Crystal Blue Disguise

By Ellis_the_zombie

338 13 4

Scherry Davis is the guitarist for her band Rewrite the Rhapsody and is also the daughter of Korn's singer, J... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 6

36 1 0
By Ellis_the_zombie

Jimmy's POV

Brian came up behind me, "Hey bud, wanna go have a smoke?" Thank god he asked me. I got up out of my chair anxious to leave. I casually followed Brian outside of the restaurant. Before I could even say anything he hit me with the "what's going on?"
He handed me a cigarette and lit them for both of us. I took a long drag and let out a sigh. "I don't know, I'm in a weird situation," I told him. "Which is?..." he asked. "So, you remember at the party where Leana and I were arguing? Well, when I left Scherry came outside and comforted me..." I explain. "I know that. She was really concerned about you. At least she gives a shit dude." He insisted. "Yeah, we took a walk and I told her what was going on in my life, so she knows the whole shit show with Leana. And Scherry actually gave me some great advice and to rethink my priorities." I told him, thinking about our long walk.
"So what's the problem?" Brian asked. "Well. I guess I just feel guilty that I'm still with Leana. I told her I would take her advice, and she knows that Leana treats me like shit..." I realized what I was saying. "So why the fuck are you still with her if she treats you like shit??" He questioned. "Brian, she's all I've ever known. She was the first woman to love me in a different way than the re-" He grabbed my shoulders and interjected. "Jimmy, I love you, you're my best friend. But you NEED to get rid of her. How she treated you then is different than how she's treating you now. You'll find other women who will love you wholeheartedly. I mean, just look at Scherry, so far she's been great to you. Why not give her a shot?" He winked. I stepped back out of his grasp "Dude I've only met her once. Besides, after tonight I doubt she would want anything since I was a total hypocrite to her. Plus I'm not even sure she likes me in that sort of way. There is a difference between a relationship kind of love and fan-artist kind of love."
"Jimmy, you're being ridiculous. Listen, tomorrow is the first show, after that we have an entire tour ahead of us. You'll meet other people on the tour and you'll even get to hang out with Scherry. I don't care who you talk to, as long as they don't treat you like shit like Leana does. Now, before we take off tomorrow night, I need you to promise me something..." I raised my eyebrow, I knew what he was going to say. "Get. rid. of. Leana."
That is certainly easier said than done. I didn't even know how I was going to approach the situation. Should I piss her off? Point out something that shows that she's cheating? Cause there is plenty of evidence of that.
I looked at the ground and back up at Brian. "Okay, I'll try to do it tonight. I just don't know how to approach it." I told him. "Tonight before we get on the bus, pull her aside and tell her how you really feel, tell her you can't do this anymore. I'll be there, don't worry." He pulled me into a hug and we walked back into the restaurant.

I sat back down across from Scherry, next to Leana. She looked amazing. Then Charlotte pointed out the comparison between her and Scherry, and Brian and I. I guess we're not so different after all. Hah, if Brian ever has problems with Michelle he should go for Charlotte.

We finished eating and Jonathan was kind enough to pay for the entire thing. All 11 of us! We all got up and said our goodbyes, I intentionally hugged Scherry last. Her sweet perfume stuck on my shirt. Leana tried to cut our hug short, but I didn't give a shit anymore. "Leana." I said in a stern voice, and she backed off. I resumed hugging Scherry. "I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled at her, and turned around and walked out with Leana and the rest of the guys.

We walked further behind the guys, with Brian being the first one in front of us strategically so that he could hear the whole thing. "What was that?" She questioned. Oh, here we go. "What, I was saying goodbye to my friend, you were being rude, so I told you to stop," I explained. "Well, you were sure hugging her for a long time," she said snarkily. "As opposed to you having sex with the neighbor for the entire time I was on tour?" I said with the same tone. I heard Brian chuckle in front of us. We got to the bus and the rest of the guys walked in, but I stayed outside with Leana. "Leana, we're done, I don't want anything to do with you anymore." I was trying to be as straight forward as possible like Brian said. "What? Is this because you want to go bang that red-headed chick??" she started to raise her voice. "No, it's because you've been cheating on me for over a year now and you've treated me like shit. You don't care about me Leana. And so help me God if you say shit about Scherry. At least she cares, unlike the heartless desperate woman you are." I turned around and stepped into the doorway of the bus. "Don't bother coming to any of the shows, and when I get back from this tour I'm packing my shit and leaving." I slammed the bus door in her face.

I walked to the back where all the guys were. Brian looked up at me with a look of anticipation, I just nodded, and he understood. I sat down next to him and he put his hand on my shoulder as a way of saying "good job."
Now that she's out, I can focus on performing every night with a clear head. Maybe I'll find someone who is actually good for me.

The rest of the evening was thankfully quiet, and eventually I hopped up into my bunk. Before I dosed off I heard Brian whisper "Hey Jimmy."
"You did the right thing buddy." He reassured me.
Hey again!
2 chapters in one night! I hope y'all are staying safe and healthy. I know at this point you're just hearing the same words over and over again. It's very annoying. My advice, in order to know what's really going on without the influence of the media, look up stuff on science websites. Coming from a bio student, they're a lot less dramatic and deliver a lot more information. Either way. I hope you guys are doing well! See you in the next chapter!
Picture at the top of the story is Paige

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