The Hunt

By LeslyAmbreth27

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Paisley Parker Mathison is 23 year old Beta to the Moonstone Pack. Brother is Alpha Derek Mathison, Parents a... More

Author Note
No more Hiding
You're playing a dangerous game, Love
Who the hell do you think you are?
Can't keep this up for forever, Little one.
Time out?
He threw himself on the floor..
You're Projecting to me
Paisley, Paisley, Paisley...
I Won't Fight You
Tell me why you ran away from me.
Fuck Me, Daddy
final update!

Cause you need me, Man, I don't need you.

465 32 7
By LeslyAmbreth27

Parker's POV

"What do you mean? I thought you knew that as an Alpha's mate my scent would be prominent." 

"Well kind of, I didn't know my scent would be gone."

"It's not gone. I can smell your scent more than mine, but anyone else smells my scent and knows you were claimed by me and then gets your scent. It'll be worse when I K-... Nevermind."

"When you, what?"

"Nothing, forget it." He tried to shrug me off.

"You were going to say something so clearly it was important."

"Fine. When I finally knot you I will be the only one that can get your scent without searching for it. My scent will be overpowering yours for everyone else. They will have to be searching for yours in order to smell it."

"Y-you didn't knot me?"

"No. Not yet."


"Because we are fully mated without having knotted you. I don't trust you enough to knot you yet. If you run I can just hunt you down without worrying that the distance is killing you. Once I can trust that I can piss you off without you running I will knot you."

"Wow. I promised I wouldn't run away from you unless I stayed in your territory or house and forced our mating when you didn't want to, yet I still can't be trusted." I laughed.

"I did want to mate you, why are you acting like I rejected you? I literally mated you three hours ago. I know it was enough to satisfy the heat for now but over the next week I'll mate you more too. I'm not rejecting you because I refuse to knot you right now."

"You are rejecting me! I had to say you were risking my life in order to get you to mate with me. Now you refuse to finish the mating 100%. That is a rejection. I bet if you hadn't found me you would have mated and knotted Sofia."

"No I wouldn't have. I have never wanted Sofia. She thinks that because her brother is my Beta that she would have been the obvious choice for Luna. I wasn't ever thinking about her in that way nor was I thinking of anyone else. I was just searching for the one who had my matching mark. I am not rejecting you, so stop saying I am."

"Oh bullshit. You know what? I'm done with this conversation and I am done with you, know why? Cause you need me, Man, I don't need you. So you can take your "I'm not rejecting you by refusing to knot you" and shove it up your ass. " I whipped around and headed back inside the pack house.

"My room is on the third floor, end of the hall with the large oak door. It's the only bedroom up there."

"Why should I give a rat's ass where your bedroom here is?"

"Because you may smell like me but you haven't been introduced to the pack so I would rather you not run around my territory."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and stormed in the house.

He wants to send me to his room instead of letting me go for a run, then I hope he enjoys returning to a trashed room.

I found the stairs and quickly ascended them to the third floor. Once there it was easy to spot the oak door from the stairs. It was all the way on the back wall so I am guessing it's a huge room with an en suite and walk-in closet to match. I opened the door and realized it was exactly how I imagined. Besides the color. I was willing to bet it would have been all dark and black colors, but it was a navy blue and white. There was a large king size bed against the right wall, two doors on the left well, a TV mounted to the wall in between the doors, a couch, and on the far wall there were windows and doors to a balcony.

I could literally feel myself shaking in anger. I couldn't let my wolf out though, when I was angry and let him out he wanted blood and would kill anyone in his way. Yet another reason my pack was terrified of me. I walked to the side table and grabbed the lamp off it and chucked it screaming the whole time. I smashed the dressers, the side table, I broke his TV and left it hanging from one side of the wall. I punched holes in the wall, threw the blankets and pillows off the bed, and the couch cushions. I was still pissed but more manageable now but that still didn't stop me. I was slightly surprised Ryan hadn't come up stairs to stop me yet. With all the noise of me breaking shit and screaming, I figured he would have already been up here trying to stop me.

I moved on to the closet, throwing all of his clothes off the racks and on to the floor, destroying the dresser in the closet, when I turned to continue with the right side of the closet I froze for a second. All the clothes on this side were too small for him. They were however my size. Meaning he either knew all along I was his mate or he quickly had someone go out and buy me clothes after he found me. For some reason that made me even more mad, I trashed that side of the closet quicker than his side. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a metal can of shaving cream, I chucked it at the mirror and grinned wildly when it shattered. I carefully grabbed the can and turned, throwing it at the glass shower door, feeling even more satisfied when that shattered as well. I exited the bathroom after knocking everything that was on the counter onto the floor.

There wasn't much left for me to break so I grabbed a chair and walked over to the balcony door. I stared at the door for a second before lifting the chair and chucking it at the door, I screamed out as loud as I could to try to help release even more anger. Once the door shattered I felt all the anger leave me and collapsed onto the floor among the broken wood and shattered glass. I brought my knees up and placed my head onto them wrapping my arms up and around my head for protection as I started sobbing. Less than a minute after I gave into the overwhelming urge to cry I heard the door open and shut again. I heard the soft sigh and then footsteps cautiously coming my way. When he made contact with me it made my skin tingle. I jerked trying to push away but he simply lifted me up.

"No, let me go." I whined and tried to get out of his grasp. Not that it mattered. He was stronger than me and had no issues securing me to him, and due to my crying he probably couldn't understand me. Due to being deaf until I was 14; when I shifted the first time, whenever I cried I had a hard time properly speaking. It comes out jumbled and easy to tell I was deaf. Or that I used to be.

"Shh." He sat on the bed, my back against his chest, and wrapped his arms around me. "This okay or do you need more?"

I didn't answer choosing to try to fight my way away from him again.

"Stop fighting me. I'm stronger than you. Tell me what you need, baby."

"Freedom." I slouched against him. It sounded off and frustrated me. I could speak clearly and just fine when not crying. I knew I was being petty but he hurt my feelings.

"I can't do that."

"More." I whispered, covering my face. 

He laid me down on my back and gently pushed in between my legs to lower all of his body weight onto me. Using one hand he softly pulled my hands away from my face. I let my arms go around his lower back as he placed his face into my neck.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you nor did I mean to make you feel like I was rejecting you. You have been it for me since I learned who my mate was."

"How l-long have you known i-it was m-me?" I questioned.

"Two years. I started wondering when I found out your name was Beta Parker Mathison. And That you were three years younger than me. You never showed up for any ally pack meetings so I started trying to figure out your middle name. Your brother let it slip that Parker was your middle name when He informed someone else that Beta Paisley wasn't attending due to personal reasons and someone asked who and he said "Sorry Beta Parker." Once I heard that I realized Paisley Parker Mathison was my mate."

"How'd you know for certain."

"My mark Has P.P.M 3 B 23. Your initials, our age difference, your rank, and your age for when it was the final chance of meeting.. Considering it was you and Peter marks that were the only two Betas I hadn't met in the age range of 3 years older or younger I knew it was one of you. Peter's middle name is Micheal though. So wrong initials."

"But you didn't inform the council before now?"

"Every time I went to the games I hoped you would show up. You never did, and I asked around to find out your birthday. This was the final Game before you turned 24 and by then I would have lost my chance at meeting you. So I had no choice but to inform the council."

I nodded. Trying to get the tears to go away. "How can you understand me?"

"You mean when you're crying?" I nodded. "My sister's best friend is a deaf human. She talks and signs at the same time. I didn't know sign so I adjusted to be able to understand her when she spoke until I did know sign."

"If you know sign language why didn't you just sign to me when I wouldn't wear the implants."

"Would you have signed back?"



He laid on me quietly for a few minutes while the tears slowly stopped. "I see you've rearranged our room." He quietly chuckled.

"Looks better this way." I shrugged, avoiding eye contact.

"I'll have someone fix it, you can decorate it however you want. I want you to be happy and comfortable here."

"It's just a bedroom, I couldn't care less what it looks like."


"Stop talking." I mumbled, relaxing further into the mattress.

"Nope, I can't have you falling asleep without eating. I have food for you in my office, you can eat and nap on my couch in there while I finish up a few things from when I was away."

I groaned as he climbed off me. "Hey." I protested.

"Come on, Baby. You haven't eaten much today so let's get you some food."

"I went two years only eating 3 times a month, I'm fine."

"Don't care. I mean.. I obviously care about what you went through, but I don't care that you can go long periods without food. I'm feeding you then you can sleep."

I whined when he pulled me up from where I was laying. "You're a big meanie."

"You really just called me a meanie?" He laughed.

"Yes, you are depriving me of sleep after you were mean to me."

"I'm sorry I was mean to you. It wasn't my intention. You know that right?"

I opened my eyes and looked at him. His eyes were full of concern and regret. "I know."

"Good." He leaned down and pecked my forehead. " Besides you wouldn't be so tired if you hadn't destroyed the room." He laughed before he swatted my ass and took off running from the room.

I ran after him. "First, DON'T HIT MY ASS! Second, I don't know where your office is!" I yelled after him.

He very obviously slowed down so I could follow him. He entered the room on the complete opposite side of the hallway. I followed him in when I was pushed against the door effectively closing it. My wrists were pinned on either side of my head.

"I think you meant to say that your ass belongs to me now. " He smirked down at me.

"No, I did not. My ass. Not yours. My body. Mate or not. Alpha."

His eyes darkened and he let out a possessive growl. "Unless you plan to let me take you right here and now and let the entire pack house hear it, don't call me that. Eat your food." He let me go and jerked his head to the table in the corner with a plate of food on it.

"Calling you by your title turns you on?" I asked, confused as I walked over and sat down at the table. I took a big bite of the sandwich when he answered.

"Does when you call me it. Call me Alpha in bed when you want to really be taken. You addressing me as my title isn't a sign of respect, coming from my Mate it's a sign of submission."

"Why does everything fall back to me submitting?"

"It's in your nature to submit to me and basically only me. That's why you hated submitting to your parents and brother." He said, shrugging and returning to his paperwork.

I frowned but quickly finished my sandwich before flopping on the couch. I closed my eyes hoping to take a much needed nap. I kept changing positions trying to get comfy. I huffed and snapped my eyes open after 15 minutes. Yes, I counted.

"What's wrong?"

"How in the holy hell do you sleep?"

"What do you mean?"

"With all the noise!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up for emphasis.

"Baby, it's pretty quiet in here." He said, confused.

"No, it's not. I can hear you breathing, the pen on the paper, you turning pages, the clock ticking, people talking and laughing downstairs. How the hell do you sleep with all this noise?"

"You never slept with your implants on did you?"

"No, not allowed, they could slip off in the night and break."

"So you're used to it being dead quiet."

"Yeah, so?"

"Baby, you're hearing is normal now. If you hadn't completely trashed our room, you could have just gone back to it since it's soundproof to outside noise. It's something that will take time to get used to. You'll get used to being able to sleep with noise, eventually."

I whined. "Eventually doesn't help my tired ass now."

"How'd you fall asleep with your wolf out earlier?"

"I didn't. I was exhausted and passed out."

He smirked. "So I just need to fuck you to the point you pass out then. Or remark you?"

"No. Nope, Nuh uh."

"Why? If you're already tired either option will cause you to pass out."

"Like you said everyone can hear me here. No thanks."

"We do have a house down the road."

"You're doing work." I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm the Alpha, if I want to go fuck my mate so he can sleep I can."

"Oh my god." I blushed covering my face and throwing myself backwards onto the couch.

"Is that a yes?" He hummed. I could literally hear the smirk as he spoke.



"If I say yes will you shut up?"

"Depends on two things."

"Which are?"

"Which one you want."


"You gonna call me Alpha or not in bed?"

"Forget it."

"What, are you scared to be totally dominated?"

"Fuck you."

"I'm trying." He laughed.

"Keep it up and I'll call you Daddy instead."


"That turns you on too?" I exclaimed sitting up.

"Babe, you can call me anything in bed and I guarantee it will turn me on."

"Even if you were in the middle of screwing me and I looked at you and said "Harder, Daddy." ? That wouldn't turn you off."

"Fuck no. That's kinda hot."

"Oh my God. You're a fucking lunatic."

He laughed. "Come on." He stood up and shut his laptop.

"What? No way! Keep your kinkiness away from me." I exclaimed, standing up and rushing to the door.

"Don't run unless you want me to chase. I can smell your heat returning."

I turned and looked at him. I smirked at the dark look in his eyes.

"Catch me if you can, Alpha."


Hey. I have seen that this story has quite a few reads. If you guys are liking the story PLEASE let me know. Whether that's a comment, an idea, a star, or a private message. Anything. I just want to know how I am doing! 



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