Little Red > Shadowhunters >...

By TheDragonHippy

230K 4.5K 1K

"Back off or I'll cut you" "Your like 5.3 you don't scare me little red" A/B/O Dynamics SLOW UPDATES (Jace x... More

Season One
The Mortal Cup
The Descent Into Hell Isnt Easy
Dead Man's Party
Raising Hell
Moo Shoo To Go
Of Men And Angels
Major Arcana
Bad Blood
Rise Up
This World Inverted
Who The Fuck Is Renwick
Morning Star
Season Two
The Guilty Blood
A Door Into The Dark
Lost Parabatai
Dust And Shadows
The Iron Sisters
How Are Thou Fallen
Love is a devil

Day Of The Wrath

3.4K 96 2
By TheDragonHippy

INDIANA AND ALEC, hand in hand, enter the city of bones.

"What is your business here, Shadowhunters?" A silent brother asks, obstructing there path.
"We need to see Jace Wayland." Alec answers. Indiana can hear crying in the distance, the sound of screams and pleas.

"Pay no heed to their desperation. They all deserve to be here. Infractions against the Clave do not go unpunished." Brother Enoch informs them and Alec and Indiana share a look of annoyance before they see Jace.

"Jace." Alec greets.
"Alpha." Indiana smiles sadly.

"You two shouldn't have come here. Take them out." Jace demands and Indiana feels like crying at the sight of him behind bars.
"No. We're not going anywhere..." Alec tells him.
"Unless we know you're gonna be okay." Indiana adds.

"Jace, I, this is my fault. If I hadn't allowed Dot to take me-" Jace is quick to cut her off.
"You're not what put me here, Little Red. I have to pay for my actions." Jace tells them.
"Not by yourself. What can I do to help? Please, tell me. I will do anything." Indiana pleads.
"This is beside the point. Neither of you have done anything wrong." Alec states gruffly.

"You need to stay away from me." Jace says after a moment of silence.
"What?" Alec says tersely, his hand tightening on Indiana's.
"No matter what happens, never come near me again." Their Alpha instructs.
"Jace, what are you talking about? You're my mate. We're supposed to mate Indiana and get our happily ever after." Alec spits out angrily.
"I am Valentine's weapon. You think he's just gonna let me go? He knows that you two... You're my weaknesses. If I ever get out of here, he'll come after you again." Jace grits out through clenched teeth.
"Let him. I'm not afraid. We'll fight him off together." Alec states.
"Besides, you're not the only one Valentine wants." Indiana mumbles.
"There is no together for you and me. There never can be. Alec, mate Indiana and you two can be happy but I'm dangerous and you need to stay away from me." Jace states before backing away from the bars.
"We're done here." He tells the silent brother.
"Jace don't do this." Alec begs.
"Alpha, please." Indiana's eyes water as she's led out of the city of bones.

By the time the pair arrived back at the institute Magnus had just finished his meeting.
"How'd it go with Aldertree?" Alec asked the warlock.
"Well, the man didn't disappoint. In his own charming, inimitable way, he informed me that I will indeed be punished, but the form of punishment is yet to be decided." Magnus answered and Indiana frowned. Magnus was her friend and the idea of him being punished didn't sit well with her.
"All for trying to save my life. Jace may have been the one who pulled me out, but I did feel you there. And it did make a difference. So... Thank you." Alec blushed slightly and Indiana smiled, yes Alec was mated but anyone with a brain cell knew Magnus was stunning.
"Thank you for not dying on me." Magnus replied.
Indiana pulled the warlock into a tight hug.

"How is Jace?" He asked, looking between the pair with concern knowing this would take a toll on them.
"He won't be gone long. Once his hand touches the Soul-Sword, the truth will come out... And prove that he's never been on Valentine's side." Alec smiles lightly.
"Look I know that a lots been going on and I've neglected my duties as a good friend. So I thought maybe we could go to yours, watch some movies eat some snacks, you know catch up?" Indiana asked with a small blush on her cheeks as Alec and Magnus share a smile.
"That would be wonderful." Magnus returns her grin. The three turn to the exit before Raj interrupts them.

"Hey, Alec, Indiana. Demon briefing in the ops center. All hands on deck." He states.

"My dear Raj... You look well." Magnus comments snidely and Indiana can't help but smirk.
"Rain check?" The warlock offered.
"Yes." Alec states as Indiana nods before Magnus leaves the institute.

Alec and Indiana are stopped by the appearance of Jocelyn.
"Go ahead." Indiana tells Alec.

"Oh, Indi. I've been looking all over for you. I heard you went to see Jace. Is he all right?" Her mom starts.
"Let's cut the shit. So you're awake now and that's great but I get back from being tortured and the first thing I hear is that you are trying to put an arrow in my mate to be." Indiana says sharply before sighing.
"So I'm happy you're awake but we need distance and, a lot of it." She finishes.

"Wait. The Clave is reassigning me to Idris." Jocelyn tells her and Indiana nods.
"Good. You're Valentine's ex, you need to be watched closely and if you're in Idris, you're far away from me." Indiana smiles spitefully before turning round and heading to brief.

She runs into Alec, Izzy and Clary on the way there. Indiana sighs, she missed the briefing.
"Demon attack downtown. One mundane dead." Izzy states.
"Little Red, suit up and get ready." Alec instructs Indiana before turning to Clary.
"You can go now." He notifies her.
"We only need three people." He states.

Clary scoffs.
"You need three fully trained Shadowhunters, last I checked Indiana is not fully trained." She scoffs.
"I can best Jace in a fight Clary. Don't insult me." Indiana spits out before taking a calming breath.
"And as much as I'd love to go, I can't. I have a meeting with Aldertree." Indiana groans.
"Why?" Izzy inquires.
"Beats me." Indiana shrugs and her heart hurts at lying to her friend, lying to Alec.

Leaving the group, Indiana heads into Aldertree's office. Stepping inside she waits for a moment and minuets later a portal appears, stepping through Indiana is in Idris. She's facing a door, she assumes it's the one she's supposed to go through so she knocks once before entering. Sat in the room is not just Aldertree but also the inquisitor.
"Madam Inquisitor." She nods her head in respect.
Aldertree gestures for her to take a seat.

"When you told me what the meeting you requested might entail I thought it best to inform the inquisitor." Aldertree explains and Indiana nods. She'd expect no less.

"So you were kept on Valentines boat the first time when he told you?" Imogen asked and Indiana nodded.
"He activated a rune that showed me memories of him injecting my pregnant mother, while she was asleep, with ichor." Indiana explained.
"Angel blood." Imogen muttered with disbelief.

"I didn't mention it because I thought he was lying but I got stabbed and managed to throw men off me like it was nothing and all my runes were glowing." Indiana told them, frown etched on to her face.

"Glowing?" Aldertree inquired.
"Glowing gold." Indiana repeated.

She took a deep breath.
"But thats not the worst of it."

"What else happened child?" Imogen pressed.
"Valentine brought out a whip, knowing I have trauma with it and after he hit me...this force knocked the people restraining me away." She tried to explain.

"A force?" Aldertree raised an eyebrow.
"Look, all I know is that one minute they were holding me and next they were on the ground. I did nothing." Indiana panicked.

The Inquisitor turned to Aldertree.
"Not a word of this to anyone." She demanded and the head of the institute nodded.

"And what of your sister?" Imogen asks.
"She knows nothing, she wasn't on the ship with me." Indiana states.
"Keep it that way." The Inquisitor demands.

"Thank you for coming to us with this." Imogen told Indiana, who nodded and was promptly dismissed.

She wouldn't admit it to anyone, couldn't, but Infiana was scared. Of this new ability, of the origin of her blood, of what Alec and Jace would think about her.

It, again, only takes a few moments for a second portal to materialise and Indiana returns to the institute.

The alarms blaring loudly and Indiana immediately begins heading to the ops centre.

"What's happening?" Indiana shouts as she enters ops and sees Welkie dead on the floor, hole in her chest. Alec runs straight towards her, pulling her into a short hug.
"Classic possession hangover. Hole punched right through his chest." Lydia informs them.
"Just like our mundane in the morgue." Izzy adds.

"The demon's in the Institute." Alec spits.
"Activate emergency surveillance. Victor's unreachable. I've ordered the Institute be put on quarantine until we kill this thing." Lydia commands.
"But I don't get it. How did the demon get past the wards?" Clary asks.

"Same way it got in without setting off this. It must have some advanced cloaking ability. It hid in that dead body and let us do the rest." Izzy answers gesturing to her necklace.
"I didn't know demons could do that." Clary replied with confusion.
"Until now, they couldn't. This new form of possession, cloaking ability, targeting the Institute, it's..." Alec trails off. Indiana begins pulling out blades, she needs to be prepared.
"Valentine. His experiments. My mom told me how he was determined to create a super-being that could defeat the Clave. It's what he tried to do with Jace." Clary tells them and Indiana clenches her fists.

"Both victims had damage to the prefrontal cortex. The demon must be feeding on negative emotions. Anger, hate, rage. Causing the host to violently act on those urges." Izzy states.
"So we continue to scan for venom and heat signatures. Try to narrow down the host before it strikes again." Alec suggests.
"Indi, you check the living quarters. You two take the utility tunnels. Alec stay with me." Lydia instructs.

Indiana walks away, heading to the living quarters. Then she stops, feels her eyes roll back to her head and is unable to stop it. The demon cracks her neck, growling and Indiana watches unable to stop it. It controls her body but her kind is her own.
"Indiana." She hears her mother shout and Indiana begins screaming for her to leave because this isn't her.
The creature growls and steps towards her, its intention to kill.
Jocelyn throws a punch but Indiana's demon possessed body, catches it and crushes. Her mother screams and Indiana's hand forces its way into her chest and punches a hole. Jocelyn drops to the ground, dead.

Indiana feels her body's control come back to her and she retches before puking. Indiana crawls out of the room, crying.
She can't take her eyes away from her hand, the hand that killed her mother.

"Indi, Indiana?" Clary asks before going into the room. Indiana knows she's seen it when she hears the thud of Clary falling to her knees and their mother is dead because of her.
"Clary...I." Indiana sobs out but Clary walks past her.
"I have a demon to kill."

"Please, let me do this. You don't have to put yourself in danger. Not now." Alec pleads with the girls, both who's mother just died, one of which killed her.

"Izzy, we need your help! Jocelyn's..." Indiana trails off, she can't finish the sentance, can't say what she's done.
"Dead because of you." Izzy growls out in a demonic voice. Rationally Indiana knows she's saying this because she's being possessed but irrationally it cuts Indiana to the core, because it's true.

"It's inside her." Clary recognises.
"It's still Izzy. Be careful where you aim." Alec demands arming his bow. Izzy moves forward quickly, throwing Clary across the room. She knocks Alec bow from his hands.
"Izzy, please stop! Izzy..." Alec pleads as he grips Izzy.

"Always the favorite child. I'm done living in your shadow." She growls as she pins Alec to the floor.
"Izzy, if you're in there, please listen to me." Alec begs.
"Nice try." Izzy smiles horrifically.

Indiana dives forward, tackling Izzy off of Alec and on to the floor before Clary flings a knife out and the demon flies out.
Clary finishes it by stabbing the smoke.
"Go back to Hell where you belong."

"Izzy... Izzy, are you all right?" Clary asks as both her and Indiana drop by the fallen girl.
"Izzy! Izzy... Please. Please be okay, Izzy." Alec begs as he runs over.

Izzy gasps before waking and rolling into Alec's arms. Indiana stands and moves away from them, moves away from Clary too.

Indiana watches as Simon and Jace enter and she can't stand there, can't be there. So she runs. Runs through the institute. Runs out it's doors. Runs away from the Shadowhunters who know she killed her mother.

She runs until she she's drenched from the rain, can barely stand and she can no longer cry because of dehydration.
She knocks gently on the door.

"Kitten?" Magnus says softly as he opens the door and Indiana can't help but let another sob escape as Magnus pulls her into a hug.

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