The Materialists | Book 1 + 2...

By Kujiis

317K 10.6K 5.3K

[ FINISHED - unedited ] ❝How do I... How do I stop them?" "You want to stop them?" Rachel raised an eyebrow. ... More

prologue + disclaimer
01 | Gold Digger
02 | Gucci is Slutty
03 | Social Suicide
04 | Pre-fuckup Plans
05 | Pretty boys
06 | Bathroom sex
07 | Cake Face
08 | A Party for the Privileged
09 | She's Too Perfect
10 | The Queen Bee is a Bitch
11 | The Real Devil Is Never Disguised
12 | The Beginning of the Beginning
13 | You Aren't Important Enough
The Invitation
14 | Champagne for the Sane
15 | The People in Power are Fools
16 | Bruised Apple
17 | You play Chess, I play Checkers
18 | The Game Of Life
19 | Lucifer is a Saint
20 | Tic-Tac-Toe
21 | You Should Be Scared
22 | She Is Temporary
23 | You can drown or you can die
Cast & Playlist {} Book 2
01 | im only famous in AUS
02 | this is the GIRLS bathroom
03 | I make allies not friends
04 | you'd be a terrible businesswoman
05 | the queen bee is a bitch, pt 2.
06 | there's always something to be tired of
07 | but please don't hate me
08 | so no goodbye?
09 | this isn't a formal gathering
10 | dogs get the scraps
11 | every story has two sides
12 | a devils resurrection
13 | the queen hasn't fallen, yet
14 | always one step behind
15 | scared of the crown
17 | one last gesture
18 | the lonely king that was never alone
19 | you weren't thinking
20 | the truth
21 | do I look like a cat person to you?
22 | but I missed you
23 | shes her mothers daughter
24 | so I'm not allowed to care?
25 | we can figure this out
26 | comfort and closure
27 | self control
28 | one-way ticket
29 | the good kind of selfish
30 | In a while crocodile
31 | farewell, _____ _____
Authors Q&A

16 | you are officially fucked

2.8K 151 92
By Kujiis

'Cause you may think you're winning 
but checkmate


REECE IS never rude. The last time he was rude to me was when we fought over some guy he thought I was cheating on him with. And I don't blame him, me and the guy were friends and out of nowhere he sent me a dick pic and Reece was the one to open it.

But that was the only time in all of our arguments, the many we had, that was the only time I could recall him being rude. Even when he was angry he wasn't rude. Which was surprising because I was always a bitch to him. 

Reece was respected and liked. There was no reason for anyone to hate him, much less fight him. So what did he say that triggered Isaia? What did Isaia say that triggered Reece? I could've understood why they were fighting, they never even spoke directly to each other. 

I was going to ask Luca, but the car ride was so tense and quiet and he still looked scared out of his shit. So instead I let Savien drop me off, saying goodbye to all of them and heading inside my apartment building. Once I entered the lobby, I gave a small wave to one of the Lady's who worked in the lobby.

"Oh wait, Ms. Laura," She said, beckoning me over.

Raising an eyebrow, I walked over. "Yes?"

"3 girls arrived earlier, saying they were your house cleaners so I let them up," The Lady, Beth, according to the nametag, said.

My heart sped up the instant she said, 3 girls. But it could've been my house cleaners, after all, I don't exactly know when Mother and Father send the cleaners but it's usually when I'm there. "Did they leave already?"

"Yes," Beth said, smiling at me. "I just thought to let you know."

Groaning, I rubbed my temples. "What did they look like?"

"I'm... not exactly sure of their visual appearance, Ms. Laura. Mr. Bert let them in while I was on my break and told me afterward. Why do you ask?" Who the fuck is Mr. Bert? This building has too many employees.

"Can I have access to the security cameras? I would like to know what they looked like," I said, not giving any further reasoning. 

Beth raised an eyebrow, but of course did what I asked, calling over security to let me into the security camera room in the basement. Nodding my head slightly towards Beth, I followed the security guard into the elevator and down into the basement. He let me in without question but remained standing by the door in case.

It could've been any time during the day after lunch was over. I don't remember seeing if they left school. I should've paid attention to their cars, I scolded, rolling my eyes and speeding through the camera recording to the camera outside my room.

Praying that I was just paranoid, I slowed down the recording when as expected, 3 girls appeared outside my door with a security guard who unlocked the door, letting them in.

So much for a high-security apartment building, they let 3 randoms walk into my living space without question? I'd be sure to complain about that later. I couldn't get a good look at their face from that angle, but inside my apartment was a camera that faced the entrance so I could tell what they looked like from there.

And sure enough, there they were. There was no denying who those girls were. Tao, Zia, and Brandy standing in skimpy maid outfits in all their glory. Knowing them, that's probably how they got whoever Mr. Bert was to let them in. Their skirts were so short, the normal person would've been able to distinguish this footage from a porno or a camera recording.

I wasn't mad, which was weird. Watching the 3 thank the security guard and shut the door, I found myself smiling.

"Tao, Tao, Tao. I should've known you'd go as far as to invade my living space. You don't know your limits," I murmured to myself.

In fact, now that they've done this, this gave me every excuse I've been looking for to do something extreme. This gave me every excuse to fuck up their life beyond stupid school. These bitches didn't know their boundaries' they had none. Everything that was somewhat related to me now was a fair game to them.

Okay, Tao, we'll play by your rules. But don't get mad if you just so happened to find your life going up in flames. Metaphorically and literally.

They didn't do anything at first, talking amongst themselves before they entered the kitchen. I don't know why they were there, they wouldn't find anything to help them because all of my plans were either badly written out with typos on my notes app or stored in my head. And I had my laptop and phone with me all afternoon.

But watching the recording, as they walked around, in my bedroom, bathroom, and living room, I noticed something. They kept moving the smallest of items I'd never touch and them putting them back in the same position.

They were bugging my house. With what, I had no idea, but they were placing something so that every noise made was recorded. 

I wrote down every object they touched, planning on going upstairs and finding what the hell they were using to record me. Thanking the security guards, I went back upstairs and into my apartment. I took off my heels ahead of time so that they wouldn't make any noise on the hardwood flooring and tiles.

The first thing they touched was the bottom of my toaster I used like once a week in the kitchen. Quietly, I held my breath, flipping the object over.

And there it was, as expected. Because everything she fucking does is predictable or easily reversible. 

A voice-activated recorder. I know because I also googled what to look for. It looked like a flash drive, but it started recording sound when voices could be heard. They were small, but not too small. And it was Bluetooth so whatever it was connected to what transfer all it's recordings to that device. This also meant whatever device it was connected to was also in close range. So there was also probably a visibly large-ish camera somewhere in my apartment too. Or maybe not in my apartment at all.

That, I had no idea where it was. But it wouldn't really matter if I just smashed all the microphones.

I spent 40 minutes quietly sneaking around the house, checking off every spot I visibly saw them touch, even the places I saw them look. And in the end, I had collected 15 microphones. Before smashing them, I laid them all out on the kitchen table, a hammer right next to me.

Don't ask where I got the hammer. It was in one of the closets full of cleaning supplies that I never even look inside. Picking up one of the microphones, I carefully considered what I should do, or if I should just break them and move on.

But because I have no fucking chill, I smirked, bringing the microphone up close to my mouth.

In my most adorning voice, I smiled to myself. "Oh girls, if you're hearing this, which I know you will be. I just want to let you know, you are officially fucked. If you thought what I did to you with the lunch table was bad, you have no idea the things I'm competent of doing. I would say to watch your back, Tao Kingsbury. But I could attack you head-on and you'd never see it coming."

Just before I finished, I said one last thing. "When we first met, Tao, you asked who I was. Well, you 3 can now refer to me as the bitch that's going to ruin your existence. Or just a bitch, either one get's the point across."

And with that, I took the hammer, smashing each and every one into tiny pieces.

Song Of The Chapter: checkmate - Conan Gray

this song, perfect. this chapter, meh.

This was not the plan I originally had.

Anywho it's a semi-short chapter because it's just a filler to set up what's going to happen next.

I love reading your comments SOOO much and after reading I must truly ask:

Team Luca, Team Reece, or Team Isaia? ->

Much Love - Kujiis

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