Just Us *Finished*

By Storm-Love

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Luna and Russel are new transfer students to Ouran Academy. In fact, they're new to Japan. They moved to Japa... More

Welcome To Ouran
Bothering Kyoya
First Day
My Song For You
The Jungle is A Kyoya place *Part 1*
The Jungle Is A Kyoya Place *Part 2*
Performing For You
Performing For The Host Club
Leaving Us
Beach Party *Part 1*
Beach Party *Part 2*
My Finale
Silent Dinner
Just Me
Friend's Are Forever
Don't Worry
Trust Me
3 Words For You
New School
Fall Apart
Facing The Past
My Story
My Heart To Yours
Last Song
Returning To The Life Of.... Haruhi?
Like A Lost Puppy
I Don't Want A Lot For Christmas
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Walk In
What Will I Do?
The "L" Word
The Sequel!!!!!!!!!!

Let's Make Lunch!

49 1 0
By Storm-Love

Luna's Pov

        We were all walking out the door, Kyoya leading me by the hand as we headed off to the supermarket. "Hey, can you slow down please?" I said as he pulled me along. "Hello?" I said as I pulled my arm from his grip. "What's up Kyoya? You're acting strange." Then it clicked in my head and I began laughing. "Kyoya,you can't be serious?" I laughed. "What?" He asked, sharply. I walked around the front of him, and made him stop walking. "Don't be sojealous. Of course I called Haruhi cute, look at her. But, seriously, I meant nothing by it. Really, you can't get jealous over something like that because I think Honey-senpai is cute, too, but it's not like that." I grabbed his hand and he looked at me and I smiled," I only love you!" I said brightly, and he blushed. "I'm sorry," He muttered almost inaudible, and I smiled and spun around, looking up at the sky," Although, y'know, Haruhi does have a certain charm about her, I glanced backto see his flustered face, and I laughed and skipped down the steps.

        I accidentally bumped into a women and bowed," My apologies Miss, I wasn't watching where I was going," I said. "No, no, please don't do that, it's nothing. Please, have a good day," She said and headed upstairs and into Haruhi's house. Who was that? After a few moments I heard Tamaki scream and I ran back up and through Haruhi's door just in time to see him get thrown into the wall. I flinched slightly, and I saw shock on Haruhi's face, too. "Um, I'm sorry to interrupt," I said from the door, making them both look at me," But, we have no clue where we're going, and I think Tamaki just broke his face," I said glancing over at him. "In fact, I think he might be dead," I said as I walked over and poked him.

        The woman spoke with Haruhi then, and I rolled Tamaki over, making sure he was okay. I wasn't paying attention to the other two, but when Tamaki jumped up worrying about getting tea for Haruhi's dad. I stood up, and side walked over to Haruhi. "Did Tamaki say you "dad"?" I asked and she nodded," Yeah, he just got home now." I nodded and then put the bottom of my fist in my hand, as if saying "Aha!" "So that explains your fascination with crossdressing," I said, and she dropped her head with a sigh. Hikaru and Karou poked in then," Yo, boss. What's taking so long?" Hikaru asked. "Hey, check it out," Karou replied," That person we passed downstairs is Haruhi's father." They walked in then, and walked right over Tamaki, although I think they were walking in place on purpous, and offered their hands to her father.

        "Well, if he doesn't dead before, he sure is now," I said as I poked him with my foot. Suddenly he was up and active," No! You're wrong! I'm not a ladies man," I held back a laugh," I would never fool around with Haruhi! I care about here!" Me, Karou, and Hikaru froze, and I knew we were all thinking the same thing. Was he confessing his love? "Please," He said getting on his knees," I care about Haruhi like she was my own daughter." I dropped my head, of course. Even he didn't realize his feelings yet. After all of that confusion, I called everyone back into the apartment, and we all sat down around the table. "Oh, I get it. You must be the hose club I've heard so much about," He said. I looked over at Tamaki who was pouting in the corner, and then leaned my head on Kyoya. "You certainly are a good looking group of young men. And you dear, you're absolutely beautiful," He said, smiling. I blushed and nodded," Thank you." He tapped his chin," Although, I swear I've seen you before." Before I could say anything he continued," Aha! You're Luna Rhoades."

        I was lifted up in a hug then as he spun me around," You're the dear that spoke on the TV a few weeks ago! Oh, you poor thing! You are so brave and I'm so sorry about what happened! I hope life is treating you better now!" Once I was finally able to breath again I nodded at him," Yeah, life's been really good to me, but thank you for asking..." I realized then I hadn't asked for a name. "Oh, why don't you all call me Ranka, that's what I'm called down at the transvestite bar I work at!" Honey perked up," You mean like a stage name?" Ranka smiled," Exactly like that, Mitsukuni." Honey cocked hsi head," How do you know my name?" Ranka smiled," You two are third-years,Mitsukuni Haninozuka, and Takashi Morinozuko," Ranka turned then to Hikaru and Karou," And the two of you are first years in the same class as Haruhi; You're the Hitachiin twins, but I'm not sure which one of you is which. I've heard alot about you." They looked shocked," Wait, so Haruhi told you about us?"

        Ranka smiled," No, Kyoya told me over the phone." He turned to Kyoay, and they put their hands together," You know, you really are a beautiful person, Ranka," He said, and I rolled my eyes. What a sly fox. Everyone seemed shocked by this news, but I'm sure if they thought about it a bit, it wouldn't shock them. I don't know how, but suddenly Tamaki got dragged into everything, and Ranka started throwing insults towards him, while making it look casual. I giggled as Tamaki collapsed on the floor, and Kyoya looked over at me and smirked. "Wait a minute, I saw that there. What's going on you two?" He asked, and Kyoya remained passive while I blushed and dropped my head. "Oh, I see." Haruhi drew his attention then," Dad! You didn't tell me you were getting calls from Kyoya-Senpai!" Ranka looked bashful," Well, what am I supposed to do Haruhi? You rarely tell me anything about school." She yelled again," So that makes it okay to tak behing my back," She looked over at Tamaki," Senpai! Would you please stop growing mushrooms in other people's closets!?" Ranka's voice took on a serious tone and I looked over at him," Haruhi, the thing about you is," He glomped her then, and his voice got excited," You're cute even when you're angry!"

        She got out of his grip and he fell to the floor," Wait, where are you going?" He asked. "I need to go to the supermarket, and I wanna go alone. So, why don't you all stay here and try to get along?" I turned to Kyoya," How long do you suppose it'll take before they all-" I was cut off by Ranka," Let's follow her." I laughed," Nevermind." I followed everyone out of the house, shutting the door behind me. I caught up with them as the hid around a corner. "So, why are we doing this exactly?" I asked as I leaned against the fence with Hikaru and Karou. "Well, to be honest, I have another reason for bringing you guys out here," He took off his sunglasses then and stood proudly," I want to be seen with a bunch of cute boys," And I smiled and joined him," Ranka, I know what you mean," I smirked.

        We headed off to the market then, and the instant we walked in, I separated from the rest and began to wander around. Tamaki and Ranka were hiding behind a shelving unit, Honey was running around with Mori following, Kyoya was muttering something while writing in his book, and Hikaru and Karou were checking out the instant coffee. I walked over, and picked up a box of cake mix. Oh yah, my birthday was coming up wasn't it? I should probably head up then. I shrugged and set it down," I'll figure it out later."

        "Figure what out later?" A voice said making me jump. I sighed when it was just Kyoya," Please don't do that," I said placing the box down and turning away," I swear, you just appear out of nowhere, sometimes," I said, putting my hands up and shrugging my shoulders. After a while, we all ended up back at Haruhi's house, who had obviously figured out we were all here and was quite annoyed, and I laughed as Ranka loaded Tamaki's plate with Chrusanthemum, something he obviously wasn't enjoying, and I laughed as Haruhi sighed and looked at the table with confusion," What the heck is going on?"

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