𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐑𝐞𝐫𝐬 (Completed/D...

Por kaygrace_smith

106K 1.9K 202

What if Sam and Dean had a little sister? What if her life was always full of monsters and demons, and even m... MΓ‘s

Katherine Hope Winchester
Dad Finds Me
Sam and Dean
Where to?
Meeting Lucus and Saying Good-bye
Seeing The Cousins
Bloody Mary
Katherine Had A Vision?
Sam and Dean's Home
The House and Mary
Fuuuuuck! I hate Asylums...
Asylum #2
Daddy? Where Are You?!
Faith #1
The Benders
So.. It's A Shadow Demon?
Hell House
The Decision
Sleeping Children
Sorry guys

Faith #2

2.4K 57 9
Por kaygrace_smith

The preacher placed his hand on Dean's head, and told everyone to pray. Dean's looked weak, and he fell to his knees. So badly, I just wanted to run up, and make sure he was okay. I could tell Sam did too.
"Alright now." The blind man said. Dean's eyes rolled back, and his body fell to the ground. Everyone began cheering and yelling 'Hallelujah!' all around us. "Dean!" Sam and I yelled, getting up and running to our older brother. "Hey. Hey! Dean, you okay?" I asked, shaking him.
Dean gasped, sitting up. Sam being freaked out, held him up by his shirt, "Say something!" Dean didn't say anything, but just stare behind the preacher.

Next Day At Doctors Office
"You sure you're okay?" Sam asked for the hundredth time.
"I feel fine, Sam." Dean responded monotone.
"Well, according to all your tests, there's nothing wrong with your heart. No sign there ever was. Not that a man your age should be having heart trouble, but uh... Still it's strange- it does happen." The doctor said, coming in. I was sitting on the hospital bed with Dean, because I'm lazy, and didn't want to stand.
"What do you mean 'strange'?" Dean asked, the lady.
"Just yesterday, a young guy like you- 27, athletic- out of no where heart attack." She responded. Hmm... Weird. Yesterday was when Dean was saved...
"Thanks, doc," Dean said.
"No problem."
"That's odd." Dean said, once she left.
"Maybe it's a coincidence. People's hearts give out all the time, man." Sam said.
"No they don't." I spoke up.
"Look, guys, do we really have to look this one in the mouth? Why can't we just be thankful that the guy saved Dean's life? And move on?" Sam asked, I groaned, and laid back. Here comes another argument.
"Because I can't shake this feeling, that's why." Dean said, standing up and grabbing his jacket.
"What feeling?" Sam and I asked, looking to Dean, who had his back turned away from us.
"When I was healed, I just- I felt... Wrong. I felt cold, and for a second, I saw someone- this old man. I'm telling you guys, it was a spirit." Dean explained. I nodded, I trust Dean, but this is crazy.
"But, if there was something there Dean, I think Katie and I would've seen it. We've been seeing an awful lot of things lately." Sam said, and I groaned. Why'd he have to bring me into this?
"Oh, excuse me psychic wonder. You're just gonna need a little faith on this one." Dean mocked Sam from yesterday. "Sam I've been hunting long enough to trust a feeling like this."
Sam scoffed, smiling. "Yeah, all right."
I sighed. "So what do you want to do?"
"Why don't you two go check out that heart attack guy. I'm gonna visit the reverend." Dean said, leaving the room.

Local Pool
"I'm telling you he seemed healthy. Swam everyday, didn't smoke- so a heart attack just kind of seemed bizarre." The man told us.
"And you said he was running when he collapsed?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, yeah, he was freaking out- said that something was, uh, after him." The guy said, glancing me up and down.
"Did he say what?" I asked, ignoring him.
"Thin is air is was what. There wasn't anything." The guy said, as I leaned against the bars.
"Alright, thanks." Sam said, through gritted teeth. I guess he noticed the dude checking me out. We walked passed and started walking up the steps, when Sam looked at the clock. It was broke. "Hey, buddy, your, uh, your clocks busted."
"Oh, yeah. We, uh, we can't get it working. Just froze at 4:17." The guy said, standing two steps above me, and glancing down my shirt.
'Why does that time sound familiar?' I thought to Sam.
'I don't know, but if he looks down your shirt again, he's gunna get his ass beat.' He thought back. I silently chuckled.
"Is that the same time Marshall died?" I asked, suddenly knowing why the time sounded familiar.
"How'd you know?" He asked. 'That was the same time Dean was healed.' I thought.

I woke up from my nap to find Dean coming in.. Wow, I've been sleeping a lot lately... A thought suddenly came to mind.
"Dean. Before you say anything- what's the date?" I asked.
"Um... May 1. Why?" Sam asked.
Tears began to fill my eyes... I really wish I hadn't left my car at Bobby's. Oh god.. How the hell am I supposed to tell the boys that when we were on the asylum case, I went back to that bar, found that guy I was flirting with and- Oh god.
I sniffled and wiped my tears away. "Um. No reason."
"Okay..? So, what'd you find out?" Dean asked.
"I'm sorry." Sam said.
"Sorry about what?"
I sighed. "Marshall Hall.. died at 4:17."
You could practically see the gears turning in Dean's head. "The exact same time I was healed."
"Yeah, so I put together a list of everyone Roy's healed- six people over the past year- and I crossed checked them with the local obits." Sam said. "Every time someone's healed, someone else died, and each time the victim died of the exact same symptom Le Grange was healing at the time."
"Someone's healed of cancer, someone else dies of cancer?" Dean asked.
"Somehow, Le Grange I trading a life for another." I sighed, and sat on Sam lap, curling in a ball.
"Wait, wait, wait- so... Marshall Hall died to save me?" Dean asked.
"Dean.." Sam said. "The guy probably would've died anyway and someone else would've been healed."
"You never should've brought me here." Dean said, getting up.
"Dean, I was just trying to save your life." Sam tried, as I whimpered.
"Sam, some guy is dead now because of me," Dean argued.
"He didn't know, Dean. Stop it!" I growled. Dean looked down, sadly.
"The thing I don't understand is, how is Roy doing it? How is he trading a life for another life?" Sam asked, holding me tightly. Yeah... Sam's my new cuddle buddy. Sucks to suck, Dean.
"He's not doing it." Dean said, pacing. "Something else is doing it for him."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"The old man I saw onstage. I didn't want to believe it. But deep down I knew it." Dean said.
"Knew what? What are you talking about?" Sam asked.
"There's only one thing that can give or take life like that." Dean said. Suddenly it came to me.
"We're dealing with a reaper." Both Dean and I said.
After said what we were dealing with, the boys dived into research, and I went to the gas station and drug store. At the gas station, I grabbed pie, and other snacks.
At the drug store, it was really awkward. I went in and felt eyes on me. I looked around but there was nothing. I shrugged it off, and grabbed three things if what I need, then went to the self check out. I really didn't want to get questioned about why I'm getting these, and how old I am.
I then payed, left the store, and got in the car, quickly driving to the motel.
The only part of the boys' conversation I caught was- "Okay, then we stop Roy." Before I put the food on the counter, and grabbed my bag, going into the bathroom.
---(Skips taking the tests)---
I pace the small bathroom, as I wait for the 20 minutes to be up. Jesus Christ! This is taking too long!
A bang suddenly came from the door. I accidental let out a scream. "Jesus, you guys! You scared the shit outta me!" I yelled.
"What are you doing in there Kit Kat?" Dean's voice asked... That's what I let out the tears. I can't take this! I look at the test to see if they're done yet, and I pause, when I see a symbol showing up.
"Katherine? Open the door!" Sam yells, pounding on it. I don't respond, as I see the three little tiny symbols, that changes my entire life.
I let out a scream, as I collapse the ground crying, and throw the tests into the trash. They can't be right. They can't be.
The door busts open, and to clutch my head. "Kathy what's wrong?!" My brothers yell.
"My head." I lie. "I saw something."
"What'd you see?" Dean asked.
"A baby." I half lied. I mean, I now know I'm pregnant. "A little baby..."
"Why would you see a baby, Kit Kat?" Dean asked. I shrugged.

Church Tent
All three of us get out of the car, and head towards the tent, as Sam says, "If Roy is using a spell, there might be a spell book."
"See if you two can't find it." Dean said. We both nodded. "Hurry up too. Service starts in 15 minutes. I'll try to stall Roy."
"Kay." I responded.
"Roy Le Grange is a fraud. He's no healer." A voice said. It was the man from this morning. Not that he isn't right, but I wonder why he hates Roy so much.
"Amen brother." Dean said.
"Keep up the good work." Sam encouraged, and we went our separate ways.
Sam and I then sneaked our way up to Roy's house, and watched as his wife and another man helped him down the steps. Sam opens the window and squeezes through. I slip on in easily. "The perks of being small." I mumbled.
Sam walked over, and found the door to his office. Picking the lock, we look in to see an office filled with nasty, dusty, books.
Sam looks around the room for clues or anything, and I just stand there. I have bad allergies to thick dust like this. Sam motions me over, and look to see there was no dust in front of a book called, 'Encyclopedia of Christian History: Old & and New Testament'.
Sam flipped through the pages, and there was nothing. I looked and saw a smaller book- a journal- in the far back of the shelf. I pointed it out, and Sam grabbed it, opened it and found stuff about reapers. And news clippings inside as we'll. about the man out front.
I think he's the next target.
We quickly leave, and Sam calls Dean. "What do you got?"
"Roy's choosing victims he sees as immoral, and I think I know who's next on his list. Remember that protester?" Sam says.
"The guy in the parking lot?" Dean whispers.
"Yeah, yeah, we'll find him, but you can't let Roy heal anyone, all right?" I asks. Dean don't respond, and hangs up the phone.
I till my eyes, and we began our search for the guy. God. I can't see over all these cars! Damn my shortness!
Suddenly, I hear a voice yell. "Help!"
Sam and I are looking around clueless. I can feel David's fear. "Sam, he's terrified."
We run off, as we hear the man's cries. David was leaning against a car, and crying.
"Where is it?" I ask, as Sam and I run up.
"It's right there!!" He panicked. We couldn't see the reaper, so we ran. We stopped running when Dean called me.
"I did it. I stopped Roy." Dean said. 
"David..." I said, cautiously. "I think it's okay." To be honest, I'm scared as hell...
"No." David whimpered, as he started collapsing.
"Dean, it didn't work! The reaper's still coming!" I cried. "I'm telling you! It must not have worked! Roy must not be controlling this thing!"
"Well then who the hell is?" Dean whispered, and paused. "Sue Ann." Dean hung up. Years build up in my eyes. Oh god, this man in front of me is dying.
Not even 10 seconds later, David stopped choking and started breathing again. I breathed a laugh, and relaxed. Sam helped him up, and David looked around.
"Thank god."
We then walked over the tent to see Layla's mother talking to Roy. "Private season tonight, no interruptions. I give you my word. I'll heal your daughter."
"Thank you, reverend. God bless you." Layla's mother praised. After that we quickly left.

3rd persons point of view

"So, Roy really believes." Sam stated.
"I don't think he has any idea what his wife's doing." Dean said, looking out the window, while Sam looks at their sister, who's sleeping.
"Do you think she's okay?" Sam asked.
Dean hesitates. "She was in a car accident Sam. Considering- yeah, I think Hope's fine."
"Well, we found this hidden in their library. It's ancient, written by a priest who went dark side." Sam said, holding up it small journal Sam and Hope found. "There's a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper."
"Must be a hell of a spell."
"Yeah. You got a build a black alter with seriously dark stuff- bones, human blood. To cross a line like that, that preacher's wife- black magic, murder... Evil." Sam said.
"Desperate. Her husband was dying. She'd do anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy. If you were her, and me or Kathy was Roy, would you do that same?" Dean asked.
Sam nodded to his question. "But cheating death. Literally."
"But Roy's alive, do why is she still using the spell?" Dean asks.
"To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral." Sam concluded.
"God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work." Dean mumbled.
"We got to break that binding spell," Sam said.
Dean sighed slightly. That means he was going to have to take Layla's chance away from being healed, and it's not fair, that he's healed and she isn't.
"You know, Sue Ann had a Coptic cross like this, and when she dropped it, the reaper backed off." Dean said, not really changing the subject.
"So, you think we got to find the cross or destroy the altar?" Sam asked.
"Maybe both?" Dean suggested. "What ever we're doing, we better do it soon. Roy's healing Layla tonight. Wake up Sleeping Beauty. We gotta go."

After 10 Minutes of Katherine Being Grumpy for Waking Her
Katherine's p.o.v
We pulled up to the tent and looked to see a car next to it. "That's Layla's car. She already here." Sam spoke. 
'No! Really?' I thought to him sarcastically, then smacking him.
"Yeah." Dean said.
"You know if Roy would've picked Layla instead if me, she'd be healed right now." Dean said, solemnly.
"Dean don't-"
"And if she's not healed tonight, she's gonna die in a couple months."
"Look, what's happening to her is horrible. But what are you going to do- let somebody else die to save her? You said it yourself Dean- you can't play God." Sam asked.
'Asshole move, Sammy.' I thought.
Dean the n got out of the car and Sam and I followed closely behind.
Walking around the back of the tent, we peeked through the drapes of the tent, and saw a small crowd in front of Roy.
"Where's Sue Ann?" I asked, looking around, not seeing the woman.
"House." Sam replied.
We walked off to the parking lot. "Go find Sue Ann, Sam. We'll catch up."
"What are we-" but I was cut off short by Dean pulling me in front of the cops. Shit.
"Hey! You gonna put that fear of God in me?" Dean asked. As soon as the two men made one movement, I was off. I was actually pretty fast for my height. This running probably isn't very good for the baby, but I'm only almost 4 weeks, so I think it's fine.
"Fuck you Dean. Why the hell did you drag me along?" I whispered, as we hid behind one of the many RV's.
"Sorry. But you were closer, and you need the exercise Kat, with you laying, and sleeping around all day, you're gonna get out of shape." Dean said.
'It doesn't really matter,' I thought,  'I'm still going to be fat.'
"Do you see them?" I heard one say.
"No," said the other cop.
Dean slowly stood up, when barking was heard behind him. "Shit." I mumbled. Dean motioned upward, and we both climbed, until the cops left. I sighed and laid back.

Sam's p.o.v
I looked down at the picture of Dean, and the other of Katie.
"I gave your brother life, and I can take it away. As for your sister... Her and her child are dead, if this doesn't go my way." Sue Ann said from behind me.
Angry, I flip the table over, and it smashed to the ground. I looked to see her gone, and I run over the cellar door. Pushing on the door with my might, it just won't open. She must've put something in between the handles.
"Sam, can't you see? The Lord choose me to reward the just and punish the wicked. And your brother is wicked. As is you sister for creating such a sin. Being pregnant at such a young age!" She exclaimed. And in that moment, I stopped. My sister is.. Pregnant? No. She's lying. She must be... "And he deserves to die, just a Layla deserves to live. It's God's will."
Oh hell no! My brother doesn't deserve to die! I began looking for another way out, and found loose boards, so I broke them off one by one.
"Goodbye, Sam." I heard.

Katherine's p.o.v
After Dean and I had gotten down, he began slowly, and quietly look for Sam. When the street lights suddenly began turning off.
Dean turned behind him and froze. I turned to see nothing. It's here.
Dean began grunting and groaning in pain.
"Dean?" I asked.
"Ahhhh!" Dean groaned, as he fell of his knees.
"Dean!" I exclaimed. Dean's face began to turn gray, and his lips blue. I looked around to see Sue Ann using the stupid cross. She is so dead. I run over, and grab the necklace from her, then smashing it to the ground.
"Oh god what have you done?" She exclaimed.
"He's not your God. And I may carry a child, but that doesn't mean I'm weak." I said. "And don't worry. I know exactly what your punishment is. Have fun! In hell." I whispered the last part in her ear.
Sue then fell the ground and died.
"So it's true... You're pregnant." A voice said from behind me. I nodded.
I then left, and walked to the car, and got in. We went to the motel and when strait to the bathroom, and grabbing the tests from the trash. Then walking into the bedroom, I looked at the boys, tears in my eyes.
"Dean- Sam- I-I'm pregnant." I cried, collapsing to the ground. Dean froze, and Sam had tears in his eyes. "When I screamed and cried in the bathroom, I lied to you. I told you it was my head and I had a vision, but it was because I was freaking out that I was pregnant."
"No. How many tests did you take, Katherine?" Dean asked.
"Three. They were all positive." I cried, my voice cracking. "Dean I'm so sorry. I was drunk, it was when we were on the asylum case, and I went back to the bar to see that boy, and-"
That was when I broke. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
"Kat! Stop! It's okay. But look at me." Dean said, coming up to me and and holding my face. "We are your big brothers, and this child's uncles. And we're gonna protect this back no matter what. Got that?" I just nodded, and hugged my brother. Sam joined our hug too. "I love you guys. I really do. Thank you."
I then crawled into bed, but didn't fall asleep just yet. "So... Who's gonna tell Dad?" I asked.
Sam and Dean laugh, and Dean says. "Your kid, you're telling him."
"And..... now you guys suck again." I said, laying back, and falling into a deep sleep.

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