Sugar Sweet Nightmare // Baku...

By klanceismyeverything

17.1K 689 3.4K

After a traumatic childhood experience, Felicity Nagai, childhood friend of Shoto Todoroki, has vowed never t... More

Chapter 1; The New Girl
Chapter 2; Questions
Chapter 3; The Sports Festival Begins
Chapter 4; The Cavalry Battle
Chapter 5; Bakugo Vs. Felicity - Part One
Chapter 6; Bakugo Vs. Felicity - Part Two
Chapter 7; Endeavour's Request
Chapter 8; A New Day
Chapter 9; Clueless
Chapter 10; Friends
Chapter 11; Internships
Chapter 12; Hosu City - Part One
Chapter 13; Hosu City - Part Two
Chapter 14; Hosu City - Part Three
Chapter 15; At The Hospital
Chapter 16; The Man At The Door
Chapter 17; Training
Chapter 19; Felix Can't Study
Chapter 20; Bakugo, I Made Biscuits
Chapter 21; High Five
Chapter 22; Felicity's Lethal Lunchbox
Chapter 23; A Fairy Tale Prince

Chapter 18; Back To School

423 22 328
By klanceismyeverything

Felicity POV

"HOLY CRAP!" Kirishima and Sero wheezed. "WHAT THE HECK, BAKUGO?!"

It was only the morning of our first day back at school after our internships and shenanigans were already ensuing in the classroom.

"Stop laughing!" The blonde growled through gritted teeth. "My hair's gotten used to this so I can't get it back the right way." The two other boys ignored him, unable to contain their laughter, and this served to further anger Bakugo. "Did you not hear me? I'll kill you both!"

"I'd like to see you try, pretty boy!" Sero simply chortled.

"What did you call me?!" He roared, his hair popping back into place.

This only made them both laugh harder, practically collapsing onto the floor. "There it goes!"

I couldn't help but laugh at the scene myself from where I stood on the other side of the classroom, at Sho-chan's desk with Iida and Midoriya. I was surprised at how happy I was to be at school, something I'd absolutely dreaded facing each and every day not so long ago. It was a strange surprise but a happy one that I eagerly welcomed into my life. It was nice to be able to give my grandparents a real, genuine smile when I left for school in the mornings.

"After one week she's like a totally different person."

Kaminari's comment about Ochaco pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked up to see him standing next to Mineta who was sitting on his desk.

"Different?" The tiny boy scoffed. "Don't be fooled, Kaminari."

His expression then changed to one of true terror as he anxiously nibbled down on his nail, frightened eyes wide and face shadowed with fear.

"All women are demons at heart. They just hide their true personalities behind pretty faces."

"What the heck did Mount Lady do to you?" Kaminari said in a voice mixed with exasperation and concern, smiling worriedly as he grabbed his friend's wrist. "Everyone at my internship loved me, it was actually kinda great. Now, if you wanna talk about the ones who really changed..." grinning, he looked over in our direction. "It was those four."

"Oh yeah!" Sero piped up, unbothered by the fact that Bakugo was holding him and Kirishima by the backs of their blazers' and possibly preparing to set them on fire. "The Hero Killer!"

"Glad you guys made it back alive," Kirishima said, his caring face and relieved tone greatly contrasting his blonde friend's furious demeanour. "Seriously."

"I worried about you too," Yaoyorozu spoke up from beside us, her pretty onyx eyes filled with worry.

"You were lucky Endeavor showed up and saved you guys."

"So cool!" Hagakure squealed as she approached us. "Just what I'd expect from the number two hero."

Not thinking like the idiot I am, I tipped my head to the side in confusion. "Huh? But he wasn't the-"

I felt Sho-chan deliver a hard kick to my shin. I let out a yelp as Iida tried to cut me off by launching into a speech about Mr. Todoroki and Midoriya frantically threw himself at me, slapping a hand down over my mouth. Unfortunately, his sudden movement frightened me, throwing me off balance, and we both fell to the ground, crashing into poor Yaoyorozu's desk on the way down.

Sho-chan just sat there, looking bored and unbothered by the chaos unfolding around him.

"Yeah. That's right. He saved us."

As Oijiro was talking about the news saying that Stain was connected to the League of Villains, Midoriya pushed his upper body up off me, rubbing his head. "Ow...okay, that hurt..." blinking his big green eyes, he looked down at me worriedly. "Are you alright, N..."

He saw how bright red my face was as I lay beneath him, my tongue too tied with nerves to even hope to be able to get a single word out.

Midoriya...he close to me...

His body...his soft, warm body had been pressing against mine just seconds before...

Why was my heart beating so fast?

His own face practically went crimson and his voice seemed to raise an octave. "O-O-Oh my goodness, I-I-I-I'm so sorry, I didn't think we'd fall down like this, are you okay?!"

"'m..."  I went into a full blown flustered panic, screwing up my eyes and forcing out the first words that came to mind. "Good morning!"

"G-G-G-Good morning to you too!"

"I-I-I-I-I-I hope you're well, Midoriya!"

"You're both hopeless," Sho-chan said with a sigh, yanking Midoriya up by the scruff of his shirt before taking my hand and pulling me to my feet.

"Th-Thanks, Todoroki," Midoriya said sheepishly.

Me? I was still too flustered to get any proper words out. Midoriya...he...and warm...

I felt my face flush further as I sort of retreated into my hoodie like a turtle, wishing it'd swallow me whole. What was wrong with me? Why was my heart hammering against my chest so loudly that I could practically hear it in my ears?

Was it...because of Midoriya?

No...because it was Midoriya?


Katsuki POV

I was far too irritated to pay attention to the names of the four extras that were put into my group for the stupid race in Field Gama. All Might had said to keep the property damage to a bare minimum while pointing at me but seeing how pissed off I was after watching Deku prance through the air trying to look like me, not blowing up the entire fucking joint out of rage was going to be really fucking difficult.

I stood at the starting location All Might had given me, stretching my limbs and popping my joints as I waited for the distress signal. Time to blow off some fucking steam. To remind everyone that I was going to be number one.

The piercing airhorn noise rang out and I shot off into the air, scanning the labyrinth of factories. There he was. All Might.

I began propelling myself towards him. It didn't look like any of those side characters had seen him yet. Easy victory, motherfuckers. No way I could lose something like this.

Or so I thought.

Because then I saw a short and skinny girl tucking her right shin under her thigh and pointing her left sneaker towards the ground, gently flapping her scaly wings as she tried to lower herself down beside All Might.

The fuck, how was she that fast all of a sudden?

Oh hell no I was going to lose to her.

Come on, come on, faster, faster, more speed, more fucking speed...

She carefully landed on the ground with a little bounce, floaty white dress billowing around her legs as she did so. "Yay! I managed to do it without falling-"

She was cut off by me crashing into the ground beside her and she let out a shriek, toppling and falling onto her ass.


"DAMN IT!" I yelled, furiously pounding at the floor in frustration, all the previous irritation inside me doubling. "DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN-"

"B-Bakugo, are you alright?!"

I shot my head up to face her, seeing her red eyes wide and her lips slightly parted with concern. "Shut up! I won't lose again, you hear me?!"

Now she just looked really confused. "Lose? What do you..." she looked around, her red eyes practically popping out of her sockets when she realised that we'd been the first two to get there. "Wait...what? What?! I...I...what?!"

As she sat there looking gobsmacked, I then found that I had a proper view of her hero costume. It was pretty simple, just a floaty white dress with flowers sewn along the hem and a low back so that she could push her wings in and out without tearing any of the fabric. It didn't really look like a costume built for combat and didn't help her look any more intimidating. She looked more like some weird kind of fairy with dragon wings who'd found herself at UA and had decided to stay along for the ride.

But that wasn't what struck me.

What struck me was that she looked so strangely familiar dressed like that.

That was when I knew, that was when I became certain I'd definitely seen her before. But where, I couldn't remember. And it was frustrating as all fuck.

I scowled, hunching my shoulders as I crossed my legs and looked away sulkily. "Idiot."

"Way to go, Felix!" Uraraka exclaimed as she landed beside her, looking really sick from using her quirk but still giving her friend the sunniest smile she could. "Wow, I wish I could take to the skies as easily as you do. But, I guess that's something I've just gotta work on."

"And it's over!" All Might trilled, holding out the sash with the words 'thanks for saving me' written on it. "Thanks hero and congratulations!"

"Alright, nice one!" Sparky grinned, giving the shell shocked Felix a friendly punch. "You showed us!"

She just stared at the sash with wide eyes, as if it might turn into a shark and eat her. And then with a nudge from Sparky, she came back to life and anxiously took it from All Might, holding it meekly in her hands and looking unsure of what to do with it. This made Uraraka laugh.

"You're meant to wear it like this," she said, placing it on the smaller girl's shoulder. "See? Perfect fit!"

"O-Oh, thank you so much!"

"Next group, you're up!"


Felicity POV

The happiness I felt over my tiny little victory didn't last long. When all us girls were putting our uniforms back on in the changing room, Jiro's sharp ears picked up noise from next door. She'd plugged an earphone jack into the wall and I'd pressed by ear against it. I'd then faintly heard Mineta ranting on about seeing Uraraka's body and Asui's boobs through the peephole he'd found before Jiro put a stop to it with her other jack. The two of us had ended up going to lunch depressed.

He hadn't said anything about either of us.

"Felix? Felix. Are you listening to me?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head to Sho-chan beside me. "H-Huh?! S-Sorry, what were we talking about?"

He poked at my arm with his chopsticks. "I was asking you if you've started studying for the final exams yet."

Oh, sweet mother of a muffin.

" exams? O-Oh, yeah, I've been studying for weeks now, totally, totally! What would make you assume that I'm not cracking open the old textbooks every single-"

"They haven't even crossed your mind, have they?"

I laughed awkwardly, desperately praying for some kind of diversion to come and save me. ", I wouldn't say-"

I heard the sudden sound of a tray being slammed down next to me and I jumped, turning to see a scowling blonde boy flopping down beside me.

"Huh? Bakugo? And Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero too!" I smiled warmly, blessing their beautiful, beautiful existences. What a perfect diversion. "What are you all doing here? Do you want to have lunch with us?"

"Shut up! I'm not here because I wanna be!" Bakugo snapped, stabbing at his food.

"Then leave."

"You shut your mouth, Icy Hot!"

"Sho-chan, please don't say things like that and Bakugo, please don't tell people to shut up so rudely!"


"Don't tell me what to do!"

"So, Felix, Todoroki," Kaminari began, sitting opposite me. "I've been wanting to ask - The Hero Killer. What was he like?"

"Huh? Stain? Um..." I strained my memory and just said the first thing that came to mind. "He licked a lot of things? Sho-chan included. But he didn't lick me which is good, I suppose."

"He did what?!"

"Licked?! Like, with his tongue?!"

I nodded. "Yeah, he had this really long one and it was all saliva and-"

"Can you losers just stop talking about weird stuff and let my enjoy my food in peace?!"

Sho-chan let out a sigh, picking up his tray and getting to his feet. "That's it, we're leaving. Let's go eat with Midoriya instead."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean, Icy Hot?!"

"Wh-What?! B-But we can't just leave..."

"Fine, you can stay but I'm just not in the mood to deal with this. Later."

"Whaddya mean, deal with this?!"


"Dang, that was kind of harsh," Kaminari commented, sounded a little hurt.

"I'm so sorry about that, please don't think negatively of him or anything! Sh...Sho-chan's just got a bit going on at the moment so please don't take that personally."

Sero grinned wearily. "Can you honestly blame him for leaving? Bakugo's been in a foul mood ever since what happened with Midoriya this morning."

"Why don't you shut up and mind your own damn business?!"

I never thought I'd ever see someone manage to eat curry aggressively but watching Bakugo eat it proved me wrong.

"Damn, I can't fucking stand that half and half bastard and that damn nerd is no better. Can't believe he fucking stole my moves on his stupid little internship..."

"Hey, be careful! If you eat with your mouth full, you could choke!"

"Who are you, my mom?"

I found myself grinning. "Well, I am older and wiser-"

"Fucking try me."

"Hey, speaking of internships, you've gotten a lot better at using your wings," Kaminari commented. "Your internship must've been helpful." He grinned then. "And I'm glad it was too because seeing the uber talented Bakugo lose the mobility test to a girl who's like a foot shorter than him put me in such a good mood-"

"You shut up before I blast you all the way to hell!"

"Why are you always so angry with everyone, you'll never-"

Bakugo held up one hand, letting it spark furiously and poor Kaminari let out a frightened whimper, holding his arms up as some kind of shield, all confidence gone.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, bitch."

Kirishima let out a weary laugh and Sero joined in and I even found myself laughing along with them. I was grateful that the four of them had come to sit down with us. It did prove to be a good distraction and when I went back to class after lunch, I was feeling considerably cheered up. But then as classes went on and on, my mind just kept coming back to what Mineta had said and I wanted more than anything to run home and look at myself in the mirror to check if I needed to buy booby pads or not.

I was debating this whole booby pad argument with myself on my way home, trying to guess how much they would cost and how much I'd have to save up in order to buy then. I was kind of broke. Would buying them even be worth it? Should I just use socks? But would socks even work? Did Midoriya even like girls with big boobies?

Wait, what?! Why was I thinking of Midoriya?! Why had his preferences become a factor in his crisis?!

I was so wrapped up in all my thoughts and worries about the whole situation that I didn't notice the boy walking in front of me until I'd thwacked my head into his back.

I let out a squeak and the boy stopped walking, speaking in an irritated, gravelly voice.

"Are you blind? Why can't you watch where you're going?"

I knew that voice.

Rubbing my forehead, I looked up to see Bakugo scowling down at me from over his shoulder.

"If you didn't know, when I'm in front of you, you're meant to move out of my damned way and not slam into-"

I probably should've apologised for bumping into him but in that moment inspiration struck me and I had to know.

"Bakugo, you're honest so tell me, do you think I'm the kind of girl guys want to date?"

There was a moment of silence.

And then he exploded. "WHAT THE FUCK?"

I sighed sadly, looking off to the side in thought and anxiously furrowing my eyebrows. "Today Jiro and I heard Mineta in your locker room, talking about all the girls and he was was saying all this stuff about Uraraka's fine Uraraka body and Hagakure's floating underwear but he didn't say anything about me so now I'm kinda sad and worried that I'm gonna be single forever. I don't know if you can see from underneath my hoodie but my chest isn't anything like Yaoyorozu's, it's actually a little sad to look at. And I really wish I had super pretty long hair like hers but no matter how hard I try, I can never get it to grow any longer than this. And I wish I had a nice curvy body like Ashido who's all bumpedy boom boom but I just look like a cereal box. And I also...oh, sorry, I'm kind of going off on a tangent now but you get the point. It's weird, it's like I'm really glad that Mineta didn't say anything weird about me but at the same time I'm kind of embarrassed because he didn't say anything about me." I looked up at him earnestly, not really noticing his dropped jaw and twitching eyelid. "So, do you think guys look at me and silently think all the weird things that Mineta thinks when he looks at all the other girls or do you think that they just-"

"I'm a guy too you know, you can't ask me stuff like that!"

That fact dawned on me and I clamped my hands over my mouth, feeling mortified as I remembered all the stupid stuff that had come tumbling out of my mouth. "Oh, I'm so sorry, that's right! Sorry, sorry, it's just that I sometimes forget that you're a guy-"

That just made things worse.

"What the hell's that crap supposed to mean?!" He yelled, stepping towards me.

I retraced my steps and realised my mistake. "...oh, no, wait, sorry, that came out wrong!" I frantically ducked my head, feeling stupid. "Just forget I said anything, okay?"

There was a slightly awkward silence before he spoke, scowling off into the distance. "Why are you talking to me?"

I raised my burning, blushing face. "Huh?"

"I said, why the hell are you talking to me?!"

I don't know why but hearing him say that made me smile, a stupid, playful, goofy smile. "Because I like talking to all my kouhais."

"You're like, two days older than me!"

Giggling, I stood on tip toe to pat his fluffy hair. "You'll understand when you're as old and wise as me, little one." Still laughing, I twirled around and skipped on forwards. "Your time will come so don't you worry, my child."

I felt his hand grab my hood and yank me back furiously. "Say that again and I'll kill you!"

"Why do you always say that, it's really not a very nice thing to say!" I protested, jogging back up to him so that we fell into step together. "There are some people who might get-"

"Why the hell are you following me?" I could practically see the vein in his temple twitching by then.

"H-Huh? I'm not! I go this way and I bumped into you and thought that we might as well talk. Is there something wrong with that?"

"W-Well, yeah, I didn't...I never said that you could...I don't want...just fuck off, damnit!"

I couldn't help it. I stopped walking and burst into tears.

That threw him off, making him stop in his tracks. I thought he might yell at me again but to be honest, he just looked really, really freaked out and like he had no idea of what he was supposed to do.


"You yelled at me!" I bawled, thick, heavy tears pouring down my face. "And you said the f word in a way that was really hurtful!"

"Okay, okay, hold on a fucking minute-"

"Hey, isn't that the sludge villain kid?" Some poor bystander questioned, causing Bakugo to start growling like a grizzly bear.

"Em, more importantly, that's UA's sports festival winner!"

"Wow, so it is!"

"Woah, he made that girl cry."

"Damn. Heroing 101."

"Why don't you mind your own damn business, you extras?!" Bakugo hollered at the onlookers before turning back to me. "Damnit, Felix, would you stop crying?!"

"You accused me of following you!" I sobbed. "I just wanted to talk to you!"

"Alright, alright, fine!" He said, trying to sound irritated, though there was a clear hint of panic in his voice as he rummaged through his bag before thrusting a clean tissue out at me. "Look, do whatever you want, just stop crying already!"

"I can't help it," I snivelled, taking it and blowing my runny nose. "Sometimes when I start it's hard to stop." Taking a big sniff, I looked up at Bakugo, roughly wiping my tears away with my balled up fists. "What did they mean sludge villain kid?"

His instant anger mode had been activated yet again. "That's none of your damn business either!"

Tears threatened to spill again. "Why do you always have to yell at everything?"

"Why do you always have to cry at everything?!"

"I...I don't cry at everything!"

"Last time we were in school, you cried over that damn nerd's hero name!"

"But you can't blame me for that, what he said was so beautiful-"

"And you cried when I said I didn't like the shitty hero name you thought of for me and also cried when-"

"Alright, alright, so I'm sensitive, I can't help it!"

He let out an irritated sigh, running a hand through his spiky hair as we walked down the street. "Fucking hell, you are a pain in the ass."

"Hey, I'm..." I cut myself off mid protest, defleating in defeat. "Okay, yeah, I guess you're actually right."

"I'm always right!"

"But that's not even humanly possible!"

"Fuck being humanly possible, I can make bombs with my hands!"

I hesitated. I mean, he wasn't wrong.

It did get me wondering if there was some kind of quirk out there that let you know absolutely everything about the universe so that you'd always be right. That sounded really cool. I made a mental note to look it up later.


Bakugo's deep voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh?"

"Did you by any chance go Aldera Junior High?"

I blinked, trying to process his words. "Al...dera? No, I'm sorry, I can't say that I did. I've never heard of the place."

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I didn't think that was it...ugh, this is really fucking annoying me now..."


He raised his eyebrows. "The hell are you apologising for?"

"I just wish I could be of better help. But I never even went to junior high so whatever it is you're trying to do, I don't know if I'll be of much use."

He furrowed his brow. "You never went to junior high?"

Wait, had I really just said that?

My face going red and my body tensing, I awkwardly looked away, feeling flustered. "O-Oh, sorry! I didn't mean for that to slip out...but, um...well, I just never went to junior high."

"Yeah, I fucking figured that out the first time you said it but why?"

I babbled on in a rush, trying to sound breezy. "Oh, a lot of different reasons really, I got sick when I was little and wasn't allowed to leave the house and then as I got older I was just too shy to try handling school again. Oh wow, saying that out loud makes me sound like a big scaredy cat, doesn't it? But that's okay because I like kitties. And doggies. And I think honey badgers are also super cute."

I was so clearly trying to change the subject that I felt it was an insult to good liars everywhere.

"Anyway, I've been meaning to ask you how your internship was. I still can't believe that you got to do yours with Best Jeanist, that's so cool! How silky does his hair look in person, did you get to touch it?"

"Are you really that stupid? No, of course I did not fucking touch his hair, why would I do that?"

"Well, it's just that I've always wanted to touch it and ask him what kind of shampoo and conditioner he uses. My hair is so boring and limp but maybe if I start using the hair products he uses, it'd look a little more exciting. Oh, but speaking of heroes, I forgot to tell you something." I held my fists in front of my chest, an enthusiastic grin on my face. "I totally love your hero costume, it's so cool! I wish I was able to pull something like it off." I clapped my hands together, beaming all over the place. "It makes you look so badass and intimidating!"

I'm not sure why but this suddenly took him aback. His permanent scowl disappeared as his face became less tense, his red eyes widening slightly in what looked like surprise or uncertainty.

Before I had time to wonder what that was all about, his pissed off, sour faced frown returned and he looked away, glaring off to the side. "Y-Y-Yeah, well, that was kind of the fucking point! Is there an empty space where your brain is supposed to be, how dumb can someone get!" Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he changed directions. "Well, I go this way and I know you don't so don't try to follow me!"

For a second, I just watched as he stormed off, feeling confused by the sudden outburst, before returning to my senses. "Wait, Bakugo!"

"What?!" He snapped, turning back to me impatiently.

"N-Nothing!" I gabbled, waving my hands in front of me as if that would help to calm him down. "It's just..." feeling shy, I averted my gaze. "I know I cried and all but..." I took in a deep breath and raised my eyes to look at him, giving him a shy little smile. "I had fun walking with you and I...I wanted you to know that. That's all."

And with that, I turned around? throwing him a smile and a wave from over my shoulder. "Well, see ya. Bye-bye!"

Bakugo be back I MISSED HIM


I'm terrified this girl may turn into a Mary Sue, so please let me know if you think that's the case 😝

My laptop says we're at 2k what??? I literally just wrote this to pass time in class and then got forced to publish by two of my friends, I'm shook, this must be a glitch BUT AH, LOVE YOU FEW LOVELY FOLKS 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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