The Fish Song

By Harriet_Messie

40.2K 910 165

DJ liked one thing and one thing only. Her niece Gabby. Her 6-year-old niece Gabby made her small world feel... More

Adore You
Kill My Mind
Some Kind of Disaster
Everybody's lonely
I Don't Know You Yet
Fly to You
Rhythm of Your Heart
Bad Habit
Let's Fall in Love for the Night
Fire For You
Head Above Water
It's You
Saturday Nights
I like me better
Nice To Meet Ya
Before You Go
July 10th
Dear Insecurity
Critical Mistakes
All You Need To Know
She's Not Afraid
Lonely Heart
Falling Cardigan
Lost In A City

Absolutely Smitten

1.2K 32 13
By Harriet_Messie

Harry's POV 

     "Have you seen DJ?" I asked James, one of the guys in the set crew, as I exited the green room. James just shook his head. The last time I saw her was right after she kissed my cheek and left the room before I went on. My hand involuntarily went up to my face remember the spark that hit me with the kiss. I wasn't sure what that meant but I liked the feeling of it. The thought of her lips brought images of her lips on mine into my head. I wanted that but as soon as I thought the thoughts I pushed them away. We were just friends. DJ was different though. I wasn't sure what it was but she made my heart beat faster just thinking about her. I shook the thoughts out of my head. 

      "Hmm. Where is she?"

     "Where is who?" Mitch asked coming up to me and placing a hand on my shoulder. 

     "DJ. I figured she would meet me back here after the show but she wasn't here when I got here and no one has seen her," I said looking around us to see if I just missed her and she was talking to someone. 

     "I seen her still sitting in the seats when I was helping the set crew, maybe she is still there?" Mitch said shrugging.

     "Maybe, I'll check. Thanks. I'll see you later bro." I grabbed Mitch into a bear hug. I was lucky enough to call Mitch one of my closest friends. I wasn't sure where I would be without him. He keeps me going most of the time. I was so glad Ryan asked Mitch to come in to cover for our missing guitarist four yeas ago. But now Mitch was stuck with me. 

     I didn't see her during the performance but I knew where she was sitting. I caught myself looking up to where she was more than I thought acceptable and I hoped no one noticed. I wasn't sure what she was doing to me but I knew I liked it. I entered the stadium from the floor level and looked up to where she was. Sure enough there she was. But she looked strange. Her body crooked sideways. What was she doing? I walked towards her reaching the stairs up to her. I looked at her and chuckled. 

     She didn't get much sleep the night before with all the flying and everything. She must have been exhausted. I looked down on her sleeping in her seat. He had both seats down and she was laying across them with her head on her arm. Her golden-brown hair falling across her face. She looked relaxed. So much so I didn't want to wake her. I leaned down sliding my arms under her body. 

     "Come on, Princess," I whispered into her ear as I picked her up as softly as I could, as to not wake her. I rounded the corner and Jeff was standing with George. When I came into view they both smiled at me and laughed at DJ in my arms. 

     "She fell asleep?" Jeff asked a chuckle on his lips.

     "Yeah in her seat. I'm not sure how that was comfortable," I said adjusting my grip on her. She wasn't hard to carry, by any means, she was just not a relaxed sleeper. She kept fidgeting as if she was having wild dreams. 

     "Shall we get her back to the hotel?" George asked pointing out the doors to where the car was parked. 

     "Yes let's go. Good night Jeff," I said looking back to Jeff.

     "Goodnight Harold. Hey! Don't forget to be on the bus by noon. You wanted to take our time getting to Toronto so DJ had time to take it all in, so we are leaving earlier than we normally would," Jeff said, reminding me about my plan to stop many times along our journey.

     "Yes, of course. Thanks for everything Jeff." I continued walking to the car but I couldn't help but watch DJ and the way she breathed while she was asleep. George was waiting by the car the door open. I wasn't sure how I was going to do this but I knew I didn't want to wake her just yet.

     "Here give her to me sir," George said holding his arms out. I slipped DJ into his arms and climbed into the car. As soon as I was in George laid her down in the seat and I placed my arm on her side. As soon as the car started she said my name and began to fidget again and I thought she was awake but she just started reaching until she found my leg next to her head and she pulled herself up until her head was in my lap, and she relaxed again. I wasn't sure if she was asleep or awake at this point so I bent my head over to look at her face. She still had her sleep breathing. I wasn't sure why she would react that way but it comforted me to know she was looking for me in her sleep. My hand automatically went to her hair and I couldn't help but twist her straight locks in my fingers.

      "Walkthrough fire for you just let me adore you," I began to sing in a whisper towards her ear. I wasn't sure why but I just had the urge to sing to her. 


     "Just let me adore you like it's the only thing, I'd ever do," I heard Harry softly singing. I wasn't sure where I was but I didn't want to open my eyes. We must have been in the car because I could feel the lul of moving on the road, but I wasn't sure how I got there. I could feel Harry's hand in my hair as he sang. I loved the way he was twirling my hair in his fingers. 

      I knew I wanted more from him than a friendship but how could I be sure if that was something that he wanted? I mean why would he? I wanted to open up to him and tell him that he made me feel something for the first time in a long time. He made me feel happy and loved. I wasn't sure how but even after all of the stuff that has happened to me in my past I still believed in fate I knew cupid had to have shot me with his arrow because I was absolutely smitten. 

      "I have a secret. I think I like you. I don't ever want to let you go," with his words I could feel my heart swell. I wasn't sure how he meant this but I took it the way I wanted. I needed to hear these words from him. Knowing the feelings I was feeling towards him where okay, even if I was scared. "Hey, George can you actually stop here? It is late and DJ hasn't eaten since breakfast." As if his words were the cue my stomach growled, and I hoped it wasn't loud enough for him to hear but of course, it was. He began to chuckle. "I know sweetheart. DJ, wake up," he said as he lightly tapped my shoulder with his left hand and pushed my hair back with his right. He did not need to know I was awake that whole time so I was about to pull out the best acting I had ever done. 

      "Hmm?" I groaned as I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. 

     "You're hungry. Let's get you some food," Harry said squeezing my shoulder before opening the car door.

     "Oh okay," I said as I shuffled my body to the edge of the car and climbed out after him. I wasn't sure when I fell asleep or what time it was, but the streets were empty. "What time is it?" I asked Harry as he took my hand and led me into what seemed to be the only place around open. 

     "Almost  midnight." Man, my sleep schedule was becoming trash, but that was this life, wasn't it? Did Harry ever sleep? 

     "Holy shit!" I heard just before a plate came crashing to the floor a million pieces sounding like they scattered across the floor. "Oh my. I am so sorry." I looked to where the noise came from and there was a young girl standing behind the counter just staring at Harry. 

     "Are you okay?" Harry asked the young girl.

     "Yes, I am so so sorry. Your Ha- arry Styles," she said with a stutter.

     "That I am. Don't apologize. Do you need help with that?" Harry asked pointing to the broken plate behind the counter. I loved how sweet and generous he always was, no questions asked. 

     "No. Thank you though, I will deal with it. I just never expected you to come walking through that door. I wanted to go to your show tonight but I couldn't get out of work. But here you are," the girl said a million miles per hour. 

     "I am sorry. Thank you. What is your name?" Harry asked her as he stepped closer to the counter. 

     "Gabby, but everyone calls me Anne," she said with a smile.

      "Lovely name. Well Anne, can I hug you?" Harry asked, slightly opening his arms to her. 

     "Oh my. Yes of course. Thank you." Anne moved from where she was and moved in to Harry's open arms.

     "No, thank you," Harry said holding her tightly. They stayed like that for a minute and all I could do was smile. I loved the way he treated his fans. He was so important to them and he never took that for granted. 


     "Do you want to come in?" The night seemed to go by too fast and I didn't want to leave Harry yet. So I couldn't stop the words when my mouth opened up. 

     "Um, yeah," Harry said turning away from his door to mine. I opened the door and Harry held it open for me to step in and he followed in after me. 

     "Do you want to dance?" I asked turning to Harry. Something about him made me want to dance around.

     "You want to dance?" a smile grew on Harry's face. 

     "Yeah, I want to dance. I feel like dancing." 

     "Okay let's dance," he said as he aggressively started to move his shoulder. It brought me back to memories of his x-factor performances. He never really did know how to dance but that was something I loved about him. He didn't care how he looked, he was just having fun. I wanted to be more like that. 

     "I got the perfect playlist." I quickly pulled out my phone and put my playlist on shuffle, forgetting what was on there. Sunflower Vol.6 came blasting out of my speakers. "Ooop oop, not that one," I said as I quickly paused it, to switch it to another one.

     "You have Sunflower in your playlist?" 

     "Uhm. Yeah. It is probably my favorite song of yours," I said being honest.

     "Why?" He asked. Did he seriously want to know?"

     "Well I mean, I don't know your story and why you wrote the songs you wrote, but for me, and this may be weird to say but, I always feel like you are singing it to me. The way you say let me inside wish I could get to know you. Also, the line that says your flowers just died plant new sees in the melody, it speaks to me. Like no matter what has happened to me in the past with a little love and care I can become new." I had never said that out loud but I knew that was exactly how I felt. 

     "Tell me something that will make me stop loving you as much as I do right now," Harry said and my mouth dropped.

      "You love me?" I wasn't sure how I would feel if he said yes.

      "What? No, that isn't, nevermind. What else do you have on your playlist." I wanted him to desperately finish his thought but I wasn't going to push him. 

      "Nothing really," I said locking my phone and putting it behind my back. I should not have brought my playlist out. I forgot the things I had just recently added because of him, and I didn't want him to know what they were. 

     "Oh okay that is fine," he said but he threw his hand behind me grabbing my phone, not giving me enough time to react. I tried grabbing it away from him but he was taller than me and his arms were surprisingly long. "No passcode DJ? That isn't very safe," he said as he unlocked my phone and began scrolling through my playlist. I really wished I put a passcode on my phone now, it was just annoying to have to keep typing a password every time I wanted to use my phone.  "You have One Direction in here?" 

     "Harold, please!" I quickly jumped trying to reach my phone but he placed his other hand, on the top of my head, holding me down.  

     "A few songs, I see. Good choices too, oh I got the perfect song," he said as he clicked on a song, locking my phone back up and throwing it down on the bed. 

     The low hard beats of The Chain began to come out of my phone as Harry began to bounce his arms up and down. A laugh left my mouth as I began to bounce and jump up and down with him. I loved Fleetwood Mac and I forgot he was friends with Stevie Nicks. Now that was someone I would kill to meet. My witch queen. We both danced around the room singing every word. When the song finished I flopped down onto the bed laughing and Harry followed. We both sat there laughing for a minute before I turned to him. He was staring at me. I smiled at him. He was truly one of the most handsome people I had ever seen. No one could compare. Harry smiled back. He propped himself up on his elbow. 

     "Can I kiss you now?" I shot up off the bed to his words. I wanted to kiss him until his lips were blue but the thought of actually doing it scared the shit out of me. It would be my first real kiss and I had no idea how my mind or body would react. I moved to the wall pressing my palms up against it and leaning my forehead on the cool wallpaper.  "I am sorry," Harry said. I didn't want him to apologize. I should be the one apologizing. Why was I like this? I quickly stood straight up turning back to him but staying where I was. 

     "No, don't apologize, and don't ask, just do it," I said trying to harden my jelly-filled belly. Harry's eyes grew wide as he stood, slowly making his way to me. I swore if I could feel anything more it would kill me. Harry finally reached me, placing his large hand on the side of my head and I leaned into it. He leaned in closer to me and we kept eye contact until the last minute when my eyes closed at the feeling of his lips on mine. His lips were both hard and soft at the same time. A perfect fit to mine and the same spark from before returning as we both deepened into the kiss. 

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