Peter Parker Field Trip Trope...

By Harleys_Potato_Gun

470K 12.1K 15.4K

I've become obsessed with this trope so now all of my idea shall be spit out here. Ships: Parley (Peter x Har... More

Feild Trip (Parley)
The Fieldtrip of Doom
The Five Times Peters Blindness Surpised Someone and the One Time He Could See
#1 Ironman and Bruce
The Rogues (pt. 2 of blind peter)
Peters Class (pt. 3 with a bit of parley)
Its a Small World Pt 1
Its a Small World Pt 2
A/N and book advertising
Iron-lad Harley
The Fuck did you just call my Nephews?
Today is Not My Day
A quick A/N yall then Ill update tonight or tomorrw
Best. Day. Ever. Pt.1
Best. Day. Ever Pt.2
Best. Day. Ever. Pt.3 (Extra)
A Suprise Trip
I cried while writing this so lets cry togther
How Endgame Really Happened
Stress Baking
Head canon and i swear im working in an update.
Coffee Shop au Pt. 1
A:N concering the discord and Request page
Another Discord One (i figured out how to make the link not expire)
*laughs Nervously* Hey guys
Stable Boy (Pt 1)
Stable Boy (Pt. 2)
Stable Boy (Pt. 3)
Im Going to Be Selfish....Just this Once
"Happy" Ending (^Pt. 2)
Baby Project
This Didnt Turn Out So Bad After All
A quick Authors note
Think 'bout it Love, Why Arent We Dating?
Ha ha, hi.

Coffee Shop au Pt. 2

7.5K 314 261
By Harleys_Potato_Gun

Peter POV

I furrowed my brow at the paper sitting in front of me.

That is today's date, right?


I pulled out my phone.

10:20am April 18th,


"Peter OMG aren't you excited! We're leaving in ten minutes!!" Ned exclaimed.

"Yeah.....," I trail off. Did Harley know about this? Seems like something he would have told me about.

"Is your boyfriend behind this?" MJ asked, looking slightly inconvenienced.

"I don't know but I'm about to find out," I say pulling out my phone and calling him.

He picked up on the third ring.

"Hey darlin' what's up," He sounded like he had just woken up, voice raspy and accent even more prominent than usual. I almost dropped my phone because Jesus Christ he sounded hot.

"Hey babe, did I wake you up?"

"Yeah, I was workin' with the old man in the labs last night. Are ya alright, ya usually don't call this earl' on a school day,"  He said, sounding slightly more awake.

"Umm yeah. Are you aware of the fact that my class has a field trip to Stark Towers today or is that new to you too?" I ask.

"What?!" He definitely sounded awake now, "to answer your question no, I wasn't aware, but it's definitely not an accident, shit."

"What's wrong?"

"To be frank I don't want the crazy assholes who live here scaring ya away,"

"Aww that's sweet, I promise I won't be scared away," I'm him assure him, while starting to move to the bus, "I got to go, will you stop by on the tour?"

"Of course I will, see ya then sweetheart,"

"See you then,"

With that I hung up, resting my head against the window on the bus.

"So?" MJ asked, looking at me expectingly.

"He didn't know," I told her.

"Am I finally going to get to meet your boyfriend in person?!" Ned asked in a mean girls voice.

"You act like you've never had an opportunity," I point out, laughing.

"Parker has a boyfriend?!" Flash piped up from the back.

Suddenly the entire bus was silent. I love the decathlon team, but they where some noises ass people. Now that the word was out I'm never gonna hear the end of it.

"Peter! How long ago!" Cindy sat in the seat next to Mj, ignoring the protests of the bus driver.

"I-um a- three months I think?" It was more of a question.

"What's he like!! Omg you have to tell me everything!!" She squealed.

"Oh dear god," MJ groaned, "I hear enough of this at work. Trade places with Ned if you're gonna push the poor boy,"

Cindy huffed but complied.

"Now!" She clapped her hands together and turned to face me, "Tell me everything!"

"What exactly includes everything?" I ask, still self conscious of the fact that the whole bus was listening.

"How did you guys meet? Whole story or I give yearbook the pictures of you on the Pittsburg trip," she threatened. I shuttered at the thought.

"Ok, ok. He came into the cafe and started flirting with me. Then at closing time he walked me home,"

"Awwweeeee how old is he and where is he from?"

"What is this a background check?" I giggle nervously.

"Quit stalling Parker," Flash shouted.

"He's 17 and from Rose Hill," I say.

"Tennessee?" My head shot towards Andrew.

"I'll take that as a yes," he's said, typing on his phone, "Harley Keener?"

"That's the one," MJ said not looking up from her book.

"Well I found his instagram. Damn Parker you got a catch!" Andrew said, handing his phone to Cindy, who promptly squealed.

"You two are so cuuuute! Do you have pictures of the two of you," she asked not looking up from Andrews phone.

"No..." I lie through my teeth.

"Oh my god is that you!!?" She asked, shoving the phone in my face.

It was a picture of Harley and on in our first date. I was asleep and Harley looked like he was trying not to laugh. In all honesty I had no idea the photo existed. Upon closer expectation I saw that I was tagged, so the fact I hadn't seen it showed my stupidity.

"Yeah, that was on our first date and I was asleep," I admitted, she looked flabbergasted as she passed the phone to the next on looker.

"You fell asleep on a date!?" She exclaimed.

"I was tried, and I apologized!" I protested.

"I bet you kissed him then ran away, after," Flash snickered.

I stayed silent.

"OH MY GOD YOU DID!!" Cindy yelled, "That's so adorable and totally something you would do!"

"Oh would you look at that, we're here!" I laughed and yeeted myself over Cindy and rushed off the bus.

I stopped to admire the building, I've seen it before, so i didn't stop for too long. The rest of the class got off the bus and we all walked inside.

I snorted, Harley had told me that the lobby was over the top. If he hadn't pointed out I would have been in awe by the gold inlay and million dollar paintings in the lobby. But now it was just amusing.

"Alright Midtown, your tour guild will be down shortly. For now come get your badges," A lady from the front desk spoke.

"Hey y'all, I'll be your tour guide today," Harley said, appearing from elevator.

"Peter you didn't tell us Harley worked at STARK INDUSTRYS! That's vital information!!" Cindy exclaimed.

Harley raised an eyebrow at me.

"They found your Instagram," I explained.

"So ya told them about me," he said smirking.

"Barley anything," Cindy complained.

"Alright everyone, y'all are gonna walk through the gate and F.R.I.D.A.Y is going to scan and I.D ya. Who wants to go first?"

Everything went smoothly until it was my turn. When I walk through I almost had a heart attack.

"Peter Parker, guest, Two unidentifiable objects on writs. Scanning. Not weapons, cleared. Enjoy the tour Mr. Parker."

'Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck that was close,'

I look as Harley and see that he is also slightly panicked, but he quickly covered it.

"That happens sometimes, not a big deal. Shall we continue?"

Everything was going as planned......until about five minutes later, when the power went out in the elevator.

Man date real my wanted to fuck with me today.

We where at about the 75th floor when several things happened at once. First the power went out. Second, the elevator started to fall. Third, before I could even think about what happened, I shoved open the trap door on the top open and shot out two webs, one collided with the wall and the other hit the floor of the elevator, stopping it from falling.

"Shit," Harley cursed, he was the only one not in shock, "F.R.I.D.A.Y what's going on?"

"There are several gunmen in the lobby, they must have shut down power,"

"Frick, why are these so damn heavy," I groaned, not even the one on DC was this bad.

"Pete, are you ok?" Harley asked, voice full of concern.

"Well," I groan, "Besides the fact that I just revealed myself, am holding an elevator that is stupidly heavy, and the fact that this is reopening the stab wound in my shoulder I got yesterday. I'm doing pretty fine,"

"Shit just hang on for a sec," Harley said, unclipping a walkie-talkie. "Tony I need access to the Mark,"

"Kid, I'm into the middle of something right now, this can wait," the choppy voice of Tony Stark replied back.

"No it's real can't, I'm in an elevator with a tour group and it's about to fall,"

"You're what!!" He exclaimed back.

"Jesus Christ old man, you're losing your hearing,"

"Harley, I love you but please cut back on the snark right now," I say in a pained voice. The stab wound I got yesterday tore through my muscle, so holding up this elevator wasn't doing me any favors. On top of it I could feel the the blood from it reopening staining my shirt.

This was my favorite shirt too.

"Ok is no one going to address the fact that Puny Parker is Spiderman?" Flash asked.

"More importantly, the fact that Peter just said I love you to Harley," Cindy added on.

"Guys please shut up. Ah fuck this hurts," I whisper to myself.

"Mr. Parker I can't condone that language," Mr. Harrington spoke hesitantly.

"Well you can shove condoning up your ass because I'm literally saving your life right now,"

Right when I thought that my arm was going to give out the strain on it disappeared.

"Pete, one of the old mans suits is holding up the elevator, can you pry open the door?" Harley asked.

"Uh, yeah I think so," I say.

I shot out a web swinging up about fifteen feet, I used my good arm to pry open the elevator doors. Once I got it open the elevator car moved up, after I got those doors open too, kids poured out.

"Holy shit Peter youre shoulder!" Ned exclaimed, pointing to my blood soaked shirt.

"Oh it's fine, that was from last night it just reopened," I winced as I retired to move my arm.

"We're going to the Med Bay," Harley said, grabbing my not hurt arm and dragging me out of the room.

"Jesus Christ that was scary, are you ok? Besides the arm obviously," Harley stopped outside the room and looked at me with worried eyes.

"I'll be ok Harles, I've had a lot worse than this," I assured him.

We walked in silence for a bit.

"I love you too,"

"W-what?" I ask, flustered by the sudden comment.

"On the elevator, you said I love you. I love you too," he said again.

"Oh god I totally ruined that moment," I said wide eyed, "that was our first- oh my god I'm a idiot,"

"No you didn't, it's just more memorable now," He said, holding open the door to what I assumed was Med wing.

"Holy hell kid, what happened to your shoulder,"

It was Natasha Fucking Romanoff holly shit she was talking to me.

Not only that, but THE Tony Stark and Stephen Strange where in there

"Oh, I got stabbed," I told the truth because come on this is Natasha freaking Romanoff, I'm not lying in front of her.

"Today?" She asked.

"Oh no, it just reopened, I got it last night stopping a robbery on 13 avenue, I was fine I just tore it open again," I ramble slightly.

"Where's Bruce? Harley asked.

"He'll be up in a bit, but Strange can help," Mr. Stark said, "So, you're Peter?"

"Yes sir," I say, internally fangirling.

"I've heard a lot about you," that actually scared me, and he must have noticed because he laughed, "all good things, Harley talks about you a lot,"

"Well you are very scary, but now I'm intreaged," I laugh.

"Is this really a conversation we need to be haveing?" Harley interjected.

"Ooooohhh yes. This is revenge for when you met May,"

"First of all Sugar, I have no shame. I'll openly tell you anything I've told em. Second it's not my fault to rant to your aunt about how hot you think I am," Harley said, smirking as my face progeresuvly turned more and more red.

"It was ONE time," I protested.

"So how long have you two been dating?" Miss Romanoff inturuped what was about to start.

"Like, three months? Do you know darlin?" Harley asked.

"Not off the top of my head, our first date was in December right?" I asked back at Harley.

"Yeah, it was in the 18th I think,"

"Oh wait, does that mean today is our four month anniversary?"

"Is it the 18th?"


"Oh, wow I never would have realized that," Harley admitted

"Me either so it's ok, should we do something?"

"Do you wanna do something?" He asked.

"Well I mean, once my shoulder gets fixed we can hang,"

"Well no shit,"

"You two deserve eachother, dear god," Mr. Stark groaned.

"Guys there is an actual patent here," Dr. Strange scolded, "Will you hope up on the bed for me?"

I comply, walking over to the Medical bed thing and sitting on it like a kid how about to get a check up.

"Tony can you get me some gloves, rubbing acholal and the stuff for stitches,"

When the word stitches was said I flinched violently.

"Peter can you take off you're shirt?"

Not really having much of a choice, I took it off, Queuing a gasp from the three adults.

"This- this isn't medically possible!" Dr. Strange exclaimed, "how could it be so far healed if you got it yesterday! Much less reopened it,"

I fiddled with my bracelet disguised web shooters. Not really knowing what to say I look to Harley.

"Do you wanna tell 'em? Ya don't have to," he assured me.

"It's fine, my identity is out the widow anyway. To answer your question Doctor, I have enhanced healing,"

The room stayed silent for a few seconds.

"I'm Spiderman,"

The room was quite again.

"Harley you have some explaining to do,"

~Time Skip~

"That was terrifying," I said as if flopped down onto Harleys bed.

"Oh please, they all love ya Darlin'," Harley said sitting next to me.

"Their the avengers," I protested.

"Their a bunch of Dorks,"

"Still," I pout slightly.

"Do you want me to kiss you to make you feel better?" He asked, turning to lay next to me.

"That sounds nice," I responded, he lightly grabbed my chin.

"All ya had to do was ask,"

Ack this was horrible I'm sorry

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