The Forbidden Child (M Saiyan...

By SaiyanRebel216

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The world of DxD was destroyed by the Saiyan man known as Togara with no way to defeat him they all flee to t... More

Bio and The Team
Chapter 1: The Underworlds Demise
Chapter 2: A Godly Initiation
Chapter 3: Explanations
Chapter 4: Fun In Battle Class
Chapter 5: Angeloids
Chapter 6: Grimm Team RWBY
Chapter 7: Vegito The Celestial Queen
Chapter 8: Prince vs God
Chapter 9: A Date
Chapter 10: Father and Son
Chapter 11: Super Saiyan Rosé
Chapter 12: Destruction of Synapse
Chapter 13: A Normal Day Out
Chapter 14: Hidden Power
Chapter 15: Visit From The Future
Chapter 16: Investigations?
Chapter 17: Temple of Ruins
Chapter 18: Blast to the Past
Chapter 19: Enuma Elish!
Chapter 20: Hit The Time-Skipping Warrior
Chapter 21: A Major Drawback
Chapter 22: Preliminary Rounds
Chapter 23: Out of Control
Chapter 24: A Certain Annoyance
Chapter 25: The Fall Maiden
Chapter 26: The Final Round
Chapter 27: A Very Grimm Attack
Chapter 28: The Fall
Chapter 29: A New Phase Begins
Chapter 30: A Pendragon's Love
Chapter 31: The Next Step
Chapter 32: The Truth
Chapter 33: Welcome To Mistral
Chapter 34: Battle For Haven Part 1
Chapter 35: Battle For Haven Part 2
Chapter 36: The Power of A God
Chapter 37: False Victory
Chapter 38: Devil Girls Lust
Chapter 39: A Dragon's Rage
Chapter 41: Torn Away
Chapter 42: Alpha's Despair
Chapter 43: Eternal My Master
Chapter 44: Who Am I?
Chapter 45: Restoration
Chapter 46: Strong But Stupid
Chapter 47: Pandora
Chapter 48: Giving it Everything
Chapter 49: The One To End It All (Finale)

Chapter 40: Raided

866 24 11
By SaiyanRebel216

L/n Household (Y/n's Pov)

We ended up taking the girl back home, it was the only real responsible thing we could do since we couldn't really leave her out in the open and she decided to call me her dad

Taking in the girls looks I noticed she had long black hair that reached her spine, she had a fringe and violet coloured eyes, she was about 5'2 and wore a plain t-shirt with an undershirt underneath, she had a blue skirt as well as white leggings 

Y/n: Okay so what's your name little one?

???: Name?

Y/n: Yeah what you want to be called, it's how people recognise you

???: Uhh I don't know

??? 2: Tia

Turning around I met with a being I hadn't seen before but sensing her power I could tell she could probably give me a battle when I was in my God forms apart from Super Saiyan Rosé 4 

Y/n: And you are?

Ophis: I'm Ophis and she'll be called Tia

???: Tia?

Y/n: Yeah your name

Tia: I like it! 

She jumps onto me wrapping her arms around my neck giggling 

Y/n: Alright Tia if I'm going to be your Dad then who's going to be your Mum?

Tia looks around the room to see who was currently present, seeing Kuroka, Akeno, Astraea, Kazane and Ophis she scanned through them all then landed her eyes on Ophis 

Tia: *Points her fingers at Ophis* Mummy!

Kuroka choked on the air for a moment then looked at us with a surprised look on her face 

Kuroka: Huh?! Do you even know who she is?!

Tia: *Gives a confused look* Do you want to be my mummy?

Kuroka: *Blushes* I...

Akeno: Oh my, Kuroka your all red

Kuroka: S-Shut up!

Ophis looks between Y/n and Tia then takes Tia from me and holds her in the air

Ophis: I'm mummy?

Y/n: Do you not know what that means?

Kuroka: *Sighs* Y/n... Ophis is a dragon god more specifically the Infinite Dragon God otherwise called the Ouroboros Dragon

Y/n: Is she? That explains why I felt a powerful energy coming from her

Kuroka: She isn't an opponent to be take likely

Ophis: Are you scared of my presence?

Kuroka: What? Of course not, I'm just shocked that a dragon God is here that's all

Ophis: Why? Y/n's a God and Vegito is the Queen of Celestial Beings, Serafall and Gabriel ae also residing here as well as two dragon emperors who are basically dragon gods in their own respective ways, so surely me being here shouldn't affect you 

Kuroka: I-I...

Tia: Daddy! I'm hungry!

Tia gets out of Ophis's hold and tugs on my pants, I sigh and walk with her to the kitchen where I see Serafall and Issei talking with each other

Tia: Aunty!

Serafall: huh?

She turns only to get tackled by the young girl who nuzzles her face into her neck

Issei: Do you even know where she came from?

Y/n: Nope, you were there weren't you? All we saw was her coming out of a crack

Ophis: She's Trihexa

I jumped from Ophis's sudden appearance whilst Issei jumped from the mention of Trihexa

Issei: Your telling me that little girl is Trihexa!?

Ophis: Yes only a part of her since Y/n and Ikaros destroyed most of her 

Serafall: Does that mean we sent Sirzechs and the rest to the pocket dimension for nothing?

Ophis: She can't access her Beast form without all her cores which all but two are gone, this is just what's left of her essence 

Y/n: Doesn't explain why I'm her "Dad"

Ophis: She chose the strongest male 

Issei: False!

Y/n: Issei please I could probably beat you with my eyes closed

Issei: Wanna bet!? 

He activates his boosted gear as he points his gauntlet towards me with it glowing green for a second

Ddraig: {BOOST!}

I smirk and was about to retaliate when Tia pulled on my hand 

Tia: I'm hungry

Y/n: Oh right we came for food

I walked to one of the drawers and pulled out a chocolate bar and gave it to Tia who adopted a happy look on her face and teared off the wrapper before munching on the chocolate 

Serafall: You might be a good father *Walks up to him and brings her face close to his* Maybe you could be a good father to our child~

Y/n: Maybe next time, I got to Artoria and teach her the next level of the Kaioken, oh by the way where's Ikaros

Issei: Where do you think? She's outside tending to her... watermelon farm, I still have no idea how she's so powerful 

Y/n: Long story, come on Tia

Tia: Huh where are we going?

Y/n: Uhh how should I put this, we're going to see your future step-mother

Issei: Did you just indirectly say you plan on marrying Artoria?

Y/n: None of business, let's go Tia

We walk outside and see Chaos and Artoria sparring, from what I heard Artoria couldn't even land a strike on Chaos but it seems she's adapting to the way Chaos attacks and defends, though it wasn't soon till she stopped to get a drink when she noticed me with Tia

Artoria: Oh hey Y/n, are you feeling alright?

Y/n: Never better 

Artoria: Have you figured out about y'know

She gestured to Tia who was playing around with Chaos which I guess could be normal, two perfectly overpowered opponents in the form of children

Y/n: Yeah well she actually claimed me as her Father and Ophis as her Mother

Artoria: She did WHAT!


Vale (3rd Person Pov)

A large ship was flying over the newly rebuilt Vale thanks to Vegito's and Ophis's magic, on that ship held the Titan himself Togara, Nymph, Hazel, Tyrian, Watss, Mercury and Emerald wh thanks to Nymph were able to at least give a match to Team DxD

Nymph: Master I don't doubt you but shouldn't we rest for a while?

Togara: Why should we? With my new power I'll be able to take on almost anyone 

Nymph: Yes but we're also outnumbered, I'm counting from last time we saw them 22 of them to the 7 of us 

Togara: Which is why we have your hacking field, once we reach their home you'll use it and hack into Ikaros, Kazane and Chaos that'll take us to 10 and with those 3 Angeloids we'll be able to capture Vegito easily

Nymph: What's next after that?

Togara: *Grins* We take her to Synapse and force her to make me the ruler, after that I'll make the Rule be free to use and find someone who wants a new world, from there everything will be destroyed there won't be any Team CLTL to get in my way and those devils certainly can't do anything to me

Nymph: You plan to become the Celestial King of a new world?

Togara: Does it bother you, a world where mortals can't have the power of gods, where everyone knows where their place is 

Nymph: N-No it doesn't master

Togara: Good

Nymph: (It must be nice to have masters who don't use you for pure destruction, I wonder how they feel having a master that actually cares about them)


L/n Household (3rd Person Pov)

Ikaros was walking in circles with a watermelon in her hand she had gone out and found a chicken in the forest and decided to bring it back with her to the house, Y/n and Issei stood on the other side of the room with a dumbfounded look on their face, on the side Yang and Ruby were laughing at what was going on 

Y/n: Hey Ikaros... are you okay?

Y/n got no reply as she carried on walking in circles

Issei: Dude are you sure this is the same Ikaros I saw against Trihexa?

Y/n: I'm... pretty damn positive it is, she just has a big love for... watermelons 

Issei: I think it's more of a big love for things that are round

Y/n: Well then thank God I'm not going to be bald ever in my life 

Chaos: Brother!

Chaos barged into the room clinging onto Y/n with an urgent look on her face

Y/n: Hey Chaos what's up?

Kazane: *Walks in* Our radars are picking up movement heading straight towards us

Y/n: Towards us, do you know who it is?

Chaos: It's Beta!

Y/n: Beta?

Kazane: She means Nymph 

Issei: Nymph? Isn't she that blue haired girl that stayed in your dorm for no reason during our time Beacon?

Y/n: Yeah she is... she also works for Togara... *His eyes widen* Ikaros set up the defences and put the place on lockdown!

Ikaros nodded and her eyes turned green with arrows, the place then shut down and sounded like something was rising, Issei looked out the window and saw a barrier as well as large cannons rising out of the ground .

Vegito and Gabriel crashed into the room they were in and looked at Y/n 

Vegito: What's going on?

Y/n: Togara... he's coming

As if on cue the cannons shot out large sonic blasts which hit a ship blowing it up to bits 

Issei: But I thought you killed him?!

Y/n: That's what I thought too! But it seems he managed to survive 

Y/n's white T-Shirt and Black joggers changed into his gi as he put two fingers to his forehead

Vegito: What are you planning to do?

Y/n: I'm going to stop him

He used instant transmission and teleported outside of the barrier where he saw Togara standing there with Nymph, behind them was Hazel, Mercury, Emerald, Tyrian and Watts

Togara: I must say, you've made my search for Vegito a whole lot easier Y/n

Y/n: Yeah well if you want to get to her you're going to need to get through me

Y/n's aura flares as he changes into his SSJ4R state

Y/n: And trust me, I don't plan on making it easy

Togara: Hmph fine then, let's see if you can satisfy me

Y/n smirks and charges with his fist reeled back, while Togara was busy with Y/n Nymph released a blue barrier that covered the entire building, she then shut down the systems and flew into the house with Hazel and the rest on her tail.

Within the building Team RWBY were first to block their path joined by Raven and Qrow

Mercury: Well well if it isn't the skunks 

Yang: Please I'm sure you smell bad 

Emerald: Actually all he smells like is metal and polished andesite, *To Nymph* you guys go ahead we'll deal with these guys 

Nymph nods and runs past them after knocking Qrow back who tried to stop them, reaching the second floor she was met by Issei and Vali, knowing she can't take them on she hid behind Hazel and turned invisible masking her presence from everyone and ran past them

She soon reached a large room and noticed Ikaros, Chaos and Kazane in it, smirking she used her hacking field to get into their systems making them shriek in pain

Nymph: Well well if it isn't the strongest Angeloid and two traitors

She made herself visible and smirked at them as they crunched up into a ball before getting up 

Nymph: Mind telling me where the Queen is?

Kazane: S-She's with G-Gabriel, Serafall and Team CLTL

Nymph: Oh you mean Artoria, 18 and Killua that's fine you can deal with them

She snapped her fingers as she finally finished hacking into them, they stood up and ran with Nymph through the room and into a massive training room that seemed to just be empty, at the end they saw Team CLTL, Gabriel, Serafall and Vegito all ready for a fight

Nymph: Now now this isn't the warm welcoming I was expecting

Vegito: *Turns SSJB* Nymph what the hell do you think your doing working with Togara?

Nymph: You created us in a way that we only want to make our master happy, whether that be through destruction or pervertedness or whatever means as long as they're happy then we're fine 

Vegito: So your willing to go this far? 

Nymph: Hmm yes *Snaps her fingers* 

Kazane raised her staff and a cage appeared above Vegito, seeing this Serafall pushed Vegito out of the way getting caught in it herself

Nymph: What a pain

Ikaros fired Apollon which Vegito caught and made the flame blue as she threw it back with a lot more force, Ikaros barely having time bought up Aegis, Chaos then extended her wings but it was cut off by last of the fellow Angeloids 

Nymph: Astraea 

Astraea: Nymph... I see you've used your hacking abilities on them

Astraea nodded towards the Angeloids who were currently battling the remaining members of Team CLTL and Gabriel

Nymph: Oh you know master's orders, though I wonder why your not being controlled

Astraea: Please one of us had to be hacking resistant didn't we

Nymph: *Giggles* I guess

The wall behind Vegito blew up and Y/n came flying in, on the other side, Hazel, Tyrian, Watts, Mercury and Emerald all ran in. Vegito turns and goes to punch Togara but he appears behind her and puts his hand on her neck then sends a wave of ki through her body knocking her out

Togara: Nymph dispose of those fools, they're not worth it no more *Gestures to Hazel and the rest* I'll be taking our... prize back to Synapse

Y/n get's up and flares his aura ready to charge but Nymph gets in his way trying to kick him but he steps back to avoid it, she then throws a barrage of attacks that Y/n blocks with ease, he then kicks her back as she digs her feet into the ground to stop herself from going any further, she then fires a yellowish green wave from her mouth that Y/n was about to crunch with his fists when someone small got in the way

Tia: Daddy!

An explosion occurs as the attack hits Tia, Nymph was heard laughing whilst Y/n had his eyes widened

Tia: Father go after Togara, we'll handle them

The smoke cleared to reveal Tia with a more... mature look

Y/n: Tia?

Ophis: That's her adult form

Y/n turned to see Ophis next to some unconscious goons from Togara

Ophis: Just go get your mother

Y/n: I'm not even going to ask

Y/n blasted off chasing down Togara's ki which was getting higher into the sky though Y/n was catching up quick as he soon saw them, togara sensing someone approaching growled and quickly looked back to see Y/n

Togara: Do you always have to be so persistent?!

Togara blasted off at full speed leaving Y/n 

Y/n: No no no! I can't lose her! 

Y/n saw a large black cloud in the sky, looking closer he realised this was the black hole that Ikaros had fallen from

Y/n: (So that's Synapse, I can't let him get there!) Kaioken!

Togara: Wait what?

Y/n: TIMES 20!!

The red aura on top of his Rosé coloured one flared and he soon caught up to Togara giving him a punch to the face making him drop Vegito.

From the L/n Household they watched as Y/n and Togara flew downwards throwing punches at each other as they chased to see who'd get to Vegito first, they saw Y/n punch Togara in the chest yet he only turned into black dust and appeared behind him punching his spin then flying towards Vegito with even more speed

Y/n flew down with much more speed than Togra had, seeing this Tprara threw ki blasts at him which was easily avoided however, Togara threw his hand back and the Ki blasts turned into sharp spears made of Ki that chased after Y/n distracting him to redirect his course to dodge them.

Togara reached Vegito and caught her as Y/n was right behind him, turning into smoke he appeared next to Y/n grabbing his neck and spread Ki through his body overloading Y/n's with it making him cry out in pain

Togara: It hurts doesn't it


Togara turned only to get punched by Tia only thing that awas lucky for him was he still had Vegito, tuning around he flew off leaving Tia to tend to Y/n who was now on the floor knocked out. Team CLTL walked up to them and knelt beside her as she started to perform healing arts on Y/n

Killua: Does this mean we've lost?

Artoria: I... don't know


With Vegito gone what will Y/n and the rest do? Find out next time...

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