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This is going to be a short chapter because I am really busy but there is a little bonus at the end. Happy holidays! ❤️

"So then there was explosions and blood and even more explosions! It was crazy," I finished telling Legoshi what happened at my dads home with Shishigumi, slightly exaggerating the end a little.

Legoshi let out a small laugh. "Oh, yea there was totally explosions. But either way I'm glad your safe and back."

I took a small bite of my burger and nodded. "At least I can help out tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, about that..." Legoshi quietly said, but loud enough for me to hear him. "Louis broke his leg, he passed out after the play ended today and he can't perform tomorrow. So Bill took his spot as Adler and I have to play as one of the villains."

"Really? That's cool! I mean, poor Bambi but you get to perform," I said excitedly.

"No! This would be my first time performing and it's scary! What if I mess up or come out to early?" Legoshi quietly panicked.

I grabbed his hand and looked at him. "You'll be fine. We'll go to the drama room after we're done eating and you can get some practice in. I'll stay with you until you can't practice anymore," I smiled softly at the grey wolf. He returned the smile and we both continued eating.

I watched as Bill talked to Sanu and Legoshi stare at his wooden sword. Kei was standing next to me, fixing up some scripts and occupying himself.

"Can I ask you something, (Y/N)?" Kei randomly said. It was silent between us ever since me and Legoshi got to the drama building.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"So what's your story? I mean other than being in a gang," the brown furred animal said, looking up at me.

"My story? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, you have to be scouted out in order to be in the drama club. I, for example, am a mongoose that was raised by hyenas. So what's yours?"

I stared blankly into the air as I thought about his question. "Well, my mother passed when I was young and I grew up learning how to fight so I can protect myself and my loved ones. That's basically it."

"Huh, ok. Also your not as scary when you talk normally," Kei snickered. I smacked the back of his head and he yelped. "What was that for?!"

"Just felt like hitting you," I smile. Kei rolled his eyes and the sound of wood hitting wood filled the room. Both our heads snapped to the noise, Legoshi and Bill were "practicing" one of the scenes for the play. This is the first time I've seen Legoshi get slightly aggressive towards another carnivore. It's hard to tell if they are just practicing or not; I wasn't the only one that thought this, the leader of the dance team said the same thing to the teacher.

After watching the wolf and tiger go back and forth for a while they eventually stopped, both ready for the same scene tomorrow.

Bonus (doesn't change the actual story):
Legoshi's POV:

I laid on my bed, a small bug container holding my pet beetle was at the bottom of my bed. A low and quiet sigh escaped my lips. (Y/N) just left back home for a couple days and I already miss her. I really wanted to hang out with her while we worked for the play but I guess that idea is out of the window.

There was chatter in the room coming from my dorm mates, but I blocked their conversations out; I wasn't interested in hearing about which girl they thought was the hottest in each class or who was the most ripped.

I closed my eyes, a sudden tiredness filling my senses. Might as well get some sleep before the play later, don't want to be falling asleep.

"Legoshi?!" Someone in the room yelled, ripping the curtain of my bed wide open. I opened my eyes and sat up.

"Uh, can I help you?" I asked. The white haired dog that I honestly don't talk to much was standing at my bed, along with a couple other guys.

"Is it true? That you're dating that winter wolf in your class?"

"Uh, yeah," I said. I didn't really think of telling a lot of animals, just Jack and some others I talk to.

"Damn, she's hot too. Didn't expect you two to date though," the hyena (I think he's a hyena?) sighed. "But isn't it going to be risky dating her? Since she is apparently in the mafia?

I nodded. "She said something about that before, but it'll be fine."

"If you say so. So what about her made you like her?" One of the other guys asked.

"She's just an incredible girl, really pretty, isn't afraid to speak her mind, and is really strong. I guess recently I realized that she is the girl I want to spend my life with." I said, a small blush rising after I realized what I said in front of my dorm mates.

"Well, make sure you are there for her at all times. Also if you two break up that means she is up for grabs," one of the guys chuckled a bit, walking away from my bed.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up. I'm not planning on leaving her any time soon."

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