One Direction Preferences! (B...

By StylesTacos1D

204K 3.1K 431

This is the third book in the One Direction Preferences Series. I hope you all enjoy reading them. :) Author'... More

One Direction Preferences! (Book 3)
#389. He Gets Jealous Of Another Boy.
#390. He Watches You Read.
#391. He Misses You On Tour.
#394. Celebrity Crush.
#395. Play Fighting.
#397. Prince AU
#398. Hospital.
#399. You're Clumsy.
#403. Heart By Heart. (Song Preference)
#404. Mistletoe.
#405. Victoria Secret Angel.
#406. Rude. (Song Preference)
#408. Night Changes Date.
#409. Punk Series: He Sneaks Into Your Room.
#410. Punk Series: He Gets Into A Fight.
#411. Your Father Finds Out You're Dating.
#412. Teacher Series: He Stops Another Student From Bullying/Harassing You.
#414. What You Guys Do On Halloween.
#415. You Act Like You Hate Each Other.
#416. Winter.
#417. Argument.
#418. He Teaches You Something.
#419. He Has A Panic Attack.
#420. You/He Gets A Tattoo.
#421. You Get In Shape Together.
#423. You're Child Asks An Awkward Question.
#424. Hungover.
#425. Spaces
#426. Girl Almighty.
#427. Stockholm Syndrome.
#428. Ready To Run.
#429. Clouds.
#430. Where Do Broken Hearts Go.
#431. No Control.
#432. Night Changes (Music Video).
433. Fool's Gold.
434. 18
435. Night Changes.
436. Teaching Your Child To Swim.
#437. Your Child Goes To A 1D Concert.
#438. You Lost Your Phone.
#439. Your Child Picks Out A Halloween Costume.
#440. Your Child's First Steps.
#441. A Member Of 5SOS Helps You To Make Him Jealous.
#442. Everything About You.
#443. Steal My Girl.
#444. I Wish.
#445. Gotta Be You.
#446. Up All Night.
#447. More Than This.
#448. One Thing.
#449. Decorating Your Baby's Nursery Together.
450. Fireproof.
#451. You Are A Rockstar In A Band.
#452. Angry Dominance.
#453. Taken.
#454. Your Child Sees A Ghost.
#455. You're In A Girl Group & He's Your Rival.
#456. He Has A Stomachache & Needs You.
#457. Change My Mind. (Song Preference)

#422. Another Boy Finds Out You're Pregnant Before Him.

5K 82 5
By StylesTacos1D

#422. Another Boy Finds Out You're Pregnant Before Him.

Liam- “Hey (YN) you look nice.” Niall said to you as you walked into Liam’s favorite restaurant, for a surprise birthday party you and Niall had been planning for Liam. “Aw thanks Nialler, I try.” You said as you leaned in to give him a polite kiss on the cheek. “Well the workers have everything pretty much set up, and you have the cake in your car right?” Niall asked, “Yeah would you be able to carry it in, It’s really heavy.” You said to Niall as he walked out to your car. The cake really wasn’t that heavy but your back had been killing you ever since you found out you were pregnant a little over a month ago. You had been waiting to tell Liam until his birthday in a few days for an extra surprise. “(YN) want some champagne?” Niall said after he set the extravagant cake down. “Oh I think I am okay.” You said being nobody knew you were pregnant. “Come on I know you want to be a DD but one drink won’t kill ya!” Niall said grabbing you a chute. “Niall really I am fine.” But your hand uncontrollably went down to hold your stomach, and so did Niall’s eyes. “(YN) are you…. pregnant?” Niall asked shyly. “Shhh! yes.” You said quietly to a very excited Niall. “I knew that cake wasn’t that heavy, oh wait (YN) you better sit down!” Niall said pulling a chair out for you. “Niall I am fine my back is just sore but you have to be quiet I am waiting till his actually birthday to tell him and right now you’re the only one who knows and you will be until August 29th!” you said to Niall. “Alright, how far in are you?” Niall asked, “Only about a month.” You said quietly, “Ok end of conversation.” You said motioning to the small crowd of people walking in, “My lips are sealed.” Niall said winking at you. But you knew you’d have to keep an eye on Niall if he kept drinking at the pace he was now, couldn’t let anything slip.

Niall- You were only a few weeks pregnant and you were just barely starting to show. Liam and his girlfriend were at your house to go swimming and the only thing you had to wear was a bikini and you were nervous someone would figure out you were pregnant by your slightly bulging tummy. ”You guys ready to go out there?” Niall asked motioning towards the pool. ”Sure I will be right out there I have to go put my bikini on.” you said as you got up to change out of the very baggy tee shirt you had on as the others went out to the pool. Once you got your bikini on you stood next to your bathroom mirror and just looked at your belly, hopping that it wasn’t to noticeable being you were waiting to get your first sonogram done next week to tell Niall. ”(YN)”  you suddenly heard right beside the open bathroom door. “Oh shit.” You said awoken from your day dream, to find Liam standing there looking at your belly that you were rubbing. “Sorry.. I just needed to wash my hands real quick..” Liam said. “oh sorry.” You said as you started to walk away. “(YN)… is everything alright?” Liam asked as he started the water to the sink. “Yeah..” you said softly. “No it’s not…” Liam said as he turned the water off and looked you in the eye. “Ok, listen you cannot tell anybody but I am pregnant.” you said as a smile crept up your face as you heard those words come out of your mouth for the first time. “(YN)! that’s is great congrats!” Liam said as he pulled you in for a hug. “Then why are you so worried?” he asked, “Because I am waiting till I get my first sonogram to tell Niall and I didn’t want him to be able to tell I was pregnant before.” You said. “Well I think we both know Niall isn’t the most attentive person so I think you will be alright.” Liam said with a reassuring smile, making you know you’d be alright. “Lets go down there, you’re secrets safe with me.” Liam said as he planted a little kiss on your tummy.

Louis- You were a few weeks pregnant and you were trying to think of a cute way to tell Louis that you were expecting. So once you found a cute idea online you went strait to the store to get some supplies. But the only downfall was you had to go to the diaper aisle. So you were going to have to be quick, so you didn’t cause any suspicions. When you got to the store you went strait to the diaper aisle and you were looking through the different diapers until you heard a very familiar voice say “(YN) what are you doing here!?”, It was Zayn. “Ahh shit.” you mumbled, “Hi Zayn.” You said turning  look at him. “What’s up?” You said, “Ahh just getting some diapers for the kids.” He said as he quickly found the ones he was looking for. “And what are you doing in this aisle?” he asked giving you a suspicious look. “Ok Zayn listen there is no way for me to cover this up.” You began. “annnnd?” He continued. “I am pregnant.” You said. “I KNEW IT!” Zayn boasted as he opened his arms to hug you. “Shhh.” you said as you gave him a hug. “But why are you already buying diapers?” he asked, “Well I was looking for cute ways to tell Lou and I found one that required diapers.” You said as you two began to leave the aisle, “Hey do you want me to buy them for you so you don’t cause any more speculation?” Zayn said, “And you could just go out to your car and I can run them over to you.” He continued. “Zayn that would be perfect! You’re the best.” You said handing the diapers to him, “wait let me give you some money.” You said as you began to reach through your purse. “(YN) don’t worry about the money you’re pregnant for Christ’s sake!” Zayn said kindly as he began to walk to the registers, “I’ll meet you at your car.” He said as he walked away from you. Maybe running into Zayn wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

Harry- You were with Harry and the boys at the recording studio while they recorded some of their new album. You had found out just recently that you were pregnant but you haven’t figured out how you were going to tell Harry yet. Just as Harry go up to go into the booth you felt the sudden urge to throw up and you knew that you had morning sickness being it was only 9 in the morning. “Babe where are you going?” Harry asked from the door of the booth. “Just the bathroom.” You said walking very quickly. Once you were out of Harry’ sight you ran to the nearest bathroom, which just happed to be the men’s. But at that point you didn’t really care, who was the worst person who could be in there. You pushed the door opened covering your mouth only to see Louis standing there washing his hands. “(YN) what are.. Oh my god are you alright?” Louis said as you nearly collapsed at the nearest toilet. You coughed and coughed and puked and puked what could have been all the food you ate in the last ten years. Once you finally caught your breath Louis helped you sit up. “(YN) are you alright?” Louis asked as he let go of the hair he held back from your face. “Yes I am fine just don’t tell Harry ok.” You said as you began to cough again. “Why?” Louis asked confused. “Because I don’t have the stomach flu or something. I’m pregnant.” You said looking Louis strait in the eye. “You’re pregnant!?” Louis asked excitedly. “Yes I am pregnant but I haven’t told anyone yet not even Haz so don’t tell anyone.” You commanded. “(YN) I wouldn’t tell anyone about this! This is amazing!” Louis said giving you a big hug. “Thank you Lou.” You said as you stood back up. “Lets get you cleaned up.” Louis said before you returned back to the booth.

Zayn- “Come on (YN) just for a little while.” Zayn begged. “Zayn I really don’t feel good.” you said. Truthfully you felt fine but you just found out you were pregnant so going out drinking tonight was not an activity you could partake in. You normally would have tagged on anyways but Zayn didn’t know you were pregnant yet and you didn’t need to explain to drunk Zayn why you weren’t drinking. “Pleeeeassee.” Zayn begged. “Fine Zayn.” You said being sucked in by those big brown eyes. When you arrived to the bar you spotted the other boys immediately so you and Zayn went to join them. After a little small talk you all we out on the dance floor and everyone had drinks but you and Harry began to get suspicious. “(YN) Come here!” He demanded pulling you away from the rest of the guys and Zayn. “Yes Harry.” You said following him. “See this is a drink and you need to drink one and have a good time.” He said. “Harry I am fine I just don’t feel well alright.” You said. “I can make you feel better.” He said as he began to tickle your slightly inflated belly that held you precious new baby. “Harry you ass hold stop it!” You demanded as you pulled away from him. “Gosh what’s your issue.” he sassily said. “Harry I am pregnant.” You said angrily. “You’re what?” he asked nervously. “I’m pregnant.” You said softly checking to make sure Zayn wasn’t near. “(YN) Oh y gosh I’m so sorry you have no idea, I would never mean to hurt your child.” Harry said as he began to pull you into a hug as tears flew down his cheeks. “Harry stop.” You said as you began to tear up as well. “I should’ve just left you alone.” He said sadly. “Harry please its fine, you didn’t hurt the baby ok, just don’t tell anyone because you’re the only one who knows.” You said. “I am sor,” He began. “Haz shh, come on lets go have a good time, you are fine.” You said as you pulled Harry back out onto the dance floor.


QOTD: Do you like playing with babies?
I do like until they don't cry lol.

This is the last preference I'll be updating this month. But if I get time I'll definitely try to update. Till then you can check out my other stories. Please?

Guys, I've posted my new short story gang //zm//au//. Will you all mind reading it? It's a short story so hope you all will enjoy, so please!
*I'm waiting for your answers. And also you can request me some preference. I'll try to do them.*

And also please, I want you all lovelies to check out my other stories and specially Impossible Love || Niall on which I'm working on, please?


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