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I sighed and stretched, my back popping. I finally got all of my stuff packed, and I had about an hour until my roommates come back, or says the note. I already got a tour of the academy before I talked to the headmaster, so I might as well walk around before they get here. I slipped on a pair of my shoes and a slightly oversized (F/C) hoodie and grabbed a book that I brought from home. I walked out of the dorm room, shutting the door on my way out. I didn't know where I was going to go, but I felt like I should go somewhere.

I ran down the steps that lead outside, my white tail swaying gently as I opened the doors. I opened the door, a gentle breeze blowing my fur. I took a big breath of air and stepped outside. I looked around to try and find a tree that I can climb so I can read. After my eyes landed on a small forest area, I started to walk towards it, book in hand. After a couple of minutes I finally made it to the tree. I put my book in my mouth and gently held it with my teeth and started to climb on the tree. I swiftly made my way up to a sturdy and thick (thicc) branch and sat down on it. I propped one of my legs on the branch and the other I left swinging in the air. I was about 9 or 10 feet off of the ground. I grabbed my book out of my mouth and started to read.

-Time Skip about 2 hours-
Legoshi's POV:

"Hey Legoshi, wanna head to the dorm?" Jack, my closest friend, asked.

"Um, I was gonna go on a walk for a bit," I said.

"Ok. Oh, did you hear? We have three new students here and all of them are wolves. I even heard that there's a hot winter wolf!" Jack said excitedly.

"Oh really?" I said, scratching the back of my neck. It's been a while since we got new students, and it's pretty cool that they are wolves like me. I haven't seen a winter wolf before, either, since there isn't many left in the world.

"Rumor has it that they are part of Chi Ōkami," Jack said. "But that would be weird if members of a mafia were accepted here."

"Chi Ōkami, huh?" I muttered.

Me and Jack had small talk and soon enough we parted ways. I started walking towards the bench I normally sit at and Jack went back to our room. 'I wonder what the new girl looks like? I mean all I know is that she is a winter wolf.' I thought. 'Oh well, I probably won't see her so there's no point.'

I saw the bench that I sit at, but my eye caught something a little bit past the bench. I saw a blob of white sitting on a nearby tree branch. Without thinking, I started walking towards the white blob.

Your POV:

My nose twitched slightly, a new scent filling my nose. 'Another wolf? It isn't Asahi's or Hinata's scent.' I looked down from the branch I sat on and made eye contact with a tall grey wolf. His eyes widened and he stepped back.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you," the wolf stuttered. I closed my book and hopped down from the branch.

"Don't worry about it. I was actually supposed to be back to my dorm an hour ago," I smiled at the wolf and stuck my hand out. "I'm (Y/N), I'm new here, along with my two friends but they aren't here currently. And you are...?"

I saw hesitation in the wolf's eyes as he reached his hand out and grabbed mine. "I-I'm Legoshi."

"Legoshi, huh? Well it is nice to meet you," I shook his hand. It was really soft and warm. I quickly let go of his hand and sighed, realizing that I needed to go back to the dorms. "I'm sorry, but I should be heading back to my dorm. After all, I need to meet my roommates."

"Oh, yea. Um..." Legoshi started to say. From the look on his face, it's almost like he wants to ask something. "I was just wondering if... well."

"Well what? If you have to say something then say it," I crossed my arms over my chest.

A Wolf's Howl (Legoshi X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt