
By deep_bluezzzz

39K 924 117

The Salvatore School is a safe place for kids and teenagers that are supernatural. Together they have four sp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
New Characters
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 16

699 15 0
By deep_bluezzzz

Arin's POV

Last night made me feel like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. All of them were understanding of my story and we actually exchanged stories of our lives too. I guess that it felt like we had bonded in a deep manner. I mean, they are my pack so yeah, it had to be done either way.

Leah and I head back to my room when all of us felt tired. We were woken up by a loud knock in the door. "Hang on!", I yelled but the door swang open. "Jesus Hope! You didn't have to barge in like that", I scolded her and cover Leah as she was only wearing her undergarments. "Sorry but we need to talk to you", she said and I cleared my eyes to her facial expression clearer. She was worried.

"Okay, give me a minute to change", I told her and vamp speed to change into my regular attire. "I'm sorry to wake you up Leah", Hope apologised but she said it was okay. "I'll be back, okay?", I pecked Leah's lips and she said that she'll be with the pack later.

"What's so rushing that you had to wake me up?", I asked Hope as we brisk walk to Alaric's office I think. "Landon's missing and he left a message to Dr Saltzman. Dr Saltzman wanted your opinion and honestly, I need you", she said fast. As we turn, we saw Roman and she just smiled at him. I shook my head and swang an arm around her to assure that it's okay.

Once we reached Alaric's office I saw Emma and knew this was bad. "Okay, something's really up", I pointed out and Alaric sighed. Emma shrugged and I let Hope sit down. "Just listen", Alaric said and I nod. "Hey Ric, sorry to take off like that but I just need a little time. So, I'm going camping for a while. Hopefully, I can catch up on classwork later. Tell Raf and Jed hi for me", the message stops and I crooked my eyebrow.

"Jed? Why would he say hi to Jed? You should go after him. Something doesn't make sense", Hope starts off. "Hope", I called out. "Triad already tried to come for him once. Its not safe for him out there", she points out. "Hope we kept a massive secret from him, and I think he just needs some time to process that. I think we should respect his privacy and just wait", Alaric states and I shook my head.

"No, Al. There is something off about the message", I spoke up but he glared at me and that made me stand back. "Maybe we should just wait a couple days. Who knows he might actually go camping?", I changed my statement and Hope just storms off for class. Emma shook her head and stand up once she was gone. "I know that look. What's wrong?", Alaric asked her.

"These kids have been through so much lately. I've done all I can to help Rafael but the side effects of Hope's elixir are getting worse. He's losing time, having flashes of aggression. I think he's still sliding between his wolf and his human mind", Emma spoke. "Arin?", Al asked me. "I'll keep an eye on him. I'll ask Jacob too", I told her but Emma shook her head.

"Arin, your pack might be in danger as well. These kids are restless. I think you know that they are one step to near breakdown. You saw Hope last night. If you can, please, tell your pack to stay in town for a while. Just until this blows over", Emma said to me and I nod. "I'll tell them but I'm still keeping an eye on Rafael and Jed. You continue sessions with MG. I have a gut feeling about his mom and its not the good kind", I claimed and they both nod to me.

"Arin", Emma called out. "Alaric, you've been running fumes these past few week and you've been on edge on the students especially Hope and the twins. Plus, you've been busy trying to figure out things with your imprint, Leah. It's wouldn't hurt to bring in someone else to help", she pleaded and I look to Alaric. "She's right, Al. We need Dorian back", I told him and he shook his head. "He's too proud to come back. You both know that", he said.

"And you know how much I respect you but are you sure that it's his pride that's the problem?", Emma pointed out before leaving the office. Alaric groaned and slump back onto his chair. "Al, I'm serious. We need him back. You can't just hide behind your feelings anymore. Apologise to him", I told him and he rolled his eyes. "Your one to talk. How's your pack?", he asked and I shrugged. "I told them everything there is to know about me", I answered.

"Everything?", he crooked his eyebrow. "Yes, everything. All the details. Listen, I know you are stressed as well but you really should get all hands on deck. I need to check on the school's pack then tell my pack to go home for a moment", I told him and he smiled at me. "Come here", I motioned him for a hug and he got out of his chair. We hugged and I reminded him that I'm here if he needs anything.

I got out of the room and head to the gym where the wolves are. I saw Rafael having some loss focus. I turn to the bleachers and saw my pack watching them along with Maia. I guess Stefanie's in class. "Hey guys", I greeted and they greet back. "Hey babe", I kissed her cheeks and sat down next to her. "What's wrong, Arin?", Jacob asked me and I sighed.

"I have to tell you guys to leave the Salvatore School for a while taht includes you too, Maia and if I can, I have to tell my parents that Stefanie has to go home too", I told them honestly and they started to get confused and worried. "Why?", Leah asked me and moved away from me. "It's complicated. Things in this school have been more and more troubling and I have to take care of these kids because they're my top priority. I know you guys are my pack and I'm not your alpha but I beg you guys. Before anything happens to you guys and your kids, I ask you to leave. Just till this Malivore thing blows over. Please", I pleaded to them and had a few tears in my eyes.

All of them sighed and think it through. "Okay. We'll go", Jacob says which made me sigh in relief. "But", Paul point out. "You have to come with us after this thing blows over. You're coming to Forks with us", Embry suggested and I sighed. Maybe it'll be good for me to change over but what about Hope. "Babe, I know you're thinking about Hope but she would want you to clear your head after all of this", Leah tried to convince but I shook my head.

They all groan and looked at me with a small glare. "Guys, let me think, okay? I have to talk to Hope about this", I told them and I look back at my pack and noticed Raf being in his own world. "I have to go", I told them and went down to the pack. "Hey wolves!", I shouted and got their attention. "Can I speak to your alpha for a moment? Jed, take over", I asked the pack and the nod.

Rafael walked over to me at the side and I know that my pack is watching me so I pull him to the furthest side of the corner. "What's up?", he asked. "Seriously, Raf? What happened to seeing me if you start to blacking out again? I know you have sessions with Emma but I'm more of an expert on wolves than she is. Come on, Raf, tell me the truth this time", I said and he sighed. "I'm fine, Arin. I told Dr Saltzman and Emma that I'm getting better and I am. Just stay off my case, alright?", he says before running back to the pack.

I shook my head and looked at my pack. They all looked at me worried so I just left the gym and went to my room. When I was in there, Josie was sitting on my bed reading my journal. "Isn't there something called privacy? What's going on, babygirl?", I asked her and she glared at me. I guess Penelope leaving took a toll on her. "You knew that she was going to leave. Why didn't you tell me?", she asked me, sternly and a little venom in her voice.

"Josie, I tried everything. She came in to the moment her parents told her about the job offer. Do you know how many deals I had to make to her parents companies? Do you know how many humans I had to conpel just so, Penelope could get you back? I didn't tell you because I wanted her to tell you but you were too stubborn not to. You knew deep down that you still love her but you ignored it to keep your sister happy. Remember what I kept on reminding you from the day Penelope broke things off between the two of you?", she started to feel guilty and looked down then, shook her head slightly.

I sighed and sat down next to her, moving my journal elsewhere. "I told you to be more independent and not always help Lizzie out. Remember what Jo told you two that night?", she nods and I hugged her sideways. "Babygirl, all I want is to see you, Lizzie and Hope happy but you three won't admit to your true feelings. Lizzie hides behind this character but inside she just wants love. Hope, well, Hope's a disaster waiting to happen. She buried all her grief into her so that she could put up a strong face. Last night was just the first step to a breakdown. You, my sweet Josie, you hide behind this persona of always wanting to help people. Putting them first before you. I get that, I know where you get that. Your father once sacrificed himself just to save me when I was a troubled and struggling vampire. He taught me how to switch on my humanity back. He puts his entire life on the line for you kids. I would too. All of you are our responsibility but you are old enough to have some control. For example, not pushing your need ko Is away for a moment. Understand? ", I lectured her and she nods.

I kissed the side of her head and then the top. "Anything else, you wanna know?", I asked her and she pulled away from me. "Yeah. When Penelope left, she gave me her diary that she use to spy on the students here. She told me you knew and to not yell at you for not telling me. Also, she told me to read something about the merge and that if I have any questions, I should ask you. I've already read the book in this school about the merge but they all end up with torn pages. Anything you wanna tell me?", she stated and I played with my fingers.

"It was your father's idea, Josie. He wanted to protect you from the merge. To protect you both - What is there to protect?!", she yelled in frustration. I sighed and combed my hair back. "Arin, please, tell me. You promised her to tell me the truth", she pleaded and I shook my head. "Okay, I'll tell you but you have to pretend that I didn't tell you and you remember what Jo told you about you and Lizzie sticking together no matter whatever fight you have", I warned and she nods. "Promise me", I told her and she said I promise.

"Okay. The merge is something only to do with your coven. It's like ancient history. It's how they stay powerful. Twin Geminis are bound to do this spell. Parents of Gemini twins always try to find a way to avoid it but no luck", I informed her. "What? That's it? It's a curse in my coven? All the books lead to what you just summerised. Come on, Arin. You have to tell me the truth", she begged and I shook my head.

"I can't tell you. It'll betray your father. It's not my secret to tell, Josie. Please understand", I told her and she groaned in frustration, leaving the room. After she slammed my door, I lost it. I took the nearest thing and smashed it to the floor. My vase, my chair and my table. I broke it. I was frustrated. I was smashing things when Leah and Stefanie opened the door and saw me with my red alpha eyes.

"Arin, Arin, put down the chair, please", Leah pleaded, slowly walking to me with Stefanie in the back. "Stay back!", I yelled. Stupid Alpha. I held my necklace close but it glowed red. "Just put down the wooden chair. You don't want to hurt your sister, do you?", Leah reasoned with me and I put the chair down. Stefanie sped behind me and put the chair away. Leah came closer to me and placed on hand on my chest and the other on my cheeks. "Look at me, love and match the beat of my heart. Come on, you can do it. Just breathe", Leah told me with a clamping voice.

I followed her instructions and listened to her heart that was calm. I breathe in slowly and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes slowly and saw her smile. Behind her was my sister that looked terrified. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you", I apologised to them both but my sister shook her head. "It's okay, Arin. I'm not scared of you. You just took me by surprised that's all", Stefanie corrected my thoughts and I sat down on my bed along with them by my side.

"What's wrong?", Leah asked as she kissed my hands gently. "Josie found out about a secret that Alaric has been keeping from the twins their whole lives", I told them and Stefanie mumbled the merge. "It's not your problem to take, Arin. It's Alaric's fault that he didn't tell them sooner", Stefanie told me and I chuckled. "No, no. I'm part of the blame. Its only going to get worse with the twins. Lizzie's uncontrollable and Josie's turning selfish", I started to growl and Leah kisses my cheeks to calm me down.

The lights started to blow and I knew it was Lizzie. "I have to go. Please, just stay away for a while. I don't want you two to get hurt", I pleaded them and walked out of the room. On my way there, Rafael got out of control and Jed tried to stand him down. "ENOUGH!!!! Get to class, all of you!", I shouted with my alpha voice, getting their attention. Roman came by and told the vampires to walk away and I nod to him as a thank you.

Rafael saw Alaric in the floor but he was afraid to take his hand. I went there and told Raf to head to class first. Emma came by and she told me that she got it handled. I nod to her and glared at Alaric. I continued to walk to Lizzie's room and found her breathing hard. "Elizabeth?", I called out sweetly and her head perked up. "Arin", she said with a hoarse voice.

I hugged her right away and let her sob into my shoulders. "What did I do wrong to make Josie hate me so much? Why is she searching for this Merge?", she asked while crying to my shoulders. I just held her close and let her get it all out. Minutes later, she became calm and I wiped the remaining tears that were in her eyes. "Thanks, I needed that", she said and I nod. "Go wash you face and meditate", I told her and stood up but she grabbed my hand.

I turn back to her and she said, "You don't need to always protect us, you know?". I smiled and laughed a little. "Of course, I do. A promise is a promise. Jo wanted me to watch over you and that's what I intend to do", I told her but she shook her head. "Arin, you shouldn't. You have your pack now. From what I've learnt after the mess I've done, it's that you have to take consideration of others. That means your pack. Dad told me about the decision you had to make. Go with them, I want you to be happy too, Arin. You deserve it after everything you've done for the school and us", she told me and I said to her that I'll consider it before walking out the door.

I have to talk to Alaric. On my way there, I saw Al and told him about my decision. He agreed and I thank him for it. As we head to his office, I saw my pack leave with Stefanie and Maia. Its what's best for now. They need to be safe. I shook my thoughts away. We head to the room and saw Hope put down the phone. Oh no. "We have to talk about Raf", Alaric starts but Hope interfered.

"Freya just explained to me about the Merge and she said you knew about it too", Hope pointed out which made us shocked a little but I sighed, sitting down on the chair. "Josie's pretty much figured it out and, uh, Lizzie's spiralling. So either one of you tell them the truth or I will. It's time to let them know", Hope states and stormed out. I looked at Alaric and he shook his head. "Penelope knew and she wanted me to tell what was needed. Josie asked and I told her part of it. The history but she got frustrated and left. I didn't tell anything to Lizzie when she crashed but Hope's right, Al. They need to know before it splits them up more", I told him and he sighed while nodding.

"I'll tell them tonight. You need to tell your pack about your decision and eventually, tell Hope. She won't like it but she'll understand", Alaric responded and I nod at him. "Night, Alaric. Tell them I'm sorry, okay?", I said to him and hugged him. "Night, Arin", he replied and we went our different ways. I decided to wolf out and search for them in the cabin in the woods.

I barked outside the cabin and they all came out. It was the first time they saw my alpha wolf. Leah was the first to come forward and pet me and I let her. My sister was the second and eventually, everyone else. "Arin's wolf is way bigger than all of us", Paul said with a little jealousy which caused me to lick his face a little and he groaned, making them all laugh. "Arin's wolf is a guy? How's that possible?", Embry pointed out.

I shift back and used my vamp speed to change into my clothes. "I'm sorry about earlier. And I'll explain more about my wolf too. I'm really sorry", I told them and that all nod at me. Leah came to my side with a smile and held my hand. "It's okay, Arin. Come on, let get inside then, we'll talk", she says and everyone got inside.

We a got comfortable in the living room and I sighed. "I'm intersex", I started and the boys went quiet. "The reason for that is because my wolf is a guy. Because nature wants a balance, it made me intersex. My wolf's bigger than normal wolves because I'm the alpha. Not just any alpha but a real alpha. I know its rare but it's true", I admitted and Jacob was the first to speak up. "Guess my plans of picking the next alpha won't be so hard", he joked and we all looked at him.

"Reneesme and I have been talking and we wanted to spend more time with our kids and have a break. In order to do that, I have to step down from my duties as an alpha therefore, passing you the mantle. You've always been our true alpha, Arin. It should be you who would lead us", Jacob concluded and I couldn't help but smile. It'll be nice for a start to take charge on what's rightfully mine. I turn to Leah and she nods, knowing what my thoughts are. "I'll do it", they all start to cheer. "So, did you make your decision yet?", Seth asked and I nod.

"Yeah, I've decided to......

To be continued...


A/N: Oh, a cliffhanger. Wonder what Arin's decision would be. Stick around for more.

Thank you guys for voting on my story and reading them. Love you all, hope you all are safe at home and for those who are at the front lines, Thank you the most💙
All loves💖

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