The Forbidden Child (M Saiyan...

By SaiyanRebel216

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The world of DxD was destroyed by the Saiyan man known as Togara with no way to defeat him they all flee to t... More

Bio and The Team
Chapter 1: The Underworlds Demise
Chapter 2: A Godly Initiation
Chapter 3: Explanations
Chapter 4: Fun In Battle Class
Chapter 5: Angeloids
Chapter 6: Grimm Team RWBY
Chapter 7: Vegito The Celestial Queen
Chapter 8: Prince vs God
Chapter 9: A Date
Chapter 10: Father and Son
Chapter 11: Super Saiyan Rosé
Chapter 12: Destruction of Synapse
Chapter 13: A Normal Day Out
Chapter 14: Hidden Power
Chapter 15: Visit From The Future
Chapter 16: Investigations?
Chapter 17: Temple of Ruins
Chapter 18: Blast to the Past
Chapter 19: Enuma Elish!
Chapter 20: Hit The Time-Skipping Warrior
Chapter 21: A Major Drawback
Chapter 22: Preliminary Rounds
Chapter 23: Out of Control
Chapter 24: A Certain Annoyance
Chapter 25: The Fall Maiden
Chapter 26: The Final Round
Chapter 27: A Very Grimm Attack
Chapter 28: The Fall
Chapter 29: A New Phase Begins
Chapter 30: A Pendragon's Love
Chapter 31: The Next Step
Chapter 32: The Truth
Chapter 33: Welcome To Mistral
Chapter 34: Battle For Haven Part 1
Chapter 35: Battle For Haven Part 2
Chapter 36: The Power of A God
Chapter 37: False Victory
Chapter 38: Devil Girls Lust
Chapter 39: A Dragon's Rage
Chapter 40: Raided
Chapter 42: Alpha's Despair
Chapter 43: Eternal My Master
Chapter 44: Who Am I?
Chapter 45: Restoration
Chapter 46: Strong But Stupid
Chapter 47: Pandora
Chapter 48: Giving it Everything
Chapter 49: The One To End It All (Finale)

Chapter 41: Torn Away

765 21 1
By SaiyanRebel216

L/n Household (3rd Person Pov)

Y/n wasn't in a happy mood and it showed he hasn't left his room since yesterday, Ikaros and Tia promised to keep him in check to make sure he doesn't do anything extreme but it's been tough for them, the saiyan won't even say a word to them, he's just laid on his bed staring up at the ceiling.

Downstairs Team DxD and Team RWBY were all in the living room nobody dared to have a moment of fun, now that Vegito was gone none of them knew what was going to happen

Killua: So what now?

Kazane: Only us Angeloids can get to Synapse and there's only four of us meaning we'd only be able to bring four of you

Chaos: But brother can enter because he's a celestial being

Astraea: I don't doubt Togara would've activated Zeus so even if we got close we'd get shot down almost instantly

Rias: Zeus?

Kazane: Just think of it as an anti-air system however back to what you said Astraea out of all the Angeloids you have the quickest acceleration meaning you can avoid everything that is shot at you

Irina: I get it, Astraea goes in then disables Zeus for the rest of you to enter peacefully 

Kazane: Exactly

Issei: Hold on doesn't Y/n have a move that can teleport him anywhere?

18: He does

Issei: Then can't he just teleport to Synapse and all of this would be easier said than done?

Kazane: *Sighs* If it was that easy I would've mentioned it earlier sadly Synapse isn't just a place to teleport in and out of unless of course you rule over the place

Artoria: Y/n got Ea, and isn't Ea a weapon from Synapse and isn't he like the only one worthy of it's power?

Kazane: That doesn't mean you can teleport into Synapse, there's only way you can get in and that's flying in

Astraea: But there's one problem

Weiss: What is it?

Astraea: Ikaros kinda has a... umm how do I say this? A curse

Rias: A curse?

Astraea: If she gets close to Synapse and she has no permission to enter she'll begin to burn, if she enters Synapse I guess you can try and figure out what will happen from there

Kuroka: She'll be destroyed on the spot

Yang: But... why?

Astraea: It was about 16 years ago where Togara first took control over us all however, he ordered us to destroy Synapse however out of me, Nymph and Ikaros, Ikaros had eradicated at least 80% of the population just by herself, after that she was chained to make sure she won't lose control and Rycon had also put a seal to make sure even if she did escape her chains and left Synapse for her to never make a return

Kazane: How come I don't know about this?

Astraea: You were in one of those capsule things 

Kazane: Oh

Rias: So that takes us down to 3 people who can get to Synapse 

Akeno: Things certainly aren't shaping up to be good 

Blake: But then what could Togara be planning 

Astraea: If he's taken Vegito then my one guess is he's performing a ritual which makes him the ruler by force

Vali: To rule a dead race? Sounds pointless

Kazane: Not entirely, there's one thing being the ruler allows whether the race is alive or dead

Kuroka: Hmm what's that?

Astraea: It decides if you can use the rule or not

Arthur: The Rule?

Astraea: A tall pillar in the middle of an island in Synapse, it's said to grant any wish one would want however...

Artoria: What is it?

Astraea: Every Time someone used the rule it was always the same thing

Rias: It can't be that bad 

Astraea: They always asked for a new world

Issei: Hey that doesn't seem that bad

Kiba: No it doesn't but it obviously has something more ti it 

Killua: Kiba's right those words can't be that scary what exactly does wanting a new world do

Kazane: It erases everything and I think that just might be what Togara wants


Synapse (3rd Person Pov) 

Vegito was stuck in a capsule, it was surrounded in indestructible glass with golden rings around it

Vegito: Even if you manage to take the right to be the ruler, Y/n will come and he will defeat you!

Togara: Hmph the boy you say, I won't deny he isn't strong I dare say he could've been the Celestial God that we all needed, it's just sad I've overloaded his body with so much ki that he doesn't even have access to any of his abilities, whether that be normal ki all the way to his use of the vault

Vegito: You what? You managed to get him to stop using the vault?

Togara: I wouldn't say it I've stopped use of the vault completely, just low to mid tier weapons can leave it now also I think it may be safe to say that he's almost in a depressed state

Vegito: *Turns SSJB and bangs on the glass* I swear I will kill you

Togara: *Smirks* If I was you I wouldn't transform, it'd only increase the process 

Vegito growls but goes back into her base form but carriers on staring at Togara with hate filled eyes

Togara: Oh by the way watch as your little Uranus Queen is torn away from her Master, we all know of how little emotional capacity she has 

A hologram shows up to show Y/n laying on his bed staring at the ceiling with Tia in her child form sleeping next to him and Ikaros staring down with a sad expression on her face.

They then see Y/n get up and walk over to the window before staring out of it, he turns to Ikaros and exchanges some words then leaves the room, Ikaros follows close behind as they walk straight past everyone.

They try to speak to him but Y/n only turns and sharses a few words with them then leaves again, he makes it outside and talks to Ikaros then starts walking again with Ikaros following him, he turns then says something to her as her imprinting appears on his hand, almost as soon as it appeared it broke away in a manner showing Y/n had released Ikaros as his "servant"

Togara: *Laughs* Oh that's wonderful!

Vegito: T-Togara... I swear I will kill you!

She opens her eyes to reveal a golden light that knocks him through some walls, the glass then starts to crack before the golden rings glow and Vegito's glowing eyes turn back to their normal black coloured ones 

Togara: *Slowly gets up* Heh so you are the descendant of the Celestial God, though it seems you can't use all his powers

Vegito: Shut... up

Vegito loses consciousness with the last thing she hears is Togara laughing hysterically 


L/n Household (3rd Person Pov)

Nobody dared moving not after what Kazane and Astraea felt coming from Ikaros and Y/n though Chaos was confused, they had all felt Y/n releasing Ikaros who came straight home and didn't say a word to anybody just walking to the kitchen and started preparing food for the rest 

Serafall and Gabriel walked into the room with a silver haired woman behind them, they noticed their solem looks and decided to go ask why 

Serafall: Is everything okay?

Chaos: Onii-chan is sad

Gabriel: Onii-chan?

Issei: Trust me I have no idea where she learnt that just a few hours ago she was calling him brother

Rias: *Slaps his head* She's talking about Y/n *Sees a maid behind them* Grayfia?

They look at Grayfia who's wearing her usual maid outfit, noticing the stares she smiles slightly and bows

Gabriel: Grayfia asked to become a maid here, reasons unknown

Issei: *Gains a perverted smile* I'm loving this house more and more!

Koneko: Pervert

Issei: A man has dreams you know!

Koneko: Your dreams are pointless

Kuroka: Nya since when was Koneko like this 

Akeno: If I remember correctly it's since she's met Y/n

Kuroka: *Smiles slyly* Is that so? I wouldn't mind you helping me rebuild our race with him

Koneko: *Blushes slightly* Not like that 

Artoria: As nice as this is can we please keep in mind we have an upset Angeloid and our strongest fighter is probably losing his mind right now

Grayfia: Angeloid?

Serafall: You have so much to catch up on

Kazane: Anyways-

Kazane was cut off by a massive rumbling that shakes the ground, they look outside and see the clouds were now black and lightning struck the ground, they saw the rocks levitating up into the air and out in the far distance they saw a golden light

18: There's only one person i can think of who's possible doing something like this

Ruby: Y/n...


Synapse (3rd Person Pov)

Vegito was now awake she just stared in hatred at Togara who stared back with a smirk on his face that was until they felt the entire place shaking wildly like it was about to blow 

Togara: What the hell? Nymph!

The Angeloid becomes visible to the Saiyans as she bows

Nymph: Master

Togara: What the hell is causing this?

Nymph turns on her radar as she starts searching all of Remnant for the source, once she finds it she creates a hologram screen for both Togara and Vegito to look at and what they see shocks them to the very core.

They see Y/n with his hair shining a golden colour but it wasn't like the super saiyan glow it was more one of a godly aura, his eyes shone a golden colour with no sign of his pupils like what Vegito did yet what shocked them was the very faint marking on his arms 

Togara: Your... kidding?

Vegito: *Smirks* Well look who's in trouble now Togara

They see Y/n pass out turning back into his normal state falling to the ground

Togara: He doesn't have it's full power, you saw he only really had the markings and the golden hair and eyes

Vegito: Yet he has more power than I do

Togara: By the time he realises what it is it'll be too late 

Vegito: Oh trust me the Celestial God will make his appearance known when the time is right

Togara clenches his fists then storms off leaving Vegito in her chamber to be in her thoughts

Vegito: (Celestial God... could Y/n really be the one?)


I'd like to say as we near the end of this book I'd like to thank everyone who's supported me all the way through, it's been fun writing this book though it does seem to be all over the place anywasy peace!

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