So Damn Beautiful (A Twilight...

By Reimariefourteen

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Preview: Edward moves to Forks because his father got a job there. He thought it was just an ordinary change... More

Chapter 1- Moving to Forks
Chapter 2- Emmett's Visit
Chapter 3- First Day of School
Chapter 4- Can't Get Any Better
Chapter 5- Meeting the Hales
Chapter 6- I Know Her
Chapter 7- So Damn Beautiful
Chapter 8- She's On Fire
Chapter 9- Hope
Chapter 10- The Unexpected
Chapter 11- Nightmare
Chapter 12- Start of Something New
Chapter 13- The Closer We Get
Chapter 14 - Anticipation
Chapter 15- Two Roads Two Stories
Chapter 16 - What Did I Say?
Chapter 17- Falling Apart
Chapter 18 - Only In My Mind
Chapter 19- Basketball Competition
Chapter 20- The After Party
Chapter 21- Rehearsals
Chapter 22 - The Autumn Concert
Chapter 23- The Halloween Ball
Chapter 24- Come Over
Chapter 26- Christmas Vacation
Chapter 27 - The Date
Chapter 28 - Those Days
Chapter 29 - The Talks
Chapter 30 - The Truth
Chapter 31 - The Journal
Chapter 32 - The Meadow
What I came to realize...

Chapter 25- Winter Ball

1.2K 65 3
By Reimariefourteen

I looked at my alarm clock on the nightstand. It's 5:30 in the evening. I'm just in front of my dresser's mirror, fixing my bow tie. I'm wearing a light blue tuxedo that Alice picked for me. I still couldn't believe that I'm going to the Winter Ball with Bella. I'm very glad and definitely excited.

After I've finished fixing my bow tie, I went out of my room and went downstairs. Esme is at the bottom of the stairs with Carlisle.

"Oh, my little boy had grown up into such a handsome man." My mother squealed while giving me a hug the moment I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome. If only we can do something about your hair, it's always so messy." She said while patting my hair, trying to tame it.

"Mom, my hair is always like this since I was born."

"Oh, I know. You were such a cute baby boy back then and now, you're all grown-up. You... going to school dances, finish high school, finish college, have a successful job, date girls, have girlfriends, find true love, get married, have kids then I'll be old by then but I'll have grandchildren..."

"Mom, hold up... you're way too advance. I'm just going to the dance."

"Pardon me and your mother, Edward. We just couldn't believe that you and Alice are young adults now. It felt like a year ago, you were only kids." My dad joined in. Parents... you'll never understand them until you become one.

I said my goodbyes to my parents and I told them that I have to fetch Bella now. They took some pictures of me and some more with them first before they let me go. I left the mansion. I got in my car and drove off to Bella's house.

While I was driving, I still couldn't believe that I'm really going to the dance with Bella as my date. This could be the start of something... something more between me and Bella. Maybe I could make my move tonight. I could tell Bella what I really feel about her. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

I just arrived in front of Bella's house. I got out of my car and walked across the lawn. Then I knocked on the door. A few minutes later, the door opened and there stood Charlie. He looked sternly at me. Oh, snap...

"Uh... good evening Chief Swan." I began. God, why am I nervous?

"Good evening Edward. Bella is still upstairs. Come in." Charlie gave way for me to enter. I walked into the house towards the living room. Charlie motioned me to sit on the couch while he sat in the recliner. We both remained silent at first and then...

"So Edward, let's just get straight to the point, are you dating my daughter?" Charlie began. Now I'm really nervous. That was really straight to the point.

"Besides this dance, no, sir. We're not dating... yet." Was my reply.

"Why not?" Chief Swan asked. I feel like I am a criminal and Chief Swan is interrogating me.

"I'm still waiting for the right time to ask Bella."

"I see... well, thank you then for being honest and understanding and also being there for Bella when she needed a friend when you know... the thing with Jacob..." Charlie is thanking me... I didn't expect that.

"You're welcome, Charlie. I will always be around with Bella until she orders me away." I replied sincerely.

"It's good to hear that. Well... that's it for now. I guess Bella will be down soon."

As if on cue, we heard footstep coming down the stairs. Charlie and I both stood up and walked to the stairs. Bella is halfway down the stairs. Bella is wearing a blue and white dress just a little above her knee and some blue flats.

"Hi, Edward!"

"Hello, Bella. You looked beautiful." Bella blushed.

"Thanks. You don't look bad too." I smiled at her. Then I looked at Charlie.

"I'll take her back here by 10," I told him.

"Ok. Bye. Have fun... but not too much. I don't want to see any of you at the police station later tonight."

"Yes, Dad" and "Yes Sir" were our replies respectively.

"Let's go," I said to Bella while offering my elbow. Bella put her arm around mine then we walked out of Swan residence.

We both left Bella's house and walk to my car. I opened the passenger side of my car and helped Bella get in. I got to the driver's side, got in, started the engine and drove off.

On the way to school, Bella told me how Alice threw a fit when she told her that her high-heeled shoes are missing so she has to wear her flats. In truth, Bella only hid them under Charlie's bed so Alice won't force her to wear heels. It was hilarious. I can imagine my sister throwing tantrums for missing shoes. I did try to hide some of her shoes before.

Finally, we have arrived at the school parking lot. I parked my car beside Emmett's jeep. I turned off the engine then I turned to Bella.

"Ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah..." she replied. I got out of my car and walked to Bella's side. I opened her door and helped her out.

We walked hand in hand. I felt the electricity again. I love holding her soft hands and they fit perfectly with mine as if they were made for me. We are now in front of the gym's door. We can hear the blaring of the speakers more clearly now. I opened the door.

A month and a half ago, the gym was dim and covered with Halloween decorations but now it was covered with snow and snowflakes. It's already starting to snow outside and now it's already snowing in here. The theme colors are light blue and white. Most of the students wore blue or white or both.

"Alice surely knows what she is doing," Bella spoke.

"I know right," Alice said appearing behind us. She is wearing an all-white glittery dress. Beside her is Jasper, wearing a simple white tuxedo.

"Alice, this place looks amazing. You are truly amazing."

"Thank you, Bella, even though you said the same thing with the Halloween decorations before."

"I did? Well, it's true anyway."

"Ok thanks. Anyway, you can seat there by the giant snowflake. Emmett and Rose are already there. The program will start in ten minutes. Enjoy the night." Alice said. Then she and Jasper walked in the opposite direction.

Bella and I walked to our table arm in arm. I immediately spotted the table because of Emmett's hugeness and his snowman-styled suit. When we reached the table, Emmett is eyeing at our arms.

"I guess we're all paired up," Emmett commented while Rosalie teasingly smiled at us.

I couldn't talk back to Emmett. I couldn't think of Bella so close to me. Besides, I'm too much in a good mood to put up with Emmett. Bella and I took our seats across Emmett and Rosalie.

"I heard Tanya will not attend the Winter Ball." Rose began.

"Do I have to know why?" I asked.

"Well, apparently your rejection and Bella's backing-up got her in deep humiliation. I just wish that she'll finally realize that she doesn't have a chance with you. I have never seen Tanya this obsessed before." Rose continued.

Before any of us could speak, the emcees are now on stage and the program has begun. During the program, Bella and I did nothing but talk but the most magical part of it is Bella hasn't let go of my hand yet. I'm not sure if she's aware of it or she just doesn't notice it. Either way, what is important is that she's still holding my hand and I like the feeling of it. I could get used to this.

Soon enough, the program had ended so it's now time to eat and dance. Some students already went to the buffet while others went to the dance floor. Emmett and Rosalie had already left us on the dance floor. Bella and I are the only ones left at the table.

"Do you want to eat or dance?" I asked Bella.

"I'm not hungry yet so let's dance." She answered.

"Ok." I stood up and offered my hand. She grabbed it and stood up. I led her to the dance floor. We found a wide space in the middle of the floor. A slow song that I am not familiar with was playing. Bella put her hands on my shoulders while I placed mine on the sides of her waist. Then we slowly moved following the melody of the song. I know that this is the moment. It's time for me to tell her about my feelings. I'll tell her now how much I love her and how I badly wanted to be with her.

But I noticed Bella looked sad and she was looking past me at something behind me. I turned to look. I saw Jacob and Leah dancing a little far from us. Their bodies are pressed together. I didn't know the school administration allowed them to join the dance.

I looked at Bella again and saw the slight hurt in her eyes. She hadn't completely moved on yet. She's not yet ready. This moment is not yet the right time. But I'll wait. I'll definitely wait patiently for Bella because she's definitely worth waiting for. I turned Bella at one hundred eighty degrees so she is facing away from Jacob and Leah. Bella suddenly looked at me puzzled.

"What? I just thought you didn't like the view." I said. Bella smiled at me and I know this time it was genuine.

"Thank you." She said. We were both smiling while we are swaying to the slow music. The feeling was so light from what I felt when I am with Bella in my dreams. It felt like my dreams are so close to becoming a reality.

Then a loud tapping on the microphone ruined the moment. Then the music stopped. Bella and I looked at the stage. Forks National High School's principal, Mr. Harshbor was on the stage looking even more humorlessly as ever.

"Can anyone here please explain why are the drinks spiked with alcohol?" Mr. Harshbor spoke. The drinks are spiked again. No one spoke.

"Well, those who are responsible could admit it now." The principal spoke again. Still, no one spoke.

"I'm giving you a last chance to admit it right now. If you admit your mistake now, I promise you, your punishment will be lighter than when you don't admit it." The principal continued. But still, no one spoke. The students are all looking from left to right. All are wondering who did it.

"Do you have any idea who did it?" Bella asked me.

"No, but whoever it was, he should admit it now when the punishment is still light," I replied.

We waited for a few more seconds for someone to admit it but no one spoke.

"Ok. Since no one admitted, anyone who has an idea who did this may approach me anytime. Those who will bring evidence will receive a three hundred dollar reward for your cooperation. Those who will be found guilty will be punished accordingly and according to the student handbook, drinking or bringing liquor within school grounds means expulsion. And because of this incident, the party will end now so you may now go home. The school secretaries are currently contacting your parents so they are all expecting you to be home early. This gym will be on lockdown after 30 minutes so I suggest you'll leave now."

After Mr. Harshbor spoke, he left the stage. Then Alice took over. She looked very displeased because of what happened. After all, she exerted a lot of effort for this and then all of sudden, just because someone had the nerve to put alcohol on the drinks, ruined the party.

"So guys... you heard what the principal said. You can now go. Good evening and have a nice Christmas vacation." Alice said then, she left the stage.

The students followed and started leaving. Bella and I are still standing on the dance floor.

"We should go now," I told Bella.

"Yeah." And with that, we walked backed to our table, got our things and went out of the gym.

"That was irritating," Bella said.

"Yes, it was. I hope they find whoever did it."

"Well anyway, I had a great time dancing with you," Bella said. Those words put a smile on my face.

"It's good to hear you did." Although it's too short, I did have a great time with Bella.

And with that, we walked to my car laughing. Now all I have to do is find an opportunity to make Bella mine.

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