ATLA- Faith's Story

By smollpika

42.1K 1K 195

After becoming a young AirBending prodigy she decides to risk her life to run away with her best friend. She... More

Book 1 Chapter 1: In the Iceberg
Chapter 2: The Avatar Returns
Chapter 3: The Southern AirTemple
Chapter 5: The King Of Omashu
Chapter 6: Imprisoned
Chapter 7: Winter Solstice part 1~ The spirit world
Chapter 8: Winter Solstice Part 2~ Avatar Roku
Chapter 9: The WaterBending Scroll
Chapter 10: Jet
Chapter 11: The Great Divide
Chapter 12: The storm
Chapter 13: The Blue Spirit
Chapter 14: The FortuneTeller
Chapter 15: Bato Of The WaterTribe
Chapter 16: The deserter
Chapter 17: The Northen AirTemple
Chapter 18: The WaterBending Master
Chapter 19: The Siege Of The North Part 1
Chapter 20: The Siege Of The North Part 2
Book 2: Chapter 1: The Avatar State
Chapter 2: The cave of two lovers
Chapter 3: Return to Omashu
Chapter 4: The swamp
Chapter 5: Avatar Day
Chapter 6: The blind bandit
Chapter 7: The chase
Chapter 8: Bitter Work
Chapter 9: The Library
Chapter 10: The Desert
Chapter 11: The serpents pass
Chapter 12: The drill
Chapter 13: City of walls and secrets
Chapter 14: Tales of Ba Sing Se
Chapter 15: Lake Laogi
Chapter 16: The Earth King
Chapter 17: The Guru
Chapter 18: The crossroads of destiny
Book 3: Chapter 1: The awakening
Chapter 2: The Headband
Chapter 3: The painted lady
Chapter 4: Sokka's master

Chapter 4: The Warriors of Kyoshi

2.4K 55 6
By smollpika

Sokka holds a map in his hands, he begins to question Aang's navigational skills.

Sokka: (To Aang.) You have no idea where you're going, do you?

The four are riding Appa, the siblings and Faith sit on Appa's saddle while Aang sits on his head, looking back.

Aang: Well... (Happily.) I know it's near water.

Appa flies over a large area of water.

Sokka: (Sarcastically.) I guess we're getting closer then.

Faith is preoccupied with sowing a hole in Sokka's pants as Melody sits in her Lap holding one of the end of his pants. Katara is helping her out by sewing up the other rip. Aang glances at Faith from atop Appa's head, Momo perched on his shoulder. He concocts an idea to impress her.

Aang: Momo, marbles please. (Momo dives into his shirt and emerges, handing Aang two small, gray marbles.) Hey Faith, check out this airbending trick!

Using airbending, Aang manages to spin the two marbles quickly along an equatorial plane as he grins happily. Faith takes no notice and continues to sew.

Faith: (Nonchalantly, still focusing on her task at hand.) That's great, Aang.

Aang: (Disappointed, stops performing the trick.) You didn't even look.

Faith: (Looks over at Aang and attempts to show enthusiasm.) That's great!

Aang: (Dismayed.) But, I'm not doing it now.

Sokka: (Seated on Appa's saddle. Sokka waves his arm breezily at Aang as if he is trying to shoo him away.) Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing.

Faith: (Katara and Faith both send Sokka an annoyed glare; Irritably.) What does that mean?!

Sokka: (Sokka lazily rests with his arms behind his head.) Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. (Faith starts to get really annoyed as Katara places her bag besides her and sits up straight crossing her arms.) It's just the natural order of things.

Katara: (Faith Suddenly smiles and looks at Katara, Sarcastically.) All done with your pants! (Shows that the pants are still ripped.) And look what a great job we did!

Katara angrily tosses the pants in his direction. The pair of pants hit Sokka in the face as he quickly scrambles to free himself. Katara laughs and leans back while Faith just smiles smugly. They then high five in triumphant.

Sokka: (Protesting and pleading.) Wait! I was just kidding. (Sticks one arm through the large hole in his pants.) I can't wear these! Faith, Katara, please!

Aang: (Enthusiastically.) Relax, Sokka. Where we're going, you won't need any pants.

Aang yanks Appa's reins to the left, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth. Appa picks up speed as he flies faster.


Appa has landed on a beach as the four start to dismount him.

Sokka: We just made a pit stop yesterday. Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?

Katara: (Aang looks for something with his hand held against his brow.) He's right. At this rate, we won't get to the North Pole until spring.

Aang: But Appa's tired, aren't you boy?

Appa does not react at all apart from a mild grunt, which comes across as less than convincing.

Aang: (Nudges Appa against his front leg with his elbow.) I said, aren't you boy?

Appa puts slightly more enthusiasm behind his response the second time by grunting louder and opening up his mouth wide as if he was yawning.

Sokka: (Aang smiles over his shoulder at the trio. Sarcastically.) Yeah, that was real convincing. (Somewhat fearfully.) Still, hard to argue with a ten-ton magical monster.

Faith: (Crossing her arms and closing her eyes smiling; Sarcastically.) Smooth move boys.

Aang: (Runs toward the shore, takes a sharp breath and points. Excitedly.) Look!

Aang is standing on the beach, pointing and looking at the water where an elephant koi jumps out the water and back in, creating a giant splash. The siblings and Faith stare in awe at the giant fish.

Aang: (Excited.) That's why we're here. (Starts to disrobe while more koi fish jump out of the water in the background.) Elephant koi, and I'm gonna ride it. Faith, you've got to watch me!

Faith: (Shakes her head and sighs; Smiling.) Well I have to keep an eye on you don't I?

Aang runs up to the water and dives in. As soon as he submerges, he jumps out again.

Aang: Cold!

Katara and Sokka, stand on shore, they exchange glances while Appa walks away, clearly taking interest in something else. Sokka makes a circular motion with his left hand around near his left temple, signaling to his sister that he thinks Aang is crazy. Faith laughs before looking back at Aang who is swimming toward the deep waters of the bay where the koi fish are. He dives under and immediately appears again, now holding on to the back fin of one of these giant animals as it jumps out of the water before diving again. Faith smiles broadly, impressed at the sight of Aang riding the koi fish while Sokka stares at the scene with an uninterested look upon his face and his arms crossed and Katara just looks smiles and crosses her arms following her brothers movement. Momo is jumping excitedly up and down as Aang's koi fish reappears again and Melody climbs up Faith's shoulder and nibbles on a piece of fruit she found. Clearly unimpressed.

Aang: (Aang is atop the fish's back, waving at his friends.) Hahaha, hahaha!

Faith: (Enthusiastically waves back.) Whooh! Go Aang!

Aang continues to ride the koi. Two other koi jump out of the water behind him to the left and right. Aang is still laughing loud with excitement as they race through the water. The three koi playfully jump out the water before diving. Aang submerges into the water while holding onto the fish's back. Momo is still excitedly jumping up and down while Faith addresses her friends who still have their arms crossed.

Faith: (Smiling.) He looks pretty good out there.

Sokka: (Unimpressed.) Are you kidding? (Lazily gestures at Aang in the water.) The fish is doing all the work.

Katara: (Picking up Momo and starts to stroke him.) I think that someone is jealous!

Sokka: (Angrily.) So not!

Faith: (Notices something behind Sokka and runs off.) No, Appa. Don't eat that! (Appa grunts.)

Aang smiles on top of the fish, presumably in an attempt to impress Faith. Faith starts to run off into the distance.

Aang: (Disappointed, the smile having faded off his face.) Oh man...

Two koi fish suddenly change direction, including Aang's, swerving to the bottom-right of the screen, leaving behind one koi fish that continues to race forward. A dark shadow of a large body appears beneath the water's surface directly behind the koi fish.

Sokka: (Alarmed.) There's something in the water!

One of the koi fish attempts to leap out of the water only to be pulled back under the surface by something unknown. Aang continues to surf on the koi fish's back, smiling widely, unaware of the danger. Faith reappears next to Katara again while Momo is screeching in alarm.

Faith: (Worried.) What's wrong?

Sokka: Aang's in trouble. Aang!

Faith: Get out of there!

Katara: Aang, move!

Aang grips the dorsal fin of the fish, his smile having now faded. He looks surprised at the commotion on the shore. Faith, Katara and Sokka motion for him to exit the water by flailing their arms and calling to him from far away.

Sokka: Get back here, Aang!

Aang believes they are cheering him on, he waves only to suddenly be hurled off the koi fish, into the water when the koi fish is being pulled under.

Aang: (Flailing his arms and legs.) Whaaaahh! Aaaah!

Aang plunges into the water as the koi fish he was mounted atop disappears under the water. Aang resurfaces and gasps for breath as the massive dorsal fin of the unknown creature emerges from the surface directly behind him. Aang turns around, suddenly alarmed by the sight.

Aang: (Frightened.) Whaaaaahh!

The dorsal fin of the creature starts to swerve off to the side as Aang uses airbending to run across the surface of the lake at lightning speed. Aang heavily pants as he flees the scene, his feet treading water, the creature following him in hot pursuit. Aang a mere speck in the water, a trail of white foam behind him, the creature gaining on him. Faith suddenly yelps as Aang collides straight into her, having reached the shore safely. The dorsal fin of the creature disappears beneath the surface. Katara runs to where Faith and Aang have come to a halt. Sokka follows behind as Aang stands up and helps Faith to her feet as she dusts herself off.

Katara: What was that thing?

Aang: I don't know.

Sokka: Well, let's not stick around to find out. Time to hit the road.

Faith: (Clearly agitated but remains calm.) Gladly.

Several female warriors stand in green kimonos and descend from the treetops ambushing the four. The women quickly encircle the group and take them out. Faith quickly blocks one of the attacks after watching Sokka, Katara and Aang being knocked out. She backflips over one the girls and starts to run to Appa as the girls quickly follow her. She makes it to Appa and uses her AirBending to jump on top of his saddle grabbing her staff. She jumps off Appa and resumes a defensive stand as the girls surround her. Faith quickly gets an idea.

Faith: (Drops her staff.) I mean no harm. (The girls stand straight as a girl walks out.) We are just travellers.

Warrior girl: (Picks up her staff and gives it back to her.) It's nice to see a loyal female, whose loyal to her friends. Please come with us. (She motions for her to follow the warriors as they make there way to Faith's friends.)

Faith: (Spots Aang.) Oh Aang. (She walks over to a knocked out Avatar and bends down picking him up and holding him close.)

Warrior girl: (Points to Aang.) He must be your boyfriend.

Faith: (Blushes intensely.) He is not!

Warrior girl: (Laughs as Faith pouts.) I'm Suki. The leader of the Kyoshi Warriors.

Faith: Faith. I'm an AirBending master.

Suki: Wait? An Airbender? Wow James would love to meet you! He's so interested by them!

Faith: He sounds nice.

The warriors start to drag away the knocked out trio as Faith holds onto Aang with Appa following close behind them.


Faith approaches a door and gently knocks on it. The door slides open slowly as a young man stands in the door way with a bright smile on his face. Faith stands there awkwardly waving as the man quickly grabs her arm and pulls her in closing the door behind them. Faith yelps in surprise before smiling and walking with him into his front room. The room consisted of five chairs around a dining table in an orderly fashion, a sofa in the corner with a shack of weapons next to it. The weapons appear to be AirBender weapons most of them being the staffs themselves. Faith looks around in Awe before sitting on one of the chairs next to the young male.

Young Male: You must be Faith, the Airbender Suki told me about. I've heard so much about you! I'm James.

Faith: (Shrugs.) I gathered you seemed excited to see me like Suki told me you would. Apparently you have been studying AirBenders for quite some time.

James: I have. (Excitedly.) They are so fascinating! Also Faith, (His voice saddens.) I'm sorry about what happened; to the other AirBenders. It must hurt.

Faith: (Looks down; Sadly.) Yeah it does. (Looks back up and smiles at James.) But I still have my family. I have Melody and Momo and Appa, and of course Aang.

James: (Smile turns into a frown upon hearing Aang's name.) So is Aang like your boyfriend?

Faith: (Blushes before staring at James.) No, He's not. He's the Avatar I'm just helping him fulfil his destiny.

James: (Smiles.) Cool, so you're an AirBender right? How good are you?

Faith: (Rubs the back of her head.) I'm the worlds youngest AirBending master. I finished all my tests and created a brand new technique at the age of ten. I got my tattoo's a few days later.

James: Wait! (Dazed.) I'm speaking to the youngest and one of the most powerful AirBenders there was?

Faith: Well I'm not that powerful. I'm not that special either.

James: (Clearly flirting with her.) Well I think your special.

Faith: (Smiling.) Thanks James. I hope we can be friends. (Stretches our her arm for him to shake her hand.)

James: (Shakes her hand.) I would like that.
(Let's go of her hand.) Can you tell me some things about AirBenders?

Faith: Sure, like traditions?

James: Yes!

Faith: Okay well I'm sure you know about the tests that we AirBenders take to get our marks. We take 36 tests to prove that we are AirBending masters. I had a great master back then. His name was Monk Gyatso and he was the greatest Airbender ever. (Leans back in her chair.) There's this other tradition as well. It's where every ten years a airbender would bring a gift to another person who is the person they love the most. The gift can be anything from a flower to a necklace, it's something that shows how much we appreciate each other. Often girls would come from other air temples to celebrate this.

James: (Curiously.) Did you get a gift?

Faith: Yes I did as a matter of fact. (Shows him her necklace.) I got this.

James: That's gorgeous, who gave it to you?

Faith: Aang.

James: (Sounds a little agitated.) How long have you known Aang?

Faith: For all my life basically. Since I was young. I was already able to Bend at the age of 8 but I became a master after 2 more years of training.

James: (Places a finger on his chin and tilts his head.) You said you made a new technique? What is it?

Faith: Well. (Stands up.) I can demonstrate it for you, it's not exactly a fighting technique.

James: Yes please.

Faith: Can you bend?

James: I'm a WaterBender, but I'm not that good. (He stands up.) I can do a water whip.

Faith: Great. We will need to be outside for this.

James leads Faith into his back garden, his back garden has a wide green space with tree's surrounding them. Faith gets into a defensive pose as James stands opposite her a few meters away. Faith places her hand in the air and moves it around gently. Her eyes close as she continues to move her hand. James quickly gets into his attack pose and he waves his hands around in a circular motion as a bit of water came from his fountain. He moves the water in front of him and moves his hand up and then out sending the water flying in her direction. Her hand stops dead in its track as the attack approaches she smiles as uses her airbending to avoid the water, with her eyes still closed.

Faith: Wow! (Eyes open; In awe at her own work.) It's been a hundred years since I've done that, nice to know I can still do it.

James: What did you do?

Faith: I used AirBending to predict your next move. It's easy to learn, I use Air currents to feel things. It's not that good but I can feel when something dangerous will happen.

James: That's awesome Faith! (Mumbles.) Aang doesn't deserve you...

Faith: (Curiously.) What was that James?

James: Oh nothing! (Rubbing the back of his head as he brushes her off.)

James walks over to Faith and stands in front of her towering her. She looks up at James as he places his hand on her cheek. Her eyes widen as she steps back slowly but he follows her moves. He backs her into a wall as she starts to tremble in her shoes. She tries to open her mouth to tell him to leave her alone but fear fills her from head to toe.

James: Y'know, (He extends his hand out and places it on the wall beside her head.) I think your super cute.

Faith: (In complete panic.) W-What...?

James: I think your super cute. Aang doesn't deserve you. (He gets closer to her face.) I mean you said you were single right?

Faith: (Nervously.) Yes but-

James: (Smiles evilly.) See, so why don't we try to get together?

Faith: (Tears start forming in the corner of her eyes.) No...

James: It'll be fun. (He gets closer to her face ready to kiss her.)

Faith panics and sends a gush of wind towards him pummelling him across the garden. She runs out of the garden gate and down into the main village where she bolts to the centre. She spots Suki and runs up to her in tears. Suki hears Faith approach from behind and she turns around only to be tackled into a bear hug by Faith. Suki notices Faith is crying so she hugs her back.

Suki: Faith, Faith? What happened? Speak to me.

Faith: (Trying to breath but is still in tears.) I... need Aang! I need him right now. Suki, where is he?

Suki: (Understanding.) Follow me Faith.

Suki takes Faith's hand and leads her towards a poshly built up house. She enters through the front two doors and walks up to the stairs. She brings Faith close to her as they walk into the room the avatar is located in. Faith looks for Aang only to see him surrounded by girls of his age circling him.

Suki: Aang! (Faith pauses in her tracks letting go off Suki's hand.) Faith?

Faith: (Mumbles.) He's busy, I'll come back later.

Aang faces them and then notices how upset Faith is, he goes to approach her but she dashes out of the room and down the stairs leaving the building. She runs out towards where she had met Suki and finds the little area of land by the ocean. She runs over to the water edge and falls onto her knee's looking at herself in the water. She sits down properly as she starts crying more. Her eyes fill with tears until they can't take anymore and she ends up falling asleep laying there on the sandy beach next to the light blue ocean moving in a retreating and entering motion over and over again. Everything starts to go black as she drifts off into her own peaceful sleep.

Hours later Faith opens her eyes slowly and sits up straight looking at her position and her surroundings. She places her hand on her forehead as she tries to recall what had happened before she ended up passing out. As everything starts to hit her she closes her eyes she begins to breath slowly. She stands up on her two feet and starts to walk in the direction of where the village is located. As she walks down the path surrounded by tree's the moonlight is the only source of light to be seen, the noise of the woods is what kept this place alive. The song of the whispering woods, Owls tooting, the whistle of the wind against the grass swaying like hands, the noise of the cockroaches leaping around their home; carefree. Sometimes Faith wished that humans were carefree, she wished for a time of peace and joy, happiness and freedom. After being stuck in that iceberg for a hundred years, things have changed in the world that she had once loved. Things are dying, people are dying, families are being destroyed, homes and towns are being raided, Kingdoms, Temples and Tribes are being wiped out, Faith wishes for a world of love and happiness, she begs for it. But no one listens to her.

As she continues to make her way down the narrow path a new light source shines in the distance, Faith looks closer and the light source appears to be a lamp in the middle of the village. She picks up her speed and starts walking faster to the village, she just wants to get into a nice warm bed with some shelter to protect her from the cold winds of the breezy night. She approaches the front gates of the village and breaths in stepping inside the village and continues to walk in the direction of the place Suki showed her earlier. She comes up to the door and slowly opens it revealing a dark living room. She walks through and tip toes making sure not to wake the sleeping boy on the sofa. She makes her way up some stairs and into another dark room. Faith opens the door slowly and see's Katara and Aang sleeping peacefully in two beds. She smiles and walks in closing the door behind her, she starts to tip toe past Aang's bed towards the mat on the floor. Suddenly she is jolted back as a hand grabs her and stops her from continuing. She turns around and see's Aang sitting up and looking at her, Faith's smile starts to fade.

Aang: (Whispers.) Faith, It's late..

Faith: (Turns around and faces Aang; Whispering.) I know Aang, try to get back to sleep you need it.

Faith tries to release her hand but Aang just pulls her down onto his bed with him, she looks up and see's Aang causing her to start blushing madly. Aang lies down and pulls Faith down with him, Aang places his arm around her waist and one under her head bringing her closer as Faith just sighs and digs her head into his chest hiding her face.

Aang: (Whispers.) Don't worry Faith, just sleep.

Faith's eyes close as she slowly starts to drift off into a deep slumber, everything goes black once again.

The sun starts to peak in through the window shedding light across the dark room. The light creeps up Faith's bed and shines in her eyes causing her to turn over and pull the covers over herself. Mere seconds later she sits up and yawns, taking in her surroundings. She looks to the side of her to see Aang has left, she follows the light till she see's the door half open. She stands up and starts walking to the door. She opens the door fully and steps out looking around, until her eyes lay upon another open door. She starts walking over to it and opens the door to reveal Aang, Katara, Melody and Momo sitting at a long table. Aang and Momo are very excited to see the display of decadent desserts in front of them, but Katara supports an uneasy look. Faith just walks in and sits down beside Aang as Aang just smiles widely.

Aang: (Throws his arms in the air while Momo digs in and chitters. Ecstatic.) All right! Dessert for breakfast!

Katara pokes one of the squishy looking, orange puffs with a flat top in front of her. Katara picks it up and closely investigates the dessert she just pokes. Aang on the other hand does not share her reluctance and starts stuffing his face, two desserts at once. Faith begins to laugh at the way Aang acts as she just stares at the food, clearly reluctant to try some.

Aang: These people sure know (The rest is kind of muffled out because he is cramming his desserts in his mouth.) how to treat an Avatar!

Katara is still not convinced about the deliciousness of the dessert she is holding. Faith just glances at Aang.

Aang: (Impressed.) Mmm... (Offers one of the desserts he is holding to Faith.) Faith, you've got to try these!

Faith: (Accepts the dessert Aang offers her.) Well, maybe just a bite.

Faith takes a bite and her face glows as she reaches for another piece. Before she can grab it Aang snatches it and sticks out his tongue towards Faith. Aang holds it in front of her tauntingly before Faith smirks and leaps at Aang, trying to grab the piece of cake she wanted. She lands on top of Aang and takes the cake out of his hands and laughs Triumphantly, she sits up straight and begins to stuff her face. Aang takes another cupcake and looks over at Sokka.

Aang: Sokka, what's your problem? Eat!

Sokka is sitting in a corner, with his arms crossed while staring in front of him.

Sokka: Not hungry.

Aang: (Aang leans backward to be able to look past Katara to Sokka; his eyes wide open in surprise.) But you're always hungry!

Katara: (Glancing amusingly at Faith and Aang. Slightly mocking.) He's just upset because a bunch of girls kicked his butt yesterday.

Sokka: (Protesting.) They snuck up on me!

Katara: (Mockingly looks at her brother.) Right. And then they kicked your butt.

Faith: They are very nice girls, they sure know how to beat people. Suki is especially nice. (She smiles as she takes another cupcake and begins eating it.)

Sokka: (Indignant.) Come on Faith! Sneak attacks don't count! (Walks out of the scene with big strides. Mumbling to himself.) Tie me up with ropes! I'll show them a thing or two. (Comes back to the table to face Faith, Katara and Aang.) I'm not scared of any girls. (Snatches some of the desert of the table.) Who do they think they are anyway? (He shoves one of the deserts in his mouth and stalks off
again.) Mmm... this is tasty.

Aang is still holding one of the sweets as he looks at Faith.

Aang: What's he so angry about? (Excited.) It's great here. They're giving us the royal treatment!

Faith: Hey, don't get too comfortable. It's risky for us to stay in one place for very long. We could be followed, it's dangerous.

Momo's arm comes into view from underneath the table. He scans the table for new pastries to snatch.

Aang: (Lowers his arm with the pastry and offers it to Momo's grasping paw.) I'm sure we'll be fine. (The lemur feels the desert and quickly snatches it out of Aang's hand.) Besides, did you see how happy I'm making this town? (Aang moves closer to Faith and turns around to look out of the window at the statue.) They're even cleaning up that statue in my honor!

Faith: Well, it's nice to see you excited and happy about being the Avatar. (Slightly concerned.) I just hope it doesn't all go to your head.

Aang: (Reassuring.) Come on, you know me better than that. I'm just a simple monk.

Faith: (Worried.) A simple monk?

Aang gets up and leans on the window sill so he can look better outside. As soon as he emerges, the villagers scream with delight and admiration for him. Aang looks down in surprise to see where the sound came from. A bunch a little girls cheering for him; Aang flashes a broad smile at the girls while blushing. Faith is standing behind him with her arms crossed in disapproval. She rolls her eyes and makes a raspberry. While Katara just shakes her head and walks out of the room holding Momo.

A small house is surrounded by trees clearly parted from the rest of the village, Sokka is walking up to it.

Sokka: (Angrily grunting to himself.) I can't believe I got beat up by a bunch of girls.

Inside the house, six Kyoshi Warriors are training. They are performing a routing with a fan in perfect unison. Sokka peeks his head around the door to look at them. He smiles smugly and enters.

Sokka: (Condescending.) Sorry ladies, (Suki and the other warriors stop their exercise and close their fans. They stare at Sokka with a serious look on their faces.) didn't mean to interrupt your dance lesson. (He stretches.) I was just looking for somewhere to get a little workout.

Faith: (The warriors part way revealing Faith who steps forward and stares at Sokka; smirking.) You? Doing a workout? That's new.

Suki: (Looks at Faith then at Sokka.) Sorry about yesterday. I didn't know that you were friends with Faith.

Sokka: (Stretching his arms.) It's all right. (Mockingly suppressing a laugh while speaking.) I mean, normally I'd hold a grudge, but seeing as you guys are a bunch of girls, I'll make an exception.

Suki: (Sarcastically.) I should hope so. A big strong man like you? We wouldn't stand a chance. (Faith giggles but covers her mouth trying not to laugh.)

Sokka: (Smugly.) True. But don't feel bad. After all, I'm the best warrior in my village.

Suki: (Keeps using sarcasm without Sokka catching on to it. Leans slightly toward Sokka.) Wow! Best warrior, huh? (Glances back to the other Kyoshi Warriors and looks at Faith.) In your whole village? (Looks back to Sokka.) Maybe you'd be kind enough to give us a little demonstration?

Sokka: (Sokka's eyes widen upon hearing the unexpected request.) Oh... Well... I mean... I...

Faith: Have fun girls (Sarcastically.) He is a really good warrior.

Faith walks out and waves goodbye to them as Sokka just sends her a death glare. She walks down and towards the grocery shop. Faith stops by the shop and begins filling a pot with groceries. Aang comes up behind her, smiling, and gives her a gentle poke to get her attention.

Faith: (Turns around in surprise, but is happy to see that the poke came from Aang.) Oh, good! Can you help me carry this back to the room? (She moves the pot toward Aang.) It's a little heavy.

Aang: (Holding up his hands to fob off with the offered pot.) Actually, I can't right now.

Faith: (Slightly irritated.) What do you mean, "you can't?"

Aang: I promised the girls I'd give them a ride on Appa. Why don't you come with us? It'll be fun!

Faith: (Resumed filling the pot with more vegetables.) Watching you show off for a bunch of girls does not sound like fun.

Aang: (Disappointed.) Well, neither does carrying your basket.

Faith: (Annoyed.) It's not my basket. These supplies are for our trip. I told you, we have to leave Kyoshi soon. It is way to dangerous to stay in one place.

Aang: I don't want to leave Kyoshi yet. I can't put my finger on it, (He puts his hand to his chin in a thinking posture.) but there's something I really like about this place.

The fangirls giggle.

Fangirl: (Stomping her foot in annoyance and puts her hands on her hips, while another girl happily waves at Aang; irritated.) What's taking you so long, Aangy?

Aang enthusiastically waves back at his awaiting fangirls, while the AirBender raises an eyebrow.

Faith: (Slightly mocking.) Aangy...

Aang: (Enthusiastically.) Just a second, Koko!

Faith: (Sarcastic.) "Simple monk", huh? (Annoyed.) I thought you promised me that this Avatar stuff wouldn't go to your head. Now will you help me?

Aang: Faith, It didn't. You know what I think? You just don't want to come because you're jealous.

Faith: (Angrily.) Jealous? (More high pitched voice.) Of what? (A little gush of wind is sent towards Aang as she starts to get more irritated.)

Aang moves back slightly, when an irritated Faith resumes to ferociously stuff the basket with more fruits.

Aang: Jealous that we're having so much fun without you.

Faith: (Irritated.) Right now fun isn't what we need, I'm preparing us for our journey. We can't stay. That's just ridiculous!

Aang: It is a little ridiculous, but I understand.

Faith turns to Aang, looking up at him with her hands on her sides, like she is about to come down on him, but reconsiders.

Faith: (Turning away; irritated.) Urch!

She begins to storm off into a hurry and towards the direction of their house. She walks in the door to see Katara clearly packing up as well. Faith walks over to her. Katara turns around and smiles but then notices how annoyed Faith is as she places the pot down and begins to take the vegetables out and placing them in a bag.

Katara: Hey Faith, what's up?

Faith: (Still slightly annoyed.) It's Aang. Ugh, he's letting all that avatar stuff get to him! He's being a jerk.

Katara: (Slightly confused.) What happened exactly?

Faith: This pot (Points to pot.) was heavy so when Aang showed up I asked him if he could help me carry it. He refused and said that he was giving his fangirls a ride on Appa. Then he asked me if I would go, of course I said no. We can't stay here for too long. But then he started calling me jealous! Out of everything right now jealous is the last thing I'am!

Another gush of wind is sent out as a scroll falls in front of Faith. She picks it up and recognised the scroll.

Katara: Faith, maybe you should go take a break I'll talk to Aang.

Faith: (Sighs.) Okay.

Faith picks up the scroll and walks up the stairs towards the room with the beds in. She closes the door behind her and walks over to the open area of the room. She gently sits down cross legged and opens the scroll. Just like before the scroll let's out a bright light that dims down in mere seconds. The writing is revealed all over the scroll as she just stares in Awe.


Mastering this technique could take weeks, months or even years. Not many have been able to master the scrolls incredible power, if you are reading this it means the scroll see's you as worthy and thinks that you are capable of mastering this technique. Beware, if this technique is not mastered properly it could take away your bending. Permanently.

Spirit form:

The technique you have been chosen to master is called spirit form, it is where one becomes like a spirit. Mastering this technique would allow you to be able to move through inanimate objects and solid walls and you will gain the ability to take flight without airbending. You will become a ghost that can still interact with humans. To master this it takes patience and time, meditating is key in performing this. Meditate until you can feel the spirit inside of you releasing. The key is freedom. Feel your body relax and drift away until you are as free as a bird. Be prepared for how your mind will change trying to master this technique.

Faith sits back as she tries to take all of that information in. She breaths in slowly and then breaths out slowly as she sits back up and clasps her hands together closing her eyes and reaching deep within herself. Mere seconds later someone cuts in to her meditating causing Faith to growl in anger but then go back into her meditating position.

Aang: (Confidently.) Faith, remember how Unagi almost got me yesterday?

Faith: (Closes her eyes tighter in annoyance but Aang can not see.) Yeah.

Aang: (Bragging.) Well, I'm going to go ride it now. It's going to be real dangerous.

Faith: (Still not looking at Aang; opening one eye to look ahead of her.) Good for you.

Aang: (Surprised.) You're not going to stop me?

Faith: (Still disinterested.) Nope. Have fun.

Aang: (Crossing his arms; defiant.) I will.

Faith: (Growing irritated again.) Great.

Aang: (Annoyed at Faith's lack of interest.) I know it's great.

Faith: (Irritated.) I'm glad you know.

Aang: (Annoyed.) I'm glad you're glad.

Faith: (Angry.) Good! (She starts loosing control sending a small gush of air in front of her but then breaths in trying to control her anger.)

Aang: (Emphasising his reacting by swinging his hands.) Fine!

Aang angrily turns around to walk out of the door. Before he leaves, however, he glances back to Faith with a sorrowful expression on his face. Right after he leaves the room, Faith crosses her arms in protection and glances at the door, looking sad as well. She turns her head and raises her eyes in a combination of annoyance and regret. Katara walks in seconds later and stands by the door.

Katara: I heard the yelling.

Faith: (Turns around and faces Katara with a sad expression on her face.) Were we that loud?

Katara: (Crosses her arms.) Sadly, Yeah. What was that about?

Faith: (Stands up and walks over to Katara standing in front of her.) He's going to ride the Unagi. I should probably go check on him.

Katara: Good idea. (Smiles widely as Faith begins to walk out of the door and down the stairs.)

The six fangirls are either sitting or lying on the shore in boredom.

Koko: (Resting her head on her hand. Bored and impatiently.) What's taking so long?

Aang: (Reassuringly.) I'm sure it will be here any second! (Looking for a way to entertain the girls.) What about this?

Aang takes out his marbles and spins them around between his hands with his airbending, smiling hopefully.

Little Girl: (Annoyed.) Not that again. Boring!

Koko: (The girls stand up. Waving her arms to emphasize her question.) Where's Unagi? It's getting late.

Aang: (Waving from the water to the girls. Pleading.) Where're you going? Don't leave!

Koko: (Holds her hands to her mouth to emphasise her yelling.) Sorry, Aang! Maybe next time.

As the girls leave, Aang's face looks extremely disappointed. He lowers himself to be partially under the water and starts blowing bubbles. The last of the girls leave, but their place is taken by Faith who just arrived. Aang jumps up from the water and smiles.

Aang: (Happily.) Faith! You showed up!

Faith: (Somewhat concerned.) I wanted to make sure you were safe. You really had me worried.

Aang: Back there you acted like you didn't care.

Faith: (In a regretful voice.) I always worry Aang, I've never stopped worrying. I'm sorry.

Aang: (Lowering his eyes.) Me too. I did let all that attention go to my head. I was being a jerk.

Faith: (Smiling. Puts her hands beside her mouth, yelling in a joking manner.) Well, get out of the water before you catch a cold, you big jerk!

Aang: (Smiling broadly and starts to swim towards the shore.) On my way!

Aang swims to the shore, when suddenly a giant dorsal fin appears from out of the water behind him. Faith's eyes open in shock and she draws a sharp breath in horror. Aang, is still oblivious to the danger behind him, continues swimming toward her with a smile on his face. Suddenly Aang is swept away by a wave and lifted out of the water, while he is screaming in panic. He looks around to find himself sitting on the back of Unagi as the monstrous eel erects itself before him, and directs a powerful jet of water to him. Aang withstands the water by holding on to one of the smaller dorsal fins of Unagi. The animal charges at Aang and tries to eat him, but Aang narrowly escapes by catching one of Unagi's whiskers. Screaming his lungs out, he dangles from side to side in from of the big green eye of Unagi. The enormous tongue of the Unagi moves from side to side in anticipation of the meal. The Unagi suddenly and violently moves his head in all directions, trying to snatch Aang of his whisker.

Faith: (Worried.) Hang on, Aang!

Aang is terrified as he holds on to the whisker for dear life. Unagi tosses him some more from side to side, and Aang finally lets go from the force and speed of the throw. He is thrown through the air, still screaming loudly, and smacks in the water, not so far from where Faith is standing on the shore. He emerges back to the surface, clearly unconscious with his tongue out of his mouth. Faith pants as she begins to run to Aang in the water.

Faith: Aang! I'm coming!

Unagi shrieks and dives under to get to his unconscious prey. Faith looks worried as she is moving toward Aang through the water as fast as she can. The moment Faith reaches Aang and takes him into her arm, Unagi emerges right in front of them. In an attempt to get away, Faith violently pushes the air, propelling herself and Aang backward with her AirBending; at the same time, Unagi snatches the water where they were just moments before. Although missing the duo, the impact of Unagi's attack creates a giant wave that slams Faith and Aang back to the rocks on shore. Angered, the animal spews power streams of water to the rocks before submerging again.

Faith: (Carefully peeking over the rock.) Zuko!

A fast approaching ship, of the banished prince, is coming into view. The ship reaches shore at the same moment Unagi's large dorsal fin submerges completely underneath the water. The ship's walkway is lowered; three riders mounted on komodo rhino's, with Zuko in the lead ride out of the ship.

Zuko: I want the Avatar alive.

Faith crawls up some rocks to have a better view of the approaching prince and his soldiers. Zuko and his man ride past Faith and Aang's hiding place. Faith protectively covers the body of the still unconscious Aang, while worriedly looking up and hearing the riders move past. When she is certain the riders have past, Faith lays Aang on his back.

Faith: (Worriedly.) Wake up, Aang! (Pleading.) Please..

She looks around for a while before starting to move her left hand over his chest, while supporting his head with her right. She moves her head closer and starts to do CPR; pressing down on his chest as water starts to spurt out.

Aang: (Coughing out the last of the water. In a weak voice.) Faith... (Faith lovingly smiles at him with relief written all over her face.) don't ride Unagi. Not fun.

Faith and Aang stand next to each other at the beginning of the Main Street, Aang holds his staff in front of him like he is challenging the prince while Faith just gets in a Defensive pose next to him.

Zuko: Nice try, Avatar! But these little girls can't save you.

Aang: Hey! Over here!

Zuko: (Turns around and faces them both with a look of determination on his face.) Finally!

Zuko commences by sending two fire balls in Aang's direction. Faith jumps in front of Aang and spins her hand creating a Air shield that blocks out the fire blast sending them back towards Zuko, who barely dodges them. Aang rapidly spins the staff over his head, propelling himself in the air. He lands in front of Zuko, who immediately kicks the staff out of his hands. Aang jumps up and lands between two fans of a Kyoshi Warrior that are lying on the ground. He stands up and picks up the fans with his airbending. Zuko, madly charges at Aang with his fist already held stretched out before him. Aang spins around a few times to create a bigger momentum and uses the extra power of his swirl to blast Zuko in a nearby house with a strong blast of air. Aang looks sad and lowers the fans. He runs down the main street and grabs Faith's hand surprising her and picks up his staff along the way. Aang tosses the object in the air, where it snaps open into his glider and Faith jumps onto his back and holds on as he jumps and grabs the glider. He glides away saddened by the amount of burning houses and the Fire Nation troops among them. Aang looks back to see the burning statue of Avatar Kyoshi, which saddens Aang even more. Faith looks down to see the people evacuating into homes and Katara helping them. Aang jumps of his glider as Faith jumps of seconds later, Aang lands and then catches Faith in a bridal style. He places her down and catches his staff.

Aang: (Sorrowfully.) Look what I brought to this place.

Faith: It's not your fault.

Aang: Yes, it is. These people got their town destroyed trying to protect me.

Faith grabs Aang's hand and pulls him in to a tight reassuring hug as Aang just hugs her back. Katara walks up to the two. They break apart and look at Katara.

Katara: Let's get out of here. Zuko will leave Kyoshi to follow us.

Faith: It feels wrong to run away though! These people need us...

Aang: (Sadly.) I'll call Appa.

Faith: But these people....

Aang grabs Appa's reins and pulls him to where Faith and Katara are standing. They climb on Appa as Sokka runs from behind a building with Momo and Melody close behind. They run up Appa's tail.

Aang: (Pulling the reins.) Yip-yip!

Appa groans and then takes off. The bison flies over the burning buildings as Faith looks over the saddle clearly saddened by the view only to see Zuko.

Zuko: Back to the ship! Don't loose sight of them.

Zuko and his men turn and run toward the coast where their ship is docked.

Katara: (Places a hand on Faith's shoulder.) I know it's hard but we did the right thing. (Gesturing toward the town.) Zuko would have destroyed the whole place if we had stayed. (Comforting.) They're going to be okay, Faith.

Faith looks up with a determined look on her face. She suddenly stands and jumps off Appa, free falling towards the water.

Aang: (Looking over the side.) Faith!

Faith plunges into the water. A few ripples betray the near emerging of something. The water bubbles and suddenly Unagi shoots out of the water with Faith on top of his head, holding his whiskers. After swaying about a few times, she sturdies herself atop Unagi's head and pulls the creature's barbels. Unagi opens its mouth wide and begins gushing water which rains over the town. The village houses fires are put out by the rain. Zuko and his men are drenched, Zuko looking angered and his men looking surprised. Unagi ceases to gush water and launches Faith into the air, who is subsequently caught by an overflying Appa.

Faith: (Lands safely on the saddle next to Aang.) I know, I know. That was stupid and dangerous.

Aang: (Smiling at Faith.) Yes, it was.

Faith smiles as she is pulled into a giant hug by Aang. Faith smiles and inhales deeply before sighing and closing her eyes, happily. As Aang continues to Hug Faith the siblings just smile at each other. Aang let's go of Faith and the four share a massive group hug as Appa rides off into the sunset.

Words: 7804

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