Baby of the family

Door AntandDeclove

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The story of Decs life(or my version of it) Meer

Part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 36
part 37
part 38
part 39
part 40
part 41
part 42
part 43
part 44
part 45
part 46
part 47
part 48
part 49
part 50
part 51
part 52
part 53
part 54
part 55
part 56
part 57
part 58
part 59
part 60
part 61
part 62
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part 79
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part 81
part 82
part 83
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part 30

317 12 7
Door AntandDeclove

"Ant,Ant,Ant" Dec called out impatiently as he pounded on Ants front door on a cold January morning.

"Jesus Declan" Christine scolded as the opened her door "you'll wake the dead,banging like that"

"Oh,sorry Christine" Dec apologised sheepishly "thought you'd be at work"

"Obviously" Christine replied "it's my day off,he's upstairs"

"Thanks" Dec yelled out as he rushed past her and up the stairs,proceeding to barge into Ants bedroom with no thought of knocking or waiting to be invited in.

Finding Ant half dressed with his trousers around his ankles,Dec immediately stopped in his tracks.

"Oops sorry" he muttered.

"Declan" Ant snapped "haven't you ever heard of knocking?I'm getting dressed man"

"I can see that now" Dec grinned "it's not like we haven't shared a room before,it's no big deal"

"Not for you maybe" Ant grumbled while pulling up and fastening his jeans "but some of us might like a bit of privacy"

"Yeah,yeah,alright stud" Dec laughed "you ain't got anything I want to see anyway"

"What are you doing here so early anyway?" Ant enquired "not like you to be out of bed before midday,unless it's absolutely essential and even then,it takes some persuasion"

"Been on the phone to Telstar" Dec replied enthusiastically.

"Oh yeah?" Ant was now more than a little curious,if their record company had managed to get Dec all worked up about something,then it must be good news.

"They've got a new song for us" Dec smiled.

"Ok good" Ant was still slightly baffled,this was hardly news,they'd known for quite a while now that a second song was definitely on the cards.

"And" Dec announced proudly "they want us to make a video this time"

"Oh really?" Ant replied "that would be good then"

"Exactly" Dec grinned "if we have a video to go with the song then we'll get alot more publicity,they'll send it out to television companies,so we'll get alot more exposure,good eh?"

"Yeah,that's great Dec" Ant agreed "when?"

"Well not just yet" Dec pondered "they have to get things organised first,so probably in a few weeks time,but get this,they want to film it in London,so another all expenses paid trip for us"

"Sounds great" Ant smiled at his exuberant best friend.

"Then if this song does well,they'll definitely commit to an album" Dec said "they've already got someone writing new songs for us"

Ant just nodded along to the information Dec was sharing,Dec was certainly excited enough for the both of them.

"What are you up to today?are you going to college?Fancy going out for lunch to celebrate?" Dec smiled "my treat"

"No,I haven't got college today,bit early for lunch though ain't it?" Ant pointed out,glancing at the clock perched on his bedside table.

"Breakfast then?or brunch?" Dec smiled.

"Brunch?" Ant smirked "when did you get so posh?"

"I've always been posh me" Dec joked.

"Yeah right" Ant laughed "just let me finish getting ready,then we can go for"

A short time later they were sat in their favourite greasy spoon cafe.They both knew they would end up there,it did the best full English in Newcastle after all and it was cheap,that definitely appealed to Dec when he was paying.

As they worked their way through the generous helpings of unhealthy food,they talked about the forthcoming video and what it was likely to entail,all they knew was that it would require them to learn some dance moves.

After they had finished their meals and paid the bill,they just decided to make their way to Decs house to hang out.Ant was especially keen that his Mam should have the house to herself and enjoy some peace and quiet on her day off and usually most things that involved Dec weren't particularly quiet.

As they drove along a side road towards the Donnelly household,still chatting away about the forthcoming video,Dec braked suddenly as something small darted out in front of the car.

He abruptly brought the vehicle to a halt with a sickening thump.

"Wh..what was that Ant?" Dec asked nervously.

Ant sat in silence for a moment.

"I'm not sure" he replied eventually,trying to not actually think about what it could have been,although deep down,they both knew what it was,there weren't many possibilities after all.

"NO,NO,NO" came an out of breath, distressed voice from behind the car "Barney"

"We should get out Dec" Ant gently suggested.

Dec could already feel the tears pricking his eyes,he didn't want to get out of the car,didn't want to see what had happened,didn't want to see what he had hit,didn't want to endure the approaching strangers suffering for whatever reason it was for.

"Come on mate" Ant placed a gentle hand on Decs shoulder as he opened the car door.

As they both exited the car and made their way to the specific part of the pavement,they were greeted by the sight they were dreading.A small,black dog laid lifeless at the side of the road,just a couple of inches from Decs front,left wheel,a small trickle of blood coming from it's open mouth.

"Oh my God no" Dec exclaimed,tears now streaming uncontrollably down his cheeks "I hit it,I'm so sorry,I'm so sorry"

The female owner was inconsolable as she fell to her knees and picked up her beloved pet,cradling him in her arms.She was too distraught to say much,but eventually managed a short sentence.

"H...he...slipped...h...his lead" she sobbed in between shuddering breaths "I...I  couldn't catch up with him"

Ant leant down and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder "I'm so sorry,there was nothing we could have done,it just happened so quickly"

As upset as Ant also was about this terrible incident,he could tell that both Dec and the lady were in deep shock,so it would be up to him to take charge of the situation.

"Can we do anything for you?" Ant offered "give you a lift home maybe?"

"No,I only live there" she nodded to a house across the road,Ant connected the dots and realised that must have been where Barney was heading when he dashed across the road.

"My husband's there" she stated.

"I'll go and get him" Ant replied,making sure his shocked friend sat back down in the passenger seat of the car before he went.

Dec stared at the house as a middle aged man answered the door and glanced over to where Ant was pointing,he buried his head into his hands for a moment before making  his way across the road to where his distraught wife was still on her knees,cradling her beloved dog.

"Come on Jayne" the man gently helped the lady to her feet "let's take him inside,I'll get the garden ready for him,a nice patch under the apple tree eh?"

"I'm so sorry" Dec mumbled as the tearful couple took their dearly departed pet indoors without saying another word.As devastated as they were,they knew it wasn't Decs fault,it was just one of those awful things that happened sometimes.

Ant wasn't sure what to do for the best now,he didn't think Dec was in a fit state to drive.He did think about doing the rest of the journey himself,he had by now passed his driving test also,but wasn't insured to drive Decs car,so didn't want to risk it.However he did make sure the car was safely and legally parked after it's unexpected,screeching halt.He paid particular attention to making sure the front tyre was covering the small bloodstain on the edge of the road so as to not upset Dec even more,although he thought that probably wouldn't make much difference to his emotional friend at the moment.

So the choices were either to get a taxi,walk or get someone to pick them up.

He decided walking was the best option.They weren't too far from Decs house anyway.It was a cold but crisp,fresh winter day with blue skies and sunshine,so Ant thought the walk would help clear his traumatised friends head.

Unfortunately that didn't happen.Dec cried silent tears all the way home,the only words he managed to mumble were "I killed it"

Ant knew there was no point in pushing him to talk about his feelings just yet,he was obviously feeling wretched at what had just happened,Ant was feeling the same way too,but he wanted to be strong for Decs sake,but he also couldn't get the pitiful sight of that poor dog laying lifeless in the road out of his mind.It was an image both of them wished to God they hadn't had to witness,he quickly and discreetly wiped away a tear of his own.

They soon reached Decs house and rather than fumble through Decs pockets looking for his keys,Ant just knocked on the door,which Anne promptly answered.

"Oh my goodness" she exclaimed,immediately noticing both boys tear stained faces "what on earth has happened?"

Dec immediately fell sobbing into his Mams comforting arms,she held him tightly as he trembled uncontrollably.

She looked at Ant worriedly,who she thought may also be on the verge of a breakdown,judging by the look on his face.

"Let's get off the doorstep shall we?" She suggested and ushered them inside,sitting them both down on the sofa,with Dec refusing to loosen his grip and let her go.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on?" She had no clue,but the whole situation was terrifying her,what could have got these boys so upset?

As Dec continued to bury his head into Annes chest,Ant knew it would come down to him to do the talking once again.

"Dec hit a dog" Ant explained sadly.

"Oh no,is it ok?" Anne asked hopefully,but dreading the answer.

Ant shook his head despairingly "no,it's dead"

"Oh you poor boys" Anne sighed "and that poor dog"

She now understood why they were in such a state.Both boys adored animals,especially dogs,this would be breaking their hearts.

"Do you know who it belonged to?" She asked gently.

"Yeah" Ant sighed "the owner was there,slipped his lead apparently,ran out into the road,there was nothing Dec could have done"

"Poor thing" Anne sighed,she was also a dog lover and was struggling to hold back the tears when she thought of the animals unexpected demise,but she had to snap out of it and concentrate on Declan right now.

"I'm so sorry this happened Declan" she whispered into his ear as she gently stroked a loving hand through his floppy hair "but you heard what Ant said,you know there was nothing you could have done right?this wasn't your fault"

"I killed it Mam" Dec sobbed "he was so tiny"

Anne glanced at Ant.

"It was a pug I think,small dog" Ant pointed out.

"Didn't stand a chance" Dec sobbed "wish I'd never gone out"

"Declan" Anne stated with a little bit of motherly firmness in her voice "it was an accident,of course it's terribly sad and I know you're feeling dreadful,but accidents do happen unfortunately,you mustn't beat yourself up about this ok?there was nothing you could have done sweetheart"

"I killed it" Dec repeated.

Anne kissed her sons head gently and turned to Ant.

"Thank you for bringing him home Anthony" Anne smiled "but it might be best if you go back home now,be with your own family and I'll take care of our Declan here"

Ant agreed this was probably the best idea,he didn't know what to say or do for the best to make Dec feel better and to be honest,he was also desperate to get a cuddle from his own Mam.

After telling Anne exactly where Decs car was parked so Fonsey could pick it up when he finished work,Ant caught the bus home.

Soon a similar scene was unfolding at both houses,with two teenage boys sobbing desperately into their caring Mothers arms.

Anne felt awful for her son.He had started the day on such a high,but now this.She knew he would carry it with him for a very long time to come.

She held him close to her,wrapping her arms lovingly around him,kissing his forehead over and over again,neither of them saying a word.

Anne thought to herself how it had been such a long time since they'd had such a tender moment like this.Of course they hugged each other regularly,several times a day in fact,but this was different,this was raw,desperate emotion that Dec had displayed so often when he was growing up,but it had become a very rare occurance now he was in his late teens.

Anne loved to feel so close to her boy,but was devastated that it took something so tragic to lead up to it.

As she held her son close,burying her face into his sweet smelling hair,his sobs eventually became quieter and less frequent and the trembles racking his small body became calmer,she soon realised he was drifting off into a hopefully deep sleep,she knew that would be the best thing for him right now.

"My poor angel" she whispered as a lone tear rolled down her cheek.

"I wish I could take your pain away!"

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