One Direction Preferences! (B...

By StylesTacos1D

204K 3.1K 431

This is the third book in the One Direction Preferences Series. I hope you all enjoy reading them. :) Author'... More

One Direction Preferences! (Book 3)
#389. He Gets Jealous Of Another Boy.
#390. He Watches You Read.
#391. He Misses You On Tour.
#394. Celebrity Crush.
#395. Play Fighting.
#397. Prince AU
#398. Hospital.
#399. You're Clumsy.
#403. Heart By Heart. (Song Preference)
#404. Mistletoe.
#405. Victoria Secret Angel.
#406. Rude. (Song Preference)
#408. Night Changes Date.
#409. Punk Series: He Sneaks Into Your Room.
#410. Punk Series: He Gets Into A Fight.
#411. Your Father Finds Out You're Dating.
#412. Teacher Series: He Stops Another Student From Bullying/Harassing You.
#414. What You Guys Do On Halloween.
#415. You Act Like You Hate Each Other.
#416. Winter.
#417. Argument.
#418. He Teaches You Something.
#419. He Has A Panic Attack.
#420. You/He Gets A Tattoo.
#421. You Get In Shape Together.
#422. Another Boy Finds Out You're Pregnant Before Him.
#423. You're Child Asks An Awkward Question.
#424. Hungover.
#425. Spaces
#426. Girl Almighty.
#427. Stockholm Syndrome.
#428. Ready To Run.
#429. Clouds.
#430. Where Do Broken Hearts Go.
#431. No Control.
433. Fool's Gold.
434. 18
435. Night Changes.
436. Teaching Your Child To Swim.
#437. Your Child Goes To A 1D Concert.
#438. You Lost Your Phone.
#439. Your Child Picks Out A Halloween Costume.
#440. Your Child's First Steps.
#441. A Member Of 5SOS Helps You To Make Him Jealous.
#442. Everything About You.
#443. Steal My Girl.
#444. I Wish.
#445. Gotta Be You.
#446. Up All Night.
#447. More Than This.
#448. One Thing.
#449. Decorating Your Baby's Nursery Together.
450. Fireproof.
#451. You Are A Rockstar In A Band.
#452. Angry Dominance.
#453. Taken.
#454. Your Child Sees A Ghost.
#455. You're In A Girl Group & He's Your Rival.
#456. He Has A Stomachache & Needs You.
#457. Change My Mind. (Song Preference)

#432. Night Changes (Music Video).

1.6K 49 4
By StylesTacos1D

#432. Night Changes (Music Video). (Song Preference) [Artist: One Direction (Four)]

Zayn: Zayn wore a smile the entire time he showed you around his favorite restaurant. He came here so often that everyone knew who he was, and he was so happy to introduce you to them. By the time you sat at the table, and were handed two menus, your stomach was in knots though. Zayn did not know you were already taken, and that this date was you slowly trying to escape from a controlling boyfriend. He just thought it was a first date, and that you were having the time of your life as well. he had no idea the truth. So when you each got your meals, and suddenly a guy walked up to you screaming, he had no idea what was going on. “Who is this guy?” Zayn asked you, before your boyfriend grabbed him, and told him off for being out with you. Things had been going so well. He had fed you a bite of his food, and wiped a little off your face, it had been perfect. And now it was suddenly so horrible. You wanted it to end so badly, and when he threw a glass of water on Zayn, and followed it when a plate of spaghetti, you quickly stood up. “Let’s go,” you told your boyfriend, grabbing his hand, “Please, let’s go. Just forget him.” With a glare in your direction, your boyfriend didn’t argue, “Fine, we’re leaving. Now.” With a longing glance at Zayn, you quietly left the restaurant with your boyfriend.  ”I’m sorry,” you mouthed, as Zayn sadly looked at you. This was not the date he had in mind.

Liam: He was so excited to take you to the fair. In his mind it was going to be the best date ever. “Here’s a caramel apple for you,” you smiled, as he held the treat in his hand. You blushed, before accepting the sweet, “Thank you Liam.” When your face lit up, he pulled out his phone, “Let’s take a picture. I love that smile you’re wearing right now.” You didn’t hesitate for a moment to stand next to him, and smile brightly for the camera. “Does it look good?” “Perfect,” he said, before giving you the okay sign. After finishing the candy, he won you a teddy bear you bet him that he never could. “Thank you,” you smiled, as you hugged your new bear that you would treasure forever. A reminder of this perfect date. “Let’s go on that ride,” Liam said excitedly, while pointing towards a ride that spun so quickly. “I don’t know.” “Come on!” he insisted, as he grabbed your hand and pulled you along. Once you got to the ride though, he let go and just begged you. “Come on [Y/N].” With a sigh, you finally gave in, though you knew it was a bad idea. “Okay, fine.” As the ride spun faster and faster, you were somehow okay, but you watched as your date seemed to turn a shade of green. “Are you..” You began to ask as the ride ended, but Liam was out of his seat in a moment. You raced after him, and when you got there, he grabbed the hat you were wearing right off your head. You knew right away you never wanted that hat back, as he threw up into it. “I’m sorry,” he said, looking back up at you. This was not how the date was meant to end.

Harry: ”You’ll love it,” Harry tried to convince you, as he tied your shoes that he’d picked out for you. You had been sitting in the same spot for the past ten minutes, while he got everything ready for the two of you to go ice skating. He was convinced this would be the perfect date for the two of you. You were a little iffy on that, but you were confident in what he was saying. “Let’s go,” he smiled, after your shoes were both tied. He then took your hand, and led you onto the ice slowly. At first things were okay, you were holding hands, skating slowly, and having a nice time. Suddenly though, he decided to let you go, and he started spinning around, trying to show you he could do cool tricks. “Harry, stop, you’ll hurt yourself,” you laughed, waiting for that moment he fell onto the ice. “I won’t,” he assured you, as he continued to goof off on the ice. He was so sure knew precisely what he was doing. And when he saw a couple doing a trick that he thought looked amazing, you saw the idea in his eyes before he even said it. “Let’s try that!” “Harry no,” you tried to say, but it was too late, he tried to grab your feet and spin you around on the ice. All the happened though was you both hit the ground hard. Your foot was instantly in pain, and he reached for his elbow with pain in his face. An ambulance was called, and once you were all bandaged up, he just said sorry over and over again. “I’m so sorry.” “I know Harry, I know,” you sighed, “If it makes you feel better, the first part of the date was amazing.” 

Louis: For a week now Louis had hinted at an amazing date, but refused to tell you what it was. All you knew was that you were supposed to meet him at the park on Saturday afternoon, and it would be fun. When you arrived, at first, all you did was walk around the lake holding hands. “So this is that perfect date I kept hearing about,” you wondered aloud. It was amazing, and you were having a good time, but it didn’t feel like the date he described. “Not quite,” he said, as he began to walk towards the parking lot, still holding your hand. “That is,” he told you, as he finally let go of your hand, and walked over to a car that took your breath away. You still didn’t get it though, “That?” “Let’s go for a ride,” he smiled, as he showed you the keys. The top down with Louis driving down the road with you next to him, that sounded so amazing. So you quickly got into the passenger seat, and that’s exactly what happened. The wind was in your face, blowing your hair, and you were enjoying it so much. It was something so simple, a car ride, but it was amazing. Well it was amazing at least, until you heard the sirens behind you, and your heart fell. “Louis, how fast are you going?” When you looked at him, he was looking back, and quickly pulled over. He was so worried, you could see it in his face, and that showed even more when he got out of the car, and instead of being serious, he started joking. “Louis stop,” you mumbled, knowing he couldn’t hear you. Your heart was in your throat, when suddenly Louis was being arrested. How was this happening?! How was this your perfect date?! Louis said sorry, as he was being placed into the police car. You were shaking. How did an amazing date end like this?

Niall: A cozy date inside of Niall’s house sounded perfect to you. Right when you arrived he brought you a cup of steaming hot chocolate, and you found yourself smiling constantly. He was as well though. Every time you looked at him, you noticed all he could do was smile. “Let’s play a game,” he suddenly said, while grabbing monopoly off of a shelf. “I will win though, just letting you know now,” he told you, as he placed it down. You laughed at that, “Prepare to lose.” So much laughter was shared between you that night, as you played that game, as he sang you a song, and even as he tried to toss up popcorn and catch it in his mouth. It never did happen, but he must have tried twenty times. “You may want to give up,” you laughed, as he tried once more. He did not reply, and instead walked over to the fire, “I better stoke the fire before it goes out.” You nodded, as you shivered a little. It was so cold outside, and just the thought of it made you cold, “Yeah, you better. We’ll freeze without it.” He laughed at your exaggeration, before he began to poke at the fire. But in an instant you both knew something was wrong, and when he pulled his sleeve back, and you saw it on fire, you panicked. He tried to shake it out with a towel, which when he grabbed dropped a large pitcher of some sort of drink onto you. You didn’t even care about that though. Your dress was ruined, but your boyfriend was on fire! By the time you could get up though, to help, he had put it out. “I’m so sorry,” he told you, when he noticed your dress. You laughed again, “You caught fire, and you’re worried about my dress?”


I haven't updated for you all since long. I'm sorry. It's just studies getting in between. Okay so probably I'm going to update around five preferences?

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: What is your age? I really wanna know my readers age! It would be nice if you comment there down!


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