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(Legoshi's POV)
"Oh, you messed up big time, Legoface!" Jack said, laughing. I just finished telling my best friend what happened with (Y/N) and here he is, laughing at me.

"Come on, Jack! This isn't funny!" I whined. Jack stopped his laughing fit and smiled at me.

"Well, there has to be a reason why (Y/N) got upset at Haru in the first place. Maybeee she likes you?" Jack poked my arm. He already knew everything that happened between me and Haru and how I was only attracted to her cause she is a herbivore and I am a carnivore.

"W-what?!" I panicked. What if she did like me? I mean, there's no way she would like me.

"Ok, how about this. What do you think of (Y/N)? Describe her in your own way," Jack said, looking at me intensely.

I put my hand on my chin and looked up slightly. "Well, she's super smart, and really strong. She's very beautiful and kind and... amazing," I trailed off. I didn't hear Jack say anything, so I looked at him. His eyes were slightly wide and there was a giant smile on his face.

"I can't believe my best friend has a crush! And it's real this time!" Jack squealed. This guy can be so strange sometimes. I felt my cheeks heat up. 'Do I like her? I mean, yeah she's perfect in so many ways but there's no way she would like me. I mean she's part of a mafia! She probably likes one of those guys that transferred here with her...' I thought.

"You think I have a crush?" I asked nervously.

"Well duh," Jack deadpanned. "You should totally ask her out!"

"How would I do that? Plus I think she's mad at me," I said gloomily. Jack put his hands on my shoulders and smiled at me.

"I have the perfect plan..."

(Your POV)
"Maybe you should forgive him, (Y/N). He looks really depressed," Hinata whispered to me. A couple days since I ran off from Legoshi passed and we all were currently sitting in class. Legoshi looked really upset ever since that happened and I felt bad. It's my fault he's upset, and yet I still haven't apologized. Maybe I should apologize after school.

"(Y/N)!" The teacher yelled at me. My head shot up.

"Y-Yes?" I say.

"I asked if you could answer my question," the teacher crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me.

"Um... yes?" I say.

"Fantastic! Please stand up and tell the whole class the answer!" The teacher smiles. I stood up slowly.

"Um..." I mutter.

"1845," I heard someone in front of me whisper. I looked at the animal who said that.

"1845," I answer.

"Ok I guess you were listening," the teacher said. 'Thank you Legoshi~' I said in my head. When I apologize, I need to remember to thank him as well.

After that, class went by pretty fast and before I knew it the school day was over. I already told Hinata and Asahi that I was going to apologize. Of course Asahi was upset about it, saying that I shouldn't and just ignore him but Hinata was fine with it.

I grabbed all of my stuff on the desk as soon as the bell rang and put it all in my bag. When I closed my bag I looked up to see if Legoshi was still sitting down. Well, he was but he was talking to Jack. Something about egg salad sandwiches?

I decided to wait until Jack leaves, I don't really want to apologize in front of him and put Legoshi on the spot. I sigh quietly and grabbed my phone from my bag. (I'm not sure if there is phones in the anime but in this fanfic there is). I looked through my notifications; a couple texts from my dad, some likes on InstaPaw, and random notifications that I ignored. I noticed that it got very quiet. I looked up from my phone and both Jack and Legoshi were gone.

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