ATLA- Faith's Story

By smollpika

46.1K 1.2K 205

After becoming a young AirBending prodigy she decides to risk her life to run away with her best friend. She... More

Chapter 2: The Avatar Returns
Chapter 3: The Southern AirTemple
Chapter 4: The Warriors of Kyoshi
Chapter 5: The King Of Omashu
Chapter 6: Imprisoned
Chapter 7: Winter Solstice part 1~ The spirit world
Chapter 8: Winter Solstice Part 2~ Avatar Roku
Chapter 9: The WaterBending Scroll
Chapter 10: Jet
Chapter 11: The Great Divide
Chapter 12: The storm
Chapter 13: The Blue Spirit
Chapter 14: The FortuneTeller
Chapter 15: Bato Of The WaterTribe
Chapter 16: The deserter
Chapter 17: The Northen AirTemple
Chapter 18: The WaterBending Master
Chapter 19: The Siege Of The North Part 1
Chapter 20: The Siege Of The North Part 2
Book 2: Chapter 1: The Avatar State
Chapter 2: The cave of two lovers
Chapter 3: Return to Omashu
Chapter 4: The swamp
Chapter 5: Avatar Day
Chapter 6: The blind bandit
Chapter 7: The chase
Chapter 8: Bitter Work
Chapter 9: The Library
Chapter 10: The Desert
Chapter 11: The serpents pass
Chapter 12: The drill
Chapter 13: City of walls and secrets
Chapter 14: Tales of Ba Sing Se
Chapter 15: Lake Laogi
Chapter 16: The Earth King
Chapter 17: The Guru
Chapter 18: The crossroads of destiny
Book 3: Chapter 1: The awakening
Chapter 2: The Headband
Chapter 3: The painted lady
Chapter 4: Sokka's master
Chapter 5: The Beach
Chapter 5: The Firelord and Avatar
Chapter 7: The runaway
Chapter 8: The puppetmaster

Book 1 Chapter 1: In the Iceberg

8.4K 115 44
By smollpika

Girl Narrating: Water, Earth, Fire and Air, My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days; a time of peace when the avatar kept balance between the Water tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire nation and Air Nomads.

But everything changed when the fire nation attacked.

The avatar is the only one that can bend all four elements, only he could stop the ruthless FireBenders. But when the world needed him the most, he vanished.

It's been a hundred years since then and the fire nation is closing in on their victory. Two years ago my father left with the men of the tribe and journeyed to the Earth kingdom to help fight against the Fire nation. That left me and brother to look after our tribe. People believe that the avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads after the Fire Nation killed every single Airbender, preventing the Cycle to continue.

But I haven't lost hope. I believe that the avatar will return to save the world.


A small canoe makes its way down a thin stream in the water. Each side of the stream is blocked off by towering icebergs that drift further away and leaving a sparse area of
un-touched ice platforms that are covered in a thick blanket of pale white.

The canoe strip lines through the icy water. Two people, a boy and girl, are sitting in the boat; the boy holds a spear at the ready, while the girl just simply stares into the water on the other side of the boat.

A fish begins to swim close up to the surface in front of the boy who seems to be completely focused on it, following its every move.

Boy: It's not getting away from me this time. (He grins over his shoulder confidently in the direction of the girl) Watch and learn Katara. This is how you catch a fish.

The girl looks indifferently at his claim and she goes back to staring down into the water by her side. Her face changes into a surprised look as a fish starts to swim by the boat next to where she sits. She takes a quick glance at the boy and then removing the glove from her left hand. She stretches her arm out in the direction of the fish, and takes a deep breath. She has a look of concentration and apprehension as she starts to make a wavy motion with her wrist, moving her hand up and down.

The boy is completely focused on the fish in front of him, completely unaware of what's happening behind him. Katara continues to move her hand the water in front of the fish starts to ripple. A bubble of water rises from the ocean containing the newly trapped fish.

Katara: (happily surprised) Sokka, look!

Sokka: Sshh! Katara you're going to scare it away. (A look of bliss adorns his face, he licks his lips and wiggles his fingers not taking his eyes off the fish.) Mmmm.... I can already smell it cooking.

Behind Sokka Katara is still making hand movements, suspending the bubble of water that holds the fish in the air.

Katara: (struggling with the water the water that passes right in front of her.) But, Sokka! I caught one!

The bubble containing the fish slowly drifts away from her and hovers over Sokka's head, who is still oblivious. As the bubble still hovers over his head, Sokka lifts up his spear to strike at the fish he's been following. He bursts the bubble with the blunt end of his spear causing Katara to loose control over the water; it rains down on Sokka soaking him.

Katara: (Exclaims) Hey!

As Sokka let's out a gasp of discomfort, the fish tumbled through the air and Katara follows it with her eyes as it flies over her head and splashes back into the sea. Sokka places his spear at the rim of the boat as he yells irately.

Sokka: Why is it that every time you play with magic water, I get soaked?

Sokka clenches his fists and a few drops of water fall from his soaked gloves.

Katara: (She sighs slightly before answering in slight annoyance.) It's not 'magic' it's WaterBending! And it's...

Sokka: Yeah, yeah. "An ancient art unique to our culture", blah, blah, blah. Look, I'm just saying (grabbing his warriors wolf knot with his left hand as he turns away from her, wringing the water out of it. Meanwhile, Katara has crossed her arms.) That if I had weird powers, I'd keep my weirdness to myself.

Katara: (Raises an eyebrow skeptically, arms still crossed.) You're calling me weird? I'm not the one who makes muscles at myself every time I see my reflection in the water!

Near the end of her response, katara smiles smugly at her brother; Sokka is flexing at his reflection and grinning confidently. His happy look vanished upon hearing his sister's remark and he turns around slowly, meaning to face her. Before he can say anything however, the canoe suddenly shudders. As they both try to keep from falling over, Sokka whirls around towards his end of the canoe with a frantic look plastered on his face. The boat is caught up in a rapid current, which is pulling swiftly towards a jumble of large icebergs which block the end of the narrow passage forced by towering walls of ice. Sokka paddles the boat in hope of staying clear of any floating chunks of ice. He manages to gain just enough speed to keep the boat from being crushed by two icebergs which slam together behind the boat. The canoe continues moving through the water as Sokka rows furiously; every ten seconds the canoe almost being smashed by colliding ice chunks. Katara's face fills with panic as she starts yelling out commands towards her brother.

Katara: Watch out! Go left! Go left!

The boat manages to stay clear of some of the icebergs, but it veers to the right because of the current and becomes pinned by three large chunks of ice. As the canoe is completely crushed by the ice, Katara and Sokka throw themselves from the canoe and onto one of the floating ice chunks; Katara nearly slides off the other side and into the water, but comes to a halt at the chunk's very edge. As she raises her head she looks around, and the siblings are on a floating giant ice chunk among many others. Katara, shuffling on her hands and knees and moves away from the rim towards the middle of the chunk, sitting next to her brother. His spear is embedded point-first in the ice just behind him.

Katara: (A touch of bitterness in her voice) You call that left?

Sokka: You don't like my steering? Well, maybe you should've (he waves his hands, mockingly imitating WaterBending.) WaterBended us out of the ice.

Next to the chunk of ice the siblings sat on was a pointed iceberg, it's craggy peak rising above the siblings. Katara gets on her feet again, facing Sokka so that the iceberg is behind her.

Katara: (Indignantly) So it's my fault?!

Sokka: (Annoyed) I knew I should've left you home! (Katara is staring down at her brother angrily as he continues to rant.) Leave it to a girl to screw things up!

Katara points her finger at him furiously and begins to shout her disgust at him.

Katara: You are the most sexist, (she brings her hands up to her head and swings them back down and behind her in rage; the movement creates a small wave behind her.) Immature (Hands raised back to her head) Nut brained..... (Swings her arm back down again creating a slightly larger wave; she raises her hands back to her head during a brief loss of words.) I'm embarrassed (Throwing a hand upward, a short jet of water shoots upward as well.) To be related to you!

She swings her hands back forcefully once again and her unconscious WaterBending make a wave directly into the towering iceberg behind her; with a loud splitting crack, a hooklike fissure arcs up its surface and out its side, leaving a spray of ice where it ends. Sokka, who wears a rather disinterested expression glances briefly in his sister's direction and see's the iceberg; after a short moment, he does a double-take, his expression morphing into one of terror and fear. Katara's outburst continues with her verbal words and arm movements, little chunks of the iceberg splash into the water, unheard and unnoticed by Katara.

Katara: Ever since mum died (Points to herself.) I've been doing all the work around camp while you've been off playing soldier!

She violently moves her hand again and cuts the crack deeper in the iceberg. Sokka's fear increases.

Sokka: (Pointing to the iceberg, his voice is a little subdued by fright.) Uh.... Katara....

Katara: (Points her finger at Sokka again and continues with her violent rant.) I even wash all the clothes! Have you ever smelled your dirty socks? Let me tell you, not pleasant!

As she yells out that last word she unconsciously WaterBends once again, causing two new splits in the iceberg.

Sokka: (In a screeching voice, his eyes open wide with fear.) Katara, settle down!

Katara: No, that's it! I'm done helping you! From now on, you're on your own!

Her last movement created a huge wave which, when it impacts the iceberg, sends a number of fissures to snake their way up the iceberg, splitting it completely in half. Scared to death, Sokka gasps for air, and it is only now that Katara turns around. She gasps, as the icebergs half's start to split from each other. A wave larger than any Katara cast at it radiates outward towards them and they are thrown to the ice as it pushes their ice chunk backwards. As the wave subsides, the siblings heads are slightly over the edge of the ice, Sokka holding a protective arm over katara who turns his head towards towards her.

Sokka: Okay, you've gone from "weird" to "freakish" (He releases her.) Katara.

Katara: (Astonished) You mean I did that?

Sokka: (Glancing at her and smirking.) Yep. (Nudging her with his elbow.) Congratulations.

Several small bubbles appear on the surface of the water directly in front of them and a small spot of water begins to glow with a bluish light. The two siblings scramble back from the edge in terror, just as a large spherical iceberg breaks the surface of the water. An iceberg rises above the surface, revealing its massive form to be the source of the glow. The crashing waves generated by the iceberg rising pushes the chunk of ice backwards as the berg itself rocks to one side, before coming to a rest with its rounded dome exposed above the water. Memorised by the iceberg, Katara inches forward and stares at the iceberg, behind her Sokka halfheartedly stretches out his hand, as if to hold her back. Katara stares at the iceberg as a figure of a young human appears in the ice,  the human figure, perched in lotus, has glowing arrows on its head and hands. Katara raises an eyebrow up in confusion. The figure is revealed to be a young boy. Suddenly the boy opens his eyes, the same bright blue light emanating from them, shocked gasps came from both the siblings.

Katara: He's alive we have to help!

Before Sokka can grab it, Katara grabs Sokka's club out of its sheath on his back and pulls her hood over her head, heading in the direction of the strange boy sealed in the iceberg. Sokka tries to hold Katara back but sadly she's already jumping from ice block to ice block making her way over to the mysterious iceberg.

Sokka: Katara, get back here! (He grabs his spear from the ice and runs after Katara who is already on the ice's edge.) We don't know what that thing is!

Sokka follows Katara jumping across the ice blocks reaching the iceberg with Katara. Katara repeatedly strikes the iceberg with Sokka's club. On her fifth strike, the club breaks through the surface and a great gust of wind, which came from the iceberg, throws her and her brother back from the side of the dome. The iceberg starts to burst and on a final crack the iceberg blows and a beam of light is shot into the sky.


After a little while the light starts to dim down, Sokka had protectively clutched Katara. But now he releases her as she looks around. The light starts to fade fully as Sokka and Katara stand on their feet and get ready for something to attack them. Sokka points his spear at the crater ready to defend them, he then lowers it in shock as a figure emerges slowly from the depression in the iceberg.

Sokka: (Brandishing his spear in defence once again.) Stop!

The circle of light finally disappears as the boy stops glowing, the figure is revealed to be nothing more than a young boy. The young boy gives a moan of exhaustion and suddenly faints. Katara gasps and runs forward to catch him before he hits the ground and Sokka begins to poke at the boys head with the blunt end of his spear.

Katara: (Waves the spear away annoyed.) Stop it!

Katara places the boy gently against the base of the crater. The boy slowly starts to open his grey eyes. He opens his eyes fully and is greeted by a water tribe girl sighing in relief.

Boy: (In a weak voice.) I need to ask you something....

Katara: What?

Boy: Please.... come closer.

Katara: (Curiously) What is it?

Boy: (In a clear, happy, hopeful tone.) Will you go penguin sledding with me and my friend?

Katara: (Awkwardly) Uh sure... Wait (Pauses then speaks surprised and curiously.) Friend?

Boy: (Looks round rubbing his head, while katara scrambles onto her feet.) Oh yeah, speaking off what's going on here?

Sokka: (Aggressively) You tell us! (Points to top of crater.) How did you get in the ice? And why aren't you frozen? (He pokes the boy in his side with the blunt end of his spear.)

Boy: (Lazily pushes the spear away.) I'm.... not sure.

A low gruff sound suddenly fills the air coming from within the crater of the iceberg. The boy quickly scrambles up the ridge of the ice and happily jumps on the head of a large furry creature that has the same arrow- shaped marking on his forehead as the boy.

Boy: (Exclaims happily.) Appa! Are you alright? (He hangs down the side of the beast to look at its eyes which are still closed.) Wake up, buddy.

He opens an eyelid that immediately closes again once it is released. He jumps down to the front of the beast and tries to lift its enormous head. Sokka and Katara appear around the corner as Appa finally starts to react to the boy, opening his mouth and licking the boy with his giant tongue. Sokka's jaw drops upon seeing the beast.

Boy: (laughing cheerfully.) Ha, ha! You're okay!

Aang hugs the creatures nose. The creature stands up on its six legs and stretches itself. The boy starts petting the creatures nose.

Sokka: What is that (Sokka gets side tracked by something he sees lying next to the creature.) thing? (He trails off and he begins to walk next to the creature.)

Boy: This is Appa, my flying bison.

Sokka: (Turns around from where he is and looks at Katara, sarcastically.) Right, and this is Katara my flying sister.

Katara shoots him an odd look before she realises he's turned his back on them.

Katara: (Worriedly) Sokka? What's wrong? 

A slight moan comes from Sokka's direction as the boys face lights up. Sokka leans over a young girl with light brown hair and a blue arrow on her forehead and forearm just like the mysterious boy. The girl starts to open her eyes slowly and is met with Sokka's light blue eyes. Sokka smiles and stands up reaching his hand out for the girl to take. She hesitates at first but then takes his hand with a nod and a smile and he helps her to her feet. She stands up on her feet straight and brushes herself off and looks at Sokka.

Girl: Thank you. (She bows politely and then stands up straight.)

Sokka: Uhh (He blushes slightly and stumbles over his words.) N-No Prob-blem (He finally manages to spurt out before he stumbles his way back to his sister clearly love struck.)

The girl giggles slightly before smiling and looking towards the boy.

Boy: Hey you okay? (He looks at her then runs over to the mysterious girl and hugs her tightly, she wheezes a little but then melts into the hug.)

Girl: I'm alright, you? 

Boy: (Happily) Never been better!

The girl giggles, but Katara coughs a little grabbing all of their attention.

Katara: (The boy sends them a grin while the girl just merely stands up straight and puts her hands in front of her stomach and smiles.) Hi, I'm Katara and this here is my annoying Brother, Sokka. And you two are?

Boy: I'm A.... a-a-a-Achoo! (The boy sneezes creating a air blast that sends him soaring into the air, after ten seconds he lands on the ground unharmed) I'm Aang. (He sniffles a bit.)

Sokka: (Snapped out of his love struck state and is in complete shock.) You just sneezed... (Points to the sky.) And flew ten feet in the air!

Aang: (He Looks questionably towards the sky.) Really? It felt higher then that.

Katara: (Gasps for air in comprehension.) Your an AirBender.

Aang: Sure am.

Sokka: Giant light beams, flying bison, AirBenders... (looks a little dazed.) the only thing that's even normal here is that attractive female standing next to you! (He shouts pointing towards the young girl who just has a shade of pink all over her cheeks.)

Girl: My name is Faith. I'm an AirBender from the Southern Air Temple. It's nice to meet you Sokka. (She smiles at him as he just sighs sweetly.)

Sokka: (Shakes head out of his trance and starts to walk away slowly.) I think I got midnight sun madness. I'm going home to where stuff makes sense (Turns around and looks at Faith.) You are welcome to join me Faith.

Faith giggles slightly as Aang steps in between her and Sokka.

Aang: Sorry but you're a stranger I won't let Faith go with you. (He gets a little to defensive.)

Faith: It's alright Aang. How about we give you guys a ride back on Appa? I'm sure Sokka won't mind riding Appa to get back home.

Sokka: (Stands there thinking for a solid minute before sighing and climbing onto Appa.) Fine.

Katara does the same as Faith uses her AirBending and lands safely on top of Appa. Sokka smoothly moves closer to Faith, Katara had noticed how defensive Aang had gotten over Faith earlier so she decides to place herself right between Sokka and Faith. Faith smiles at Katara and turns around to face her. Aang AirBends himself onto Appa's head and grabs the ropes.

Aang: Okay, first time flyers, hold on tight! Appa, yip-yip!

Aang whips the reins and Appa growls in response. He moves his tail up and down and takes a huge jump into the air. He soars through the air for a mere few seconds before belly flopping into the water with a splash. Faith crawls to Appa's head and sits next to Aang as he continues to whip the reins.

Aang: Come on, Appa, Yip-Yip!

Sokka: (Sarcastically) Wow, that was truly amazing...

Faith: Aang hold my hand quickly.

Sokka bolts up and tries to scurry over to where Aang and Faith are but he was late by mere seconds. Aang held Faiths hand as Faith slowly peers down and looks into Appa's eyes. She looks closely.

Faith: (Yelling gently) Okay, Aang help me up.

Aang does as told and grabs her waist and jolts her up so she is sitting next to Aang as their hands remain linked and his hand around her waist. Sokka began to get a little jealous but just sat back and huffed. Aang let go of Faith.

Faith: He's just tired. He will be flying when he's had some rest. (She goes back up to the saddle and looks behind her to see Aang smiling as she crawls away.)

Faith sits next to Katara again as Katara's face lit up in excitement. Sokka throws his head back and groans loudly as Aang, Katara and Faith glare at him then look away. Faith looks towards Aang whose just smiling at her. She smiles back which causes Aang to look away and rub the back of his neck. The ride goes silent as Appa continues to make his way through the icy sea, flapping his tail in the water.


Appa continues to swim in the water as Aang lazily lies on his back, his arms tucked under his head. Katara sits up fully and turns to face Faith. Faith notices and sits up straight giving her full attention to Katara.

Katara: Hey.

Faith: Hey, What's up?

Katara: I guess I was wondering, you and Aang being AirBenders and all, if you have any idea of what happened to the Avatar.

Faith: (Looks towards Aang who looks a little shy and slowly gulps.) Uh, no sorry. I knew off him but I don't know what happened. (She smiles weakly at Katara.)

Katara: Okay, Just curious. (She slants her eyes in disappointment for a second before smiling at Faith.) Can I ask you a question?

Faith: (Curiously.) Of course. (She smiles nicely at Katara.)

Katara: (Grins smugly.) What's your relationship with Aang?

Faith: (Faith's eyes grew wide as a blush appears on her face.) Oh, he's my best friend. We have been since I was 3 and he was 4. (She smiles weakly and rubs the back of her head.)

Katara: Wait How old are you and Aang now? (She asks with genuine curiosity.)

Faith: Oh Aang is twelve and I'm eleven. (Katara's eyes widen as she tries to remain calm.) What about you guys?

Katara: I'm fourteen and Sokka is sixteen. (Faith giggles slightly before absolutely exploding in laughs.) Huh? What's up with her?

Aang: (Looks over his shoulder and smiles at the way his best friend is acting, then turns to Katara to answer her question.) She finds it funny that a sixteen year old was flirting with her. That's a five year gap.

Faith: (Wipes away her tears of laughter and smiles.) Your brother is one strange boy. But he's super funny. Does he flirt with every girl he gets the chance to flirt with?

Katara: (Sighs in annoyance realising her brother is an idiot.) Yes, yes he does.

Aang: Strange brother. (He looks forward and stares into the ocean.)

Faith: I think he's funny. (She says sighing.)

Katara: Well, he can be I guess. (She yawns.) Anyway goodnight guys.

Faith: Goodnight Katara. (She smiles.)

Faith looks over at Aang whose lying on Appa's back holding the reins still as Appa continues to swim through the water and flap his tail.

Faith: You should sleep Aang. (She smiles.)

Aang: (Turns around and smiles at Faiths concern.) Sure.

Aang climbs onto Appa's saddle and sits next to Faith. Faith smiles as she closes her eyes and begins to doze off into her sleep. She starts to fall towards Aang and she falls onto his shoulder. Aang looks at her and smiles sweetly before closing his own eyes and putting his arm around her waist. He starts to drift off into his own sleep.


Lighting splits the sky and the rumble of following thunder wakes Aang. He shoots up and looks around him. It's raining as Aang is back to sitting on Appa's head holding the reins. He looks over his shoulder to see Faith on the saddle holding on for dear life. Aang and Faith begin to scream at the top of their lungs in terror while they go down. Appa, Aang and Faith splash into the water of the ocean. Appa resurfaces again, growls but then Is quickly subdued by another wave. The three of them sink unconscious into the water. As Aang releases the reins and drifts off, his eyes and tattoos suddenly start glowing brightly. He slams his fists together, creating a bluish-white sphere that encases, Faith, Aang and Appa. As the air sphere slowly solidifies into an icy globe, a voice permeates the dream.

Katara: Aang? Aang! Wake up. (Aang shoots up throwing the covers off his body and gasping for air. Katara perches beside him and stands up as she sees that Aang is awake.) It's okay, we're in the village now! Come on, get ready. (She Points to the door of the tent.) Everyone's waiting to meet you guys.

Katara quickly runs out the tent leaving Aang happily sitting there. He grabs his clothes and starts to dress quickly. He hears a moan as a figure sits up. He stops what he is doing and looks in the direction of the moan and see's Faith sitting up and rubbing her eyes. He smiles and finishes getting dressed before running over to her and passing her clothes to her gently. He smiles and stands up.

Faith: Thanks Aang. (She smiles and pulls the blanket off her, she's in a small crop top and her shorts. Her stomach reveals a huge scar which made Aang's eyes droop a bit.) Aang? (She notices that he saw the scar on her stomach so she quickly scrambles to her feet and gives Aang a big reassuring hug.) It's okay it was an accident.

Aang: (Sighs.) Okay just get dressed the village is waiting for us. (He turns around and allows her to put her clothes on.) It's been a while since I've seen a Water Tribe.

Faith: (Finished getting ready.) Same! I hope they are nice! (She smiles excitedly as Aang turns around and smiles at her.)

Katara came back in and runs over to Faith excitedly and grabs her hand. She begins to drag Faith out of the tent as Faith gasps at the sudden action. She passes Sokka who is sharpening his boomerang outside the tent. She waves at him quickly before being dragged off to a group of villagers. Aang follows them quickly and stops next to Faith.

Katara: Faith, Aang, this is the entire village. (She Points to the villagers in front of them.) Entire village, Faith and Aang.

Aang and Faith bow respectfully toward the villagers but they begin to cower away in fear, bringing a surprised look on Aang and Katara's faces while Faith looks down a little upset. Sokka watches from a distance.

Aang: (Uncomfortably.) Uh, why are they looking at us like that? Did Appa sneeze on me?

Aang checks his clothes before looking at Faith and noticing how upset she is. He grabs her hand and gently squeezes it reassuringly. She lifts her head slightly and smiles weakly before looking away and to the side. A elderly women steps forward out of the villagers.

Elderly women: Well, no one has seen AirBenders in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct, until my granddaughter and grandson found you both.

Aang: (Shocked and in disbelief.) Extinct?

Faith: (Her face falls as Aang and her share a look of disbelief.) Extinct?

Katara: (Gesturing.) Guys, this is my Grandmother.

Sokka walks over to Aang and Faith as Faith let's go of Aang's hand and sighs turning away from the village and Aang. Sokka snatches Aang's staff out of his hand and starts to examine it.

Sokka: (Annoyed.) What is this, a weapon? You can't stab anything with this!

Aang: (Uses a small air current to get his staff back.) It's not for stabbing! It's for AirBending. (He opens the staff into a glider, making Sokka gasp in fright.)

Sokka: Let me guess (Points towards Faith.) Faith has one?

Aang: She sure does, Hey Faith show him. (Looking towards Faith.)

Faith holds her staff up and opens the staff to reveal the glider.

She closes her glider again and looks towards a young girl.

Village girl: (Excited.) Magic trick! Do it again!

Aang: (Faith smiles.) Not magic, AirBending. (He moves his glider around him, visually demonstrating what he is talking about.) It let's me control the air currents around my glider and fly.

Sokka: (Mockingly states his disbelief.) Ya know, last time I checked, humans can't fly!

Faith: (Looks over her shoulder and smiles smugly.) Wanna bet? (She nods at Aang.)

Aang grabs a hold of his glider and pushes himself of the ground, leaving Katara and Sokka to cover their faces against the sudden wind. The village stares in awe as Aang makes some loops and turns in the sky.

Village girl: (In admiration.) He's flying!

Aang makes another loop and speeds up.

Village girl: It's amazing!

Aang's shadow passes over Faith who is smiling broadly at him. Aang intending to further impress the villagers, flies sideways and closes his eyes while grinning broadly. He promptly flies head-on into the villages watchtower, causing his head to be stuck in its side. Katara covers her mouth as she watches Aang struggle to extricate his head from the icy watchtower. Faith sighs and rolls her eyes as if she's been through this before, she lifts her hand and starts moving it in a circular motion as a current of air pushes Aang out of the Watchtower. He tumbles downward onto a pile of snow at the base of the tower that crumbled from the building. Faith walks over to Aang as Katara immediately rushes over, Sokka stares in shock at the damage inflicted on his watchtower.

Sokka: (Shocked.) My watchtower!

Aang lies covered in snow at the base of the partially collapsed tower. Katara and the children run over toward Aang smiling.

Katara: (Offering her hand to pull him out of the snow.) That was amazing!

Sokka runs towards his watchtower and starts to pat it in the hope that he can save it from collapsing any further. While Aang spins his staff around to retract its wings, Sokka being knocked down by a large pack of snow that falls down. Faith giggles and walks over to Sokka using her AirBending to lift the snow off of him and place it to the side then offering her hand. He gladly takes it, she helps him up and he brushes himself off.

Sokka: (Annoyed.) Great, you're an AirBender, Faith's a helpful AirBender and Katara is a WaterBender. Together you can just waste time all day long.

Aang: (Surprised.) Your a WaterBender?

Katara: (Nervously.) Well, sort of. Not yet.

Kanna: All right, no more playing. Come on, Katara, you have chores.

Kanna leads Katara away from Aang. The surrounding villagers part to let the duo pass. Faith smiles as a young village girl approaches her and tugs on the end of her dress making Faith look down.

Village girl: (Smiling cutely.) Hello miss, can you do what Aang did?

Faith: (Kneeling down so she is level with the girl.) Yeah I can actually.

Village girl: (Excited.) Wow that's so cool!

Faith laughs and picks up her staff from the floor, she stands up and looks at the village girl.

Faith: You want to try with me? (Smiling.)

Village girl: (Bubbly.) Yes please!

Faith holds out her hand for the girl to take who gladly takes it and then skips down the path leading Faith to a clearing by Appa. The girl let's go of Faiths hand as Faith gets on her knee's instructing the girl to climb on her back. The girl does as told and climbs onto Faith's back.

Faith: Hold on tight okay. (She spins her staff around to reveal the same glider.)

Faith holds onto the glider and jumps extremely high into the air, she begins to fly around as the young girl begins to laugh with joy and happiness. Faith lands safely next to Appa and the young girl gets off her back and starts laughing and jumping around.

Village girl: That was so fun! (Faith sits beside Appa who makes a low grumble noise. The girl calms down a little and stands in front of Faith.) My names Cana.

Faith: Nice to meet you Cana, sit with me.

Cana: Okay!


Katara runs out of the village and runs up to Sokka.

Katara: Have you seen Aang? Gran-Gran said he disappeared over an hour ago.

Aang appears from an outhouse igloo pulling his pants up a bit higher.

Aang: (Amused.) Wow! Everything freezes in there.

He points toward the bathroom with a smile on his face. The young children halt beside Aang and laugh with him.

Sokka: (Annoyed.) Uh! (Angrily Points at Aang.) Katara, get him out of here this lesson is for warriors only!

Sokka is about to walk away when he hears the sound of the children playing.

Village boy: Whee!

He turns around and his gaze rests on the children who are sliding off of Appa's tail like a slide. The end of Appa's tail is prompt upwards so the children get a lift when they fly off the end. Faith sits down beside Appa crossed legged as Cana walks over to her holding snow.

Cana: Hey Faith, can you use your AirBending to make this into a snow flower? (She smiles brightly.)

Faith: Of course. (She smiles back and moves her hand up and down causing the pile of snow in Cana's hand to lift and begin moulding into the shape of a flower.)

Katara begins to laugh as a young boy lands head first in the snow, but Sokka rushes forward.

Sokka: (Yelling angrily.) Stop! Stop it right now! (The laughter of the children is stifled immediately and Appa turns his head to look at Sokka, who accusingly directs his anger to Aang. Faith slowly puts the snow flower down with her AirBending as Cana grips onto her dress filled with fear.) What's wrong with you?! We don't have time for fun and games with a war going on!

Sokka grabs his spear and casts an annoyed glance at the laughing children who run past him. Faith's eyes grow wide as she slowly stands up lifting the girl up and directing her to follow the other children. Cana runs past Sokka scared as Faith holds her hands by her chest.

Aang: (Slides down from Appa's head.) What war? What are you talking about?

Faith: (A little scared and walking over to stand next to Aang.) War? What's going on?

Sokka: (Raises one eyebrow in disbelief.) You're kidding, right?

Faith look's at Sokka then Katara who just looks down as if something is bothering her then back at Sokka, Aang looks at Sokka questioningly but his expression soon changes to an enthusiasm look when he catches sight of an otter-penguin.

Aang: (Exclaims enthusiastically.) Penguin!

The animal is startled by Aang's outburst and quickly waddles off. Aang grabs Faith's hand startling her and dashes of after the Penguin as Faith screams in fear and excitement. He rushes past Katara and Sokka enhancing his speed with with his AirBending. He leaves a deep trail in the snow as he dashes after the penguin.

Sokka: They are kidding, right?


Katara approaches a group of a hundred or more otter-penguins searching for Aang and Faith.

Katara: Faith? Aang?

Aang: (Chasing the penguins while laughing.) Hey come on little guy. Wanna go sledding? (He jumps at a penguin, but the animal evades his attempt and Aang belly flops into the snow, causing Faith to laugh behind him. He quickly turns on his back and lifts himself with his AirBending as Katara comes up to him.) Heh heh, I've always had a way with animals.

Faith: Sure Aang, it took days for Appa to listen to you. (Laughing.)

Aang shoots a quick glare at Faith before turning back to Katara, whose laughing, and stretching his arms wide and imitates the sound and movements of the animals around them.

Katara: (Amused.) Hehehe, Aang, I'll help you catch a penguin if you teach me WaterBending.

Aang: (Having grabbed the tail of a penguin, he holds on as it pulls him through the snow for a short way before letting go and looking up at Katara.) You got a deal! Just one little problem.... (He airbends himself into a sitting position.) I'm an Airbender, not a WaterBender. Isn't there someone in your tribe who can teach you?

Katara: (Sadly.) No, your looking at the only WaterBender in the whole of the South Pole.

Faith: This isn't right. A WaterBender needs to master WaterBending from a master WaterBender. (She thinks for a moment.) what about the North Pole? There are WaterBenders up there. They can teach you.

Katara: Maybe, but we haven't had contact with our sister tribe in a long time. It's not exactly "turn right at the second glacier". It's on the other side of the world.

Aang: But you forget, I have a flying bison. (He happily points to himself and Faith.) We can fly you to the North Pole. Katara, we are going to find you a master!

Faith: Hold up Aang, her family is here, she's probably wanting to stay here with them. Let's be honest it's hard from home.

Aang: Right... well you think about it, but in the meantime, can you teach me how to catch one of these penguins.

Katara: (Mockingly imitating a teacher.) Okay, listen closely my young pupil. (Inclines her head toward Aang.) Catching penguins is an ancient and sacred art. (She pulls out a fish from her sleeve and throws it at Aang.)

Aang catches the fish and falls back, as penguins start surrounding him.

Aang: Hi hi hi! Ha ha ha!


Faith, Aang and Katara are riding down a ice slide sat on the backs of the Otter-Penguins. They soar through the air then land and continue downhill. Aang uses another iceberg to propel him in the air soaring over Katara and Faith. Katara and Faith catch up and are in line with Aang as they speed down. Everybody shouts gleefully.

Katara: (Happily.) I haven't done this since I was a kid!

Aang: You still are a kid!

Katara goes ahead of Aang and blocks him from passing her, Aang uses his AirBending and gets ahead of Katara as Faith catches up to Katara and passes her catching up to Aang. She starts using her AirBending and quickly passes Aang laughing. The tunnel levels out on an open plain of ice where the three get off their rides. The plain it's self is dominated by a large metal ship, elevated and held in place by a large protrusion of ice with the bow pointing towards the sky, curious Aang and Faith stare at it.

Aang: (In awe.) Whoa! What is that?

Faith: (Mouth is agape.) Whao!

Katara: It's a fire nation ship (Slightly dark tone.) And a very bad memory for my people. (Faith starts to slowly walk forward mesmerised by the ship.) Faith, Stop! We're not allowed to go near it! The ship could be booby-trapped.

Aang: (Follows Faith as she picks up her speed.) If you want to be a bender you have to let go of fear.

Katara ponders over the remark for a moment and then walks towards Aang with a scared look upon her face. The three venture closer to the ship. Faith airbends herself to the top of the ice sticking up and Aang does the same. Faith helps Katara make it up and then they climb through a hole in the hull of the ship. They walk through the silent rooms of the shipwreck, Faith enters a room with stocked weapons in various places.

Katara: (Her voice echoes through the room.) This ship has haunted my tribe since Gran-Gran was a little girl. It was part of the fire Nations first attack.

Aang: Okay, back up. I have friends all over the world, even in the Fire Nation. (Aang picks up a Guan Dao to inspect it.) I've never seen any war.

Faith: (Walks over to a stack of spears hanging on the side of the wall and stares at them, she then mumbles.) What war?

Katara: Aang, how long were you in that iceberg?

Aang: (Uncertain.) I don't know. A few days, maybe?

Katara: I think it was more like a hundred years!

Aang: (In full disbelief and slightly accusing.) What?! That's impossible! Do I look like a hundred-twelve-year-old man to you? Does Faith look like she's a hundred and ten?

Katara: Think about it. The war is a century old. You don't know about it because, somehow, you and Faith were in there the whole time! (Aang's expression changes to one of comprehension.) It's the only explanation.

Aang backs away and slumps to the floor in complete shock as Faith drops the spear she was looking at and puts her hands over her mouth, her eyes widened in shock and sadness.

Aang: A hundred years! (Saddened by his new discovery.) I can't believe it.

Faith: (A tear drops from her eye as she rubs it away but then more start to fall.) That's why Kanna said that the AirBenders are extinct. They can't be... No, Gyasto. (She covers her eyes and looks away from Aang and Katara.)

Katara: (Squats beside Aang.) I'm sorry Aang. Maybe somehow there's a bright side to this.

Aang: (Cheerfully.) I still have Faith. (Looks around to smile at Faith but see's she isn't in the room.) Faith?

Katara stands up as Aang uses his AirBending running to entrance of the room and looks out in the walk way. Aang has a look of worry on his face as he runs out of the room and picks something up.

Aang: (Sadly.) It's Faith's staff.... she's not here anymore.

Katara: (Confidently) Let's get out of here to go find her.

Aang ventures to find a way to leave in doing so he trips over a thin rope; as he stumbles, metal bars slide downward over the entrance barring it and trapping them inside.

Aang: Huh?

The gears and engines of the shipwreck suddenly power up, beginning to function. In shock, Katara and Aang follow the movements of the machines until suddenly a flare is fired and explodes high in the sky.


Zuko: The Avatar... (He's watching through a telescope.) Quite agile for his old age. (He turns and looks straight at Faith who is tied up and being held by a soldier.) I wonder what he would do if I told him I had you. (He yells at the soldier.) Tell my uncle I have found the avatar! (Zuko peers through the telescope again to see that Aang and Katara are running now, Zuko follows the direction they are running and discovers they are heading to the village.) As well as his hiding place...

Faith: (Pulls a face of annoyance and stares straight at Zuko.) He won't do anything! He's not stupid enough to fall for your plan!

Zuko: (Turns around and leans down looking Faith right in her eyes.) Well, I'm pretty sure it will shortie. How will he react when he see's you captured?

Faith: (Grumbles and turns away.) You won't get away with this.

Zuko: (Turns away and smiles looking over his ship.) Oh yes, yes I will.

Words: 7284

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