Limelight Lovers: Nick Jonas...

By literaryobsession

27K 610 95

Everything is going perfectly. You and Nick are back together and your fairytale romance just keeps getting... More



2.5K 45 12
By literaryobsession

It has been exactly one year and five months.

Life with Nicholas Jerry Jonas has been a blast. When he went on tour, we tried our very best to involve each other in our busy lives. This included a lot of calls, messages, and videos - the latter we used when we simply can't make our schedules meet. He continued to make songs and I received more offers for movies.

Ten months in our relationship, Nick and I decided to move in together. We talked about it for weeks and we agreed it was for the best since we like to spend the night at each other's houses anyway. Nick sold his house, saying mine was more of a home than a bachelor pad. 

Of course, we have the occasional spat but we learned to move past them and enjoy each other's company. Life is good.

"Y/N, baby." 

I groaned softly and covered my eyes with the comforter. "I don't want to work out." Nick Jonas was an early riser. He loved waking up early to exercise and most of the times, he's been trying to get me into it too.

"No. Wake up." I felt him sit on my side of the bed, "I made breakfast." He pulled the cover from my face, leaned in and kissed me gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I love morning kisses. He doesn't seem to be bothered by my breath too, which makes him such a keeper.

He chuckled when I finally let him go. "Come on." Nick urged me, "Big day today."

"Right. Grammy's." I smiled and opened up my eyes, "Are you nervous?"

"Nervous that I will be performing? No. Nervous about my nomination? Hell yes." Nick chuckled and turned to me, "But you'll be there so I'll be fine."

I leaned my chin on his shoulder, "Nicholas, you are amazing. You got this." Wrapping my arms around his waist, I closed my eyes. "I believe in you."

He turned his head and laid a kiss on the tip of my nose, "Thank you. Breakfast is getting cold. Come downstairs with me."

"Sure. Just give me a minute." I yawned and got off the bed. As I was stretching my arms, I can feel Nick's eyes on me. I smirked and looked at him over my shoulder, "You're checking me out."

He held up two hands in surrender, "Guilty." Nick looked up at me, his eyes darkening ever so slightly. We had sex before. Of course. But not as much as we would like to. Because of our busy schedules, this house became a place where we'd see each other and spend as much time as we can before our busy lives take us away. "But we have the Grammy to prepare for. I can't take you away from that."

I glanced at the wall clock. The prep team will be here in a few hours. I sighed and nodded, "You're right." I straddled him on the bed and smiled teasingly, "I guess we'll just have to postpone it, huh?"

"Don't tease, darling, unless you're ready for the consequences." Nick held my waist steady, "You know I won't let you get away that easily."

I opened my mouth, ready for a comment when I heard my phone ring. "Shit. Sorry." Before getting off Nick, I kissed him. "Must be Holly."

Nick let me go this time but I am so sure he wouldn't let me get away next time. 

Holly reminded me of the time the make up team will arrive. She also mentioned something about an after party which Nick and I just usually skip. We've been away from each other for so long that we valued the little bits of free time that we are given. I almost cursed aloud when she spoke of the things I already know of, I could've been in bed with Nick by now.

"Are you listening, Y/N?"

"Yeah, Hols. I'm thinking of...taking a break." I told her softly as I followed Nick to the dining room. I know Nick would object to this but I have been feeling drained lately and I just want to stay home with him. 

Holly sighed, obviously exasperated. I have brought this up again and again. "Y/N, you are at the top. Everyone wants to work with you. I have five scripts ready for you after the Grammy. We need to strike while the iron is hot."

She means well, I know. But deep inside, I just want to lay low, you know? I've starred in three movies this year and I know that I could make more. It is just that… I need to slow down. I barely come home. 

"Give me six months, Holly." I was firm this time. Nick heard me and I know he got a hint of what I meant.

"Six months is a lot, Y/N, but if this is what you want, I'll give it to you." Holly finally consented after months of pestering. "If you want to reconsider, I am here. Just call me. "

I sat down beside Nick and he waited for me to speak so I did, "I just need a break." 

He took my hand and smiled, "Whatever you think is best, darling. I'll support you." Nick kissed my knuckles and I let out a breath. I seriously thought he'd scold me tonight. "So, I prepared bacon and eggs for you today. I may have burned a few pieces of toast but it is still a bit edible."

Nick liked cooking for me, even though he has no talent in it. I like letting him cook, it is always a sweet gesture.

"I love it. Do you know my favorite food is burnt toast? True story." I giggled and took a piece of toast and bit on it, "Mmmm, good."

He laughed. "You are biased. This is trash and you know it." Nick took a darker toast and bit off it, "See? It tastes bad."

"Then why didn't you make more?" I raised an amused eyebrow at him.

He shrugged, "This is my final batch. Every single one ended up worse. We don't have bread anymore, by the way." Nick paused and we started laughing at the thought of it. "Sorry I'm such a bad cook."

"That's fine. Kiss it better?"

Nick smirked, turning his body to face mine, "Now that, I'm good at." He gave me a kiss. This one, Nick dominated. His lips moved against mine and I had no other thought but to respond to him. He put a hand on my nape and guided me as though trying to prevent me from drowning for the wave of emotions he was giving me.

"All better?"

I sighed in contentment, "Much."

When we finished breakfast, we made sure that we were ready before the prep team comes.  They were exactly on time and by that afternoon, Nick and I were ready for the red carpet. We took a few photos for Instagram and headed for the Staples Center.

The red carpet was packed. Cars arriving. Paparazzi snapping photos. Fans cheering. It was a wild night. Heart racing too because Nick was nominated. He has been nominated a few times in the past but has never won one. I have been keeping my fingers crossed for him for the longest time. His song My Girl has been nominated for Song of the Year, this is a huge deal.

We stepped out to the red carpet and drowned in the voices of the fans around us. We smiled, gave a few photos, but to be honest, we were both nervous. I feel like today is the day.

After the festivities outside, Nick and I were escorted to our seats. I took his hand and smiled at him, "You got this." He kissed my cheek and we settled in our seats, awaiting the announcement. Nick left my side to perform and to be honest, this is the first time in months that I have really seen him this pumped.

He stood there, singing his heart out, looking completely comfortable under the spotlight. This is his moment and I cheered for him. There is this one tiny moment when he winked at me and I just melted. The little things still mattered.

It wasn't long until the winners were announced. As soon as the Song of the Year was introduced, I took Nick's hand and squeezed it, nervous for the outcome.

"And the Song of the Year is My Girl by Nick Jonas."

And then applause. And then Nick kissed me. I couldn't believe it! He won. He won!

Nick stood to receive his award, looking astounded and overwhelmed. He took the Grammy and faced the audience. Nick took a deep breath and gave a nervous chuckle, " This is amazing. Thank you. This is for my family and my friends. For my fans. For the people who keep on cheering me on." He grinned, "And this is for the love of my life, Y/N." People clapped and cheered as the cameras turned to me. "You inspire me every single day."

"I love you." I mouthed to him before giving him a flying kiss.

"Can I just…" Nick steps down and jogs to me. I stand to meet him but apparently, he wasn't done. He handed me the award and then got down on one knee. Everyone screamed. All the cameras pointed at us. I was... speechless.

What are you…

"Y/N." He spoke. Without the mic, I'm sure people from afar could not hear but they understood. Nick pulled out a small black box from his pocket, opened it, revealing a diamond ring, "Will you marry me?"

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