In Fate's Hands

By TheStartingLine03

13.1K 630 267

They say that love can never be easy... This is no different for the childhood friends L/n Y/n, and Minatozak... More

To a New Life!
The Neighbor's Princess
The Start to a New Life
Better Than Today
It's You
Slumber Party
The Big Game!
Right Time, at the Right Moment
Like One, Two, Three... I Will Be There
The Way It Used To Be
New and Old
Starlit Night
I did it

A Walk to Remember

681 41 13
By TheStartingLine03

Hey all! Now I know in Japan, school grades are not necessarily the same, but I chose to call it this to maintain clarity for readers who may not know. Now on to the chapter! I hope you guys enjoy this one. I am absolutely stunned that the story has gotten as many views as it has. I know it really is not a lot compared to some of the other stories... But I honestly did not expect it. So, thank you all. I will continue to work hard.

You: "I promise to Squirrel. I will make sure you are always okay and taken care of..."

(We held that position for a few moments until her dad entered the room. He checked on Sana and made sure she was okay. He then motioned for me to follow him. I followed, and he took me to his basement. When we arrived, he opened a door and showed me what looked to be a gym of some sort.)

Mr. Minatozaki: "If you are going to be taking care of my princess like you promised, then you will need to learn a few things. I will teach you some things that your father taught me many years ago..."

-Time Skip 5 years

(Following that day, my weekdays were filled with hard work. I would go to school, come home, work on my Japanese with Sana, and a tutor. I would then spend the rest of the night working out with Mr. Minatozaki. On the weekends, I would get to spend time with Sana, Momo, Mina, and Nako. Obviously over time I really bonded with them. Sana more so than the others, as I basically lived with her. Because of this, I was able to spend a lot more time with her. My dad, unfortunately, had been unable to come home every weekend, but he did his best. Unfortunately, recently he has been only able to come visit once a year or so... I am unsure why. When he does visit, he is extremely tired though. Mom and Sana's mother continued to be close and do just about everything together. My school mates eventually started becoming friendlier with me as I learned more and more Japanese. Well, aside from those guys who pushed me and ruined the flowers I bought my mom. They still had a strong dislike towards me, and it was common knowledge that we did not get along. But since that day nothing has been physical, only words. Luckily, I am fluent now but I still rarely speak to anyone outside of my inner circle of friends... I still have not completely shaken the anxiety that had plagued my childhood. Other than that, living in Japan has become much easier, as I was not completely reliant on Sana. She was very upset over this at first, but when she realized she was still going to be my best friend, she quickly got over it...

Today is the start of my sophomore year... So, I will do my best to catch you up with some stuff that I feel is important. Freshman year was honestly great. Since I had been spending so much time working out, I felt it was a good idea to get involved with some of the sports at school. I decided to join the baseball, basketball, and the newly formed American Football team. My positions are Pitcher/Centerfield for baseball, Point Guard for Basketball, and Quarterback for football. Those positions put a lot of pressure on me, but it is something I am sure I will eventually get over... Anyways, I have really grown into my own. I am now 183 cm (6 feet) and I have become very fit. My circle of friends has grown slightly, but not by much. I still mainly hang out with Sana, Momo, Mina, and Nako. But I also have gotten close with a few of the other athletes that play the same sports as I do. Their names are Hitoshi, Reiji, and Taichi. They are all good guys and it is nice to hang out with them as they are a complete change of pace from Sana and the girls.

Now to the point that you all have been waiting for... as time has passed Sana has really blossomed into a true beauty... One in which has just about every guy drooling. Luckily, she still holds the amazing personality that I adore so much. With time, Sana and I's bond had grown. At this point we have become quite inseparable. As we have grown, so has that once little crush. I have tried for so long to ignore it, as I would never want to ruin what we have. Unfortunately, it seems impossible for me to suppress these feelings for much longer... I must confess how I feel about her. The time is coming...)

-The First Day of Sophomore Year-

(I wake up to my alarm of Mr. Taxi by Girls Generation. I am unsure why that is my alarm... Sana probably set it since it is her favorite song. Nevertheless, it is time to get up for school, so I sit up and stretch. I look over at my window, I reminisce of the times where me and Sana would write out messages to one another. The time before we got phones and now we can just text each other... The whiteboard still hung next to it, but it had not been used in quite some time... At that moment I hear my text notification go off, so I grab my phone and see that Sana texted me.

I then set my phone down and grabbed some black skinny jeans, and a plain white t-shirt out of my closet. I then walked to my bathroom and got ready. It took me about twenty minutes, and just as I had finished, I heard my doorbell ring. Shortly after I heard my mom yell from downstairs.)

Mom: "Y/n, Sana is here!"

You: "Okay mom, I am grabbing my stuff and then I will be right down."

(I grabbed my backpack, and jogged downstairs. When I got halfway down my eyes found Sana's. She stood there looking as beautiful as ever. She must have died her hair the night before as it was a much lighter color than I was used to... She wore a white t-shirt that had "Love" spelled out in red. I did my best to play it cool, but I still wanted to show her I notice these things, as she has mentioned that girls like when a guy notices in the past.)

This is what she looks like, but imagine she is standing at your front door, and she is holding her books for school.

You: "I like your hair Squirrel, it suits you well." (I smile) "Would you like me to carry your books for you? The walk is kind of far."

(Sana smiles back at you. She nods, and then hands her books to you.)

Sana: "Thank you Y/n!"

(I grab ahold of her books and begin to walk. I then notice that she has not started walking and she is still by my door. I turn to her and she looks mad.)

You: "What did I do now?"

(She points at the door with the angry look still on her face.)

Sana: "Say goodbye to your mom Y/n! That is very rude to leave the house without telling her goodbye."

(I sigh and then walk back to my door. I open it and find my mom in the front room.)

You: "Mom I came back to say goodbye, and let you know that I am off to school."

Mom: "Oh, well have a good day... and tell Sana I said thank you for telling you to do that." (She had a smile on her face as she said that last part.)

Sana: "You are welcome Mrs. Y/Ln!" (She leans her upper half through the door and says that.)

(I sigh, and I simply walk past her and begin walking to school. A few moments later I hear her footsteps approaching me. When she finally catches up, she slaps my arm.)

Sana: "Jerk! Don't you know you are never supposed to let a lady walk alone?"

You: "Squirrel, I was like ten feet away from you..."

Sana: "Yea! That is far! What if someone grabbed me and took me?" (She pouts, and somehow, she always looks oh so cute when she does.)

You: "Squirrel... I would simply run them down and catch them... Stop being so dramatic..."

(Sana slaps my arm again.)

Sana: "Dramatic? I am not being dramatic! And if I am, what are you going to do about it?"

You: "Well if that ever does happen... Maybe I should just let them take you? Then I won't need to deal with you anymore." (I start laughing.)

Sana: "Yah! Y/n! You would never! You would miss me too much and you know it!" (She starts hugging onto my arm like she always does.)

You: "Well... How else would I spend my days? If I did not have you and your crazy friends always getting us in trouble, what would I be doing if I did not spend all my time finding ways to get us out of that trouble?" (I smile waiting for the pout and the screams.)

Sana: "Y/n they are your friends too! And we do not get in trouble... you do not spend all your time getting us out of trouble! Look who is being dramatic now?" (She pouts and lets go of my arm... which does make me a bit sad.)

You: "Squirrel I was only teasing. Of course, I would miss my best friend! And if you recall, I made a promise years ago. I will never let anything happen to you as long as I am around."

(She turns to me and grins, and then hugs my arm again.)

Sana: "I know Y/n. I know I can always count on you."

You: "Like one, two, three."

(Sana says nothing, but in the corner of my eye, I can see her staring at me for a few seconds as we walk. She pulls out her phone and puts an earbud in her ear, and then puts one in mine. We silently listen to music for the rest of the way to school. When we finally get to school, we walk in the front doors together as we always do and are immediately met by other students staring and whispering to one another. It kind of reminds me of my first day, but this was different. Now that I could understand what they were saying, it was less nerve-wracking. They always seemed to ask these same questions whenever they saw us. It was people asking if we were dating yet, females talking about me, or the guys talking about her. Since middle school, the guys had always fawned over Sana... The females noticing me had started just last year, and I was still getting used to it. With success in sports, came this attention that I was not really used to. Prior to all of this, I was just seen as the guy who was always with Sana. As I am lost in my thoughts over this, I accidentally bump my shoulder into someone who is standing at their locker.)

You: "Sorry man, I didn't mean to."

(When the individual turns, I notice that it is my friend Hitoshi, and standing next to him are Reiji, and Taichi. Hitoshi and Reiji were average in size at around 170 cm each (5 foot 7 inches) while Taichi was 195 cm (6 foot 5 inches). When they saw me they all smiled at me.)

Hitoshi: "Hey man! It's no problem, how is our quarterback doing today?"

(He offers a handshake, which I return. And I do the same with the other two.)

You: "I have been good guys, just staying busy. But let me get this little squirrel to her class and I will catch up to you guys later, okay?"

(They all give each other a quick glance and grin at one another.)

Hitoshi: "Hey man no problem, we will see ya at lunch."

(I then begin walking again and Sana looks at me.)

You: "Is something wrong Sana?"

Sana: "You could have hung out with them you know? I would have been okay getting to my class alone."

(I laugh)

You: "Sana, we have this thing where every day I walk you to your class to make sure you do not walk into a wall or fall. We both know how clumsy you are, and I need to make sure you get there in one piece. My day would just not be the same if I did not walk you to class."

(As I look ahead of me and away from her, she begins to blush.)

Sana: "Thanks Y/n"

(An upperclassman walks up to Sana. Takashi Eito, captain of the dance team to be exact. I look over at Sana as he approaches and sees that she looks to be blushing as he walks up. I hold back a frown from forming. She must like him...)

Takashi Eito: "Sana, have you decided if you will be joining the dance team this year? We really feel like you could contribute. I have heard you have been involved in both singing and dancing classes for a few years now." (He flashes a charming smile to her)

Sana: "Hmmm... Sure, I have been wanting to get more practice with my dancing. I have a big audition in a few months, so the more experience I have going into that, the better."

Takashi Eito: "Well, we have practice today right after school. I guess I will see you there?"

(Sana nods to him.)

Takashi Eito: (Smiles) "Cool." (He turns to me.) "Hey man." (He then turns and walks away.)

(I look at Sana and she seems lost in thought and then turns to me with a concerned look on her face.)

Sana: "I am sorry Y/n, I guess I won't be able to watch you practice anymore..."

You: "It's okay Sana, I am glad you are doing something that you enjoy! But what is this about an audition? I thought we told each other everything, and you told Eito..."

Sana: "Oh... well, I was shopping with Momo and Mina a few weeks ago and some guy walked up to us and asked us to audition for their company. I forgot to tell you; I am so sorry."

You: "No need to apologize Sana. What company, and what is the audition for?"

Sana: "Oh it is not one you would know, but the company is located in k-" (The bell rings) "Y/n you better get to class before you are late, my class is right here anyways. Have a good day okay? Spend lunch with the boys and I will see you after practice okay?"

You: "Uh... Okay Squirrel. I will see you later."

(I give turn and walk to class. Along the way I eat away at myself as I never can say what I really want to with her.)

Your Thoughts: "It's fine... the time is coming in which I will confess. I just need to plan it out, so it goes the way I want it to."

(The rest of the morning goes by uneventful. I breeze through my classes as I always have. When it is lunchtime I hang out with the guys. At one point, I spot Sana and the girls. I see that they are hanging out with Takashi and the rest of the dance team. They must have all joined. I do get a bit jealous when I see her with him, but I always have said I will support her with everything... Anyways when lunch ends I tell the guys I'd see them at practice and I head off to my next class. On the way there, I spot Sana saying bye to the girls and then begin walking to her next class... But he is walking alongside her as they conversed on the way. I really needed to hurry this plan up. Well, the rest of the afternoon was much of the same until the last bell rang and school was over. I headed to the locker room and was greeted by the members of my team. I got my pads and practice uniform on, grabbed my helmet, and headed out to the practice field. As I was on my way, I heard a voice call out my name.)

Coach Tanaka: "Y/n, come speak with me before practice starts."

(I jog over to him.)

You: "Yes coach?"

Coach Tanaka: "Well, people around here seem to think we have a good shot at winning a championship this year and you are a big reason why. So, if I am extra hard on you this year, just remember it is only to help you. I believe you have a real shot at getting a scholarship if you continue to work hard and play like you did last year."

You: "Wow... Um okay coach. I will do my best to live up to those expectations."

(He smiles at me and pushes me with his clipboard.)

Coach Tanaka: "Good, now get to practice."

(I jog over to the rest of the team. We stretch as a team and then run some sprints to finish warming up. After this we were going to play some 7 on 7 which is just the passing plays between the Quarterback and Wide Receivers while the defense tried to stop the plays. I usually excelled at this drill... but right as we were about to start I looked over to the blacktop and saw Sana with the dance team and him... Eito and her were laughing and having a good time as he showed her the dance that they were practicing. I simply could not get it out of my head... How she was blushing from him just simply walking up... Why didn't she blush like that for me? Because of these thoughts, I simply could not focus on football, and I ended up making error after error..."

Coach Tanaka: "Damn it Y/n! Hitoshi was wide open on that route and you did not see him! Have you been studying the playbook like I asked?! You know what... After practice you and I will be studying together so I know you are getting it done..."

(I sigh and take my helmet off. I look back over at the blacktop and they are nowhere to be seen.)

Hitoshi: "Hey man... What is with you today? You keep looking around and you just do not seem into it? It is very unlike you man..."

You: "You guys know I like her right?"

Hitoshi "Of course man, we have always known... What does that have to do with this?"

You: "Well, Eito has been showing interest in Sana today... and she seems to share that interest in him."

Hitoshi: "Nah man! Sana would never like a tool like that! You are Y/n L/n! Every girl is trying to grab your attention, surely Sana is no different. Shake that nonsense off and let's show the defense what other teams are going to see all season."

You: "Thanks man but I don't know man. I will try to focus."

(For the rest of practice, I did my best to shake those thoughts that were taking my mind away from football. I did a better job, but I still made mistakes that I normally would not. After practice, the coach made me stay an hour to study the playbook and some film on our first opponent with him. I hope Sana understands... After the hour passes, I go to where me and Sana usually meet up as fast I could. When I arrive, I see Momo and Mina walking towards the parking lot and I quickly run up to them.)

You: "Hey guys, have you seen Sana?"

(Momo and Mina look at each other and then Momo looks at me with a grin.)

Momo: "She left with Eito. I am not sure where they went."

You: "O-okay... Thanks guys."

(The girls walk away, I hear Momo giggling and Mina seems to be scolding her for something. I begin walking home by myself. A few minutes into the walk home it begins raining. I hardly notice as I am lost in thought... thinking that I have probably lost Sana to Eito at this point... But as I promised... I will always support her.)

-Flashback Twenty Minutes Ago, Sana PoV-

(I see some of Y/n's teammates walking towards the parking lot and I run up to them.)

Sana: "Hey guys, where is Y/n?"

Player: "Um, I'm not sure, he got in a lot of trouble at practice. Last I saw him he was walking out of the locker room. He was the first one out, so he may have just gone home to cool off."

Sana: "O-okay... Thanks."

Sana's Thoughts: "He would not just leave me, would he? No way... He wouldn't. I will just wait"

Eito: "Sana! Do you need a ride? It's about to start storming. I do not mind dropping you off at your house."

(I sigh, if he did leave and I do not take the ride I will end up walking home alone in the dark while it is raining. I turn to Eito.)
"Sure Eito, thank you for this."

Eito: "No problem Sana."

(Momo and Mina sees this.)

Momo: "This may finally be the thing that makes Y/n confess his feelings to Sana... If that beautiful man does not threaten Y/n I do not know what will... Let's get Y/n jealous Mina..."

Mina: "Momo... it is not kind to mess with people's feelings like that... It could really hurt Y/n and he is our friend."

(At this time, they spot Y/n jogging up and looking around presumably to find Sana.)

-Current Time Y/n PoV-

(I continue to walk in the rain.)

Your Thoughts: "If she and him do in fact have interest in each other, I will continue to push my feelings aside and be the friend I promised her I would be."

(Droplets begin to drop from my face... I can't tell if they are tears or the rain... Probably both.)

Okay guys! Chapter four out as promised! I hope you guys enjoy it! A little bit of a different feeling in this one huh? Chapter five should be out within the next few days as well! Please continue to show me support! I really appreciate it!

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