Mothra Izuku! - Bakudeku

By Lampislife

160K 4.3K 2.6K

Midoriya Izuku is bullied for his weak quirk that only seems to hurt him, his enhanced hearing gives him hea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Bedroom layout
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (USJ)
Chapter 13 (USJ)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (Sports festival)
Chapter 21 ( Sports festival 2)
Chapter 22 ( Sports festival 3)
Chapter 23 ( Sports festival 4)
Chapter 24 ( Sport festival 5)
Chapter 25 ( Sports festivel 6)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (FTC)
Chapter 29 (FTC)
Chapter 30 (FTC)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 8

6K 166 176
By Lampislife

Izuku POV

I'm waiting out by the gate in pure silence already prepared to head home. I was texting Kachan during class time, which I scolded him for, and he told me to be at the gate and he'd try and be the first out of school so we could get home and finish work as soon as possible. he also said he'd picked up my homework for me so we could do a homework/study night. 

I hear the bell ring and a few seconds later see Kachan bolt out of the doors with small sparks coming from his hands ( that kinda happens when he's exited and it's honestly really cute! ). He runs up to me out of breath grumbling something under his breath.

"whadyou say Kachan?" I ask obliviously, as we start walking past the gate to my house

"I said I wori-" he says looking down, fading back into inconcrehensible mumble

 "Kachan I know I have super hearing but it's kinda wack from this morning" I giggle

"I SAID I WAS FUCKING WORIED ABOUT YOU, YOU DAMN NERD" he yells now looking at me with a bright red face.


(also ow,)

"S-sorry Kachan didn't mean t-to make you uncomfortable." I whimper 

"sfine zuku, also sorry 'bout yelling" he says sofftly rubbing my back with his warm hands.

I love it when Kachan is like this, don't get me wrong, I love the brash and explosive Kachan! It's what gives him personality! SPICE! FLAVOR~. It's the explosive Kachan that makes him who he is. The thing is that even if Kachan has a hard shell but he still needs some love like the rest of us, and when Kachan actually trusts someone he does become a lot more softer, considerate and ESPECIALLY TOUCHY. It's just really hard for Kachan to trust people, I only found out about his soft side in sixth grade! 

- Sixth grade, emotional Backugou, backstory-

At first it was just one of me and Kachans regular "after homework movie playdates" (It was actually one of the sleep over nights!).But everything was normal, we brainstormed, talked, Kachan made some witty jokes, I giggled and said some dumb stuff and he (as per usual) chukle  a bit and call me an Idiot nerd.

Everything was normal. Until it wasn't. We where just watching a movie when I noticed Kachans hand on the ground, oddly close to mine. I could practically feel the heat comming off of his hands from this distance, actually now that I think about it, I've always been able to feel heat comming from Kachans body more than other and logically speaking, with Kachan quirk, his hands should be the warmest part of him considering thats wear he makes his sparks.

Without even thinking twice I ask

"Hey Kachan can I hold you hand?"

Sixth grade Kastsuki POV

what? The nerd wants to hold my hand? What the FUCK!? I mean I have nothing against it, it's just that not a lot of people want to get close to me, let alone touch me, considering my explsions mixed with my personality I've been pretty distant. 

My mom never been a sugar coated pansie so our touching perimittters are solely a whack to the head when I'm rude or a quick pat on the back when getting good grades. With my dad it's kinda weird, I dunno if it's just caus he's a dad or becaus he's an absalute whimp but I don't even remeber the last time me and my dad got close other thanjust acisentally brushing hands from time to time. 

So Izuku asking to touch his hand was something he never considered. I know what touching skind feels like but I've never actually had a long periode time with skin to skin contact, just trying to think of what other skin feel like give me a head ache. 

Even in my wet dreams of Izuku it has always strictly been me imadgining he moans and picturing him in one of those silk things pornstars are in, what are they called? lengeirei?, just standing there or fingering himself. His horny sixth grader sex dreams have never really BEEN SEX. DREAMS.

"K-kachan?" Izu whispers nervously

His talking, be it not at all loud, snapped me out of my thoughts, I look slightly downwards to be face to face my with a red faced Izuku, his lips are quivering and his eyes are slightly watered with his entire frame shaking like leaves in a storm. Oh shit what have you done now katsuki. Izu look like he's on the verdge of tears. It's completly silent when I sigh.

Wrong move. The second after I sigh Izuku starts too break down, raining a constant shower of apologies even through sobs.

"I'm so so so sorry Kachan 'sob' I should have respected you space 'gasp' oh god you probably don't even like being near me 'sob' why on earth would you let me hold your hand 'sob,gasp' I'm sorry I should have thought about it more befor I said anything'sob' you probably hate me and never want to have anything 'gasp' to do with me I oh m-'gasp' je-'gasp,sob' oh my 'gasp'"

Shit whats happening now!?! the nerds stoped talking and it sounds like he's choking, he's gasping for air, shaking while curled up in a ball. FUCK! what do I do?!? If this is about the whole hand holding thing I guess I'd just have to hold his hand which is pretty simple. 

Cummon Katsuki you fucking idiot just hold his hand! Izu looks like he's fucking dying and your not doing shit! Just becaus you haven't touched somone your gonna let the love of your life die! wait what? NOT THE TIME! just hold his fucking hand! ANYTHING!!!! Just t- oh. He passes out.

I sit there for a solid ten minutes contemplating what just happened. Why was touching somone so hard? what the fuck just happened to Izu? IS HE ALIVE?!? I quickly shift over and put my fingers to his throat. Thank god he has a pulse, and  smooth skin~ STOP NOT THE TIME!

The realisation hits me when the warmth of Izuku's neck finally sinks into my fingers, his skin is softer than I could have imagined. My fingers drag down and across his dainty collar bone. My fingers find their way moving down, easily slipping past his loose worn out t-shirt making they're way to Izukus nipples. He shifts slightly as my fingers run over them, hm?, I move my hand back over and give them a slight pinch with my knuckles.

"Auh~" Izuku let's out a breathy moan

Moans? IZU MOANED!!!!!!?!?!?! My hands spring off his body like its on fire, fuck Katsuki why where you touching him?, thats harrasment even if he is you best friend! I pick him up and tuck him into bed, I look over at the cot that I usually sleep in, I think of how cold I would be without Izukus body heat close to me. I've slept in the same bed as Izuku when we where kids it can't be that bad now right???

Izuku POV

I wake up enveloped in warmth, I nuzzle closer to the body next to me. wait, what? Body?!? I look up to see Kachans peacful sleeping face, his arm wraped around my waist and the other under my arm, are legs are tangled together. I remeber the events of last night and nuzzle further into Kachans chest, closing my eyes. With the warmth and morning sickness still in my head I can't help but purr, usually I can control it but right now I'm vibrating like a plane engine and eliciting pitched buggy purrs.

I feel Kachans hand rub circles into my back, and wake up like normal, Kachan acting a lot softer than he usually does, but all together we never really talk about that day, the only change after that was that when we're alone Kachans tries his best to stay in constant body contact with me, I honestly don't mind because being close to keep me warm and the smell of caremel calms me down.

- Back to present -

Izuku POV

We arrive at my place and quickly head to my room, Kachan catches me up on the things we learned in class and with his explenations we finish are homework prettty quickly, I honestly think Kachan should be a teacher if the hero thing doesn't work out, or even be a teacher at U.A.

After are works done and we some up a bit of studying just incase of a suprize pop quiz me and Kachan pack up are notebook, change into something more comfortable and put on the last lord of the rings film (What! we enjoy watching pre-quirk era films! It's a small guilty plesure for the both of us to enjoy together.)

Me and Kachan snuggle up together as the movie starts.

(You better prepare yourself for some horny Bakugou in the next chapter ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡° ) 

(1480 Words)

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