Lost in Stereo (Larry Stylins...

By PierceWithKellic

244K 7.3K 2.7K

Louis is a member of the World famous band Lost in Stereo, and he has Everything he ever wanted... or that is... More

Call it whatever you want!!!
I'm a mess
Pretty Boy!
in the shadows
Break me!


7.2K 227 82
By PierceWithKellic

No one:

Louis looks right in to Harry´s eyes and Harry can feel the tears falling from his eyes, how did he end up like this? With someone so perfect as Louis?

“What did I ever do to deserve you?” Harry asks with tears falling from his eyes, he don´t understand how he ever could be so lucky… What he doesn´t know is that Louis is thinking the same thing.

“Being perfect.” Louis says and look Harry right in the eyes with a cute little smile on his lips.

Zayn Malik:

I sit beside Liam with a smile on my lips, we are looking through different wedding magazines, sure that is what girls use to do but we are both males in this and Liam loves to look at all the beautiful wedding decoration.

“I like that colour Zayn!” Liam says and point at one beautiful light green almost blur colour, really beautiful. I would do anything for this boy he means so freaking much to me.

“I like it too.” I say and look down and meet his wonderful brown eyes that makes my heart skip a beat.

“Can we play Fall out Boy on our wedding?” Liam asks me and I look at him, I know he loves Fall out Boy and as I said earlier I would do anything for that boy.

“What song baby?” I ask him even if I already know what song he wants. I just want to hear him say it.

“Alone together.” Liam says and I can´t help but smile.


“I can´t wait until I see them live Zayn they are the best band ever! How could you get tickets to this?!” I can´t help but smile when I see how happy Liam is, he really love Fall out boy.

Liam is jumping around like a little girl when she realize that she got tickets to Justin Bieber. He is so cute.

When they finally go on stage I can feel how Liam hold my hand tight.

Liam is crying when it comes to the last song, alone together. I know this is Liam´s favourite song, he won´t let me forget it, he is listening to it all the time.


I don't know where you're going

But do you got room for one more troubled soul

I don't know where I'm going but I don't think I'm coming home

I said I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead

This is the road to ruin

And we're starting at the end


I don´t know what I am thinking but he just look so beautiful in all those lights and I can´t stop myself from kissing him.

I let my lips fall over his and it makes my stomach flip, how can he be so beautiful? The feeling I get when my lips meet his is amazing, and it´s even more amazing when he kisses me back, it´s like fireworks inside of my stomach and he is making me feel this way. So long have I been wanting to do that and now finally I did it, and it´s even more amazing than I imagine.

I look at Liam who is sitting and smiling, I hope he remember the same thing as I do, because it´s our first kiss and it was perfect. I am so happy that I took him to that concert for our first date. I remember how nervous I was and I thought he only agreed to come with be so I wouldn´t be sad, but he proved me wrong, because we have been we for so long now.

Louis Tomlinson:


I stand behind stage and look at the interviewer talking about our latest album. I can´t help but feel my stomach flip when I see Harry sitting in the front of the audience, I am so happy he agreed to come with. I don´t know how I would make this without him on my side, sure I have the other guys but I feel like I need Harry.

“You will do great Lou.” I look over at Liam who is cuddling in to Zayn and smile at him, he always know what to say. I just hope that our fans will get that the whole band is gay… sure they have been tweeting about it for years now but you never know if they mean it as a joke or if the really want it to happen. It´s hard to try to get in to a teenagers mind, believe me I have tried with my sister a lot of times.

“Let´s do this.” I say and look over at my band when I hear the interviewer that I don´t even know the name of calling us up. I walk out behind Niall because I don´t really feel like walking out first, sure I am the lead singer but that really doesn´t mean a thing, the rest of the band is just as important as I am, they are here with me we are doing this like a band not like Louis and his backup band. That is a thing I think a lot of people need to learn, that a band isn´t all about the singer it´s about the whole band. Sure you can have your favourite but you don´t dislike the rest of the band.

“So Louis how does it feel that you and your band has become so big?” I look at the girl interviewing us and I can´t help but hate her a little, we aren´t just me in this band.

“Well it´s not my band everyone in this band is important we all started this band together and we are all important, and I feel blessed for all out wonderful fans who support us and everything we do, they made it their mission to make us big and they did, we are so happy that we got the fans we have.

“You´re latest album is called it is what it is, how come you named it that?” I don´t know who come up with those questions but they really fucking suck, like come on this is like a question we get on every single interview be a little original please.

“Well we call it that because it´s basically is what it is.” Niall answers and I smile at that answer, it´s really no meaning behind the name really, it just fits so well with what we wrote on the album and I need to tell people all this shit.

She keeps asking weird questions and I can´t help but laugh when she calls Liam for Josh, they don´t even look that much alike and she took wrong on them like how hard is it?!

“So now to the big part who of you is single?” no one puts their hand up and that gives her a surprised look.

“Louis last time I checked you didn´t have a girlfriend.” She sounds kind of mad, like come on I wouldn´t date you even if I was single you´re like a slut. Sorry not sorry.

“I don´t.” Liam can´t stop himself from laughing when her face turns in to one full of confuse, like come on is it that hard to figure out that I am together with a boy? How high was your grade?

“I have boyfriend.” I say and look over at Harry who smiles at me, and when I see him giving me that smile I know that I did the right thing. He is everything.

Harry Styles:

“Louis.” I breath out when he kiss down my neck, we are backstage and he is turning me on so fucking much, he should know that stuff shouldn´t work like that.

He said he was free but his manager booked some stuff in London and now he is soon going up on a festival to play for a lot of fucking people but here he is with his lips on my neck and his hand in my pants. I don´t know how he thinks but I love it.

“Louis you´re on in 4 minutes.” I hear from the other side of the door but Louis doesn´t seem to care, all he seem to care about is now, and I love it I love how he just cares about now.

“I be out in 10 and I don´t give a fuck!” I screams back and I let out a low moan when he stoke my member a little faster than before, I don´t understand how he can make me feel like this, why?

“What´s your favourite song baby?” He asks me while moving his hand faster, how am I supposed to answer that now?

“six feet under the stars with All Time Low.” I breathe out and he kisses down my neck. I know that he should be on stage by now but he doesn´t seem to mind.

He finish what he started and I can´t help but kiss him before he run out on stage. His hair is a mess and his shirt doesn´t sit as nice as it did before.

“Sorry I´m late I gave my boyfriend a hand job backstage.” I hear him say and my eyes wide, he just said that to a lot of fucking people like what the fuck Louis!!!

The people scream loud and I laugh when they do, my boyfriend is a big fucking idiot.

“Today I want to sing a song that a person I really care about love, it´s called six feet under the stars, you may have heard a band All Time Low sing it before?” The people are screaming like crazy and I can feel my heart beat hard, is Louis really doing this for me, is that why he asked what my favourite song was?

I wonder if this is a way for him to try and make me forget that he just told everyone there that he just gave me a hand job, because I am not sure if that is how it works.

I watch from the side of the stage when Louis is singing his heart out when he sings my favourite song, this boy is making my heart melt and he doesn´t even realize it. He looks over at me and winks, how can he be so perfect?

Louis Tomlinson:

I look over at Harry and my heart is melting when I see how he looks at me, it´s like I am the only one in the world. I can´t stop looking at him, he is so beautiful, like an angel.

I look back at the crowd and smile when I sing, I remember how Harry moaned my name just minutes ago, that is all I need to keep going, he is all I need to get my singing back. I didn´t think I could ever feel so alive as I do now when I am with Harry, it´s like heaven with only one angel. I don´t how I could ever end up with someone that is an angel, when I am the devil.

I don´t care how I am just happy that I did, because I feel happy for the first time in years, and I know that a lot of people notice.

“So that was six feet under the stars, and I am pretty sure you all figure out why I sang that.” I look over at Harry and I can see how a big smile is on his face. I knew right then that I am in love with the curly Haired.

“Harry.” I say and he looks right in to my eyes. I know we are far from each other but all I need to do is tell him, tell him everything.

“I love you.” I say in to the microphone and I can see how his eyes wide, I don´t if I did the right thing but I know that I had to say it, he had to know how he makes me feel.

I see how he waves me over and that’s all it takes for me to run over to him.

He hugs me tight when I am close enough and I let my arms hold him tight, he feels so right in my arms.

“I love you too Louis so much.” He whispers in to my ear and that is all it takes for me to kiss him like my life depends on it. I can hear how my band mates start playing like they are trying to distract the people there, I don´t care I need this. I need to be close to Harry, that is all I need right now. I don´t care about anything else than Harry.

“Now go make a show, I be right there when you get back.” Harry says against my lips. I kiss him one last time before running back on stage. I think it´s pretty clear what I just did because my lips are swollen and I´m out of breath.

Harry Styles:

Louis comes off from the stage and kisses me hard. I don´t know what to do so I only kiss him back, Louis hasn´t kissed me like this before but honestly it turns me on really much, it´s fucking hot.

My breathe is heavy and Louis is sweaty from the show, but I don´t give a flying fuck about that because he is holding me like I´m the only one for him and that is something I always wanted. I always wanted to have someone that makes me feel like I am the only one, like no one else matters and that is an amazing feeling.

“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.” Louis mumbles against my lips and I can´t help but feel myself pressing harder against him, how in the whole world did I end up with someone so wonderful as Louis?


I know it´s poop but I don´t give a fuck because I am proud over this shitty part okay. Deal with it. And if you think something that's fact is wrong then remember it´s a fanfiction I change fact. I know I changed fact in this fanficton and that is because I fucking wanted it to be my way okay deal with it

Now have a great day.

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