter 13: City of walls and secrets
Chapter 14: Tales of Ba Sing Se
Chapter 15: Lake Laogi
Chapter 16: The Earth King
Chapter 17: The Guru
Chapter 18: The crossroads of destiny
Book 3: Chapter 1: The awakening
Chapter 2: The Headband
Chapter 3: The painted lady
Chapter 4: Sokka's master

Chapter 14: The FortuneTeller

1.4K 29 2
By smollpika

Faith, Aang, Katara, and Sokka are sitting around a bundle of sticks with a blue tent behind Katara and are surrounded by trees and rocks. A large se tu suddenly bursts from the surface, leaps through the air, and lands with a splash into the water. Katara rises and points at it.

Katara: (Excitedly.) Look!

Sokka rises to view the spectacle. The fish, a se tu, leaps into the air again, facing the group in mid-jump in slow-motion before landing in the water again.

Sokka: He is taunting us! You are so going to be dinner!

He grabs his fishing pole from his tent set up nearby and attempts to cast the pole into the water unsuccessfully.

Sokka: (Observes the fishing pole.) Hey, where's the fishing line?

Aang: (Sheepishly.) Oh, I didn't think you would need it, Sokka. (He holds up an intricately woven necklace decorated with a red flower.)

Sokka: (Walks over and examines the necklace.) Aw, it's all tangled!

Aang: (Rises to his feet.) Not tangled. Woven! I made you a necklace, Faith. It's not as good as the last one but I thought since you lost it...

He pauses in mid-sentence and displays the necklace, holding it between his hands as he flashes a toothy grin.

Faith: (Smiling and approaching him.) Thanks, Aang. (Takes the necklace.) I love it.

Sokka: (Sarcastically.) Great, Aang. Maybe instead of saving the world, you can go into the jewelry-making business.

Aang: I don't see why I can't do both.

Katara: (Smiling.) I think it's nice.

While saying this, Faith can be seen in the background, trying on her new necklace. Sokka turns back to the lake, where the se tu continues its acrobatic display. Sokka tosses the fishing line into the water in an attempt to spear the fish. He only grows more frustrated when he sees the se tu leap from the water, unharmed.

Sokka: Stop taunting me!

He runs into the water, holding his jawbone dagger. Aang watches him run off.

Faith: So, how do I look?

Aang turns to look at her, a bored expression on his face. His uninterested expression, however, soon transforms into one of awe and amazement. The background around her has become colored with shades of pink and purple, sparkles of light glistening every now and then. She smiles sweetly, blushing slightly with one hand behind her back and the other touching her necklace in a pose. Aang nervously pulls at his collar with his hand, smiling awkwardly.

Aang: (Nervously.) You mean, all of you or just your neck? (Puts his right hand behind his head in embarrassment.) I mean, because both look great!

Sokka: (Emerges from the water, holding the se tu.) Smoochie, smoochie, someone's in love! (Makes kissing noises before the se tu breaks free from his grasp, slapping Sokka in the face with its tail and disappearing under the water.)

Aang: (Embarrassed.) I... well, uh...

Katara: (Annoyed.) Stop teasing him, Sokka. Aang's just being a good friend. (Pats the side of his head.) A sweet, little guy! Just like Momo. (Pets Momo, who lands on Aang's shoulder.)

Aang: (Dismayed.) Thanks.

Katara: (Walking towards Faith and hugs her.) I think you look great Faith!

Faith: (Smiles up at Katara.) Thanks Kat.

Sokka emerges empty-handed from the lake, soaking wet and cross. Momo suddenly flies off Aang's shoulder upon hearing a loud noise in the distance. He leaps onto a rock followed by Aang, who observes the scene. He points to the source of the commotion.

Aang: (Urgently.) Someone's being attacked by a platypus bear!

Theres a large, ferocious creature having dark brown fur, the body and head of a bear, the tail and bill of a platypus and bearing a white "V" across its chest. The creature stands upright on its hind legs and swings at a man clad in blue, who smiles merrily, his hands behind his back. The man manages to avoid the bear's swing by calmly stepping backward. The creature continues its attacks as Aang leaps onto a rock directly behind it. The old man continues to smile as though nothing is occurring.

Calm man: Well, hello there! (Dodges another swift swing of the bear's claws.) Nice day, isn't it?

Aang: Make noise! He'll run off!

Faith, Sokka and Katara approach the scene.

Sokka: No, play dead! He'll lose interest!

The bear swings its claws only to miss striking the man once again.

Calm man: (Happily.) Whoa, close one! (Laughs bemusedly.)

Katara: (Cups a hand to her mouth and makes gestures with her other hand.) Run downhill, then climb a tree!

Sokka: No, punch him in the bill! (Swings a fist upward.)

Aang: And then run in zig-zags!

Calm man: No need, it's going to be fine!

Faith: (Smiling; Walking over to the man.) Watch this. (She winks at Aang as he just blushes slightly.)

Faith approaches the Platypus bear and stands in between the old man and the creature. The creature goes onto its back legs ready to swing. As he goes in for the swing Faith places her hand forward sending a small gush of wind causing The platypus bear to stop and land on all fours. It licks her side and then walks off into the distance.

Faith: (Laughing as she dries herself off.) What a nice platypus bear.

Aang: (Runs next to Faith and grabs her arms looking her up and down.) Are you okay?

Faith: (Rolls her eyes.) I'm fine Aang. (He lets go off her.) I just have a way with animals.

Sokka: (Joyfully picks up a random egg.) Mmm, lunch! (He sniffs it.) Lucky for you, we came along.

Calm man: Thanks, but everything was already under control. Not to worry. Aunt Wu predicted I'd have a safe journey. (Folds hands together and bows slightly.)

Aang: Aunt who?

Calm man: No, Aunt Wu. She's the fortuneteller from my village. Awful nice knowing your future.

Katara: (Looks off to the side as she ponders this.) Wow, it must be. (Faces the man with a bright expression on her face.) That explains why you were so calm!

Sokka: But the fortuneteller was wrong! You didn't have a safe journey; you were almost killed!

Calm man: (Cheerfully.) But I wasn't! All right, have a good one! (He bids them a farewell and begins to walk away only to turn back again.) Oh, and Aunt Wu said if I met any travelers to give them this.

He hands Aang a wrapped parcel seemingly containing a long, thin object and leaves mysteriously. Sokka eyes the man suspiciously.

Katara: (Excitedly.) Maybe we should go see Aunt Wu and learn our fortunes. It could be fun.

Sokka: Oh, come on. Fortune telling is nonsense!

Faith: (Smiling.) I agree with Kat! We should go it sounds like so much fun!

Aang quickly unwraps the mysterious parcel, which turns out to be a red umbrella. He opens it and holds it over his head.

Aang: What do you know? An umbrella!

At that moment, the sky darkens and it begins to rain. A low rumble of thunder can be heard. Katara bends an arched shield of water over her head to shelter herself from the weather.

Faith: That proves it! (She ducks under the umbrella, Katara follows her and squishes Faith into Aang causing him to blush.)

Sokka: (Holding the egg above his head to shield himself from the rain.) No, it doesn't! You can't really tell the future!

Katara: (Smugly.) I guess you're not really getting wet then.

Sokka suddenly looses his grip on the platypus egg as it flies through the air. He attempts to catch it, however, it merely flies a few feet into the air and lands on his head, cracking and causing the egg to run down his face.

The group walk along the path; as the rain continues, Aang, Faith and Katara are sheltered under the umbrella, while Sokka stays away from them, drenched by the downpour.

Sokka: (Crossly.) Of course she predicted it was going to rain. The sky's been gray all day!

Katara: Just admit you might be wrong, and you can come under the umbrella.

Sokka: Look, I'm going to predict the future now. (Stops walking and hops from foot to foot in an exaggerated way.) It's going to keep drizzling. (The rain continues to fall.) See?

Suddenly, the rain stops falling and sky lightens up slightly. Aang tilts the umbrella back to observe the dramatic change in weather.

Aang: Not everyone has the gift, Sokka.

Faith: (Laughing.) Sorry Sokka. That was just too funny.

The entire team walk along the path in a strong, yet calm, breeze which rustles the grass on the side of the path. Aang and Faith continue to stroll leisurely under the umbrella ahead of Sokka and Katara. Appa plods behind, pausing briefly to shake his wet fur out, soaking Sokka in the process and causing him to flinch.

Sokka: (Disgusted.) Agh!

The team walks through the entrance into the village, turkey ducks quacking as they pass. A strange man dressed in a black robe stands by a round doorway.

Strange Man: Aunt Wu is expecting you.

Katara: (Excitedly.) Really?

The four walk in through the doorway, Sokka expressing his disgust. They enter a room, four pillows situated on the floor to the right of the room. The strange man closes the door. A young girl walks into the room clad in a pink robe and wearing her hair in braids that stick out from the sides of her head.

Girl: My name is Meng and I'm Aunt Wu's assistant.

Her eyes suddenly widen. They fall onto Aang who is currently looking at Faith in Awe, as Faith just averts her eyes clearly happy.

Meng: (Pleased.) Well, hello there.

Aang: (Rubs nose in disinterest.) Hello.

Meng: (Aang, Faith and Katara seat themselves on the pillows.) Can I get you some tea or some of Aunt Wu's special bean curd puffs?

Sokka: (Brightening.) I'll try a curd puff.

Meng: (Holds up index finger in gesture.) Just a second. (To Aang.) So what's your name?

Aang: (Flatly.) Aang.

Meng: (Delighted.) That rhymes with Meng! And you've got some pretty big ears, don't you? (Faith just looks at her annoyingly before sighing and closing her eyes clearly going into a meditating state while they wait for Aunt Wu.)

Aang: (Awkwardly.) I guess.

Sokka: (Waves hand in dismissal and jokes.) Don't be modest! (Spreads arms outward in emphasis.) They're huge!

Aang covers his ears in embarrassment and glares at Sokka.

Meng: (Begins walking away.) Well, Aang, it was very nice to meet you. (Smiles slyly.) Very nice. (Turns and leaves.)

Aang: Likewise.

Sokka: I can't believe we're here in the house of nonsense.

Katara: Try to keep an open mind, Sokka, Like Faith is. There are things in this world that just can't be explained. Wouldn't it be nice to have some insight into your future?

Sokka: (Nonchalantly.) It would be nice to have some bean curd puffs.

Faith: (Opens her eyes and glares at Sokka.) Is food always on your mind?

Sokka: (Shrugs.) Yeah basically.

Faith: (Smugly.) No wonder why you are single.

Sokka: (Points at Faith.) Take that back Faith!I'm much older then you, I've been in more relationships then you ever will be.

Faith: (Laughing.) That's not a good thing.

Sokka: At least I can get in a relationship!

Faith: (Angrily.) Oh that's it!

Faith starts to crawl over to Sokka but Aang quickly grabs her and holds her back. She continues to try to grab Sokka while Aang keeps her away. Aang laughs slightly which causes Faith to look at him and smile lightly. She moves away as her and Aang continue to share a smile. Meng approaches the room with a tray of bean curd puffs. A door in the hallway opens and a woman clad in green exits. She approaches Meng excitedly.

Woman: Oh, Meng! Aunt Wu says I'm going to meet my true love. He's going to give me a rare panda lily. (Faith opens her eyes and sighs dreamily at the women.)

Meng: That's so romantic! (Dreamily, while casting Aang a flirtatious look.) I wonder if my true love will give me a rare flower.

Aang: (Breezily.) Good luck with that!

Woman: (Trying to contain her laughter.) Is that the big-eared guy who Aunt Wu predicted you'd marry?

Embarrassed by this statement, Meng pushes the woman aside and continues on her way to the other room. She approaches the team, her eyes fixated hopefully on Aang, who stares off into space, unaware of her presence. She suddenly trips; Aang attempts to help her recover, accidentally holding her hands in his in the process. The two stare at each other for a moment; Meng blushes.

Meng: (Nervously.) Enjoy your snack! (Leaves in a hurry.)

Sokka takes the tray of curd puffs from Aang; he prepares to sample one only to be interrupted by an elderly woman, clad in a yellow robe, who enters the room.

Wu: Welcome, young travelers. Now, who's next? Don't be shy.

Sokka looks away uninterested and Aang casts a look at Faith as Katara just nudges her.

Faith: (Rising in anticipation.) I guess that's me.

The two exit. Katara, Aang and Sokka sit idly on the floor, Sokka tasting the curd puffs.

Sokka: (Delighted; with his mouth full.) Mm, not bad, not bad! (Holding out bowl to Aang.) Mhm?

Aang: (Refusing the bowl.) I'm good on puffs. (Sokka shrugs and continues eating the puffs; trying to act casual.) So, what do you think they're talking about back there?

Sokka: (Causally, holding up puff.) Boring stuff I'm sure.

Katara: (Smiling.) Love, who she's going to marry, how many babies she's going to have. It's so cute! She better tell me everything.

Sokka: (Continuing to eat.) As I said boring stuff.

Aang: (Trying to act cool.) Yeah, dumb stuff like that... (Tenses a bit and bites his fingers nervously.) Well, I've got to find a bathroom.

Aang, tiptoes down the hallway to where Aunt Wu had led Faith into the room, clearly ready to eavesdrop on their conversation. Aang presses his ear to the doorway. The following conversation between Aunt Wu and Faith occurs from behind the wall.

Wu: Your palms are so smooth. Do you use moisturizer?

Faith: Actually, Thanks to Katara; I have this special seaweed lotion. I can get you some if you want. (Aang sticks out his tongue; slight pause.) So, do you see anything interesting in my love line? (Aang immediately perks up upon hearing this.)

Wu: (Somewhat dramatically.) I feel a great romance for you. The man you are going to marry.

Faith: (Excitedly.) Tell me more!

Wu: I can see that he's a very powerful bender.

Upon hearing this statement, Aang smiles mischievously and leaps in the hallway, delighted upon hearing this. Aang struts back into the main room happily.

Sokka: Looks like someone had a pretty good bathroom break.

Aang: Yeah... when I was in there...

Katara: (Disgusted, looking away and holding up a hand to signal Aang to stop.) I don't even want to know!

Wu: (Entering the room with Faith.) Who's next?

Katara: (Rising.) My turn!

She Happily skips off with Wu leaving Faith to come into the main room and wave at Aang.

Aang: (Walking over to Faith.) Hey, how did it go?

Faith: (Smiling widely.) Really, Really well! She's actually better then I thought.

Sokka: (Dryly.) Sure she is. This is all nonsense.

Faith: (Pouting.) Is not! I can't wait for Kat to come out so we can talk.

Aang: (Smugly.) Why can't we talk about it?

Faith: (Walks over to the pillow and sits down.) No offence oh mighty avatar but I want to talk to a girl about this thing. (She laughs as Aang sits down beside her.)

Aang: I could be a pretty good girl, ya know.

Faith: Aang, stop it. I'm not going to tell you. This is a girl thing. You boys wouldn't understand.

Sokka: She's right airhead, girls are strange when it comes to love and all that stuff. Better to not get involved.

Aang: But-

Aang is cut off by Aunt Wu and Katara coming back in the room.

Wu: Who's next?

Sokka: (Rising.) Okay, let's get this over with.

Wu: (Dryly.) Your future is full of struggle and anguish. Most of it, self-inflicted.

Sokka: (Holding up his hands in protest.) But you didn't read my palms or anything!

Wu: I don't need to. It's written all over your face. (Sokka resumes picking his teeth in disgust; to Aang.) You there, come with me.

Aang follows her into the other room while Katara just squeals and sits besides Faith.

Katara: (Excitedly.) What did she tell you? Did you ask about your love life? Did she say how many kids? When your going to get married?

Faith: (Laughing.) Calm down Kat. Yes, no, yes. And she told me that I'm going to be with a very powerful bender. What about you?

Katara: (Smiling.) She said I'm going to end up with someone I wouldn't expect. She said that it's going to be a very strong independent young man. But your going to be with a powerful bender. That will make many powerful babies. (She laughs.)

Faith: (Punches her arms slightly.) Oh shut up. I'm just excited for when it happens.

The four begin walking down a street.

Sokka: Well, now you got to see for yourselves how fortune telling is just a big, stupid hoax.

Katara: You're just saying that because you're going to make yourself unhappy your whole life.

Sokka: (Voice rising in anger.) That woman is crazy! My life will be calm and happy and joyful!

He roughly kicks a nearby stone, which soars into the air and comically ends up ricocheting off a hanging metal sign and striking the warrior, who had been standing breezily with his arms crossed. He covers his head in pain and falls to the ground. Hunched over he raises a finger in protest, his tone agitated.

Sokka: That doesn't prove anything!

Katara: (Satisfied.) Well, I liked my predictions. (Clasps her hands together anxiously.) Certain things are going to turn out very well.

Faith: (Smiling at Katara.) That makes two of us! My future looks great.

Aang: (Slyly, crossing his arms and leaning in toward her.) Same with mine...

Faith: Why? What did she tell you?

Aang: (Ambiguously.) Some stuff. You'll find out.

Faith exits along with Aang, who folds his hands contentedly behind his head. The villagers stand in the courtyard looking up at the sky, the team approaches.

Katara: (Looking at the sky.) What's with the sky?

Calm man: (Also viewing the sky.) We are waiting for Aunt Wu to come and read the clouds to predict the fate of the whole village.

Aang: (Pointing upward.) That cloud kind of looks like a fluffy bunny.

Calm man: (Slightly worried.) You better hope that's not a bunny! The fluffy bunny cloud forecasts doom and destruction.

Sokka: (Disgusted.) Do you even hear yourself?

Village Woman: (Gesturing to the mountain in the background.) The cloud reading will tell us if Mt. Makapu will remain dormant for another year or if it will erupt.

Calm man: We used to have a tradition once a year of going up the mountain to check the volcano ourselves. (Smiles.) But ever since Aunt Wu moved to the village twenty years ago, we have a tradition of not doing that.

Sokka: I can't believe you would trust your lives to that crazy, old woman's superstition!

Katara: (Laying a hand on Sokka's shoulder.) Shhh! She's coming!

Aunt Wu and her guard appear, ascending a stairwell. The crowd have formed an aisle to allow for the two figures to pass by. Aang, Faith and Katara stand next to each other, smiling widely as Aunt Wu and the guard walk by them. The crowd is clapping for the fortuneteller. Meng appears next to Aang.

Meng: (Trying to impress him.) Hey, Aang. (Pointing upward.) Don't you think that cloud looks like a flower?

Aang: (Awkwardly.) Huh? Sure, I guess. (He pushes Meng away; To Faith.) Hey, Faith, don't you think that cloud looks like a flower?

Faith: (Annoyed.) Shhh!

Aang shows clear disappointment at being hushed. Aunt Wu approaches the pagoda. She spreads her arms outward dramatically. There's an arrow-shaped cloud hovering above them. Aunt Wu studies a cloud reading book in her hand.

Wu: (Thoughtfully.) Bending arrow cloud... good crops this year. Nice big harvest.

Farmer: (Hugs elderly woman happily.) Darn good news!

Wu: Wavy, moon-shaped cloud... let's see. (Smiling.) Gonna be a great year for twins!

Poi and Ping: (High-five each other joyfully.) Yes!

Wu: (Thoughtfully.) And a cumulus cloud with a twisted nob coming off the end of it... (Spreads arms outward again) The village will not be destroyed by the volcano this year!

The crowd cheers ecstatically. Aang and Faith stand among the crowd.

Aang: (Slightly nervous.) Since I got you here, uh, there's something I want to tell you. I like you, but more than normal.

Katara runs up to Faith and grabs her hand pulling her to the fortuneteller, clearly paying no attention to Aang. Aang becomes upset at this.

Aang: (Crushed.) Never mind.

Faith and Katara stand before Aunt Wu's doorway and knock. Aunt Wu slides open the door.

Katara: Hi, Aunt Wu! Sorry to bother you.

Wu: Any time.

Katara: About this man I'm supposed to marry... (Looks down awkwardly and blushes.) Is he going to be handsome? (Clasps her hands together hopefully.) Oh, I hope he's tall!

Wu: Ah... You want another reading?

Katara: Yes, please!

Wu: (Looking at Faith.) Do you want another reading young master?

Faith: (Bows respectfully.) If you are willing to.

The two enter the room with the door sliding closed behind them.

Wu: (Walks into the room with Faith and Katara behind.) Whose first?

Faith: (Steps froward.) I'll go first.

Wu: (Gesturing.) Take a seat.

Wu gently takes Faith's hand in hers and reads across her hand lines.

Wu: I can see that your future husband is someone you have known for a while. You have a spiritual connection to them. A connection that goes deeper than any other type of friendship.

Faith's eyes widen as she remembers what had happened not that long ago with Gyasto.

She gasps as a figure of Monk Gyatso shows in her reflection. She jumps back before a spirit version of him popped out from the water.

Spirit Gyasto: (Smiles.) Faith... how much you have grown.

Faith: (Crying more.) Gyasto....

Spirit Gyasto: (Closes his eyes.) I'll always be apart of you Faith. You have called me because you are worried about something.

Faith: (Looks down.) I just... feel useless.

Spirit Gyasto: (Smiles.) If anything
your the most useful person I've ever known. Remember Faith you are only young. Aang Looks out for you because he can't afford to loose you, like he lost his home. Faith you have been chosen. (Places his thumb on Faith's Forehead.)

Faith: For What-

She was cut off when her eyes suddenly glow white along with her tattoos. After a minute they go back to normal, she looks at her hands and then back up at Gyasto.

Faith: (Confused.) What was that? What have I been chosen for? (Looks around.)

Spirit Gyasto: (Moves his thumb away.) You and Aang are spiritually connected. This means you can harness some of his abilities. You've been chosen to be Aang's other half. (Moves over a little and Points to the water.) Give it a try young master.

Faith slowly crawls over to the water and closes her eyes. She lifts her hands up and some water starts to lift slowly. She opens her eyes, widely and accidentally drops the water.

Faith: (Looks around for Gyasto.) I did tha- Master? (Stands up.) Gyasto? (She Shakes her head and sighs.) I should keep this to myself for now.

Wu: He is a Master of patience, he has wisdom beyond most. He's a perfect match for you.

Faith gently takes her hand away as she bows respectfully.

Faith: Thank you. (To Katara.) I'll see you later Kat.

Katara: (Smiling.) Bye Fifi.

Faith starts to quickly walk out of Aunt Wu's shop and walk down the street. She bites her finger nervously as she looks around for Aang. While looking around she bumps into someone she rubs her head where she hit it. She looks up to see Meng copying her move.

Faith: (Sorrowful.) I'am so Sorry Meng! I wasn't looking.

Meng: (Kinda Laughing.) Neither was I. But now that I've bumped into you, I need to ask you a question.

Faith: (Smiling.) Sure what's up Meng?

Meng: (Blushing Slightly.) Do you think that me and Aang make a good couple?

Faith's eyes widen as she stares at Meng. Meng begins to catch her looking and her blush fades.

Faith: (Sheepishly.) Mhm, I guess so. (Quickly walks past her.) Bye Meng! Sorry I need to find someone.

Faith walks off in a hurry.

After walking around for what seems like ages Faith finally came back to see Katara outside Aunt Wu's shop, knocking. She walks over to her and looks at her questionably.

Faith: (Confused.) What are you doing?

Katara: (A little agitated.) Waiting for her to let me in!

Faith: (Crossing her arms.) What did you do this time?

Katara: (Confused.) I don't know. I just asked her to do me another reading. What's wrong with that she is a fortuneteller.

Faith: (Laughing a little.) Don't you think it can be to much?

Aang and Sokka run up to the duo, having now landed.

Aang: (Shyly, raises hand slightly.) Hi, Faith.

Faith: (Faces Aang and smiles widely upon seeing him.) Hey Aang.

Katara: (Annoyed.) Can you believe she won't let me in? And after all the business I've given her?

Aang: But she doesn't even charge.

Katara: I know, but still...

Faith: You won't give her space Kat. (Laughs a little.)

Sokka: Well, we have other things to worry about. Aunt Wu was wrong about the volcano.

Katara: (Slightly irked, raises finger accusingly.) Sokka, you tried to convince me she was wrong before. It's going to take an awful lot to change my mind-

Her eyes widen in surprise, and she lurches forward as an explosion is heard and the volcano rumbles violently. Aang and Faith look up at the volcano, gray smoke is emitting from the peak of the mountain.

Faith: (Worriedly.) Oh no.

Faith, Aang, Katara and Sokka are among the crowd in the centre of the village.

Sokka: (Urgently.) Everyone, that volcano is gonna blow any second! Aunt Wu was wrong!

Village Woman: (Not buying his claim.) Yeah, yeah, we know you don't believe in Aunt Wu, Mr. science and reason lover.

Katara: (Stepping forward.) If you won't listen to him, maybe you'll listen to me. I want to believe Aunt Wu and her predictions as much as you do, but my brother and Aang saw the lava with their own eyes.

Faith: (Standing beside Katara.) Trust Me, they saw the volcano. It's not stable.

Calm man: (Unmoved.) Well, I heard Aunt Wu's prediction with my own ears.

Aang: (Leaps onto the awning of a nearby building; urgently.) Please listen to us! You are all in danger! And we have to get out of here! You can't rely on Aunt Wu's predictions (The villagers gaze up at him, seemingly listening.) you have to take fate into your own hands!

Another explosion is heard from the volcano. The villagers seem mildly alarmed.

Sokka: Look! (Points to the volcano.) Can your fortune telling explain that?

Smoke rises from the top in great plumes.

Man with Red Shoes: (Amused.) Can your science explain why it rains?

Sokka: (Turns to him; yells angrily.) Yes! Yes, it can!

The villagers walk away, oblivious to the danger.

Katara: (Dismayed.) They just won't listen to reason. (Aang leaps down from the awning.)

Aang: (Brightening.) But they will listen to Aunt Wu!

Sokka: I know that's the problem.

Faith: Well, it's about to become the solution. We're taking fate in our own hands.

Aang: First, I need to borrow Aunt Wu's cloud reading book.

Faith, Sokka and Katara, stand in front of Aunt Wu's building, trying to act casual. Sokka flashes an innocent smile. Aang appears over the rooftop, along with Momo, and climbs downward onto the porch of the highest story.
Aang is peering in various drawers for the book. Momo chirps.

Aang: (Whispering.) Shhh! We don't want anyone to hear us.

He continues to snoop about. Meng's reflection appears in the mirror hanging over the dresser. Aang sees this reflection and turns around, startled. He stands up straight, Momo hiding behind his back.

Aang: Oh, I didn't see you there.

Meng: (Sadly.) You don't like me, do you? (Her ears droop down.)

Aang: Of course I like you.

Meng: (Downcast.) But not the way I like you.

Aang: Oh, I guess not.

Meng: It's okay. It's just really hard when you like someone, but they don't think of you that way.

Aang: (Casting sad glance to the side.) I know what you mean.

Meng: She's beautiful, by the way.

Aang: (Blushes and looks at her, surprised.) Huh?

Meng: That AirBender girl. I can see why you like her so much. (Clasps hands together, counts on her fingers.) She's sweet, she's a bender and her hair seems so manageable. (While saying this last part, she tries to smooth down her braids only for them to immediately stick up again.)

Aang: Don't worry. You're going to meet a great guy who's going to completely fall for you. I know it. (Places a hand on her shoulder comfortingly; turns to leave.)

Meng: Thanks. (Holds up hand in alert.) Wait! Don't you want this? (Aang looks surprised; Meng hands him the cloud reading book, revealing she had had it in her possession the whole time.)

Aang: How did you know?

Meng: (Nervously playing with her fingers.) I've kind of been stalking you. (Smiles sheepishly.) Heh...

Aang: (Blushing.) Oh, thanks... I guess.

Appa flies through the clouds with Faith and Katara on his back, Faith at the reins, Katara seated in his saddle.

Aang: Clouds are made of water and air, so between the two of you, you ought to be able to bend them into any shape we want.

Katara: (Reading Aunt Wu's book.) I found it. The symbol for volcanic doom.

She turns the book around, but keeps her hand placed on the image for volcanic doom, obscuring the person's view of the symbol. A cloud passes over. The cloud cover clears, depicting both Faith and Katara standing on Appa's saddle. In synchronization, they raise their arms upward, preparing to shape the clouds. Appa sails through the sky; he leans over on his side and sprawls out his legs, dipping into the clouds below. The villagers below, view the changing cloud formations. Appa appears from beneath one of the clouds and flies upward, Faith and Katara seen mounted on his saddle. The bison emerges from the top of a cloud. Katara, swivels around, a smile spread across her face. Faith swings her arms in a circular motion, using airbending to shape the formation. The villagers look up to see the clouds shifting. Sokka brings Aunt Wu over to her stage. He points to the sky.

Sokka: Aunt Wu, look! Something is happening in the clouds.

Wu: (Quizzically.) That's very strange. It shouldn't... (A shadow falls over her face as the sky darkens; suddenly terrified.) Oh my!

A skull-shaped cloud that Faith and Katara formed flies above the village. The mountain begins spewing more smoke into the air. Aang and Faith begin to direct the crowd.

Aang: We still can save the village if we act fast. (Gesturing toward Sokka, who stands on the pagoda.) Sokka has a plan.

Sokka: (Making motions with his arm.) Lava is gonna flow downhill to this spot. If we can dig a deep enough trench we can channel all the lava away from the village to the river.

Faith: If any of you are earthbenders, come with me and Aang.

Poi: (Raising hand.) I'm an earthbender!

Ping: (Raising hand.) I'm not!

Sokka: Everybody else grab a shovel (As another explosion resonates over the village, everyone stumbles before regaining balance.) Come on! We've gotta hurry!

The crowd disperses very fast, now desperate to put Sokka's plan into action. A few cries of urgency are uttered.

A deep trench is beginning to form outside the village. Team Avatar and the town's people labor to dig the trench, using both earthbending and manual means. Two earthbenders make motions with their arms and hands. Two large boulders are cleared out of the way. The villagers continue their labor; Appa is seen transporting loose boulders from the scene, using a net attached to his body. Another explosion makes a cut to the mountain again, now lava is spewing out.

Sokka: (Resuming work.) Dig faster! Dig faster!

As lava begins to flow down the volcano in the background, the shot cuts to Poi as he runs and sweeps his arms forward. A torrent of boulders is cleared and sent down the river as Poi creates a channel toward the river. The villagers stand inside the trench. Aang leaps onto the edge of the trench. In the background, the lava steadily creeps further down the mountain toward the village.

Aang: Everyone needs to evacuate! We'll come for you when it's safe!

Everyone runs. Momo arrives and puts a small rock on the edge of the trench and lands on Aang, who pets him before also running away from the edge. Lava is erupting from the peak of the volcano. A stream of burning liquid is coursing down the mountain and into the forest. Faith, Aang, Sokka, and Katara stand; their faces illuminated by the approaching lava as they watch anxiously, ash falling down upon them. Reaching the trench, the lava falls in the ditch, though the steady incoming river of lava quickly threatens to overflow the trench.

Katara: It's too much! It's gonna overflow!

Another explosion rocks the village. A huge column of lava and smoke explodes out of the Volcanos peak. Burning rocks begin to rain down in addition to the ash. Katara, Sokka And Faith begin to run for safety but turn to see Aang has not moved. A huge boulder falls out of the sky and lands in the trench, throwing up a fountain of lava. A massive wave of lava begins to head toward the village. Aang rushes forward with a furious face. He propels himself into the air and begins to airbend. As the lava begins to overflow, Aang blows the lava straight up, not allowing it to advance on the village. Finally, he draws in a mighty intake of breath and expels it, airbending it as it exits, cooling all the lava to stone. Aang relaxes and assumes a meditation pose. Faith, Katara and Sokka watch in surprise.

Sokka: Man, sometimes I forget what a powerful bender that kid is. (Faith's expression changes at this, remembering Aunt Wu's words about her future marriage.)

Faith: Wait, what did you just say?

Sokka: (Casually.) Nothing, just that Aang is one powerful bender.

Faith: (Slowly widens her eyes in realization; as if having an epiphany.) I suppose he is.

The volcano smokes, but no longer erupting.  Aunt Wu and the town's people, including the Calm man, have assembled in the middle. A tall, jagged wall-like formation of cooled lava towers over the square. Aang stands in front of Aunt Wu, offering her back the cloud book he took.

Aang: (Sheepishly.) By the way, we kind of borrowed your book.

Wu: So you messed with the clouds, did you?

Wu grabs the book in anger while Katara looks guilty and Sokka smiles and points at her, indicating that she had a part in the cloud manipulation, too.

Wu: (Laughs in amusement.) Very clever!

Sokka: No offense, but I hope this taught everyone a lesson about not relying too much on fortune telling.

Calm man: (Cheerfully.) But Aunt Wu predicted the village wouldn't be destroyed and it wasn't. She was right, after all.

Sokka: (Gets near the Calm man's face, through gritted teeth.) I hate you.

Faith: (Holding Sokka by the shoulders and leading him away.) It's okay, Sokka. Everything's going to be all right.

Aang is talking to Wu out of hearing from Faith.

Aang: Can I ask you something?

Wu: Of course, honey.

Aang: (Disappointed.) You didn't really see love in my fortune, did you? You just told me what I wanted to hear.

Wu: I'll tell you a little secret, young airbender. (Gestures to the sky.) Just as you reshaped those clouds, (Aang smiles.) you have the power to shape your own destiny.

Team Avatar are sat upon Appa. Meng stands in front of Appa. Aang airbends himself onto Appa's saddles; Faith is at the reins.

Faith: (Brightly.) Goodbye everyone! It was so nice to meet you! (To Meng.) Take care, Meng.

Meng: (Waving.) Take care! (Appa turns away. Her smile disappears and is replaced by a frown.) Floozy.

Words: 6203

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