All Fire (PJM AMBW)

By the_smeeze

42K 1.4K 360

With a troubled past, a mother of two finally finds the right man but doesn't know how to accept it. Mature C... More



947 36 1
By the_smeeze


"Jimin stop! You are not getting on this case!" Jin shouts and I punch the wall near my desk.

"I need to save her!"

"You will take this case personal so you will not handle the case!"


"No! If you continue to be a bother I will put you on watch! Now stop it and sit down! End of discussion!" Jin shouts, now speaking in Korean and I glare at him before sitting down, not caring that I raised attention on me.

"Officer Hobbs, Officer Lopez and Officer Thompson...go." Jin says, the entire police station silent besides the three quiet yes sirs and men getting up.

Jin shoots one last glare to me before walking to his office and slamming the door shut.

~~Flashback to the beginning of the day~~

"Jimin!" Bonnie squeals and I turn around and quickly crouch down and pick Bonnie up in my arms as she runs into my arms and I hug her tightly.

"Alright alright." Cherry laughs as we pick her up from daycare early.

"Hi mommy!" She laughs and I look over at Cherry who pretends to cry.

"You didn't come to mommy first." She cries and Bonnie reaches over to Cherry and Cherry takes her.

"I love you mommy!"

We walk back to the car and I help buckle her in and Cherry gets in the driver's seat and we head to her house and have a picnic in the kids room.

Quickly they both fall asleep right after and we put them to bed for a nap. I notice the time and Cherry pouts. I help her up and we head to the door.

"Be safe alright? Don't get hurt. I gotta get the kids to their doctor's appointment in a couple hours at two thirty." Cherry says and I nod and hug her close.

"Alright, make sure you eat today alright?"

"Me? I should be telling you that." Cherry laughs and I kiss her forehead.

" I'll eat." I say and open the door.

"Bye Jimin." She waves and I wave back before stepping down and going to the car.

Driving to my job I get couldn't help but get a feeling in my stomach but I shake it off. I wasn't in the field today like Yoongi and Hoseok. My day wasn't really eventful. I would text Cherry but I never got a text back. Yoongi and Hoseok came back around six and I check my phone and still no text. I sigh and just get back to work.

"Alright there is an abduction case. An African American male abducted two small children and an African American woman." Jin says and my attention was taken from my files to him.

"Witnesses saw him take them into his car by force in a neighborhood. They weren't able to get his face but they saw that he has a black Mercedes Benz. The name of the mother was given. Her name is Cherry Fox." Jin explains and my heart drops.

"Officer Hobbs, Officer Lopez and Officer Thompson you're on the case." Jin says and I stand up.

"I want to be on the case." I say and Jin looks up from his file he holds in his hands.


"But sir-"

"Jimin officers who have personal relationships with victims are not allowed on the case. It's a rule." Jin says and I ball my fist.

"That's my girlfriend and her kids!"

~~Flashback ends~~

Jin shoots one last glare to me before walking to his office and slamming the door shut. I place my head in my hands and I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Jimin we are very sorry. We can't be on the case either." Hoseok says quietly and I shrug him off.

"Jimin-ah. We're just as upset. She's like our little sister...but it's a rule." Yoongi says and I was about to say something when Jin opens his door.

"Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi." He calls and we all get up and head to his office. Yoongi closes the door behind us and we sit down in front of Jin who closes the blinds.

"I get that you are very devastated but as a rule an officer is not allowed on the case. Because you all know her, I have to put you all on watch. Now I trust that you all will not interfere but that is precautions I am willing to take." Jin says and I look down.

"Jimin I care about you, Cherry and the babies so much. Believe me when I say it hurt when I found out. I am being put on watch myself. I just need you trust that they will be found." Jin says and I nod.

"You all are dismissed for the night. Do not go to her house go straight home." Jin says and we get up and leave.

I ignore the stares and pack up my things. Something told me something was off yet I did nothing about it. I should have gone with her. I walk out and the building and head to my car.


I sat at my desk trying to figure out here Jayden could have taken her when I hear a knock at the door.


"Dinners ready hyung." A small voice says and I get up and walk over to my door and open it to see Jungkook.

"Alright." I say and was about to close the door when he stops it.

"Yoongi hyung wants you out and to eat with everyone"

I walk out my room and follow Jungkook to the dining room and Yoongi sets down my food. The table was silent since it was just Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook and I. I couldn't even bring myself to eat as thoughts consume my mind. I hear my phone ring and I look over and saw the last name I wanted to see at this time.

"What is it?"

"Come get your son tomorrow." She says and hangs up.

"Jimin are you-"

"Quit asking if I'm fine! I'm not fine!" I blow up and get up and storm to my room, ignoring Hoseok's scolds.

I slam my door and lay down. How could I be so careless and stupid? Why did I not go with my gut? I need them to be safe. I can't lose my happiness.

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