The Mask


280K 12.3K 1.1K


A Hope
Get Out!
No Crying
Pleasure in Loving
A Letter
Forever Alone
Strike Twelve
The Duke
My Mate
My Story
Horrible Person
Happy Ever After

When The Clock Strikes twelve

15.5K 736 99

"There, there child." A voice whispers softly, while patting my hair. I look up to see an old but still beautiful lady. She has lines on her face. Purple eyes gaze at me with pity. She has on a purple dress with a purple wand in her hand. "Dear child, wipe your eyes. Your fairy godmother is here." She wipes my eyes for me.

"Fairy godmother?" I ask confused.

"Yes child, now let's get you ready for the ball." She stands, looking at me. She shakes her head. She waves her wand and my wounds heal. 

I look at her in awe. "That's amazing!"

She smiles at me. "Now, off to the ball!" She begins to float away, towards the road. 

"But ma'am," I start.

"You'll have to tell me everything!" She squeals excitedly.

"But ma'am." I say again to get her attention. 

"Yes child?" She turns to me.

"I can't possibly go like this." I point down to my ruined clothes.

She covers her mouth with her hand. "Oh no! Well I'll just have to change that!"

She waves her wand, a ribbon of purple comes from her wand, wrapping around me. My tattered clothes changes to white a gorgeous suit with gold tassets and a gold vest.

A mask hides my face. Taking it off, I see a white mask that looks like broken glass. Gladiator symbols surrounds the edge of the mask. It's gorgeous and it matches my suit perfectly.

I run over to her and wrap my arms around her. "Thank you!"

Godmother hugs me back. "It's not a problem love, now more magic!" She claps her hands. 

A meow sounds behind me. Turning my head, I see my cat Harry. "Ah! Just what I need."

She waves her wand again. Sparkles comes out the end, falling on Harry. He turns into a coachman wearing a white suit.

"Now for horses!" She dances around. "Ah this will do!" She points her wand to two little mice. They turn to two beautiful white horses.

"I'm missing something." She taps her chin with her wand. "I know! I'm missing a coach!"

She floats to the garden. Standing over a big pumpkin, she levitates it over to me. Waving her wand, it turns Into a white and gold coach.

The coachman that used to be my cat Harry, hooks the horses up and opens the door for me.

"In you go!" She pushes me to the coach and I climb in. "Oh and one more thing! When the clock strikes twelve, the spell will be lifted. You'll have to hurry back. Now have fun." She shuts the door in my face and the coach moves forward.

It takes nearly thirty minutes to get to the castle. Looking out the window, I see the top of the castle. It's a huge fairy tale princess castle. Standing tall above the trees. It's gorgeous.

The coach stops and the door opens. The coachman helps me out of the coach. "You're the last to arrive, sir."

"Thank you." I nod my head before walking up the red carpet lined stairs. The doors are already opened. A sound of music comes from the room. The scent of cologne captures my attention. Sniffing harder, I turn my head to the source and see the most beautiful man in the world.

He must've felt my eyes on him for he turns towards me, locking our gazes.




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