Pup | Yoonkook

By Jambooty

596K 41.4K 12.3K

Inbetween eating watermelons and hugging his fan to escape the summer heat, Yoongi rescues a pup that got tan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
The typical tag thing... find out more about me
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 | Smut
Chapter 27 | Smut
Chapter 28 | Smut
Chapter 29 | Smut
Lil promo

Chapter 18

17.4K 1.2K 380
By Jambooty

Chapter 18


"So you're two years old?!"

"Kind of."

"That's weird... do you age that quickly? Don't tell me you'll only get nine years old or something."

Jungkook laughed, moving his head to stop the sun from shining into his eyes. They were sitting in Yoongi's garden, each of them with a big blanket wrapped around them, thanks to Yoongi's mother. Not that she had seen Jungkook. Yoongi had just asked for more blankets.

"No, I will age like a human from this point on. Wolves just grow up really quickly."

"Aren't I a pedophile if I think you're attractive though?" Yoongi asked, playing with the edge of the blanket and braiding the short strings hanging from it.

"I'm at an age where it's totally normal for me to have sex. So no, not pedophilia. I mean, I look like I'm your age, don't I?" Jungkook explained before leaning back.

"How come you don't seem young? I mean mentally."

Instead of answering Jungkook grinned. "Thanks. I'm seriously happy you think so. I try."

Yoongi frowned. "Don't force yourself to be something you're not."

He really didn't want that. Jungkook's youthfulness was refreshing, especially because being around his friends made him feel old a lot. They just had that kind of immature behavior Yoongi couldn't quite relate to so then they joked about him being a boring grandpa. He didn't really care that much and took it as a joke usually but it did hurt a bit.

So Jungkook behaving like... well, the wolf he was, and just showing all his emotions clear as day, even making Yoongi to act more his own age felt good.

"But you're really cool." Jungkook almost looked embarrassed. Yoongi silently cooed. "I don't wanna seem childish."

"You don't. You're just really... expressive." Yoongi stated, amused. "When you're happy I can almost see your tail wagging, even though you don't have one currently."

Jungkook frowned, hiding a bit more in his blanket and pulling it up to his face, hiding his mouth. "Is that a bad thing?" God, Yoongi was going to die at some part. Jungkook looked like he had to be some fuckboy, but reality was that everything about him was soft. And so honest. It was nice for a change, especially because Yoongi liked it when people were straightforward. He didn't have to worry about angering them somehow and not noticing.

"No, it's not. It's a good thing. I like how much energy you radiate. Almost makes me feel like I have any." He chuckled. Talking of energy. He certainly didn't feel like he had any left right now. The hours he had spent awake that night sure took their toll on him.

"I think I might nap a bit now. Should we go back in?"

Jungkook shook his head. "Actually I wanna stay outside a bit longer... but I wanna change. It's really cold... how do you live without fur?"

Yoongi just shrugged his shoulders, pulling the blanket tighter around himself. "I just do. And if you want we can stay out here a bit longer, but I want your blanket... I'm going to try sleeping. If my lips turn blue and I don't wake up on my own, please wake me up." He hadn't really been serious, but Jungkook instantly nodded dutifully before he got up, handed Yoongi the blanket and then just started undressing on the spot. Yoongi quickly turned away and when he looked back at Jungkook, the boy was gone and those amber eyes were staring back at him again.

A soft smile on his lips he held out his hand and Jungkook instantly trotted over towards Yoongi pushing his fluffy head into the outstretched hand. Contently Yoongi scratched the wolf behind his ears and Jungkook leaned into the touch, enjoying the affection, before licking Yoongi's hand and then walking away to play in the snow.

Yoongi watched from underneath his warm pile of blankets, the only thing that was actually cold was his nose; and that he didn't mind all that much when it meant he could watch Jungkook trying to catch snowflakes with his snout and rolling around in the snow. It helped him calm down, relax a bit. He kept dozing off every couple minutes just to wake up a while later to Jungkook still playing in the snow. It was hard to believe that anyone could have so much fun in something as simple as snow, but there was Jungkook, jumping around and hiding underneath the white blanket. But Yoongi was just as bad, feeling just as happy simply from watching Jungkook.

Maybe Jungkook was right. Maybe they were meant for each other. Even though he couldn't feel it like apparently Jungkook could, there was something about Jungkook that made him feel so at home, save and comfortable. And there was no way he could deny that he was attracted to Jungkook. He had to be the most beautiful guy Yoongi had ever seen.

The way he was acting right now was so out of character for him, just taking a stranger in. Especially such a dangerous stranger. But it didn't feel like it was weird. It felt like the right thing to do.

After dozing off for a couple of times, alway finding Jungkook still playing, it startled him when suddenly Jungkook was no longer there. The snow was still laying there in heaps from being thrown around so much, but no Jungkook in sight.

Slowly Yoongi got up, taking a few steps to glance through the door into the small shed he was living in currently, but Jungkook wasn't there either. Quickly he put on some proper shoes to walk through the snow and a warm jacket before walking outside again, searching for tracks leading away from where Jungkook had been playing. He found them quickly, his heart slightly speeding up. They led towards the trees.

He was probably just worrying for nothing, but for some reason Jungkook simply disappearing like that made him nervous.

After sitting there for another couple of minutes he decided that it would probably best to just wait for Jungkook to return. And until then he'd have to make time pass, so he sat back down on his chair and grabbed his phone from his pocket.

At first he wrote a message to both Hoseok and Namjoon, asking how things were and whether all of his stuff was still intact. Then he went on to send Jimin a message along the lines of 'This time I'm telling you. I'm back in town again.', but none of them answered right away so he just started googling more things about wolves because he felt like there was still so much he had to learn.

After a while Jimin answered.

So it's not that you forget that I exist every time

Good to know

Wanna hang out?

I just got a new TV so I'd gladly test it out with someone else

Sorry can't leave right now

Still got some stuff to do for uni

We could do something tomorrow though

Maybe not watching tv

I do that enough right now

Not much else to do here

We could grab some coffee and just talk

I could pick you up

Yoongi was just about to answer when he heard the familiar rustling of snow coming from the the woods and a snow-covered Jungkook broke through the thicket. For a second Yoongi felt relieve wash over him until he noticed that Jungkook's snout was covered in red. Not much, most of it probably already wiped off from the snow, but it was still evident and visible.

Seemingly not bothered by it Jungkook kept running through the snow towards him until he came to stop right in front of Yoongi, looking at him with those big eyes, appearing so innocent if it weren't for the blood on his snout.

Nevertheless relieved Yoongi crouched down, rubbing Jungkook's side. "Where did you go?" He knew the wolf couldn't answer him, but he just had the urge to ask. Jungkook twisted his head, looking back at the woods and then towards Yoongi again.

"Wow, thanks. Didn't know that." Yoongi muttered sarcastically, still rubbing Jungkook's side, finding it oddly calming. He only seemed to realize how much of an effect the wolf had on him now. "Did you go hunting?"

Jungkook nodded and Yoongi sighed. That was a weird thought. Of course it was normal for Jungkook, but it certainly wasn't for Yoongi and the thought of someone who perceived the world almost like a human did simply tearing an animal down and eating it...that was weird.

Still, that was Jungkook's reality and Yoongi wasn't going to judge him for that. He didn't want to make Jungkook feel like he was doing something he should feel bad for when it was in his nature.

"Did you catch something big?" he asked, scratching Jungkook behind his ear. Contently Jungkook nodded again, almost looking proud before letting himself fall onto the seat, revealing his stomach for Yoongi to pat. Yoongi did, running his hand through the soft fur. "Such a strong boy." Yoongi muttered, feeling oddly comfortable talking to Jungkook like this. Maybe it was partly because of how Jungkook still, to some extent, felt like his pet to him. He wasn't really but Yoongi still felt the urge to tell him how well behaved and good he was overall.

"I was worried though." he continued. "Don't just run off like that. You can tell me, you know."

Jungkook looked at him for a couple of seconds before leaning in and licking Yoongi's hand. Yoongi wasn't quite sure how to feel about Jungkook's bloody snout pressing against his hand, but he let him lick his hand for a bit before collecting a bit of snow. "Let me clean your snout. You look awful." Before Jungkook could run off, Yoongi pressed the cold snow to the fur next to Jungkook's mouth, rubbing against it to get some of the blood off. Jungkook sneezed, clearly not happy with the cleaning process, and quickly got up, shaking his fur, which meant he was spraying show at Yoongi.

Quickly Yoongi got up. "Cold."

Jungkook barked, looking playful before wiping his face in the snow himself. Not that it helped a lot. There still was quite a bit of red lining the fur around his mouth and overall face.

"You're still messy." Yoongi stated, supporting his fists on his waist and sighing. "Maybe..." He glanced towards his parents' house, contemplating how stupid that idea was.Then decided to do it anyways. He really didn't want a bloody Jungkook to slip into his bed. Not his kink.

"I'll need you to be reaaaally quiet and stay close to me, but we could get you a bath." Yoongi offered, but Jungkook simply tilted his head in confusion. Maybe he didn't know what a bath was.

"We'll clean you in some warm water. I just need you to be real quiet so my parents won't hear you."

After a couple of seconds Jungkook barked, which Yoongi took as a yes. "Come with me."


I just started a pretty cool new ff. Some of you might have read siren.

The story is a spin off of that but it's not really necessary to have read it before reading the new story.

I'm just going to drop the moodboard and the fact that I'm really hyped about it here.

I hope some of you will accompany me on that journey<3

It's called predator<3

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