A Wolf's Howl (Legoshi X Read...

By ramen_writez

137K 4.6K 3.1K

(Y/N), one of the last winter wolves left in the world, and the next leader of the well known mafia group, Ch... More

Thank You All ❤️
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By ramen_writez

(Legoshi's POV)
"Oh, you messed up big time, Legoface!" Jack said, laughing. I just finished telling my best friend what happened with (Y/N) and here he is, laughing at me.

"Come on, Jack! This isn't funny!" I whined. Jack stopped his laughing fit and smiled at me.

"Well, there has to be a reason why (Y/N) got upset at Haru in the first place. Maybeee she likes you?" Jack poked my arm. He already knew everything that happened between me and Haru and how I was only attracted to her cause she is a herbivore and I am a carnivore.

"W-what?!" I panicked. What if she did like me? I mean, there's no way she would like me.

"Ok, how about this. What do you think of (Y/N)? Describe her in your own way," Jack said, looking at me intensely.

I put my hand on my chin and looked up slightly. "Well, she's super smart, and really strong. She's very beautiful and kind and... amazing," I trailed off. I didn't hear Jack say anything, so I looked at him. His eyes were slightly wide and there was a giant smile on his face.

"I can't believe my best friend has a crush! And it's real this time!" Jack squealed. This guy can be so strange sometimes. I felt my cheeks heat up. 'Do I like her? I mean, yeah she's perfect in so many ways but there's no way she would like me. I mean she's part of a mafia! She probably likes one of those guys that transferred here with her...' I thought.

"You think I have a crush?" I asked nervously.

"Well duh," Jack deadpanned. "You should totally ask her out!"

"How would I do that? Plus I think she's mad at me," I said gloomily. Jack put his hands on my shoulders and smiled at me.

"I have the perfect plan..."

(Your POV)
"Maybe you should forgive him, (Y/N). He looks really depressed," Hinata whispered to me. A couple days since I ran off from Legoshi passed and we all were currently sitting in class. Legoshi looked really upset ever since that happened and I felt bad. It's my fault he's upset, and yet I still haven't apologized. Maybe I should apologize after school.

"(Y/N)!" The teacher yelled at me. My head shot up.

"Y-Yes?" I say.

"I asked if you could answer my question," the teacher crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me.

"Um... yes?" I say.

"Fantastic! Please stand up and tell the whole class the answer!" The teacher smiles. I stood up slowly.

"Um..." I mutter.

"1845," I heard someone in front of me whisper. I looked at the animal who said that.

"1845," I answer.

"Ok I guess you were listening," the teacher said. 'Thank you Legoshi~' I said in my head. When I apologize, I need to remember to thank him as well.

After that, class went by pretty fast and before I knew it the school day was over. I already told Hinata and Asahi that I was going to apologize. Of course Asahi was upset about it, saying that I shouldn't and just ignore him but Hinata was fine with it.

I grabbed all of my stuff on the desk as soon as the bell rang and put it all in my bag. When I closed my bag I looked up to see if Legoshi was still sitting down. Well, he was but he was talking to Jack. Something about egg salad sandwiches?

I decided to wait until Jack leaves, I don't really want to apologize in front of him and put Legoshi on the spot. I sigh quietly and grabbed my phone from my bag. (I'm not sure if there is phones in the anime but in this fanfic there is). I looked through my notifications; a couple texts from my dad, some likes on InstaPaw, and random notifications that I ignored. I noticed that it got very quiet. I looked up from my phone and both Jack and Legoshi were gone.

I looked around and I quickly figured out I was the only person left in the room. 'When did everyone leave?!' I thought. Oh well, I fuel I'll head to club and apologize there.

I opened the doors to the drama club room and there wasn't a lot of people there. But I didn't see Legoshi right away. 'He must be doing something already.'

"(Y/N), perfect timing," Someone in front of me said.

"Oh, hey Bambi," I said to Louis.

"When are you going to stop calling me that?" He glared at me. I laughed.

"Oh not for a long time."

"Whatever. I need you to come to the auditorium with me. Some lights need adjusting and you're the only one in the stage crew that came early," Louis said.

"Wait, so Legoshi isn't here yet?" I asked. Louis shook his head.

"Everyone else is going to be going to the auditorium once everyone gets here. The teacher just need to take role," Louis quickly explained. I nodded my head.

Me and Louis checked in with the teacher and he gave us both permission to leave early. We both left and made our way to the auditorium. The way there was quiet but it was towards the end of our journey when Louis said something.

"Why did you ask if Legoshi was in the club room?"

"Oh, it's nothing really. I just wanted to say sorry to him but I guess it can wait till I see him," I sighed.

"Why do you need to say sorry?" The deer asked.

"I... got mad at him when I shouldn't of," I answered, staring straight ahead.

"I see, so that's why he has looked depressed for the past couple days," I nodded. "Well he definitely isn't the most brightest wolf here."

"Yeah," I agreed quietly. Louis looked at me with a confused impression.

"What did he do that made you upset?" He asked. "Of course if you don't want to tell me that's all right."

"I'd rather not talk about it," I sigh.

"I understand," he said. "Well, looks like we're here."

Louis opened the door and let me inside first, shutting the door when he went inside. There was nobody in the auditorium as far as I could tell, but there might be someone backstage.

"All you have to do is adjust the lights since tomorrow is the performance. Legoshi can do some further adjustments when he comes back. Oh and when you're done with that move the rack with the costumes outside of the changing room since it's by the makeup room," Louis said. "Can you do that?"

"Of course I can," I said.


I started to walk to the area where you can get to the lights before I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turned my head and looked at Louis.

"Is there something else you want me to do?" I asked.

"I... never mind," Louis let go of my wrist and turned away.

"You can talk to me, Bambi," I said.

"Are you interested in anyone at the moment?" He asked.


"You heard me," he rolled his eyes.

"I don't know if I am or not," I said.

"What does that mean?" Louis questioned.

"Well, let's say if I'm friends with this one guy and I'm happy to be around him and want to be with him, yet I know I shouldn't get feelings because it would put him in danger. Either way I don't know if I like him or not."

"Put him in danger?"

"Do you remember who I am? I'm the next leader of one of the strongest and most dangerous mafias out there. I don't want to risk Legoshi getting targeted," I say. I realized what I said and I put my hand on my mouth.

"Oh, so it's Legoshi, hm?" Louis smirked.

"W-wait I didn't mean to say Legoshi I swear!" I panicked.

"I definitely wasn't expecting you to like Legoshi, but I guess I can see it," Louis said laughing.

"S-shut up!" I said, my face turning hot.

"This is perfect blackmail," Louis said, still laughing. "All though you two would make for a nice couple."

"Don't you dare tell him, Louis," I growled at him.

"Don't worry, I'm not the type of animal that would do that. However, you do need to get your feelings figured out and tell him."

"I can't," I said.

"And why not?"

"I've never... had a crush," I mutter. Louis didn't say anything for a moment.

"You never had a crush? That's disappointing," he said.

"Oh whatever," I punched Louis's arm. "But promise me you won't tell Legoshi?"

"Tell him what?" Louis smirked, holding his arm where I punched him. I smiled and patted his head.

"Good boy," I smile.

"I'm not one of your dogs unlike the twins," Louis swatted my hand away.

"Hey, they aren't my dogs. They are my comrades and I would help them if they are ever in danger and I hope they would do the same," I crossed my arms. "Plus I grew up with them so we've always been together."

"Yeah, yeah, just go do your job. I'll tell Legoshi that you want to talk to him when he comes," Louis waved me off.

"Wait, you want to talk to me?" Someone from behind me and Louis said. I felt my face heat up as I look behind me.

"Oh, perfect timing!" Louis said. "I'll leave you two alone."

'Bambi... you're dead,' I thought. Welp, better apologize sooner than later.

I fully turned to face Legoshi, my eyes casted to the ground. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't of gotten mad. What you do with your love life isn't any of my business."
I didn't hear Legoshi say anything, so I kept my eyes glued to the floor. "Listen, you have every right to not accept my apology."

I felt a hand go under my chin and lift my head up. I guess I didn't notice Legoshi come closer to me. And I didn't notice how short I am compared to him.

"You don't have to apologize, it's ok," Legoshi said looking at me. I didn't say anything but I kept my eyes on him. It felt like a moment out of some cheesy romance movie. "I actually have something I need to tell you."

Legoshi's POV:
'Ok, I'm going to do it, right now. I'm gonna tell her how I feel.'

Your POV:
"What is it?" I asked.

"I... um..." he trailed off. "I really..."

A.N: ahhhh I'm sorry for taking a while for the update but 3k?! Holyyyy crap 😭

But anyways I had a hard time thinking for this chapter since I've been doing a lot of school work lately and playing Call of Duty.

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