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"Look who finally decided to come," Lee said as soon as me and the twins climbed into the car.

"Hinata was taking forever to get out of bed," Asahi said, glaring at Hinata slightly.

"It's to early for this," Hinata yawned. (Honestly same 😂)

"Well, wake up then, idiot!" Asahi yelled at Hinata. Hinata only sighed and put his head in his hand.

"That's enough you two," Lee said, rolling his eyes.

"Thanks for getting us, Lee," I said.

"Trust me, I didn't have a choice. I would of rather stayed home than get you three," Lee deadpanned.

"Meanie," I muttered.

"(Y/N)!" Someone yelled as soon as Lee let us out of the car. I smiled as soon as I saw the animal yelling for me.

"Well look who came to say hi," I laughed as soon as the little girl jumped at me. "Did ya miss me, Ryder?"

"Of course I did, dummy! I have no one to practice with!" Ryder, the youngest member of my dads gang (her parents are in it so she was born into the gang just like me and the twins), whined. I went down on one knee and hugged her.

"Yea you do, you can practice with Shiki," I said while hugging Ryder.

"Shiki is always rough during practice. He always bully's me cause I'm small," Ryder continued to whine.

"Yeah, you are pretty small for your age," I said. Ryder stopped hugging me and took a step back to look at me. "But that doesn't mean you're not gonna be the strongest member here."

Ryder was silent until a giant smile formed on her face. "Your right, (N/N). I'm gonna be the strongest member here, I'll be even stronger than you! Then I'll be the leader of Chi Ōkami!"

I laughed and ruffled the top of her head. "You can't be the next leader cause I already took that position. But I'll think about making you second in charge when I do become leader."

"Wait I thought I was gonna be second in charge?!" Asahi whined, grabbing my shoulder. I patted his hand that was on me.

"And why would I do that? You would abuse the power I would give you. Besides, it would be smarter to make Hinata second in charge since he doesn't act dumb unlike you. I was actually thinking of giving him the position."

"Really?" Hinata's ears perked up.

"What?! That's so unfair," Asahi whined. "Why do you have to be so mean."

"Because," I laughed.

"Wait so who are you picking, me or that dummy Hinata?" Ryder asked. She put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me right in the eyes. "I think you know the right decision."

This is what Ryder's good at. Persuasion. One time, she got my dad to play dress-up with her right before he had a meeting with another mafia member. He went to the meeting with a full face of kid makeup and a skirt. How she did that, I would love to know.

"Ryder," a low voice called out. Ryder's eyes widened and she dropped her hands from my shoulders.

"Heyyy, Uncle (Dads name)! How have you been, it's been so long since we've talked, we should catch up, maybe talk over some cake, strawberry of course-," Ryder started saying while turning to face my dad.

"Ryder, your mother wants you, she said it's time for your monthly fur trimming!" My dad smiled at Ryder.

"W-what?!" Ryder shrieked. "I don't wanna, she can wait until tomorrow!"

"I ain't waiting for you, missy!" A female voice said from behind my father. "You better get your tail inside or else I'll drag you inside myself."

"Yes ma'am," Ryder said defeatedly. She bowed her head and started walking to her mom. As soon as Ryder reached her mom, her mom smiled at me while I got up.

"It's good to see you again dear, we should catch up, maybe over some cake," she smiled at me. "How about after dinner?"

"Sounds good!" I smile back.

"Ok, also I heard you have a boy toy, you are definitely going to tell me about him," she winked at me. My cheeks heated up and I turned to my dad.

"Hey, she overheard the phone call," my dad said putting his hands up in defense.

"And that's why I tell you not to talk on the phone with speaker on idiot," I rolled my eyes.

My dad started poking his fingers together (🥺👉🏻👈🏻). "You don't mean that do you?"

"You're such a baby," I laugh. It's surprising that he is a leader of a gang, he acts so childish.

"Oh whatever. We should head inside so we can discuss some things concerning," my father said, his face getting serious.

"Sounds good," Asahi said.

"So you think Shishigumi is going to be attacking today but you're not even sure?" I asked a bit angered, remembering the show and how I can't go.

"Like I said, the patrol was positive that they saw members of Shishigumi at the border of our territory. We sent some of our lesser known members out to go keep an eye out where Shishigumi is to make sure they aren't coming to where we are," father said, his hands folded together on the table.

"The patrol wasn't even sure it was even members of Shishigumi. It could of been some teenagers wandering around," I argued back.

"I ordered you three to come back as a safety precaution," father growled at me. "Would you rather us fight Shishigumi without some of our best fighters and risk us all dying?"

I got silent. He's right, if Shishigumi was coming and if I choose not to come home I would risk the lives of everyone here.

"Sir, with all do respect you could of requested me and Asahi to come back while (Y/N) stayed at the school. There was a event going on tonight that she was going to participate in," Hinata said.

"She only wanted to go to the event cause her "boyfriend" is helping there," Asahi rolled his eyes.

"Once tomorrow comes, I will have Lee drive you home so you can help for the second day, (Y/N)," Father said, looking at me.

"But I wanted to help today," I mutter, putting my head in my hand. "But I guess as long as I get to go back it's fine."

We all got quiet for a minute before the door to the room we were in swung open. Ryder's mother, Anisa, ran in, two animals following her.

"Sir, we just got word from the patrol that 3 members of Shishigumi were spotted about half a mile away from where the patrol is," Anisa said quickly. "And as far as they know, the leader of Shishigumi is with them."

A.N: heyyyy yea ok I'm sorry it's been a while since I've updated but I have been pretty busy lately! I just started work at a local amusement park recently, school just finished up and I may or may not have to do summer school for one of my classes, and yea.

Also if you are confused, I wanted to make a chapter of this book about the reader and some ocs which is why you went back home temporarily to face Shishigumi. Don't worry, this is the only chapter that is not going to be at the school and then the book will be back on the story line.

A Wolf's Howl (Legoshi X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora