The True Gods (Highschool DxD...

By TrueRisingFTW

414K 4.5K 2.4K

Great Red and Ophis are known as the strongest of the strong, but what if I were to tell you that there are t... More

Kuoh Observation
Who are you?
A Little Trip To The Next World
Black Magic and Times Anger
The Warning and Purification
Alpha Origin
Arrival in Crocus
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 (Part 1)
Day 3 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Part 1)
Day 4 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Final)
Split Up Time
Two Unknown Powers
New Worlds Within Mischief
Mischief and Despair
The Bridge to Freedom
Supersonics and A Crystalline Beast
Display of Power
Return to Destruction
One's True Ruler
Clash of Titans
Next World Vote [Closed]
A Fairy Goodbye
A Relaxing Day?
World of the Gifts
A Festival In Digit Five
Prophecy of Death
The Game of Death Starts
Life and Death
Battle In Space
A True Battle Of Life And Death
Next World Vote 2 [Closed]
Two Worlds Collide

Cloaks Revealed

2.2K 30 5
By TrueRisingFTW





The battlefield was chaos as the soldiers that protected this community seemed to be under mind control and were attacking one another.

The civilians were also in danger as the soldiers were also attacking them, it seemed that they were all acting in a rampaging manner.

As of right now, Izayoi was seen fighting against Weser as they seemed to be evenly matched, though it could be seen that he was holding back.

Wendy, Chelia, Carla, Leticia, as well as Sandora were all going up against Pest as said girl was still standing on top of Sturm.

Sturm being the large white giant. They still didn't seem to be able to get the upper hand on her, she seemed too strong.

Asuka, Yo, Jin, and Shiroyasha who was still trapped were all facing down Ratten. She was holding her flute in her hands as she was playing it, causing the group to fall down in pain as they covered their ears.

The battlefield was just in complete chaos, a dangerous battle everywhere you turned.

Though, all of that chaos soon turned to silence as all the participants felt large shockwaves being produced through the area.

They all looked around in confusion before noticing something happening in the sky, there were ripples in the sky and visible shockwaves that shook the very place they were standing.

It wasn't clear, but a few of them could see that it was the four True Gods clashing against one another in close quarter combat.

Their auras also clashing with one another as every hit cause their auras to spark, none of them seemingly slowing down.

Izayoi grinned as he watched the display, he could tell that the mere force behind each of their hits was enough to cause several planets to shake.

True to the thought, the True Gods were condensing all the power into their attacks and not exploding outwards from their body.

That's the only reason that the Little Garden was shaking vigorously as of right now. Otherwise a lot of destruction would have ensued.

Just as they were about to clash once again after having dashed backwards, the True Gods heard the sound of lightning and turned their heads.

All of the other people did the same as they noticed the sky turn darker, to which they noticed yellow sparks of electricity atop of one of the surrounding towers of the community.

The True Gods watched with calmness all over themselves as they knew what this meant, it seemed that Black Rabbit has interfered.

"I have been cleared to initiate my status as Judge Master! The Gift Game 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' is now on hold and will be evaluated!"

Black Rabbit's voice echoed through the city as she held the item that was releasing the electricity in her right arm up to the sky.

"Players, Hosts, cease all of your combat. I request the same to the True Gods! Move to the negotiation table!"

"It would seem that our battle is being put on hold." Palkia stated as the brothers couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed.

The two in front of them seemed the same as them as their body language despite then wearing cloaks, did show signs of annoyance and anger.

Though, Palkia and Dialga did find this as an opportunity to get some information out of their opposition.


The group could be now seen sitting in a meeting room as the part consisting of Pest, Weser, Ratten, and the two True Gods opposing them were on one side.

The group consisting of Sandora, Mandora, Izayoi, Jin, and both Palkia and Dialga were on the other side of the table.

Finally, Black Rabbit could be seen standing at the end of the table between both parties as she was now addressing them.

"We shall now commence with the evaluation and negotiation of the Gift Game 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin'."

She then looked towards Pest as the four True Gods had their eyes closed, the cloaked ones doing so even though their cloaks hid their faces.

"First off, I would like to ask the Host. Does this Gift Game..." Black Rabbit was going to say, but was interrupted by Pest.

"We have not conducted any violations."

"C-Can I take your word for it? My ears do happen to be connected to the main hub of The Garden." Black Rabbit reminded. "I'll be notified if you are lying."

"You should know that you have put our Game on hold on the account of a false accusation." Pest then looked at the True Gods. "They also don't seem pleased. You know what all this means, right?"

"If there have indeed been no violations. Then the game shall indeed resume with an advantage to the host." Sandora responded with a concerned expression.

"I suggest we hold off on deciding any addition rules until later."

"Very well..." Sandora muttered. She then looked over towards Black Rabbit. "Black Rabbit, if you please."

"R-Right!" They then saw Black Rabbit close her eyes as her ears seemed to twitch constantly as she was probably listening to the Little Garden.

Dialga and Palkia were just listening to the meeting silently as the four True Gods could feel each other staring at one another intensely.

They noticed Izayoi speaking with Mandora about something, though they couldn't care so they focused on the two in front of them.

They didn't know for certain who they were, but they hd a really good idea.

It was difficult to tell since their brother's power was corrupting and mixing with the power of the two of the True Gods in front of them.

Black Rabbit opened her eyes sadly as she conveyed the news. "I have received word they there have been no violations to the rules. Shiroyasha has been bounded by a fair method."

"Now that, that bas been cleared up. We shall leave the rules as is and decide which day we will resume our game."

"Wait, which day? This will span over multiple days...?" Sandora said with widened eyes.

"Judge Master." Pest voiced as Black Rabbit looked towards her. "What is the longest duration that we can defer the resumption of out game?"

"E-Eh? The longest?" Black Rabbit repeated. She then thought for a bit before replying. "I believe that would be about one month..."

"Then there we go, we will resume in one month."

The True Gods clicked their tongues at this, they just wanted to hurry up and get back to their battle. They had a mission to do, both sides did.

If the game was going to resume in a month, then both the cloaked ones couldn't care less and would just destroy Pest themselves along with her two allies if it were to speed things up.

Palkia and Dialga also didn't like the idea of delaying for an entire month, there was much they could do in that time.

"H-Hold it/Hold it!" Jin and Izayoi voiced. Izayoi nodded at Jin, who nodded in return as the kid continued the words.

"I have a question for the host." Jin had stated as he looked at Pest. "I have received word that your companions that are sitting beside you are Ratten and Weser, along with that giant. Going off that... you must be Pest."


"You mean The Black Percher?!" Mandora and Sandora both voiced as they looked at Jin. Jin nodded his head.

"That's right. The most catastrophic epidemic in all of human history, occurring back in the Little Ice Age if the 14th century." Jin explained.

"That would be correct." Pest acknowledged. "Who may you be exactly?"

"Jin Russell... of the No-Names."

"Hm. I'll remember that. Though, you are too late." Pest said simply. "A number of the participants were infected already. Your lives are in my hands."

"Judge Master! They have intentionally concealed such details of the game, and..."

"Sandora, please stop!" Jin interrupted quickly. "They have no obligation to inform us of such a disease! You're going to give them more opportunities to make more rules!"

"Then how does this sound?" Pest smirked. "Shiroyasha and all the players in this room join Grimm Grimoire Hamelin and all the communities will be spared."

Pest then realised that the True Gods were here and quickly corrected herself.

"O-Of course, I won't be including them of course."

She was definitely smart enough to know that trying to give even a slight threat or unfavourable deal to a True God was suicide, it wasn't smart.

"Oh, I really liked the one in the red dress, Master!" Pest blinked before nodding. "Very well, we will add her into the equation as well. So, how about it? It's nothing compared to the lives of every single participant, right?"

"So, you're going to wipe us out if we don't agree?" Izayoi smirked. All Pest did was keep her usual smile on her face. "I understand. You're new, and you need manpower. Must be the reason your want us."

"Is there a problem?" Pest lost her smile and returned to a non-caring expression. Jin was the next to speak.

"The black plague takes around two days to display symptoms. If we resume the game in a month, all the players would already be dead."

"We won't be much help if we're dead, you know?"

"Then I'll reduce it to twenty days. We'll find you before you die, and..."

"Then we will kill anyone who displays any symptoms." Mandora interrupted. Shocking Jin, Sandora, and Black Rabbit. "Whether it be Sandora or myself. All infected will be killed. No exceptions."


Silence was filling the room as it was soon broken by none other than Izayoi, which honestly wasn't that surprising since it was him.

"Hey, Black Rabbit. Are we still able to alter the rules?" Black Rabbit blinked before nodding. "Then let's make a deal. We can add a 'No Suicide or Friendly Fire' rule to the mix. In exchange, we resume the game in three days."

"I refuse. Two weeks."

"Five days. We'll add Black Rabbit too." Izayoi smirked. "She's a Judge Master, so she can't participate. But, if you allow her to, you can get your hands on her. How about it?"

"..." Pest stared at Izayoi with her blank look for a couple of seconds before responding. "Ten days, no less than that."

"Then I s set a time limit to this game. The game shall resume in a week's time and will end twenty four hours after resumption! If there is no winner, the game shall end and the host will be victorious."

"Jin...?" Sandora gave a silent gasp at Jin's declaration. Pest stared at him before adding. "Are you really willing to accept your defeat?"

"One week is the longest we can go without casualties. Anything beyond is unbearable physically and mentally. Therefore, the players shall resign unconditionally after the time limit."

Silence went over them all as Pest had her eyes closed and seemed to be thinking over it, which she soon opened her eyes.

"Jin. Even if you managed to survive for a week, do you think you could still defeat me? Especially with two True Gods on our side."

"A-Absolutely!" Jin replied as his friends all stared at him with shocked looks, Izayoi with a smirk on his face. Pest stared at him before responding.

Jin would normally very much have his full doubt they wouldn't win since they were going up against two True Gods, but they had Dialga and Palkia on their side!

"Very well then." Pest said before standing up from her seat and pointing towards them. "I assure you with certainty that you all will become my playthings."

"Interesting..." Izayoi smirked. He then turned his head to the left to look past Jin. "So, how about you guys? What do you think?"

They all looked towards the four True Gods as they had been silent throughout this entire meeting. Dialga lifting his head as he opened his eyes.

"Very well, we will resume in a week. No more than that." Palkia nodding in agreement to his brother's words.

"I see. How about you two? Are you two weird cloaked guys agreeing?" Izayoi said referring to the True Gods next to Ratten.

"I suggest you watch your tongue, boy. It will be the cause of your death." The male of the two voiced with venom in his emotionless tone.

"I suggest you listen to him, child. He isn't one to anger." The other cloaked person spoke as she turned her head towards Izayoi. "Nonetheless. We agree."

"Good. Though, I believe it's time." Palkia voiced as he looked at the two cloaked figures. "Why don't you take off those cloaks. It's you two, isn't it?"

"Yveltal and Xerneas." Dialga added as the two cloaked figures stared at Dialga and Palkia as silence ruled the area.

The ones that knew of the names widened their eyes as they looked at the two taller True Gods. Pest and her two companions just watching silently.

The four True Gods in the room stood up from their chairs and glared at each other. The male then chuckled before responding.

"You figured it out, huh? I shouldn't be surprised." The male then gripped his cloak before throwing it off as the female did the same.

When they did, the two revealed to be people around the age of eighteen or so if their appearance was anything to go by.

The male had a black mask covering his mouth As his crimson eyes flickered continuously. Though, he was undeniably quite handsome to the human eye.

The female was revealed to be an incredibly beautiful woman as her looks could very well attract practically any man that ever saw her.

These two being none other than Yveltal and Xerneas, the True God of Death and the True Goddess of Life respectively.

The four True Gods stared each other down as they had their auras wrap around them, looking fiery as the auras of the four clash with one another.

The surrounding spectators all watching the gods with concern building up inside them as they could feel the already strong pressure coming off each of them.


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