Made for each other in Heaven


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Hello guys this is my first Fanfiction on Mahabharat on one of my Favourite Character of Mahabharat Karna thi... More

Education and Return to Hastinapur
Karna Vs Arjun
Kuru princes in Rajya Sabha and Guru Dronacharya Guru dakshina
Gurudakshina War on Drupad
Karna Vs Drupad
Ashwathama and Karna Abhishek
Karna Yuvraj Abhishek
Bhanumati Swayamvar
Pandvas are Safe
Fire Borns
Draupadi Swayamvar
Karna in Kampilya
Flashback Love Story
Return To Hastinapur
Karna Vivah
Wedding Night
Arjun Exile
Arjun Subhadra Vivah
Thank you
Jarasandh Vadh
Rajyasuya Yagya
Karna Becames Samrat
Draupadi Cheerharan
Exile and Tapasya
Boons and Agayatvas
Agyatvas begins
War on Matsya
New Generation and New Entries
Entry of Uppandvas
Return of Karna
Story of Krishna
Story of Krishna 2
Abhimanyu Uttara Vivah
Mission to Dwarka
Propsal of Peace
Preparation of War
Dharmkshetra Kurukshetra
Gita Gyan
Day 1 of the War
Day 2 of the War
Bheeshma Resolves
The Night Before 10 Day
Bheeshma Fall
Dronacharya becames Senapati
Chakravyuh of Conspiracy
Jaydrath Vadh
Night Raid
Drona Vadh
99 Kauravas Dies
Duryodhan became Invincible
Bheem Complete his Vow
Krishna Curses Ashwathama
Gandhari Curse Krishna and his kul
New Story

The Infamous Dyut Sabha

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(A/N- Guys I taken the Title of this Chapter from Elements of Fire written by Nimaran)

Vidura went to Indraprasth for inviting Yudisther and his brothers and Draupadi for which is held in Hastinapur for Karna and in the end Yuvraj Duryodhan play Dyut with you

Yudisther- Kakashri Vidura the festival is held for jyshat Bratha Karna and he is not here when he will come then we all come to Hastinapur together

Vidura- Putra Yudisther but Mahraj Said that Yudisther and his brother can come on his behalf

Yudisther- Then we all come to Hastinapur

Vidura- Putra Yudisther thier something fishy when your jyshat Bharta is not in Indraprasth then why they Invite you for Festival and Dyut

Yudisther- Kakashri if the Invitation has come for Dyut as Kshatriya I can't deny it and if I not go to Hastinapur it will be the Insult of Hastinapur and Bhrata Karna but you don't worry Kakashri we all brothers are capable to face any problem and we all be alert Parnipat Kakashri

After few Days Kunti Yudisther Bheem Arjun Nakul Shadev and Draupadi went to Hastinapur for festival which is organized for thier Brother Karna they all went to Hastinapur

They were welcomed by Bheeshma Dhitrashtra and Gandhari in meantime Shakuni and Duryodhan were planning how they will humiliate Draupadi and then Duryodhan welcome Yudisther and everyone they all went to Rajya Sabha of Hastinapur where Dyut Sabha take place

Everyone enters and see the Dyut Sabha and everyone take place

Shadev- I am feeling something bad is gonna happen

Arjun- Shadev don't worry

Bheem- Yes Sahdev

Shakuni- Prince Yudisther take place then we start the game

They both take place Bheeshma stop them

Shakuni- The game of Dyit consider as Adharm because its rules are not clear and I request Mahamahim Bheeshma to make rules of this Dyut Sabha

Bheeshma- Well the game of Dyut is all about luck but women face many bad things in game of Dyut so the rules are

Rules announced by Bheeshma

1) No women will come in this Rajya Sabha till the Dyut Sahaba get over

2) Only and Only player can stake those items on which they have authority proud and right

3) Players can bet on one item at a time

4) Both players can bet as much as one asset at a time

Bheeshma- These are the rules for this Dyut Sabha

Shakuni- Mahamahim I want to change rule no 1 a little bit

Bheeshma- What kind of change

Shakuni- It's my request to allow Dasis for serve drinks and Snacks

Bheeshma- Ok Only Dasis are allowed to come in Rajya Sabha no Royal lady will come in Rajya Sabha

Duryodhan- Mamashri

Shakuni- Draupadi will come in this Rajya Sabha and what we have decided for Draupadi it will happen today So I request the royal lady's to go to thier respective rooms after then we can start Dyut Sabha

Gandhari Kunti and Draupadi went to the Room

Shakuni- Prince Yudisther this dice are specially made for this game

Arjun- Gandhar Raj Isn't it true that your dice only listen to you

Shakuni- Laugh Mamhim said that Dyut is about luck and If I had control over my fate, I would not let injustice happen to Gandhara

Shakuni- Who will first Roll Dice

Duryodhan- I should Roll Dice first because I am younger and I have a limit of wealth

Yudisther- Yes

Shakuni- Prince Yudisther I should roll Dice for you or you will roll your dice yourself

Arjun- isn't thier rule to roll Dice by the players

Shakuni- It's a matter of right prince Arjun

Duryodhan- My hands able with Mace not with Dice and I give my right to Mamashri

Shakuni- Let's start the game

Duryodhan- I will stake my 100000 gold Coins

Yudisther- I will stake 100000 gold coins from my personal wealth

Shakuni- Roll the dice on behalf Duryodhan

Meantime in Gandhari's room

Gandhari Kunti and Draupadi were sitting and looking at jwellery

Gandhari- These jwellery will be gifted to you

Gandhari- I have to show you something more but for that I want to darken the room

Gandhari close all doors and windows darken the room then she place Red Diamond on table that diamond was so much shining that full room was lighten up and then she removed red and place Blue and the room was filled with blue light

And After that she opens the door for light

Gandhari- Kunti Draupadi this special gift for you and for Vrishali

After sometime first round of the game was completed and Duryodhan wins and next few rounds Yudishter wins then Duryodhan wins the biggest round round 100000 horses and Chariots

Yudisther- You want to play again on Wealth

Duryodhan- No Bharata Yudisther actual pride are in Realtion this my brother Vikarn he is an excellent Swordmen and a good archer I Stake him so tell me Prince Yudisther which brother will you stake

Bheeshma- Duryodhan What are you doing you are staking your brother on Dyut

Vidura- Tatashre is right you can't stake brother prince Vikarn on Dyut

Duryodhan- Why Pitamah said that player can stake on those things which they have authority right and proud and I have right and proud on brother so I can stake my brother

Bheeshma- Duryodhan a person has proud on many things on thier family name, Guru's knowledge,parents

Duryodhan- Pitamah Family Name,Guru's knowledge,parents are given by the gods human can't choose thier parent's Family and knowledge

Vidura- Ok but Parent's have right on thier children but brother's don't have right on thier brother

Shakuni and Duryodhan Laugh

Shakuni- Mahamantri Vidura Did you not consider Maharaja Pandu's right to self or Maharaja Ditrashtar you do right because you are younger brother and Mahamhim after your father's death you raised your 2 younger brothers like a father so its proved that Duryodhan has right on his brother Vikarn tell me prince Yudisther which brother will you stake

Draupadi- What is going on jyshat Mata human Sacrifice are done by Rakshas Asurs and Naga So this practice now begin in Hastinapur too

Gandhari- I can't stop Duryodhan what he is doing

Kunti- Karna and Krishna both are not are here if they both are they stop this Dyut bit they both are in Dearka and fighting Maharaj Shalva

Draupadi- I will stop them

Gandhari- But no Royal lady can't enter in the Dyut Sahaba

Draupadi- Dasi give this flower to prince Yudisther

Dasi - As you say Princess

Dasi went to Rajya Sabha and give flower to Yudisther

Yudisther- Mamashri I can't stake any of my brother because we are United by Draupadi so I can't Continue the game give permission to leave

Duryodhan- Stop him Mamashri

Shakuni- Today this Sabha will see Vahastraharan of Draupadi Yudisther tell one thing First flowers on tree or Branches

Yudisther- Branches come First Mamashri

Shakuni- So prince Yudisther you all brothers are United by Draupadi or you all not united before she arrives in your life You all were united so you have right on your Brother so let's play

Dasi went to the room where Draupadi Gandhari and Kunti were sitting and tells everything

Shakuni- tell me which brother will you stake against my nephew Vikaran

Nakul- Prince Yudisther will stake me

Bheem- No Nakul

Shakuni- Then we start the game

Shakuni rolled the Dice and Yudisther rolled to and after few rolls Yudisther lose his brother every Kaurva start laughing and Duryodhan made him his servent

Shakuni- Prince Yudisther shall we move ahead for next round if you win your brother Nakul will be free

Duryodhan- My brother Yuyutsu tell me which brother you will stake

Shadev- Samrat will stake me

Shakuni- Let's play

Again they both roll Dice Yudisther was defeated again Duryodhan was happy

Duryodhan- Can we start next round Bharata Yudisther

Dronacharya- Stop it Duryodhan what are you doing you making your own brothers Slaves

Duryodhan- Gurudev I am playing fairly without breaking the rules and I don't forced my brahata Yudisther to play

Dronacharya- But I can't see this any more I am leaving the Rajya Sabha now Ashwathama come with me

Ashwathama- I can't Pitashri because Duryodhan is my Mitra

Dronacharya- Ok but I am going

Ashwathama- Stake me Mitra Duryodhan

Dronacharya- What are you doing Ashwathama

Ashwathama- Because of Hastinapur I am a King because of Hastinapur our Kingdom Is protected if you go today from this Rajya Sabha our relation will be over

Dronacharya- You are my only son and I love you my son I will be staying in Rajya Sabha

Shakuni- Guru Dronacharya is staying in Rajya Sabha then you are the member of Hastinapur Rajya Sabha let we proceed to next round so Prince Yudisther play your brother Arjun infront of Guruputra Ashwathama shall we start the game

Yudisther and Shakuni were rolling Dice and this time Yudisther was winning but at the end of the game Arjun was defeated

Draupadi- Brahmastra holder Drona disciple Arya Also lost him I will stop him I will go to Rajaya Sabha and stop them

Duryodhan- Arjun what is the name of that bow you got from Lord Agni

Dushasan- Gandiv Jyshat Lord Agni eated the Khandavprastha forest after that lord Agni give this bow to Arjun

Duryodhan- Give to Ashwathama because it will not suit in arms of a slave give it him

Bheem tried to stop him but he gives it to Ashwathama

Draupadi went to Rajya Sabha and try to stop Yudisther but he said as a Kshatriya

Bheem- Give me order jyshat I will free my brothers

Duryodhan- So you want to fight Bheem I an ready

Yudisther- Stop it Bheem I will stake you this time

Bheem- Bet yourself Duryodhan infront of you Defeat me today because you won't be able to do that in future and my Mace would not be your Slave

And then Bheem break his Mace

Duryodhan- I will not stake myself I will stake my brother Dushasan infront of you

The game begin again Yudisther know that this time also he is gonna lose but he was trying he lost again Duryodhan was laughing

Duryodhan- Now Bharata Yudisther I bet myself and Hastinapur

Listening this Yudisther was shocked

Bheeshma- Duryodhan stay in your limits Hastinapur is not a thing or an object that you will stake on Dyut our ancestors has earned it after many years of hard work and efforts

Dronacharya- Mahamhim is right Duryodhan stop it

Duryodhan- Pitamah I have right on Hastinapur throne

Bheeshma- Yes you have but till the protector of Hastinapur Is alive you can't stake Hastinapur Maharaj stop your son now what he is doing

Dronacharya- You can't see the destruction Maharaj Dhitrashtra but you will see soon

Duryodhan- Then I will ask from whom who have right and who is sitting on throne my Pitashri tell them that I have right on the throne give me permission

Dhitrashtra- You have permission my son

Duryodhan- So this decided on behalf of my Pitashri I Stake me and Hastinapur infront of Yudisther and Indraprasth

Arjun- What are you doing jyshat we created Indraprasth after so many difficulties and you putting Indraprasth on Stake if you lose Indraprasth jyshat Bharata Karna will forgive you but I will not

Bheem- Yes jyshat Arjun right don't put yourself and Indraprasth at stake

Yudisther- If I win the Hastinapur will be a part of Indraprasth and the reason for the rivalry between the brothers will over and jyshat will and then Duryodhan has to free you all

Meantime In Battlefield

Krishna- Don't play Bhrata Yudisther if play today the seed of a great war will be sown in Hastinapur, which will cause the destruction of the entire Kuru dynasty Religion prevails in tradition, but tradition does not don't play

Yudisther- Start the game Gandhar Raj shakuni

Yudisther rolled the dice he was playing

Bheem- Only 5 required then jyshat will be safe

Arjun- But if Mamashri can't get 12 then surely he will win

Shakuni- 12

And throws the dice and he wins the round

Shakuni- Congratulations My son Indraprasth is now belongs to you and Congratulations to Maharaj because without doing Rajyasuya Yagya your son became the Samrat of Aryavarth and Congratulations to Mahamhim Bheeshma that your Hastinapur is come again in your security with pride I am happy that my Nephew Duryodhan wins everything but Don't think that  Yudisther I am not Sad that you lose because you all are my Nephews Duryodhan are you not Sad that your brother are lose

Duryodhan- Yes I am Mamashri because these are my Bratha Yudisther he always give me a chance then I am giving him a chance today all your wealth Your Brother and Your Kingdom Indraprasth I will return to you but one more round

Yudisther- But I don't have anything to stake

Duryodhan- You have Draupadi

Every Pandav Brother Duryodhan

So guys the longest chapter of the Story pls like and comment

Precap- Vastraharan

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