Amnesia~Minsung ๐Ÿ’•

By JayTheSwaggyGay

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This is the sequel to Hatred! If you haven't read Hatred yet you should or else this one will make no sense... More



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By JayTheSwaggyGay

Minho's perspective

It's been about 6 months since I have tried to get Jisung to fall in love with me. We have both enrolled into university and I have him in most of my classes as a support person. The only distance is that I take dance and he takes choir.

So I haven't really been trying very hard to get Jisung to fall for me because I thought that I would have a long time to try.

But I've just found out the university will be sending him to America for 6 months and there is no way I can go unless I can somehow gather the money to buy a plane ticket to America. I can't exactly do that as I am barely getting by paying bills and my college fees.

I do work at a part time job with my new best friend. His name is Jeongin, he's literally the tiniest being I've ever seen. He came to Korea when Chris did with his boyfriend Woojin, turned out they adopted the kid, kinda like how Seungmin and Hyunjin adopted Jisung.

Speaking of Seungmin and Hyunjin, once Jisung got better and was able to be self sustainable and didn't need help from anyone they decided to travel the world. They still keep in touch with Jisung though. However, they both hate me and refuse to speak to me what so ever. I understand but it hurt because Hyunjin was my best friend since the 3rd grade.

Luckily now that I met Jeongin I realize that although I'll miss Hyunjin I'll survive.

Anyways, back to Jisung. He's leaving for America in a week. I have 7 more days to make him fall for me or else he might find someone else. I'd hate to see him fall for someone else. I would be happy he was happy but I would never want him to be happy with anyone other than myself. I know, I'm selfish.

Anyways, this is day 1 of making Han Jisung fall in love with me.

I decided phase one was to do something that most k-dramas have. It might be stupid but I wanna do it.

I make sure to walk past Jisung and as I see him I look the other way and slam into him. We both fall to the ground and I'm on top of him. I 'accidentally' kiss him. Only for a few seconds before I jolt back and get up.

"Oh my gosh! Jisung I'm so sorry! I was distracted!" I gasp, my acting skill are pretty good.

"O-oh you're fine." He says as I help him up. "It's okay."

"How can I make it up to you?" I say.

"No no, it's okay really." He shakes his head.

"Will ice cream after school make you feel better?" I say.

"I'm okay!" He says.

"No, you're coming to get ice cream with me after school, you don't have a choice." I say.

"I mean.. I like ice cream.. can it just be a friendly hangout not a way to make it up to me." He sighs.

"Yeah I mean it can be." I wasn't going to jump into things too fast and ask him on a date just yet, it was still day one and I wasn't prepared to rush into that.

"Thank god." He smiles to me.

I smile back and give him and quick mostly friendly hug.

He returns the hug.

I sigh and back away from the hug. "I should be getting to class now. See you after school!"

"Okay I'll see you!" He smiles to me.

Then we split ways. I sigh, I don't think it's working. I kind of just got friend zoned hard. "A 'friendly hangout' come on Jisung! Why couldn't you call it a date!" I whined quietly to myself.

I enter the class and wait for the teacher, it was dance so Jisung wasn't in here. I sigh and lean on the wall. Then Felix walks in, he was my dance buddy. Ever since Hyunjin and Seungmin left Felix and I had gotten close again. I was starting to consider him close to being my best friend. However, my best friend as of now was Jeongin and I don't plan to change that, I love him like the brother I never had. I want to just squish his adorable cheeks and ruffle his hair. He was really like a brother to me.

I nod to Felix as he comes in. "Oi cunt!" He waves, laughing that he called me a cunt.

"Hey." I wave.

"You good?" He then turns serious as I don't joke back.

"Jisung friend zoned me." I shrugged. "For like the 99th time."

"Awh. That sucks man. I hope you can seduce him in these next 7 days before he leaves. I really want to see you both together again. Minsung is cute!" He sighs.

"Minsung? Thats what your calling it now?" I say.

"We have called you two that for 2 years." He shakes his head.

"2 years.. jeez thats so long time suckkks! I'm fricken old!" I whine.

"Yep, we all are." Felix nods.

"Anyhow, you found your man or woman yet?" I ask.

"I think I'm asexual, I haven't met anyone yet." He sighs.

"Yo thats okay. I support you always." I smile and embrace him in a hug.

"Thanks mate." He smiles.

I release the hug and grab a speaker. "I suppose we should practice our dance routines?" I say.

"Yeah, I'm so glad this was a team project, you know, now we can be sexy together." He laughs.

"Okay just because we picked a sexy dance does not mean you need to say that." I roll my eyes.

"Awh come on, it was funny." He groans.

"Whatever man, let's just get on with the routine." I say.

We start to practice our dance routine. This dance involved a lot of hip movement and grinding on stage. I didn't mind, I kinda liked this dance. Hopefully Jisung would like it too. Felix and I decided it wasn't good enough so we had to add in some body rolls as well. My favourite part of the dance was at the climax where Felix would push me to the ground and I would catch myself on my hands and have my feet in the air. Then I would slowly start to grind down on the stage and then flip over and roll around a bit while also being a tease to the audience. I liked this dance, it was good.

The only part thats a little weird is when Felix and I dance together against each other. We do it in a no homo way since we dont like each other like that, but I don't want people getting the wrong idea. It was whatever though, as long as Jisung didn't think anything. Hopefully by then Jisung would be mine because we were preforming the day before he has to leave, aka day 7.

We are going to perform in front of the whole school, it's going to be amazing. Hopefully it will be the best day of both of our lives! I'm sure it will be. I'm confident in that in fact.

After we finish our wrap we decide to change up a few things that don't quite fit with the music, we've been doing this, it's necessary. We are almost done by now just a few more things are needed until we can be done.

"I say we call it a wrap, school is about to end." I say.

"I agree." Felix nods. "I'm tired."

"I'll talk to you after work tonight?" I say.

"Nah, I'll visit you at the coffee shop. I wanna see Jeongin too, he's my friend as well y'know." Felix says.

"Yeah yeah, I know." I shake my head. "See you there then."

"I'll bring Jisung." He winks.

"Aish, I'm hanging out with him today." I say.

"But as a 'friendly hangout' I heard y'all in the hall." He says.

"Oh my lord. You know what, sure bring him in." I nod.

"I was going to no matter what." He says.

"Whatever man." I say, but I laugh.

"Have fun! But not too much fun." He says.

"I will, I will." I say, bending over to help pick up the mess.

"No, I got it, you go." Felix says.

"You sure?" I say.

"Go! Jisung will be waiting!" He pushes me out.

"Okay okay, chill, I'm going." I shake my head and walk out, going to the front of the school.

I get there and become slightly nervous. Jisung wasnt there. I look around for him in a panic, was I late? Oh no! Felix was right! He probably thought I stood him up! Or wait, did I stand him up?

Just then I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Uh you okay?"

I turn and see him. "Jisung!" I hug him.

"Woah, chill. Sorry I kept you waiting, the teacher had kept me to discuss my rap skills." He says, blushing from embarrassment I assume.

"Oh no, it's okay, I didn't wait long, I mean.. I thought you might have thought I stood you up.. cuz like dance held me up for like 10 extra minutes as I have to be perfect for the show on Sunday." I say.

"Oh, yeah that's reminds me, I was going to tell you but I saw you looking upset over something. I guess you thought I'd left or something, don't worry I wouldn't unless you were like an hour late with no heads up." He shrugs.

"Oh okay. What is it you wanted to say?" I say.

"I'll tell you once we are there, also, I'm hungry can we go to a real restaurant? Not just ice cream." He says.

"Yeah, we can, dancing made me hungry so I'd love to do that, you pick the place." I say.

"You sure you don't have a place you'd like to go." He says.

"I want to go wherever you want to go." I smile.

"Oh okay, if you insist. Let's get Italian food, I heard there's a place close by." He says.

"Okay let's go, I can drive." I say as I walk over to my car, I have a car just as I rarely leave campus or go very far I usually just walk, but I can drive today because it is far.

"Okay thank you." He says as he gets in the passenger side, I obviously opened the door for him.

Then I hop into the drivers side and start to drive, after we both get our seatbelts on of course. I start to drive down the road when I notice a homeless guy on the side of the street, I completely forgot about Jisung for a moment and hopped out of the car and handed the man a box of granola bars and a spare jacket I had in the car. I like to try and help the homeless as much as I can I heard it's better to give items then money. Plus I am a student I have little to no money. The man thanks me and I tell him it was nothing.

Then I hop back in the car and I see Jisung. "Oh sorry! I completely forgot you were there.." I laugh awkwardly. "Sorry if you waited." I say as I buckled my seatbelt.

"You're an amazing person, I see why I liked you back then." He says and looks at me in awe.

I chuckle. "Oh that was nothing.. I just like to help out." I say, but deep inside I was so little hurt by the fact he said it in past tense, it confirms that fact that he doesn't like me anymore.

I shake my head and push those feelings away and start yo drive. It's only day 1 I have 6 more days to win him over. Oh and the rest of today, I just have to have hope. I believe in myself, I will make Han Jisung fall for me if it's the last thing I do.

I keep driving and then we arrive at the place, I park and then go to Jisung's side and open the door for him.

"Thanks." He smiles to me.

"No problem." I say.

I take his hand and walk inside, he doesn't reject my hand, thankfully for my ego, and we walk in. I get us a table and we have a seat.

I hand him a menu. "Have whatever, I'll pay." I say even though I have very little money myself, but I would still rather pay myself then have him pay.

"No I got it." He says.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." I say sternly.

"Find whatever, just know that I'd happily do it." He shrugs.

"Yeah yeah, now that thing?" I say as I place my menu down after I look at it and find something.

"Oh I-" Just then the waiter comes by.

"Can I get you guys anything to drink." He says to us.

"I'll have a coke." I say.

"I'll just have water." Jisung says.

"Gotcha, coming right up." He says as he walks away.

"As you were saying?" I ask Jisung.

"Oh! Well I'm going to be performing at the show Sunday too! I think I'm going to be the opening." He says proudly.

"Really? That's amazing." I say and hold up my hand for a high five.

He high fives me and smiles. "I want you to be there please." He says. "I want you to sit in the front and cheer me on okay?"

"I will, don't you worry." I nod. "I'll be the loudest clapper in the audience, I'll hype you up."

"Thank you! You're so supportive!" He smiles. "You're amazing!"

"Of course, anything for you." I smile back.

"Thank you so much, you don't understand how much this means to me." He gets up and hugs me.

I hug him back. "I'm sure I don't understand, but I hope it's a lot."

"It is a lot." He releases the hug and sits down.

Then the waiter comes over and gives us our drinks. "Are you ready to order your food?"

"Yeah, I am, are you?" I look to Jisung.

"Sure am." He nods.

"Okay you can go first." I say.

"Okay, I'll have a spaghetti, but extra cheese please." He smiles.

"Okay, and you?" The waiter turns to me.

"Uhhh, I'll have ravioli, the meat one." I nod.

"Coming up!" He nods.

"Thank you." Jisung and I both say simultaneously.

"Of course." He bows and walks off.

"Are you still going to preform with Felix?" Jisung turns to me, continuing our conversation about Sunday.

"Yeah, why?" I say.

"Just wondering, I want to cheer you both on." He smiles.

"You'll do that?" I smile, a genuine smile.

"Yes of course! I really like you and I want to be there for you." He says.

That stupid smile on my face grew larger. "Thank you, I really appreciate it!" I say.

"Oh it's nothing, we have to support each other through everything, this can be a start." He smiles back.

"You're right." I nod.

We continue to talk about Sunday and about all the plans, I told Jisung some of mine and Felix's dance routine. He seemed to think it was a bit too sexy but it also fit me. That didn't make much sense but whatever I don't really care, he had good intentions.

Once our food arrived we sat in a comfortable silence as we ate. We didn't want to be rude and talk with our mouths fulls so we decided to put the conversation on hold. Once we finished eating our food I took out the dessert menu.

"You still want ice cream?" I say.

"Yes please, I've never had the dessert here I'm looking forward to trying it." He says with a smile.

"Okay go ahead and order whatever once he comes back." I say.

He nods. "Are you having anything?" He says.

"No thanks I'll pass this time." I shrug. "Not feeling it right now."

"Oh okay." He nods.

Eventually the waiter comes back and Jisung orders a tripple chocolate ice cream sunday. That was just such a Jisung things to do, get chocolate everything.

Once the waiter leaves I laugh. "You've always loved chocolate, that's one thing that will never change about you."

"Really?" He says. "Past Jisung also liked chocolate?"

"He loved it. I swear, everything he ate had chocolate." I joke.

"Damn that sounds like a fucking dream." He laughs.

"Maybe for you, that makes me feel fat." I sigh.

"Awh, who cares about weight." He shakes his head.

"Well you're lucky you have a good metabolism." I shake my head. "I have to work out however." I say.

"Awh, well it shows." He pokes me in the stomach from across the table.

"Awh, thank you." I giggle as it tickled when he poked me.

"Of course, and I mean it, good work." He smiles to me, a suddenly serious expression on his face.

"Yeah yeah, I believe you, I won't stop." I say.

"Don't over work yourself though!" He says sternly.

"I won't I won't." I chuckle.

"Okay good." He laughs a bit too, back to his normal non serious self.

Then his ice cream arives. He stares at it in awe.

"Is that all?" The waiter turns to me as Jisung is admiring his ice cream.

"Yes sir." I nod.

"Would you like the bill?" He says.

"Yes please, unless you'll want anything else?" I look at Jisung.

"No this is good." He shakes his head.

"Then yes, I'd like the bill." He nods and hands me the bill.

I was surprised by the total, it was only 27.89. That was extremely cheap, I look over the bill and notice the drinks and dessert were taken off, that was amazing. I pay for it and tip the guy around 10 dollars. He was a good server.

I watch Jisung as he starts to devour his ice cream. I laugh at how cute he was and he smiles at me. I notice a smudge of chocolate on his cheek and wipe it off, then licking it off my finger. He smiles at me and dips his spoon back in the bowl, but instead of eating it he holds it up to me.

"Huh?" I tilt my head.

"Try some dummy, it's really good." He laughs and pushes it closer to my face.

I chuckle. "If you say so." I take a bite, it was good. I unintentionally go 'mmmmm' as I swallow the bite.

"See! It is good!" He says.

"You're right." I nod.

He hands me a spoon. "Help me finish, this is a lot for just me." He pouts.

I couldn't say no to his pout, nor could I say no to that delicious ice cream. I dip the spoon in and take a bite.

He looked proud of himself and we both continued to eat the ice cream. Once it was gone I start to pack my things to go home.

"I'll drive you home, okay?" I say.

"Don't you have work?" He says. "I wouldn't want you to be late."

"Oh, no, my boss texted earlier while you were eating that I'm working tomorrow instead." I say, I had also texted Felix and Jeongin that too so he knew I was off.

"Oh okay, if it won't be out of your way then I'll accept the ride." He says.

"Come on Ji, I live close to you." I say, Ji was a nickname I'd been calling him often.

"Okay okay, you got me there." He laughs. "Okay sure you can drive me."

"Of course I can." I sling my backpack over my shoulder and grab his hand.

We both walk to the car and I drive him home. I walk him inside and hug him as we depart.

"Thank you so much for today! I really enjoyed it." Jisung smiles to me.

"Of course Ji, any time." I smile. "I too enjoyed it, let's go again some time?"

"Yes of course!" He smiles and I walk back to the car as he shuts the door to his apartment.

I drive to my apartment and lay on the bed thinking about today. Day 1 wasn't completely successful but I'm sure that day 2 will be promising.

I have 6 more days to win over Han Jisung's heart.

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