Custody [Discontinued]

By sparky-boi

135K 3.8K 5.1K

Shoyo Hinata had been lying, everyone told him he was bad at it, bad at acting too. However everyone was wron... More

Chapter One ~ Natsu
Chapter Two ~ Is
Chapter Three ~ Mine
Chapter Four ~ Not
Chapter Five ~ Yours
Hey Guys!
Yes, your questions have been answered
Chapter Six ~ She
Chapter Seven ~ Never
Chapter Eight ~ Will
Chapter Nine ~ Be
Chapter Eleven ~ Wretch
Chapter Twelve ~ Stay
Chapter Thirteen ~ Away
Hi, yeah, lets talk
Chapter Fourteen ~ From
Chapter Fifteen ~ Me

Chapter Ten ~ You

7.2K 201 328
By sparky-boi



Third Pov
After the two hour and sixteen minute film of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was over, Kei was genuinely intrigued. They'd paused the film an hour in to get drinks and snacks that they'd forgotten to get before it started, so the two had ended up switching places. Shoyo had his head on Kei's chest, eating popcorn and different kinds of sour candy while Kei had his eyes glued to the screen of the large tv.

"Shoyo how have I never watched one of these movies?!" He asked as the end credits began, the ginger shrugged as he sipped through the straw he put in a Cola can.

"Ready for bed?" He asked, yawning as he looked up to his wonderful boyfriend. Kei nodded and let the older teen get up.

"Go get in bed, I'll be there after I clean up" Kei watched his love go to the bedroom and immediately began his cleaning. It wasn't much, just throwing away trash and putting dishes in the sink. He'd wash them in the morning along with the dishes from dinner. Kei went to the bedroom and slipped into bed with his lover, having put on pajamas earlier that day. The shorter male immediately latched onto Kei, the blond was given a sweet yet sleepy kiss from Shoyo before he snuggled down into the tone chest of the taller male.

"Goodnight Shoyo. I love you" He whispered, but Shoyo hadn't heard him, he was already fast asleep with a smile on his perfect lips. The two fell asleep and happily snuggled that night, sometime around two am Natsu had crawled in between them to feel more at ease from the warm embrace of her parental figures. The family woke up early that morning, it was a boring Monday so Kei and Shoyo took the car to drive Natsu to school, she had refused to let them leave till Kei gave her a kiss on the forehead like a father would. After that was over they went to school, dealt with all the morning practice drama and school day, then after school practice came.

"Hinata! Come here for a second!" Koushi said, beckoning the ginger over. They had waited for a few minutes until Kei got into the gym with Tadashi.

"Tsukishima!" Koushi called out for Kei, making the boy walk over to his senior. Koushi kept silent as Kei and Shoyo stood next to each other, that was until the third year setter pulled out a black and white shirt from his gym bag.

"I found these while I was shopping for some new shirts. They made me think of you both. The two of you are like night and day, it just clicked for me. Hinata's smile and Tsukishima's cold personality immediately popped into my head when I looked at them" Koushi handed Shoyo the white shirt, it had the word 'Day' written in black with a small black sun on both sleeves. Kei was handed the black shirt, the word 'night' written with small crescent moons on the sleeves just like Shoyo's.

"I figured, you two get along pretty well, every dynamic duo seems to have a shirt or a saying to go along with it and.... You both suit the shirts well, maybe they could be practice shirts or something. I wasn't sure what I was thinking when I bought them, but they seemed like something you'd both find cool or whatever" Koushi told the two, making them both look at each other.

"Suga, I love it! Me and Tsukishima really do have our own little dynamic and now that he can set too it'll be even cooler to have these shirts. Thank you so much! I'll put it on right now!" Shoyo was so excited for the shirt and in all reality so was Kei, he liked to see that their dynamic was becoming more apparent. The blond was too happy that Shoyo was taken to the dynamic too, their relationship was a secret it the team, but their dynamic could be as public as they wanted it.

"Thank you.... I'll go put it on and make sure Hinata isn't screwing around" Kei said, smiling slightly at the shirt as he ran his thumb over the white crescent moon on one of the sleeves.

"I'm happy for you Tsukishima, I can see what's going on and you deserve this. I'm happy my push in the right direction served you well" Koushi was proud, he didn't know which one of them had confessed and honestly neither of the teens did either, but all Koushi knew was that Kei seemed happier. The air around him was full of happiness and more positive. Natsu walked in with Ittetsu holding her hand. The girl immediately went to her father figure, so he already knew to crouch down into hugging position.

"Kei! Hi!" She said excitedly as she buried her face into his shoulder.

"Hi princess. How was school? Did you have a good day?" Kei asked quietly as the two sat on the gym floor. They talked about her day, letting Natsu talk excitedly as the fifteen year old nodded his head and gave the nine year old short, happy replies. Shoyo walked back into the gym to see his sister and the girls attention cut short. She hugged her brother happily, making Kei take the chance and just change his shirt right in the gym. He put on the new one and ignored all the confused looks as he continued to watch his two favorite people in the world greet each other happily.

"Alright! Practice is starting let's go!" Keishin said as he walked into the gym, making Shoyo put down Natsu. Practice had gone well, but Tobio seemed to believe he could ignore Shoyo. That upset the ginger a bit, but he didn't let it bother him because he worked with Kei on improving their dynamic even more. Since the two had gotten together, they seemed to be more in sync with the others thoughts and movements, Tobio hated that. He hated that they were so buddy-buddy with each other all of a sudden. After practice was done for the day everyone packed up and cleaned the gym, then headed home. Natsu was already tired when they got home, but Shoyo had them all eat dinner, making it a quick and easy one for Natsu so that it wouldn't be too much food to worry about on such a tired brain. They put her to bed and then went back to the kitchen so Shoyo could do dishes.

"Shoyo.... Can I ask you something?" Kei asked as he watched his beloved do the dishes.

"You can ask me anything, you can tell me anything too. What is it?" Shoyo asked as he rinsed a dish free of soap. Kei stood up, he went and hugged the small waist of number ten, holding him close. Kei's fingers had begun fiddling with the cloth of the white shirt Koushi had given them. His nervous habit was beginning to show, Shoyo could tell.

"If I ask Takeda to make an excuse, maybe... We could go on a date... I still haven't properly taken you on a date and I'd love to-" Kei was interrupted by Shoyo shoving his lips onto his lovers, making the blond nervous talking stop.

"You're nervous, love. I would love to go on a date with you. We can ask Takeda to make and excuse for us tomorrow and go get ice cream, walk around a park, it'll be fun. Natsu can sit with the team, I'm sure they'll take good care of her" Shoyo said as he watched Kei's face turn from shocked to a wide smile. The ginger had his own wide smile and wiped his hands on a nearby towel so that he could hold him back.

"Damn you and you're gorgeous smile, you make my heart flutter everytime I see your face" Kei said as Shoyo wrapped his arms around the blonds neck. The shorter male stood on his toes, kissing Kei again with a wide smile. Kei held his waist close as they kissed with sweet innocent passion. When they separated, Kei gave Shoyo a look that screamed love. It was filled with happiness, love, warmth.

"Wanna watch the next Star Wars movie?" Kei mumbled against his boyfriends soft and adorable lips.

"I'll get the popcorn, you put in the movie. They're all in order so it should be right next to Phantom Menace" Shoyo said, kissing him again for a second before they split apart. Kei nodded, diverting his attention to the living room and leaving the kitchen. After popcorn was made and the movie was on, they laid on the couch and cuddled, eating popcorn and watching the movie.

"God, I am so in love with you.... How did I get such a gorgeous man to love me?" Shoyo asked, resting his chin on Kei's stomach as he admired the middle blockers wonderful jaw line with his eyes. The credits had been rolling, but it didn't stop Kei from taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes from how much light was hitting them due to the giant tv.

"I ask myself that every time I see you. Trust me, I have no idea how I was able to get your love, but I got it. Now I'm never letting you go" Kei said, switching their positions so Shoyo was under Kei, the blond laid on top of him and buried his face deep into the junction between Shoyo's shoulder and neck, pestering the skin with kisses. Shoyo just laid there and enjoyed it, their love it was so innocent. So pure. The two didn't want to ruin it with anything more than innocent passion, Natsu didn't need either of them to be like that, they both were happy with out the need to have anything more than innocence.

"Let's go to bed, we'll make out more tomorrow on our date" Shoyo said, making Kei groan. He laid out gentle butterfly kisses onto his neck and jaw till their lips met again.

"Fine, we'll go to bed. I plan on introducing you to my mom.... You met Akiteru and I've made it clear that I'm not leaving you.... So it's time you met her. She's a lot more accepting though, I promise" Kei said, making Shoyo nervous.

"Your mom?! B-But I don't even- wouldn't it- want about Natsu?! I have baggage Kei, what if she doesn't like that? What if she doesn't like that I take care of Natsu, or that I don't have parents, what if she doesn't like me because I'm not emotionally okay?" Shoyo asked, the fear and nervousness in his eyes were evident.

"She already knows about Natsu. She knows you take care of her, it's what I told her when I moved in. She would love to meet you Shoyo, she's proud that you took care of someone all on your own from such a young age. She knew right away that you'd taken my heart, she knew the minute I said your name at the beginning of the year when I hadn't even realized it. She already loves you and I haven't even told her that we're together because I wanna do it with you by my side. You turn me soft, make me vulnerable, you tear down the walls around my heart Sho. I would never talk for this long, I haven't for a long time and now...." Kei couldn't stop himself from speaking the truth. He wanted Shoyo to understand how much he loved him. How much his mother would love him.

"I can't stop from letting all the word vomit escape my mouth so that you could understand how much I love your adorable face, but I can't put it into words. Shoyo you make me different, it's like I'm a kid in elementary school or my first year of junior high who was so happy and bright all the time. I am never leaving you. No matter how much baggage you have, no matter how bad you are emotionally, I'm here. We'll do this together because I told you we would and even if my mother disapproved it wouldn't matter. Cause you're more important, Natsu is more important" Kei said, it seemed to work. Shoyo had relaxed from beneath him and Kei was happy to help relieve his boyfriends anxiety.

"Yeah, yeah you're right.... Let's go to bed" Shoyo said, smiling at Kei. The two got up and went to the bedroom, changed into pajamas and crawled into bed. They kissed each other goodnight and then cuddled close to each other as they fell asleep.

The next morning was normal, a routine one. Dishes from last night were washed, breakfast was made, Natsu was dropped off at school and they made their way to morning practice. The minute Kei saw Ittetsu, he went to the teacher and pulled him aside.

"Takeda, sir.... Can I ask you to do me a favor?" Kei asked, making the teacher nod in excitement.

"Of course! What can I do for you?"

"Well.... I haven't taken Shoyo out on a real date yet, but my mom wants to meet him for dinner tonight and scheduled it during afternoon practice.... Would you-" Kei was interrupted, that had seemed to be happening a lot lately.

"Cover for you both and watch Natsu? Hell yes, I'll even take the girl home and make sure she gets to bed if you want!" Ittetsu said, excitement was obvious in his voice.

"Thank you sir... I'll go start warming up. Thank you" Kei said with a smile so wide it could have rivalled the Cheshire cats. The practices and school went well, but when the afternoon came the two slipped from the school unnoticed.

"Since Tsukishima and Hinata have been doing so well I sent them on some personal errands for me. They'll be here tomorrow" Ittetsu had let Keishin in on what was happening, so the coach was much more reliable to give out and excuse rather than the teacher. Meanwhile, Shoyo was dressed up nicely. He had put on a pair of black jeans that somehow didn't have holes in them, a plain white short sleeve shirt, a light blue cardigan, and black converse. Kei switched out his cardigan for a white and black flannel that buttoned up, so the ginger left it unbuttoned and open.

"Ready?" Kei asked as he held Shoyo's hand and led him to the door. The blond was more relaxed and wore a light blue short sleeved shirt, a black zip up hoodie that he left unzipped, lightly ripped blue jeans, and his shoes.

"Ready as I can be" Shoyo replied, they both left the house with Shoyo locking the door. The blond didn't have a key yet and the spare always sat under the flowerpot that Natsu had her daisies in. He was getting his own key once the weekend arrived, so it didn't matter to him if he had one or not. They went to the car and drove over to his mother's house.

"I can't believe I'm actually gonna meet your mom.... " Shoyo said, his nervous smile showing through.

"Well, it'll be worth it. I promise. You'll do great, just be yourself" Kei assured him, he held the smaller hand tightly in his before getting out and opening the door for Shoyo. They both walked to the front door for it to just open in front of them. A woman only a few inches taller than Shoyo had appeared in the doorway. She had beautiful hazel eyes going from a honey gold and fading into a milk chocolate brown. Her hair was more on the darker side, like Akiteru's hair, and her skin was as pale as her youngest sons.

"Hello! You must be Shoyo I'm so excited to meet you! My name is Kiyoko" She said, dragging the ginger into a hug. Shoyo was frozen in place for a moment before he hugged back, a wide smile on his face. When the two separated they were ushered into the house and their shoes had been taken off. They went to the dining room where food was already made, it was a traditional Japanese dinner.

"Kei told me you have a little sister that you take care of! Would you mind telling me about her?" Kiyoko asked as they sat down to eat.

"Her name is Natsu, she's nine. She's a mini me and a bit of a handful at times, but she is the light of my life. I wouldn't trade her for anything" Shoyo said with a smile as he thought about his rambunctious little sister.

"How long has she been under your care?" Kiyoko asked, her smile still present on her face as her eyes softened. Kei's mother definitely saw the look Shoyo had when he thought or talked about Natsu, she truly was the light of his life.

"Since she was born. I was seven when she was born and ever since I've been taking care of her. I actually have legal custody of her, our mother wasn't the greatest parent in the world so it's just me and Natsu as a family. Until Kei came along anyway" Shoyo said, smiling.

"Oh that's so sweet of my son to help you out when you need it. He used to be such a softie until a few years ago. He seems like he's relaxing back into that version of himself, so thank you.... What about you Shoyo. Tell me about you" Kiyoko said as they continued their dinner.

"Well I'm actually the oldest first year on the team. I'm sixteen. I am second shortest on the volleyball team and love the sport. My favorite food is Tamago Kake Gohan. I can't catch a ball with one handed, which is frustrating. My birthday is June 21st, which is the summer solstice. Because I was born before noon, I'm a Gemini, but I would have been a Cancer if it was after noon. I can speak Portuguese, but I'm also learning Spanish and English from watching anime. For some reason English is just one of my worst subjects" Shoyo spoke about random facts about himself, most of which Kei knew about Shoyo. Kei hadn't realized Shoyo could speak Portuguese though, nor that he was a Gemini. He knew his birthday, but hadn't realized it was on the cusp of a star sign.

"I didn't know you were a Gemini Shoyo, better yet. I didn't even know you spoke Portuguese" Kei said, making the shorter boy smile as the taller shifted in his seat to face him.

"Yeah, my neighbors who helped raise me and Natsu had family who mainly spoke Portuguese so her and I both know the language" Shoyo explained, making Kei smile. His food had been forgotten as he watched his beautiful boyfriend talk to his young, but still aged looking mother.

"Ms. Tsukishima-" Shoyo began, but was stopped.

"Call me Kiyoko! Please!" She said happily, it made Shoyo smile.

"Kiyoko, you're a great cook. You'll have to come over one day, I'll make you dinner in return for the amazing meal" Shoyo said, it made the woman excited. Though it made the two especially nervous when she eagerly agreed.

"That would be wonderful! I wanna see my boys new bedroom and the house! I wanna meet your darling little sister you keep speak of too!" The woman said, her smile had been wide and full of wonder at how the house might have looked. She had made the assumption that they had separate rooms, anyone would if they didn't know the two were dating. The two teens realized they were fucked. They had to tell her that they were dating before she came over for dinner and realized that Kei gladly slept in Shoyo's bed with him. They'd been holding hands from under the table the whole time and his grip got tighter around Shoyo's.

"Uh mom- I actually have something to tell you. And please don't be mad" Kei said, his voice filled with nervousness as he watched his mothers eyes fill with curiosity. Shoyo held his hand back just as tightly, he didn't know how Kei's mom would handle their relationship, so he did his best not to make it too obvious until the blond said something.

"What is it Kei?" His mother asked, making the two even more nervous. Her voice was laced with obliviousness, she hadn't realized they were together or that her youngest son was sending the older boy lovestruck glances. She was oblivious to it all as a happy mother. It was either that or she honestly hadn't cared that Kei couldn't keep his happy, love filled eyes off of Shoyo or his lips. Honestly both teens hoped she just didn't care, that she would be supportive of them. They both wanted that so desperately, it almost hurt.

"Well.... Mom, you know I moved in with Shoyo to help him, but I didn't really tell you everything... " Kei began, his free hand fixed his glasses while the one holding onto Shoyo was fidgeting with his lovers hand.

"I moved in to help Shoyo with Natsu and his whole living situation. But I.... Fuck being sentimental about this situation. Mom I'm gay and Shoyo is my soft sunshine boyfriend" Kei said, holding up their connected hands while the ginger blushed darkly. Shoyo's free hand went to hide his smile, he couldn't help it. He was happy the Kei seemed proud to be dating him, and Kei was. Shoyo was what rapidly tore down his walls and brought a new perspective into his life, how couldn't Kei be proud he was dating Shoyo? The real fear that struck both teens was Kei's mother. Her reaction, how she would handle it. They wanted her to approve desperately.

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