Sweet Darling

By JVSavage

373 22 12

"On the count of murder in the first degree, We the jury find the Defendant, Rory McIntosh... not guilty." T... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Two

36 2 0
By JVSavage

Twelve hours later, the plane finally arrived at Corpus Christi International Airport. I wasn't sure how far we were from Quinton Valley, seeing as I had never heard of this place, but I was hoping it wouldn't be too far. The time was now 6:23 and I couldn't wait to get to my new home and sleep.
Finding my luggage, I began my search for Agent Dixon. Thanks to a text from Agent Rovers I knew she was an African American woman with a black pixie cut. Scanning the busy airport, I notice someone waving a big white sign with Aubrey written in black letters. I quickly make my way over to where the sign is, which wasn't easy seeing as both the large suitcases felt like bricks had been stuff in them. It was smooth sailing until a guy walked by and hit the end of one of the suitcases causing it to slip out of my hand.

"Oh gosh let me help ya! I can't believe Lewis made yer hog all the this stuff down here!" a feminine voice cries out.

Looking up, I'm met with a breathtakingly beautiful mocha skinned woman with warm honey eyes and and a gentle smile that seemed all to pure. She hurried to grab the fallen suitcase and I can't help but notice she's just as curvy as I am, although I'm sure she was all natural.

"You must be Leah." I offered her a shy smile.

She held out her free hand. I extended my own and she gripped it in a tight squeeze and shook before letting go.


"That'd be me. Lets hurry and get ya home. I'm sure yer all worn out from traveling." I notice her southern drawl and realize that I like her already.

"Sure thing. If you don't mind asking, how far away are we from Quinton Valley?" I ask as we walked towards the exit. Leah walks up to a black Grand Jeep Cherokee thats parked in the front and begins to load my heavy suitcase in the backseat. She lifts it with ease, whereas I'm left a little flustered and out of breath after securing the bags. She  doesn't answer my question until we're safely inside the car and headed away from the airport.

"It's about three hours, but don't yer worry darlin', y'all have plenty of time to sleep in tomorrow. Yah don't have to be at the school until around noon."

I ignore how my heart races at the mention of my name, understanding that she means it as an endearment and isn't calling me out directly. This would definitely take some getting used to, seeing as Texas was full of rugged men who used either sugar, darling, honey, or sweetie pie in just about every sentence when speaking to women.

"I didn't think I would be able to start so soon."

"Oh I hope yah don't mind! Yer start on Monday but the principal wanted to give yah a tour on tomorrow and see about getting yer classroom all set up however yer like. I went ahead and bought a few things for yah so yer wouldn't have to go out and do it all by yoself." Leah explained.

Okay I really like this woman now. However, outside of her inhuman strength, I was having a hard time understanding how she was an FBI agent. She seemed to kind and down to earth.

"No that's perfect, thank you. I've missed being able to teach very much." I told her.

"Well that's just dandy. I figured since we have a few hours before we get into town to go ahead and give you the run down of your backstory." Nodding, I sat up slightly and gave her my undivided attention. "I'm set up at the high school as the music teacher, so we'll be in the same circle of friends. Our cover is that we were in college together in North Carolina and I told yah about the job here since yah had been wanting to move after your grandmother passed. Yah had been taking care of her for the past three months and that's why yer couldn't come down for the interview. She left y'all a hefty sum and yer used that to build the house that you'll be living in.  You've also been assigned a car like mines, except yers is grey. I know yah prefer 1st or 2nd grade but they were only in need of a new 3rd grade teacher."

Blinking rapidly, I tried to absorb all the information Leah had thrown at me.

College besties? Got it.

Living off dead grannys money? Check.

Brand new house and car? Merry Christmas to me.

Teaching 3rd grade? Piece of cake.


"I know it's a lot to take in, but we have the whole weekend to work on it. And don't hesitate to ask any questions! I'm not as scary and strict as Lewis." She laughed.

I frowned at her slightly. "Lewis?"

"Tall guy? He's got a bald head and big ears? Never smiles and always looks like he's got a stick stuck in the wrong end?"

I find myself blushing at her words.

"You mean Agent Rover?"

"Please tell me he doesn't make yah call him that? That no good son of a.." Leah proceeds to drown on and on about how uptight and bland Agent Rover, AKA Lewis is and I find myself both amused and astonished at the brash words she used to describe him.
Eventually she calms down and finishes telling me more about who everyone believes Aubrey Decker to be. I'm glad to know that she's kept her fake stories to me at a minimum and described me as a well educated woman who was kind and spent a lot of time reading and hanging with friends.  Also, that I was an amazing teacher who couldn't wait to expand the minds of the young pupils who would soon be under her tutelage. Leah mentioned there only being about eleven students in the class, but I didn't mind that at all. I would be able to form a bond with each student and hopefully immerse myself in my work so much that I would forget all about my dark past.

"So is everything they say about Rory true? About what he did to yer father?" Leah asked hesitantly.

I cringe internally at her question and close my eyes tightly as I'm immediately assaulted with the mental images of what that ungodly man had done to my father.

"If you've heard it then it's true." I mutter dryly before slightly turning towards the window and watching the trees pass by. I hadn't even noticed how the buildings had been replaced with tall oak trees and the sun had begun to set.

Leah apologized for prying and offered her condolences for my loss. I wasn't upset with her, any sane person would've been curious to know if the news reports had been accurate. She then kept informing me of everything I'd need to know about the town that was to be my new home. I probably should've tried to be more attentive, but between the smooth ride and the sound of her soft voice, I soon found myself dozing off.

Hours later, I'm awoken by a slight nudge on my shoulder.

"Hey hun, we've made it."

Prying my eyes open, I notice Leah has gotten out and is standing on my side. I sat up quickly and took in the view behind her, immediately falling in love with the two story farm style ranch sitting right in front of me. It was white with tan brown shutters and a wrap around porch that was furnished with a bench and two rocking chairs. I hopped out of the car and made my way up the steps eager to view the inside of this extravagant home.

"Well I take it yah like the house." giggled Leah.

Turning toward her, I spot the grey Grand Jeep Cherokee that was now mine as well. I'm wasn't one for materialistic things, but after having been stripped from my family home and stuck in hospital after hospital for three months, I was happy to call these things my own.

"Oh Leah it's all so beautiful." I cried out.

She laughed and threw me the keys before starting to pull my suitcases out. Apart of me felt bad, but the minute I stepped back to help her, she shooed me inside and told me to go check it out. Not having to be told twice, I finished running up the steps unlocked the door. I'm immediately hit with the smell of cinnamon and pine. I didn't think I would care for the combo but it fit the house perfectly. The entrance was wide and to the right held a small coat rack, along with key hooks. The stairs were off to the left, along with a beautiful open concept floor that held the living room, dining room and kitchen all together. A giant stone fireplace sat at the front of the room snd a giant flat screen was housed above it. Hardwood floors ran all throughout the large room, all the way up until behind the island in the kitchen, were I noticed a herringbone tile was placed on the floor. A large gray u-shaped couch sat in front of the fireplace, and behind it a large wooden dining room table step. Everything seemed to fit so well together. I eventually found myself running throughout the entire house like a little kid, excited to see all that this new home held.

About thirty minutes later, I returned to the living room sporting a bright smile and wide eyes. Leah made herself comfortable on the couch and was texting someone on her phone.

"Boy I tell you if Lewis sends me one more message asking if yer alright I'm gonna go and knock him so hard he'll see tomorrow today."she warned, throwing her phone on the couch. "That man has got to me head over heels for you."

Blushing, I shake my head rapidly.

"Oh no it's not like that at all! He's just really protective since he knew my father." I explained.

Leah gave me a look that said she didn't believe me, but she didn't push. We spoke a few more minutes before she departed.

Locking the door as she hopped in her car, I slowly realized that this would be the first time I had been completely alone in three months.


Shooting up in the bed, I realize I'm covered in sweat and panting. Images of my nightmare flood my mind as I get up and head to the kitchen.

Looks like I won't be getting much sleep tonight.

Before I know it, it's morning. Leah comes over around nine to go over some of my backstory before driving me over to meet the principal. My new home is about 10 minutes from the school, which I absolutely love. It takes about an hour to get anywhere in New York.

As we pull in, I notice a short man with a buzz cut standing out front. He later introduces himself as Principal Reed.

"Welcome to Wilmer Edge Elementary Missus Decker! Shole 'preciate yah taking this gig. Must folks don't wanna come all the way out here just to teach our youngins. Not that we take to kindly to strangers anyhow." Reed informed me. His accent was thick and I couldn't help the small smile that was plastered on my face as he showed me around my new job. Leah was outside in the car, much to my displeasure, but she had already explained to me before we got here that she had a short debriefing with Agent Rover and wouldn't be able to come in.

Principal Reed introduced me to a few of the teachers, who seemed a tad wary of me. They were polite nonetheless and offered their help if I needed anything. The school had everything my old one did, except in a more dated version. As we passed through the small library, I noticed most of the books were without their covers.

"And here'll be yer class. Figured we'd end here just to introduce yah to em'." We had stopped infront of a plain wooden door with a small window. I would definitely need to add some color to that.

Opening the door, I'm met with twelve pairs of curious stares. The classroom is fairly small with a desk to right of the door and two large tables in the middle split between my new young pupils. A few decorations were up, but the room still very much lacked character. There was a black haired, blue eyed woman sitting at the desk, but she stood and walked over to us once we were both inside with classroom.

"Hello, my name is Gina. I substitute from time to time when needed, but I mainly work at the library in town."

I shook her hand. "Hi I'm Aubrey. Thank you for watching over my class will I get acclimated."

Shaking her head, Gina promised it was fine and we spoke briefly on her love of kids and books before she started to introduce me to each of my new students. Their names were fairly simple so I hoped it wouldn't take me long to learn them. One of the students, Theodore, I believe, stood back up after everyone had introduced themselves. He was glaring at me.

"We don't need a new teacher! Ms.Hale is coming back. Plus she's ugly!"shouted Theodore.

Small gasps could be heard as the rest of the class sat wide eyed and stared between us, waiting for only God knows what.

Principal Reed started to say something but I held my hand up, indicating that I had the matter handled.

I walked over to Theodore and bent down until we were eye-leveled, grateful that I'd opted for a pair of black slacks and cream colored blouse, instead of the dress I'd originally chosen. His glare never wavered until I leaned in close and finally spoke to him.

"Well Theodore, I'm sorry you feel this way. Maybe Ms.Hale will come back, but until then I'll be your new teacher. Oh, and one more thing." I said, standing up so the whole class could hear my next words. "Ugly is as ugly does. And the only one being ugly in here right now is you."

Theodore's face was red as his fellow classmates laughter rang throughout the room. He sat down in his seat, but not before shooting me another stink eye.

Ms. Gina tried to regain the classes attention as Principal Reed and I walked back outside into the hallway. He explained a few more things to me before handing me over a key to my new classroom, along with a packet of information pertaining to my salary, benefits, and the course schedule I'd have to follow. It was a good thing I liked to read, because it looked as if I'd be doing nothing else this entire weekend.

Hopping back into the car, I turn to look at Leah, who's already starting to pull out of the parking lot.

"So how'd ya like the school?"

"Oh the school is amazing! It may take some time for the teachers to like me, and a student, but everything else was perfect."

She glanced over at me. "A student didn't like ya? What'd ya do? Step on their crayons?"

Shrugging, I thought back to Theodore's angry words and a question popped into my bed.

"Hey Leah? What happened to Ms.Hale?"

"Uhm, she moved away right after the school year ended. Some say she hit the lotto' and went on to Cali, others says she moved to Vegas to be a showgirl."

"Oh wow. Well uh, good for her?"

Leah laughed and we continued on back to my home. Looking out the window, I felt a sense of relief at the quiet lifestyle I was about to begin. Besides Theodore, the rest of the class seemed all to eager for a new teacher to dote on them and I couldn't wait to be that teacher. I wanted to focus solely on my pupils and put everything else behind me.

Thanks so much for reading! Please don't forget to comment and vote!!!

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